Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 12

"Salutations, Chairman Liu!" Just as they entered the restaurant someone greeted Liu Ruoxin. Liu Ruoxin nodded her head in return.

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"This restaurant is an estate under the banner of our company." Liu Ruoxin looked behind and explained to Yan Tian who was looking all around.

"Oh, so it’s like this. It's just Chairman Liu brought me here for……?" Yan Tian wasn't puzzled that the Far Magnificence restaurant was an estate of the Liu Family Conglomerate.

Liu Ruoxin thought about it and said: "Uh…… I wanted to ask you to eat, let's go!" Liu Ruoxin finished speaking then, moved towards the interior.

"Oh, thank you, Chairman Liu!" Yan Tian heard this and was happy. This was the first day he worked, and a beautiful woman already asked him out to eat.

"Oh my, Chairman Liu, you've come, but didn't send a notification in advance. Allow us to prepare well." After the restaurant manager knew that Liu Ruoxin had come, he didn’t dare to neglect her in the slightest and personally greeting her.

"I've just come to eat, nothing more. There's nothing to be fussed over." Liu Ruoxin was slightly speechless. Today, she had only brought Yan Tian but to eat a meal, yet the way the restaurant manager was doing things appeared as if a great leader had come.

In fact, to the Far Magnificence restaurant's manager, Liu Ruoxin could be said to be exactly a great leader, so the restaurant manager personally escorted Liu Ruoxin and Yan Tian into an exquisite private room. He personally served as their waiter.

"Bring me a french-style filet steak, medium-well." Liu Ruoxin looked at the menu, then ordered a French steak.

Yan Tian thought about it and ordered a Japanese dish.

"Good, Chairman Liu. It'll be ready at once." After the restaurant manager finished speaking, he withdrew.

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Liu Ruoxin sat at the table side looking out the window. It seemed like she was thinking of something on her mind. Yan Tian didn't bother her, turning his head to look at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

"I must thank you today." After a good amount of time had passed, Liu Ruoxin suddenly looked towards Yan Tian and said.

"Huh? Thanks over what?" Yan Tian was puzzled. Why had the perfect Liu Ruoxin suddenly thank him?"

Liu Ruoxin didn't immediately answer Yan Tian, looking out the window thinking, she then said: "Yan Tian, don't you know? This company is very important to me."

"Huh? Oh!" Yan Tian was bewildered. What was the immaculate Liu Ruoxin telling him?

"This is the company my grandfather founded in his earlier days. Currently it's over fifty years old. He's old and has three sons and one daughter. In  the wake of my grandfather's day-to-day declining health, my youngest uncle and eldest uncle want to inherit this company."

Liu Ruoxin took the coffee that was on the table, sipped it, and continued talking: "My youngest uncle and eldest uncle both have sons, so the odds of them inheriting the company is extremely high. My father only had me; a daughter. From childhood, my father had listened to my eldest uncle's words, and ordinarily, had yielded to my youngest uncle. He had never competed over anything with them.

"Even over the matter of succession of the company, my father had never vied for it. He said as for whoever gets the company, it'll be the same. We're all one family, one person."

"However, my eldest uncle and youngest uncle both felt that it is highly likely that my father would be the company inheritor because his conduct is so upstanding, and he has a mind for business. My grandfather viewed my father as the best. To obtain the company, my eldest uncle and youngest uncle didn't hesitate at any cost to harm my father." Liu Ruoxin said and wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes.

"For this company, they caused a bloodbath between brothers. Originally, I wasn't aware of this, but my aunt told me. Since I was child, my aunt has cherished me the most, so she told me the truth of the matter."

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"Grandfather's health is already falling day-to-day. Right now, my aunt is taking care of my him. My aunt fears that my eldest uncle and youngest uncle will poison my grandfather, so my aunt has brought him to live with her. For grandfather's health, my aunt and I have not told him that my father could be killed by them. We're afraid grandfather wouldn't be able to go against them."

So I thought to myself, since my youngest uncle and eldest uncle can be so heartless as to harm my father for the company's right of inheritance, I naturally couldn't let them easily obtain the company. Therefore, I myself have come to manage the company. I'm going to do better than them and let my grandfather see my achievements."

"If grandfather sees that I'm more outstanding than eldest uncle and youngest uncle, grandfather will naturally put the company in my hands. Thus, this company is very important to me. Right now, this clothing company is my initial step.

"So today, I thank you. If it weren’t for you, I would have loss the company today." At this moment, Liu Ruoxin turned her head to look at Yan Tian and said.

Yan Tian didn't expect Liu Ruoxin would have such a story. He didn't think that this seemingly young girl had shouldered such a heavy responsibility.

Yet she was quite dangerous. In the case of Liu Ruoxin saying that her youngest uncle and eldest uncle were both precisely people without reservation towards their own family numbers for the family estate. If Liu Ruoxin displayed she was quite outstanding, that would be rather dangerous.

At this moment, two waiters served them their food. It seemed like the restaurant manager's treatment of Liu Ruoxin was quite good.

"Bon appétit."

"Thank you!" Liu Ruoxin politely said.

Yan Tian looked at the food on table and his mouth watered. Not even waiting for Liu Ruoxin to speak, he began gobbling down food.

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"I didn't think you would have such a story. In fact, there's no need for you to thank me. Since you hired me and give me cash, it can be considered as something I should do." Yan Tian ate while talking."

"To be frank, I still want to thank you." Liu Ruoxin gracefully ate her steak while talking.

"Hehe, don't mention it. If Chairman Liu increases my wages a bit, then it'll be OK." Yan Tian laughed.

"Why do you care about money so much?" Liu Ruoxin asked.

As Liu Ruoxin asked Yan Tian, he didn't know how to respond. If he said he didn't care about money, then the food he was eating would become a problem. If he said he lacked money, as of now, he didn't know how much money he have. However, he could guarantee that the amount of money he had  in total could put him on the Forbes world ranking.

"What are you saying? I don't know as well. Regardless if I lack it or not, if you have money and don't take it, isn't that silly? Haha!" Yan Tian once again chuckled.

"What you say is true. It is precisely because of money that in this world there is a divide between the rich and poor. It is because of money that in this world there is war and struggle." Liu Ruoxin looked outside the window and said.

Money, it wasn't capable of buying happiness, yet this was a principle everyone knew. Although this was absolutely correct, the poor and the alike couldn’t exchange happiness. Some people had a lot of money, yet were still anguished and couldn’t obtain happiness.  

On the contrary, others only had a little money, but pass through life happily. It's because they understand the greatest maximum pleasure is in what they possess.

"Hiccup, umm, Chairman Liu…… I'm not full. Could I order a second portion?" Yan Tian rubbed his stomach and embarrassingly scratched his head.

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"Certainly……" Liu Ruoxin looked at Yan Tian quite speechlessly.

After lunch ended and Yan Tian finished eating, he drove Liu Ruoxin's red Porsche and brought her back to the company.

Since Liu Ruoxin had not slept over night, right now she was already hard-pressed. After Yan Tian brought her back to the office, she laid down on the table and slept. Yan Tian watching Liu Ruoxin sleep at her office desk like this felt somewhat sorry for her. How old was she? She shouldered such a heavy responsibility.

As he thought of this, Yan Tian took his suit jacket and covered it over Liu Ruoxin's body. He quietly tiptoed away and left the office room, gently opening the door.

Yan Tian walked down stairs and took two puffs of a cigarette. Looking at the sun-scorched street outside, he didn't know what was going on. He had come to serve as Liu Ruoxin's bodyguard, but currently she was sleeping, so he just an idle body.

Yan Tian thought that he should plan to buy a cell phone soon. Since he had returned, for over half a month he didn’t have a cell phone. This was because in the past wasn’t accustomed to using cell phones.

It must be known that Yan Tian was an assassin before. If he used a cell phone, it would be quite easy to trace him, so Yan Tian had previously basically never used a cell phone, except for special situations.

Yan Tian felt his pocket and pulled out several tens of RMB. He reckoned that even with tens of RMB, he wouldn't be able to buy an old cell phone. Yan Tian looked at the couple tens of cell phone money he had and smiled wryly. He thought to himself whether or not after Liu Ruoxin had woken up if he should ask for his wages in advance?

However, once Yan Tian thought about how Liu Ruoxin's company had lost a considerable amount of money last night. Presently, he estimated the company urgently needed capital. Thinking of this, Yan Tian soon dispelled the thought of looking for Liu Ruoxin to get an advance on his wages.

Yan Tian thought perhaps he could look for the gorgeous Sun Yue to borrow some money to buy a cell phone? Sun Yue drove a BMW M5, she should not have a lacking amount of money. Hmm, if it was like this, he would look for her tonight to loan some money.

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