Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 109

"How come your face is like that? Who did you fight?" Sun Yue discovered the wound on Yan Tian's face, asking in worry.

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"Yeah, Big Bro? Who was it that hit you? I'm telling you, I help you go beat the crap out of them." Sun Nan said rather loyally.

"Ugh…… It's nothing. When I was walking on the road today, I wasn't careful and fell over." Yan Tian scratched his head awkwardly, afraid that Sun Yue would delve deeper into the matter. He shifted the topic immediately: "That's right, Nan Nan, what did you do? How did you make your Big Sis so angry?"

"It's nothing. I just wasn't careful, so I broke my Big Sis's makeup set. Don't go, Big Bro, save me!" Sun Nan looked at Yan Tian pitifully.

As soon as Yan Tian heard this, he flipped Sun Yue off. For the sake of her makeup set, she had acted as if she had eaten explosives. She really deserved to be a true big sister.

"What? You weren't careful? I just bought this makeup set. I spent several tens of thousands of my own money on it. He ruined it; I can't be angry?"

"Geez, don't be angry, Big Sis. How about I give mom a call and ask her for a million to spend?" Sun Nan pulled at Sun Yue's head and said.

A million to spend? Who the heck's family was this kid's? Their status was so great. Some people could ask their family for several hundred RMB, but they wouldn't be able to get it. But Sun Nan could open his mouth to get a million to spend. Their family could open a bank.

"You should ask mom and dad less for money. I can't spend their money, I have to earn it myself." Sun Yue rolled her eyes at Sun Nan and said.

"Ehehe, since things are like this, I'm going to go to bed first. Goodnight, Big Sis." Sun Nan laughed twice and immediately scurried into his bedroom, as if it was something like the meticulous escape of a criminal.

"Stop! I'm not done with you yet." Sun Yue yelled at Sun Nan to stay. The matters that should've been said had still not been said, so how could she possibly ignore him leaving?

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"Geez, what are you doing? Isn't it just a makeup set? Have you come so far as to this? Yan Tian looked at Sun Yue rather helplessly. How could she be even stingier than he was?

Once Sun Yue heard this, she gave Yan Tian a smile that wasn't a smile: "Just a makeup set? Do you know what this little brat did today?"

"What did he do?" Yan Tian asked rather curiously.

"When I went to work today, I left him behind in the house. Consequently, he actually let the girl next door in. You tell me, is this something to shout about?"

Sun Yue looked at Sun Nan indignantly. Her little brother wasn't easy to get along with. He hadn't even grown up yet and he was like this. If he grew up like this later on, wouldn't he tower the heavens? The makeup set had been ruined by the girl that Sun Nan had brought back.

Watching his big sister relay the story to Yan Tian, Sun Nan lower his head embarrassedly. He really had rotten luck. It hadn't been easy to set up a date with the girl next door, but he had actually even been found out by his big sister.

"Well, shoot, Little Bro, not bad. She look any good?"

Yan Tian gave Sun Nan a once over quite incredulously. This stinking brat sure was capable. His pickup technique didn't fall against his own in the slightest. In the past several days, he had been fooling around with a young beauty.

It was just that Sun Nan was rather fickle when it came to matters of the heart. He had a girlfriend as a second-year in highschool, and yet he had surprisingly had one come now. The kid was standing on two different boats with a foot on each. If you thought about it carefully, Yan Tian's conduct was like this, too. Yan Tian himself didn't know how many boats he was standing on.

"You…… As a big brother you're not giving him a lesson on ethics properly, but you actually even said that to him?"

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Sun Yue glared daggers at Yan Tian. He wasn't a good guy by any stretch of the imagination. Presently, she was suspicious whether or not Sun Nan had been lead astray by him in the past two days.

"Didn't she come home to just play around? What about it?" Sun Nan pouted and said.

"You're still speaking? Careful or I'll send you back home." Sun Yue immediately glared at Sun Nan. Being glared at, Sun Nan immediately shut his mouth in fright. He had just picked up a pretty girl and didn't dare to be sent packing by his big sister.

"Mhm, that's right, you should be taught a little lesson. Wait for me to go get a tool." Yan Tian imitated Sun Yue and feigned glaring at Sun Nan. He winked and then went into his bedroom.

Sun Yue was rather curious what tool Yan Tian was going into his bedroom to get. Could it be that he was wanted to beat up Sun Nan? That simply wouldn't do. Teaching a lesson aside, punching was an entirely separate matter.

However, as soon as Yan Tian came out again, Sun Yue was stunned, since the object in his hand wasn't a rod of any sort, but rather he was carrying a luggage bag.

"What are you carrying a luggage bag for?" Sun Yue asked bewilderedly. Sun Nan looked at Yan Tian curiously, as well.

"Mhm, I was just getting ready to tell you, but I'm leaving the country on a trip tomorrow." Yan Tian took the luggage bag and tossed it on the sofa.

"Leaving the country? Why are you leaving the country?"

"Well, of course, I got something to do, ehehe!" Yan Tian laughed and said.

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Yan Tian was going to leave the country? Moreover, he even carried a wound on his face. Sun Yue wondered that it shouldn't be that he had offended someone and was preparing to flee abroad to lay low?

"On what type of business? How did the injuries on your body happen? What happened last night that you didn't return?" Sun Yue looked at Yan Tian in concern.

"Relax, it's nothing. Me leaving the country and my wounds are completely unrelated.

"Then, when are you are you coming back?" Sun Yue lifted her head to look at Yan Tian and questioned.

"Shouldn't be longer than half a month."

Presently, when all was said and done, Yan Tian didn't know how long he would be out of the country. It was possible he would rescue the wealthy arab's son in two days, but it was also possible it would take a good many days. It was uncertain to say he would even be sent off to meet King Yama by the mercenary corps, but who was able to speak of this matter? The odds were extremely small, since he had never fought an uncertain battle.

"Oh, when are you setting out tomorrow?" Sun Yue nodded and asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning at five."

"So early, hurry up and get some rest." Sun Yue saw that time wasn't early due to Sun Nan wanting to sleep in the bedroom, so she watched television no longer, allowing Yan Tian rest up early. He would have to get up rather early tomorrow.

The next morning, a bit past 4:20, Yan Tian yawned and got off the sofa. Just as he was getting ready to wash up, he suddenly heard a sound coming from kitchen. Could it be a burglar had come in?

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As soon as he drew near, Yan Tian was dazed in place, since it wasn't a burglar in the kitchen, but rather it was Sun Yue dressed in her pajamas inside, cooking. Was the sun getting ready to rise from the west today?*

"You're awake? Hurry up and wash up, it's going to be ready soon." Sun Yue saw that Yan Tian was standing at the door and smiled.

"Why are you up so early today?" Yan Tian rubbed his eyes, not daring to believe he had seen Sun Yue.

"What? It's strange that I woke up early?"

"No, I just feel it's a bit unfathomable." Yan Tian shook his head and said.

"Alright, hurry up and wash up. It's going to be ready right away."

Laughing Yan Tian ran off to wash up, a matter of a few minutes. As soon as he finished washing, Sun Yue had already set the food on the table. It appeared quite sumptuous.

Just as Yan Tian was getting ready to hit, he heard the sound of knocking on the door. He guessed it should've been Ah Long. The two of them had agreed that he would come today to escort him to the airport.

*Meaning of this phrase is like "wow, what an impossibility", since the sun does not rise from the west. I think this phrase also showed up in early chapters.

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