Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 25

"Oh, so it's like that. Who are these families?" After Yan Tian heard Zi Qi, he looked at her puzzledly.

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In the past, Yan Tian had encountered these families or triads abroad. The London girl was the young mistress of one of those great families. It seemed that the Five Grand Families and her family were one in the same. It was merely that it seemed that China was somewhat muddled up.

"Telling you isn't an issue. The Four Great Triads can be divided into the Azure Dragon Group, the Violetmoon Gate, the Swan Goose Hall, and also the Silent Society. The Five Grand Families are the Huang family, the Zhuang family, the Liu family, the Zhuge family, and the Yang family. In China, the Five Grand Families and the Four Great Triads are existences on equal footing." Zi Qi thought about it and said.

After Yan Tian listened to Zi Qi, he knew he was completely not the opponent of these powers. It must be known that at most, he was just nothing but an assassin. He had simply no background to speak of. Furthermore, presently, he had already offended a great power. Yan Tian didn’t believe that Flaming Ma wouldn’t come look for him to stir up trouble.

"What benefits are there to joining you guys?" Yan Tian thought it over and asked. Overall, there should not be no benefits, right?

"Benefits? The benefit is that you're presented with a great backer." Zi Qi rolled her eyes at Yan Tian.

As soon as Yan Tian heard Zi Qi, he cooled his temper. What she said was true. If he entered a great power like the Violetmoon Gate, he would undoubtedly find himself a backer. How many people would dare to clash head-on with the Violetmoon Gate?

However, when had Yan Tian ever needed to depend on a woman to protect himself? If it was like that and he joined the Violetmoon Gate, he would have no freedom. Wouldn't he have to obey Zi Yue?

After he thought it over, Yan Tian laughed and declined: "Hehe, as for joining your group, let's forget about it. I'm a person who enjoys freedom."

"What if Flaming Ma comes to take revenge on you? What will you do?" Zi Qi didn’t expect Yan Tian wasn’t scared in the slightest. It must be known that Flaming Ma was a name that would make many people go weak at the legs.

"Counter soldiers with arms and water with earth. They best not offend me, or else I won't even let them know how they died." Yan Tian indifferently spread his hands.

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Zi Qi saw that Yan Tian had no plan on entering the Violetmoon Gate, so she didn’t bring up the matter again. If she said more on the matter, it wouldn’t be good.

Yan Tian no longer thought of the matter of entering the Violetmoon Gate. Frankly said, they weren’t anything but an underworld syndicate. Yan Tian didn’t even place them within his eyes. It was just that currently, Yan Tian was a single man without any help at all.

After the two finished eating, they sat together and chatted. After about a dozen minutes or so, Zi Qi looked at time and saw it was no longer early, so she paid for the bill and left with Yan Tian.

Just as Yan Tian left, he saw the yellow-haired scammer from before standing by Zi Qi's white Sports Benz using a blade to stealthily carve into it.

Yan Tian took a look and was suddenly a little glad. Fortunately, the yellow-haired man didn’t know the red Porsche on the side was the car he drove. Otherwise, if several scratches were on it, Yan Tian wouldn’t be able to compensate it.

"Huh, my car!" Zi Qi came out of the door and saw a man standing by her car, carefully looking that this guy was using a knife to scratch up her car.

Just as the yellow-haired man was ruining the car, he heard a voice, so he immediately got ready to make a break for it. However, possibly due to his anxiety, as he ran he managed to stumble over.

Yet just as he tripped, he scratched the car Yan Tian was driving. It could only be seen that as the yellow-haired man went for a hand support, he just happened to grab onto the red Porsche. Due to the blade he was holding, he left a scratch on the red Porsche Yan Tian was driving.

Just as Yan Tian was rejoicing that his own car wasn’t scratched, his happiness withered away as he saw that his car had been scratched. Upon seeing this, Yan Tian immediately stiffened on the spot. He thought to himself, how could life be so demanding? His car had been fine a second ago and he was happy, but in the next moment his car was scratched?

The yellow-haired man saw that he scratched yet another luxury car, so he scaredly sprang up and ran away. However, how could Yan Tian and Zi Qi possibly let him flee? With two people behind and a person in front, they gave chase.

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Yan Tian and Zi Qi were both trained, so their running speed was quite quick. In only a cope seconds of effort, they had already chased down the yellow-haired man's back.

At the moment, the yellow-haired man didn’t expect that the two people could run so swiftly. He knew that if he was caught by them there would definitely not be any good result. Consequently, he hurried to increase his speed in fright.

However, how could the yellow-haired man's addition running speed be faster than Yan Tian's? It could only be seen that Yan Tian rapidly caught up to the yellow-haired man's right side. He stuck out his leg, and the yellow-haired man fell over, crashing his face into the ground in an instant.

"Big bro, big bro, don't hit me, don't hit me. Let's talk it out." The yellow-haired man fell to the ground and said anxiously immediately, scared that Yan Tian would beat the crap out of him.

"You dare to scratch my car? Do you want to die?" Not even waiting for Yan Tian to speak, Zi Qi caught up and said angrily.

"Big bro, big sis, I was wrong. I was wrong." The yellow-haired man knew he was unable to run. He was forced to beg for forgiveness.

"Big sis? Am I so old?" As soon as Zi Qi heard the man, she was angered beyond function. Big sis? He had surprisingly called her big sis?

The yellow-haired brat heard Zi Qi and instantly corrected himself: "Lil sis, lil sis, you're not old. You're a lil sis."

Zi Qi listened to the yellow-haired man correct himself, calling her little sister, then she promptly glared at him. Was lil sis not an appellation for a prostitute? Contrary to expectation, he had called her little sister? The angry Zi Qi directly kicked the yellow-haired man violently.

"Lil sis, lil sis, lil sis, your entire family are lil sisses. You'll anger me to death!"

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"H-h-hey, don't hit me, don't hit me. Ouch, don't kick my face." The yellow-haired man immediately curled up on the ground, shouting.

The yellow-haired man didn’t expect that the man didn’t make a move, but instead, the girl had struck out first. Carefully, thinking about it, the man didn’t say anything wrong. Was she not a little sister?

Yan Tian watched Zi Qi's flustered and agitated appearance and couldn’t help but to smile. He didn’t think that this girl would launch such aggressive violence.

"Smiling? What are you smiling about?" Zi Qi saw that Yan Tian was smiling on the side and she glared at him angrily.

Yan Tian looked at Zi Qi with a smile, and squatted down to look at the yellow-haired man: "Brat, you want to court death, right? Trying to scam in the morning and now you've gone and scratched up our cars. What do you have to say, huh?"

"Big bro, I was wrong. Whatever you want me to do is ok. As long as I don't have to pay for your damages, its OK." As soon as the yellow-haired man heard Yan Tian, he immediately embraced Yan Tian's leg.

"Why? If you won't give me damages to repair my car, then where will I get the money?" Yan Tian heard the man and was dissatisfied. He was poor to rags. What was he suppose to take out to pay to repair Liu Ruoxin's car. The moment the yellow-haired man heard Yan Tian wanted him to pay damages, he kneeled before Yan Tian. He lowered his head and said beseechingly: "Big bro, I was really wrong, but I really don't have any money. I tried to scam you today because I had no choice. I beseech you; let me go. Besides money, I'll do anything else."

"You frauded because you had no other choice. I'll tell you. If you don't fricking repair my car, I will flay you alive." As soon as Zi Qi heard this, she immediately threatened the yellow-haired man.

"I'm begging you guys to let me go, OK? I really have no cash. Right now, I really need money. Otherwise, I wouldn't have to scam." At the moment, the yellow-haired man surprisingly wiped tears from his eyes. He was completely without the smallest bit of manliness.

Yan Tian looked at the yellow-haired man wiping his tears and said disdainfully: "Speak, why do you need to scam. Looking at you like this, you don't appear to be any good person."

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"I need to save my little sister." The yellow-haired man raised his head to Yan Tian.

Hearing this, Yan Tian glanced at the yellow-haired man curiously. To save his little sister? Could it be that his little sister had some illness? This is why he urgently required money?

"What sickness does your little sister have?" At the moment, Zi Qi glanced at him curiously.

"My sister doesn't have an illness. She was kidnapped." The yellow-haired man answered bitterly.

As soon as Yan Tian heard him, he thought he was a liar. Your sister was kidnapped, but you didn’t go to the police, but instead did some scam? Although Yan Tian had grown up abroad as a child, he didn’t understand domestic affairs too well. However, domestic police should've taken care kidnapping matters, no?

"How come you didn't go make a report?"

"The yellow-haired man heard the question and wailed: "It's my fault. It's all my fault. I have harmed my little sister. I'm a damn bastard."

"Speak quickly. Why did it come about this in the end? Don't leave out any details." Looking at an adult male crying, Yan Tian was a little impatient. The yellow-haired man had really lost face for men. "I gambled my money away. I was short on cash, and I couldn't settle the debt, so I ran. But I didn't think that they would nab my highschooler sister and abduct her. They said if I still don't have the money, they're going to pimp out my sister to a night club. I don't dare to go the police, so I've no choice but to stay on the main street and look for luxury cars to scam." The yellow-haired man used his fist to smack his face.

The yellow-haired man's name was Wang Feng. Since he was child, his studies were exceptionally good and his family situation was originally considered quite well off, however his father had gotten into a car accident when he was in junior high and had passed away. At the time, his mother had run off with a wealthy man and had only left behind several thousand for him and his elementary schooler sister.

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