Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 31

As Yan Tian watched the cloth land from the side, he glared at the man. How should he feel once he saw the scene with the cloth? However, as he thought it over once more, he was truly unable to recall such a thing before. Shaking his head, he thought no more.

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"Damn. How have you only got six hundred after two month? I see your business isn't working out, so I'll smash it." The red-haired man glanced at the mere six hundred and was immediately enraged, so he spoke to begin preparing to smash the auntie's stall.

Once the auntie saw that the several men were going to wreck her stall, she began to weep anxiously. Right now, she relied on this stand to earning a living, but she had no methods to prevent the men. She could only look on blankly as her stand was destroyed.

But just as the red-haired man was preparing to smash the stand, his hand was suddenly caught in a strong and mighty grip. No matter how he struggled, he was unable to throw off the hand.

Naturally, this was Yan Tian's hand. How could Yan Tian possibly look on unfeelingly as the auntie was bullied?

He was no sort of good person. If one investigated his lawful responsibilities, Yan Tian reckoned he didn't know how many times he would've been brought before a firing squad. Despite this, there was one thing Yan Tian was certain of and that was even if he was lead before a firing squad 500 times, it still wouldn't be enough. But even though it was like so, Yan Tian wouldn't involve himself in the matters of bullying ordinary folk. As such, he despised people who bullied normal civilians.

Therefore, once Yan Tian saw that the auntie's stall was going to be smashed by these thugs, he decided to act as Lei Feng.

"Punk, what are you doing? Are you looking to fricking die? Release this daddy." The red-haired man discovered that his hand had been caught by Yan Tian and cursed.

As soon as Yan Tian heard the red-haired man curse him, his eyes narrowed and he looked at the man not saying a thing. The hand that had caught the red-haired man's wrist suddenly forcefully pinched him.

"Uh, let me go. Ah, big bro don't pinch me." After the man suffered some pain, he immediately yelped. He didn't expect that Yan Tian's arm strength would be so great.

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After Yan Tian pinched him some more, he let loose the man's hand. The red-haired man immediately pulled his hand back and shook it without pause. It could be seen that his wrist had been pinched to a sheen of shining white by Yan Tian and had become slightly deformed.

Yan Tian had only used but thirty percent of his strength. If he had used the entirety of his strength, the red-haired man's hand would've probably been crippled early on.

"You fricking dare to pinch me? Brothers, waste him." The red-haired man swung his hand and commanded the other two thugs to get ready to beat up Yan Tian.

"Young man, run quickly. You can't afford to provoke them." The vegetable-selling auntie noticed that the men were preparing to beat up Yan Tian, so she immediately called out to him to flee.

At the moment, Yan Tian was surprised that the auntie was actually telling him to flee and didn't want to cause trouble for him. A warm feeling gradually rose within his heart. Unexpectedly, the auntie still took him into her considerations.

However, how could Yan Tian possibly flee? Besides, it was just three people. Even if it was 300 men, Yan Tian would still be without fear.

Glancing at the red-haired man's fist pounding forth, Yan Tian slightly tilted his head and dodged the fist lightly. After he dodged, Yan Tian viciously used his left hand to capture the man's arm. Turning his body, he used his right hand to hold up the man by his armpit and used both arms at the same time to execute a perfect shoulder throw with his strength.

After Yan Tian threw the man, the surrounding people clapped in applause. It was no wonder that Yan Tian dared to involve himself in the affairs of others. So it turned out that he was trained. These days, quite a few people were bullied by thugs, so today, Yan Tian was considered a breath of fresh air to them all. Each and everyone of them clapped in cheer, their hearts shouting in exultation.

"Damn, you dared to throw me. Kill him." After the two henchmen helped the red-haired man up, he patted his trousers and cursed.

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Once the two henchmen heard his command, they immediately struck out towards Yan Tian. But in order for Yan Tian to make his movements not seem so world-shocking, he didn't use his true strength. All that could be seen was Yan Tian seemingly fighting normally against the two toadies. In the eyes of a normal person, it just seemed like three people fighting ordinarily.

Although he didn't deliberately use his grappling techniques, due to the extreme vigor of his body, Yan Tian had soon felled the two men to the ground, drawing the applause of the crowd. Yan Tian felt like he was a monkey in a zoo, with him fooling around within and the crowd cheering on the side.

The three thugs appeared not to be Yan Tian's opponents, so they prepared to call for more people. It had to be known that since they dared to collect protection fees here, how could they not have a backer?

On the contrary, Yan Tian was not worried. Since he had planned to act as the good guy today, he would do as a good guy straightforwardly to the end. From his pocket, he fished out a cigarette and lit it leisurely at ease. He wanted to see how many men the red-haired man could summon.

The people surrounding the bustling looked at the red-haired man calling people and dared not stay any longer. Each and everyone of them promptly rushed away, evidently not wanting to attract too much trouble.

The vegetable-selling auntie saw that the red-haired man was calling more people, so she looked to Yan Tian anxiously: "Young man, quickly leave. You can't afford to offend them. Flee quickly."

Yan Tian sucked in a puff of smoke indifferently and laughed: "Haha, no worries, auntie. You should continue to mind yourself. No need to care for me. Relax. It ain't a problem."


"Don't worry, auntie. Just hurry on yourself."

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The auntie saw that her urging didn't move Yan Tian, so she shook her head and said no more. She thought that since this young man could stand there completely free of worries and didn't flee, he certainly had the capital to back it up. Thinking it over, the auntie was worried no more.

"Hmph, you fricking dared to hit me. I'll make you regret it for your entire life." The red-haired man saw that Yan Tian was surprisingly unfrightened and snorted coldly.


It could only be seen that just as the red-haired man finished speaking, Yan Tian slapped him. Although Yan Tian hadn't used too great of his strength in the slap, it still left the man's face in extreme pain.

"Good, good, good. Just you wait." The man said then used his hand cover his face and drew back two steps.

Right now, he didn't dare to strike Yan Tian. If he cursed, he would be slapped. Such a price was something that he could not suffer.

In about six to seven minutes, a crowd of men came by. The group of them seemed to be gangsters. There were some of them that had tattoos covering their arms and there were some that had two to three large gauges in their ears. Others had dyed their hair in a variety of colors. In a word, they were an ugly mess that held any kind of man.

Once the vegetable-selling auntie noticed that so many people had come, she wanted to pinch Yan Tian to see if he was sweating. But from what she could see, if Yan Tian could fight against the gang of men whatsoever, it would be miracle. At the same moment, she silently prayed for him.

Yan Tian didn't need to think to know that these were the men that the red-haired man had called upon. From what Yan Tian could see, the demeanor of these men seemed pretty good. Each and everyone of them had the style of an underworld big boss, even if he didn't know what their fighting strength was like.

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"Brother Dong, it's him. He's the one that hit me." The red-haired man looked at the man he had called and immediately pointed to Yan Tian, eagerly running forth.

"Hmph, daring to strike a person of mine, Song Dong. Do you want to get mixed up in this or not?" The man called Brother Dong grit the cigar in his mouth and looked at Yan Tian disdainfully.

Yan Tian looked at the man and was slightly disgusted: "I don't want to cause a ruckus. You guys are better off not looking for a fight."

"Hehe, brat, you're mad. Leopard, go break his leg.

From what Song Dong could see, the feeble-looking brat before his eyes was simply unfitting for him to personally dispose of. He laughed, then called on his underling to make a move. Song Dong was a vicious man, directly ordering Leopard to break Yan Tian's leg.

"Hehe, no need Leopard. Let I, Old Bear, do it. It's been a couple days since I've last broken a man. My hands are itching today." Just as Song Dong finished speaking, a man with a tremendous build pat his chest and shouted.

As he finished speaking, the man came forth, preparing to seize Yan Tian in his grasp, however, how could Yan Tian even let the man grab him? He dodged and ran behind the man, extending his leg, and striking at the man's legs. Afterwards, he used his hands to contort around the man's shoulder and used the entirety of his strength to flip him over. As a result, the man directly crashed on the ground.

"Leopard, go. This kid knows his stuff." After Song Dong saw Yan Tian throw Old Bear, he hinted for Leopard to go.

Leopard understood, then nodded his head and came forward. Standing in front of Yan Tian, he assumed a grappling position. Yan Tian glanced at him and knew that Leopard was trained. However, Yan Tian wasn't scared. When it came to martial arts, Yan Tian held mastery in eighteen different kinds of martial arts; he was simply a martial ancestor.

All that could be seen was Leopard breathing in deeply at his spot and charging forward. Leopard's speed truly wasn't slow. It was no wonder he was called Leopard, however, although his speed was quite fast, in Yan Tian's eyes, it was too slow. At best, Leopard's strength was as satisfactory to a D-rank assassin and nothing more. He wanted to hit Yan Tian? It was something to speak of again once he had trained for over a dozen years.

* T/N: The title, acting as Lei Feng, refers to a propaganda instrument used by the PRC to strengthen the communist ideal. Lei Feng was a young man who died rather young doing communist-related activities. The veracity of his existence is contested given the photos of taken of him seem like some communist propaganda photo op. He is a figure that is a bit scorned that is to say. If you’re interested in learning more you can go here: Lei Feng Wikipedia Link

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