Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 26

Several thousand would be rapidly exhausted. Since he had to take care of his younger sister, from that point on, Wang Feng had stopped attending school. He began look everywhere for a job to earn money, but there were only so many jobs he could do.

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However, because his little sister's school expenses became more and more, a single month's expenditures became greater and greater. In order to earn more money, Wang Feng gambled.

Yet as Wang Feng continued to gamble, he earned more and lost less, so he continued to rely on gambling as a means to raise his sister. He didn’t swap out for a decent job.

His sister had urged him many times that he was capable of finding a normal job and he need not gamble again. While many people who gambled could build their riches over night, other people could lose their entire fortunes in a sitting.

But Wang Feng didn’t listen to her persuasion. He believed his gambling was rather good, but in a brief period of time, Wang Feng had suddenly lost several hundred thousand. However, how could Wang Feng pay it off? He was forced to flee.

The creditor was unable to find Wang Feng, so he was forced to investigate him. He learned that Wang Feng had a younger sister and gave her money every month, so he then kidnapped her.

Wang Feng knew his sister had been snatched, so he was forced to appear before the creditor. However, the creditor ordered him that by all means, he had to get the money within half a month. Otherwise, the creditor would make his little sister become a prostitute.

It must be known his sister was his entire world. Wang Feng's life was dedicated to his sister. How could he let his sister get involved? Thus, he was forced to think of methods to collect money. One of them was auto insurance fraud.

"Altogether, how much money is it?" The little girl Zi Qi had a rather soft heart. Upon hearing Wang Feng, she was somewhat sympathetic.

"600,000 RMB."

"This amount of money just to kidnap your sister? That's too excessive. I'll take care of this matter." As soon as Zi Qi heard this, she pat her chest and said.

600,000 RMB in a normal household could be considered a huge sum. How could the words Zi Qi had uttered from her mouth, "only this amount", made Yan Tian who was person unable to repair the car able to endure it?

"Huh, you'll take care of it? You're not going to bring one of your helpers to kill them, right?" Yan Tian looked at Zi Qi helplessly.

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"Of course not; my older sister won't let me handle gang affairs, so I can't send out any men." Zi Qi pursed her mouth and shook her head.

As soon as Yan Tian heard this, he was speechless. No one you could fricking order?

After Yan Tian heard this, his knit his brows and looked to Zi Qi: "What are you going to do. You're not going to go report this to the police, are you?"

"I don't dare to make a report. If I make a report, my little sister will be in danger." As soon as Wang Feng heard of a police report, he immediately said hastily.

Zi Qi didn’t understand Wang Feng's words, but she suddenly gave Yan Tian a glance with her charming eyes. Batting her beautiful eyes at him: "How about you? You're so fierce. How about you and I join forces, sound good?"

It was no wonder that Zi Qi wanted to help Wang Feng. So it turned out she wanted him to serve as her helping hand? Yan Tian thought to himself that he couldn’t answer by any means. He couldn’t afford to provoke even more people.

"Me? Even if I did, I'm not the police." Although Zi Qi's expression was quite soul-rousing, Yan Tian still spread his hands out reasonably. Wang Feng saw that Yan Tian didn’t want to help him and instantly grabbed onto his leg and wailed miserably: "Big bro, I'm begging you, save my sister, alright. If you save my sister, my, Wang Feng's, life will be yours."

Yan Tian heard Wang Feng's weeping voice and thought it over. In Fengan City he had no one. Wang Feng seemed to be a person who laid a heavy importance in relations, since he was willing to give it all for his sister. Would it not be better to receive a young bro?

"Where's the place?" After he thought about it, Yan Tian took out a cigarette and put in his mouth.

Wang Feng immediately took out a lighter out discreetly and struck it for Yan Tian: "The Changing Times bar. It's not too far from here."

"Fine, let's go save your little sister." Yan Tian nodded his head, then moved to his car to leave.

Wang Feng naturally had no questions. It was just that he didn’t know if Yan Tian could save his sister. It had to be known that there were a lot of hired thugs there.

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"OK, be at ease, alright. Your little sister is definitely going to be fine." As soon as Zi Qi heard Yan Tian agree, she stood cheerfully behind Yan Tian.

Zi Qi as well was an old-hand at combat. Hearing that Yan Tian was going to save someone, she was immediately happy. She completely forgot about the matter of her car being scratched.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing that Zi Qi stood at his side quite excitedly, he asked her curiously. Could it be that this lass wanted to go save someone too?

"What am I doing? I'm going to together with you guys to save her." Zi Qi winked.

"You?" Yan Tian opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"So? Is there a problem?" Zi Qi looked at Yan Tian's startled expression and was somewhat indignant. Was he looking down on her? It had to be known her skills were quite powerful as well.

Yan Tian knew that Zi Qi wanted to go, so he inhaled two puffs of smoke, urging her: "Huh, I urge you not to join in on this mess. If you run into danger, who will protect you? Say, if your older sister knew, wouldn't she bring a helper to hunt me down on a crowded street?"

"Hey, my kung fu is good too. Who is going to protect you? Let's get a move on it." As soon as Zi Qi heard Yan Tian, she was displeased. So it turned out that Yan Tian considered her to be a liability.*

Zi Qi wanted to follow behind and Yan Tian was at his wits end. He was forced to bring Zi Qi together with him and go. Yan Tian had no great expectations for Zi Qi to help him, but if she couldn’t screw up at the critical moment, then that would be good.

Thinking it over, Yan Tian shook his head and prepared to set off. Before they could go to the car, Wang Feng immediately scampered over and opened the door of the white Sports Benz, waiting on Yan Tian and Zi Qi to be seated.

Yet Wang Feng didn’t expect that the red Porsche on the side was surprisingly Yan Tian's. Just a moment ago, he had also scratched that car. This time he was done. He had scratched two cars.

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Soon, Yan Tian and Zi Qi's two luxury cars arrived at the door of the Changing Times bar. Wang Feng promptly left the car and opened the car doors for Zi Qi and Yan Tian.

Although it was currently broad daylight, there were still people going inside the Changing Times bar. An intense beat, clamor of the crowd, bewitching eroticsim of women and the frenzied young men twisted together.

After they left the car, the three of them entered the bar. Within the bar, the air was pervaded by the scent of cigarettes and alcohol. The music was extremely loud, practically deafening one's ears. On the dance floor, men and women wildly twisted their hips and rears. The giggling of cool and elegantly dressed women mixed together with the fun of men. They were unable to control their men with the enticements of sweet talk.

Dazzling lights were reflected upon all kinds of red wine glasses filled to the brim. Among the winge glasses and gambling chips, the dubious hue corroded the intoxicated minds of the people.

Yan Tian glanced at the alluring bar girls and a light glimmered in his two eyes. His eyes swept over them unceasingly, thinking to himself that this was truly a paradise. No wonder people liked going to the bar.

Zi Qi noticed Yan Tian's conduct and looked at him despicably. She was sincerely unable to understand what about those women was worth seeing.

"Yo, ain't you Bro Feng? So how about about it? You bring the cash?" Suddenly a server from the bar chuckled and walked in front of Wang Feng.

After Wang Feng looked at the server, he looked at Yan Tian at his side nervously. However, it seemed that Yan Tian had not heard him at all. His eyes were glued on every style and sort of beautiful woman, looking at them without stop.

"I've brought the cash. But I want to see my sister first." Wang grit his teeth and said.

Right now, Wang was only but to gamble it all on Yan Tian. Since he was forced to say that he had brought the cash, he wanted to first see his sister. Afterwards, he looked to Yan Tian for what to do. At the moment, Wang Feng had placed his and sister's lives completely in Yan Tian's hands.

The server was clearly stunned. To his surprise, Wang Feng had collected enough money? It looked like he really wanted to redeem his sister.

"You'll have to wait a little first. I'll go talk to the boss." The server smiled, then left to upstairs.

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After the server left, Wang Feng nervously looked to Yan Tian. "Big bro, there's no problem, right? I reckon soon, we'll be called up to the upper floor."

"What? You're scared?" Yan Tian continued to enjoy the various beauties inside the bar.

"Scared? How could I not be scared? I'm worried about my little sister." Wang Feng look at Yan Tian and said a little anxiously.

Yan Tian smiled as before, but in his eyes there was no one here in the bar that was simply any threat at all. He estimated that the boss was an uncultured scoundrel only good at eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling.

"Hey, are you sure you're certain of it in the end?" Zi Qi looked at Yan Tian's lustful expression and was a little doubtful.

Yan Tian didn’t answer Zi Qi's words, but raised his head to look at the private room on the second floor, smiling but not saying anything.

Seeing that Yan Tian wasn't paying any heed to her, she glared at him and twisted her head away, no longer looking at him.

After a moment of effort, the server from before came down from the second floor.

"Brother Long is waiting for you up top. Come with me."

* (meaning of liability here is pretty funny in chinese: bringing children into a second marriage LOL)

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