Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 11

It must be known that in the company, Yan Tian was no ordinary office worker. Any vice president or chief didn't have the right to order him around. He only listened to the command of Liu Ruoxin.

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"Hmph, leave quickly. This isn't your matter." Vice Chairman Zhang saw that Yan Tian had no intention to leave and once again reiterated his statement.

"Why should I listen to you? Chairman Liu didn't issue any order, so how could I leave." Yan Tian spoke, then looked towards Liu Ruoxin.

In fact, Yan Tian wouldn't leave anyway. Before when he was at the door, he had already roughly grasped the sequence of events thoroughly.

The Liu Family Conglomerate clothing company had originally allowed Vice Chairman Zhang to serve as the chairman, but he didn't think that halfway through he would be attacked by Liu Ruoxin. As a result, Liu Ruoxin had replaced his position. From the beginning, Vice Chairman Zhang had wanted to return to the position of chairman. Soon afterwards, he laid hands on the company's new clothing that hit the market.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he wanted to seize the company. Since he feared that the amount of people who would retaliate would be many, Vice Chairman Zhang had previously left the people who supported him in position. Furthermore, so that Liu Ruoxin's people would be unable to arrive timely, Vice Chairman Zhang had caused the elevator to malfunction, causing Liu Ruoxin's people to be slowly unable to rush, yet Yan Tian had climbed several tens of stairs.

"Oh, Yan Tian, you don't need to leave, just stay right there." At this moment, Liu Ruoxin naturally wouldn't let the life-saving rice straw Yan Tian slip away.

"Alright, I hear Chairman Liu. I won't leave." At this time, Yan Tian naturally wouldn't leave.

When Vice Chairman Zhang saw that Yan Tian wouldn't listen to his words, he immediately revealed an angry face. Looking at the security guards at his side, he said: "Throw him out out for me. Actually, it won't be OK if you waste him. If something bad happens,it'll be on me.

After the group of security guards understood the command, each one of them rushed forward, preparing to take this seemingly limp-wristed kid in front of them and throw him out.

After Liu Ruoxin watched the security forces storm forth, an uneasy expression covered her entire face. Although she knew Yan Tian's abilities were remarkable, and could could contest against a hundred as a single man, ultimately, she had not seen Yan Tian's capabilities, so concern was currently written across her face.

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However, as Liu Ruoxin thought about it once more, perhaps right now was the time to test Yan Tian. It was important to know, she had requested a bodyguard that wasn't a waste-of-space. If he was unable to protect her, then how could he be worthy of his reward?

At the side, Yan Tian didn't think of it too much. He naturally wouldn't care too much about these people. In his eyes, he thought that fighting against the security forces would only be a minor scuffle. Yan Tian even thought that this was a lost of his dignity.

But granted that he didn't pay much attention, he was going to fight. If other people came rushing, then what could be done? You could only face it head on. He could take the opportunity to show off in front of the beautiful chairman. If the chairman was happy, maybe she would also give him more wages.

As Yan Tian thought of this, his perception was raised to the max. Noticing the first security guard was clenching his fist to smash him, Yan Tian faintly moved his body to the side, then easily dodged the security guard's fist. As the security guard had yet to react, Yan Tian suddenly gripped the security guard's shoulder, and using his strength, threw him over the shoulder.

After the first security guard hit the ground, the other security guards looked at each other and charged towards Yan Tian together. For daring to hit a one of their people at the company, they were going to put Yan Tian in the hospital.

Yet imagination was beautiful, but reality was cruel. All that could be seen when they approached Yan Tian was that they were thrown on the ground by him with a single hand. In a span of a dozen seconds, during the state where the security guards had still not yet reacted, Yan Tian had subdued them.

Yan Tian didn't think of this as big matter. Furthermore, he hadn't caused any serious injuries to the security guards. At most, they would need to rest for one or two days, and they would be good as new.

"Y-y-you, you go so far as to dare to hit the company's security guards. What department are you from? I'm going to fire you." Vice Chairman Zhang didn't think that the people he had brought were unable to withstand a single blow. Even if a normal company officer worker wouldn't be able to take care of it.

In reality, it wasn't that the people he brought couldn’t endure a single strike. It must be known that a single one of these security guards could fight two or three normal people, yet Yan Tian was too fearsome. Even if they trained for ten more years, it was estimated they couldn't even approach Yan Tian.

"Hmph, Vice Chairman Zhang. I forgot to tell you, Yan Tian is my bodyguard. You don't have any authority to order him." Liu Ruoxin immediately regained her wits from her shocked state once she heard Vice Chairman Zhang.

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"Hmph, what about it? In the end, you haven't considered it?" Vice Chairman Zhang couldn’t control Yan Tian and continued to ask Liu Ruoxin.

"Nevertheless, I have to say, handing over the company to you is an impossibility!"

If Yan Tian had not come, Liu Ruoxin would've handed over the company to Vice Chairman Zhang for the safety of the company employees, but now that Yan Tian had come, she had enough confidence to speak out.

"You…… I have more people who support me here, so the minority should submit to the majority. What are you going to say?"

"So what? Wait for the other people to come and say it again, alright!" Liu Ruoxin looked at the time and said.

"Liu Ruoxin, you……" Vice Chairman Zhang pointed his finger at Liu Ruoxin but was unable to speak.

Originally. Vice Chairman Zhang had used force to expel Liu Ruoxin, but right now halfway through his attack, Yan Tian had wrecked his entire plan. Therefore, Vice Chairman Zhang had lost this time. His eyes viciously glared at Yan Tian, wanting to ruthlessly retaliate against him.

Yan Tian was a born assassin, so his perception was particularly strong. As Vice Chairman Zhang looked at him, he knew. It was just that he didn't care about him at all.

Yan Tian thought to himself, if Vice Chairman Zhang still had the intention of attacking him, he didn't mind sending him off to the king of hell.

Liu Ruoxin narrowed her eyes and looked at Vice Chairman Zhang. After she looked at Yan Tian again, she then picked up  the information portfolio and looked at it. Since the company had met such an affair, it gave her an awful headache.

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Vice Chairman Zhang saw that Liu Ruoxin wasn’t looking at him, he shook his head, sat down, and flipped the computer on. Looking at his rather grave face, whether or not he was earnestly working was unknown.

It wasn't long until Xiao Wang and the rest of the high-level executives came in, gasping for breath with their sweat drenched backs. They walked in while grumbling over why the elevator had suddenly malfunctioned.

When had these white-collar company men ever climbed such a high stairwell? So once they entered, each of them offered their greetings to Liu Ruoxin and leaned themselves against the table. It seemed like they had all just run a marathon.

After several minutes passed, everyone began to deal with the company's matter. Finally, the people who supported Liu Ruoxin were much much more in comparison to the people who supported Vice Chairman Zhang. When some of the people who had supported Vice Chairman Zhang before saw that he no longer held any superiority, their attitudes immediately did a 180 degree turn. While they had previously supported Vice Chairman Zhang, each and every one of them boot licked Liu Ruoxin.

Ultimately, whether or not Liu Ruoxin would fire these people was a matter unknown to Yan Tian.

Until noon, everyone sorted out a plan; however this time the company's losses weren’t small.  Vice Chairman Zhang then took the initiative to resign. It was unknown where he would crawl off to.

Liu Ruoxin looked at the time. It was time to eat, so she looked at everyone and said: "Yan Tian come with me. Everyone else eat lunch and wrap it up." Liu Ruoxin finished speaking then sorted the materials and got up.

"Yes, Chairman Liu!" Although Yan Tian had earlier stood here impatiently, right now he could only let other people do the work and be like this. Otherwise, if he had no wages, who would he go looking for to argue with?

Liu Ruoxin carried her purse in hand, then walked towards the elevator. The elevator had already went through morning repairs and could be used normally. Following Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian arrived at the underground parking garage.

Liu Ruoxin walked over to the side of a red Porsche and pulled the car door. Looking at Yan Tian, she said: "Yan Tian, do you have a driver's license?"

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"I do, of course I do." Before, Yan Tian had encountered quite a few luxury vehicles. How could he not have a driver's license? What a joke.

"Good. Come drive the car." Liu Ruoxin said, then sat down in the rear of the car.

"Ok, Chairman Liu." Yan Tian naturally didn't question it. After he finished speaking, he got into driver's seat.

"Go to the Far Magnificence restaurant." Liu Ruoxin commanded Yan Tian.

Yan Tian didn’t know where the Far Magnificence restaurant was. He had but just come home half a month ago. He was simply not familiar with map of China, however, he felt embarrassed to ask Liu Ruoxin where the Far Magnificence restaurant was. Fortunately, the car had GPS navigation. After Yan Tian looked at his position, he then moved the car ahead.

In about several minutes, the car stopped at the gate of the Far Magnificence restaurant. Not even waiting for Yan Tian to leave the car. A gate attendant ran to the side and opened the rear car door to let Liu Ruoxin out.

The Far Magnificence restaurant was a five-star luxury restaurant. After Yan Tian took the key and gave it to the gate attendant, he followed Liu Ruoxin in.

The Far Magnificence restaurant's design mainly relied on golden hues. A thick mediterranean feeling filled the air and moreover there were many ornamental pieces from around the world: French bronze, Italian music fountain, bedroom products of the international standard, and additionally, an extravagant winding corridor adorned with gold leaf. From the interior to the exterior, the imposingly style of an imperial house wasn’t lacking in any manifestation.

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