Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 32

In the midst of Leopard's charge, Yan Tian extended his palm, directly striking Leopard's stomach. Yan Tian didn't want to kill a man like this on the street, so he only used a tiny bit of strength.

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Although Yan Tian had only used a little bit of strength, Leopard spat out two mouthfuls of blood. He looked at Leopard's actions and laughed coldly. Hmph, little man, play around with me, huh.

"Ugh, let me say, you guys, you and you, aren't much of a challenge. Four to five or five to six, come at me. Honestly, it's fine if you all come at me together. I still have to buy vegetables and go home and cook." Yan Tian picked at his ear and looked down on the crowd disdainfully.

At the moment, Song Dong watched Yan Tian in alarm. He knew what Leopard's strength was, and surprisingly, Yan Tian had caused him to cough up blood with a single palm. Song Dong knew the man in front of him wasn't someone he was capable of offending.

Thinking it over, Song Dong cupped his fist in respect to Yan Tian: "Brother, pretty good. Great skills. Before, we have offended you quite a bit. I hope brother will not mind, haha."

"OK, we'll go." Not waiting for Yan Tian to speak, Song Dong took his underlings and departed.

Song Dong was a smart man. From Yan Tian's skill, he was able to determine that Yan Tian was no ordinary man. Perhaps the people behind him had a robust background? It had to be known Fengan City was place with crouching tigers and hidden dragons. Being careful was good.

Watching Song Dong and the gang leaving, Yan Tian didn’t obstruct them. He only wanted to help the auntie, and right now his task had been completed. Yan Tian naturally wouldn't foolishly chase after them looking for trouble when there was none.

"Oh my, young man. Thank you. Thank you for helping me." The vegetable-selling auntie saw that the gang of thugs were leaving and gratefully gave her thanks to Yan Tian.

"Not a problem, auntie. It wasn’t anything."

Yan Tian said, then bought some vegetables and prepared to leave. As he gave his money to the auntie, she wouldn't accept it even in the face of death. Helplessly, Yan Tian was forced to stow his money away and carry his vegetables off. It made unaware people believe that Yan Tian had bought vegetables without paying and ran away.

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As for that auntie, perhaps she would be bullied by that gang of men later, but this wasn't Yan Tian's concern. He couldn't always stand at the side of the auntie, right?

After he returned home, Yan Tian discovered Sun Yue had not come back. It was already a little past five.

Sitting on the sofa, he took out a cigarette, then washed his hands, went into the kitchen, fastened the apron, and began to busy himself. Over the course of his afternoon activities, he had become hungry.

In around half an hour, Yan Tian cooked a lavish dinner. Just as he placed the food down, he heard the sound of the door opening, thinking to himself that it was Sun Yue coming home. Sun Yue entered and smelled the scent of food. She looked at Yan Tian slightly inconceivably: "Oh, the sun must've risen from the west today."

"Ah, you've actually come home right on time. Quickly wash up and hurry up and eat." Yan Tian turned his head to glance at Sun Yue proudly.


Sun Yue agreed, then put down her bag and happily ran off to wash up. She had worked all day and was hungry, so looking at the dinner that Yan Tian had cooked made her especially joyful.

Yan Tian watched Sun Yue's back and smiled, continuing to go into the kitchen. He picked up two bowls and scooped two helpings of simmered congee in them. After he filled them, he placed the bowls on the table.

Looking at the delicious meal he made, Yan Tian felt quite successful. He didn’t expect he was still rather suitable to be a chef.

Two minutes later, Sun Yue came over. Yan Tian saw that Sun Yue had come and immediately felt elated. He had believed that he would have to wait for her for about ten plus minutes, but against his expectations, the girl was rather quick today.

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"Wow, it looks good. I give you a ninety." Sun Yue looked at the delicious meal on the table and happily praised it.

"A ninety? What about the other ten points?" Yan Tian said and picked up a steamed bun, nibbling on it.

"The other ten? I'm afraid it's your pride. Hmm, continue to work hard."

Yan Tian smiled and said no more, picking up the chopsticks and wolfing the food down. He took two bites of vegetables and a huge chunk of the steamed bun. He gnawed at the steamed bun twice, then had three swallows of the congee. It seemed like others would have to fight with him to eat.

Looking at Yan Tian's table manners, Sun Yue rolled her eyes helplessly: "Take a look at your table manners. I can't figure out how you got into the Liu Family Conglomerate."

"What about my table manners? Let me tell you, people should eat fast, put on clothes fast, and do everything fast. Don't you know you can save so much time? You can use this time for so many other things." Once Yan Tian heard Sun Yue, he was displeased and justified himself with her accordingly.

"OK, alright, don't talk. How come you got out of work so early today? You even made dinner." Sun Yue heard the garbled mess of Yan Tian's words and rolled her eyes.

A few days ago, Yan Tian had come home quite late, so how come he had returned home so early today? Thus, Sun Yue was quite curious. She thought to herself whether or not Yan Tian would not need to take overtime later? In fact, that was good; she would have someone cook dinner for her later/

"Oh, I had a holiday, hehe."

Sun Yue heard Yan Tian speak of his holiday and flipped her cell phone open to take a look, but found no sort of holiday: "Holiday? What holiday? It's not sunday and it's not a holiday, so what kind of holiday is it?"

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"Boss saw that I was rather handsome, so I got a day off." Yan Tian winked at Sun Yue shamelessly.

Naturally, Sun Yue would not believe Yan Tian's rubbish, but she asked no more. Rolling her eyes at Yan Tian, she lowered her head and slowly ate the food Yan Tian had cooked.

Once he finished eating, Yan Tian pat his stomach satisfiedly and belched, reclining down on the sofa watching television. In any case, washing the dishes wasn’t his responsibility. They had come to an agreement before; Yan Tian would cook and Sun Yue would clean the dishes.

Looking at the mess Yan Tian had tossed about, Sun Yue almost blew her top, but she thought about it once again that Yan Tian had made dinner. So, she was forced to pout and said no more.

Yan Tian sat down on the sofa and watched the rear view of Sun Yue tidying the table ware. A warmth suddenly blossomed within his heart, a little like the feeling of a husband and wife.

After Sun Yue finishes scrubbing the bowls, she saw Yan Tian laying down on the sofa watching a cartoon with great relish. She truly didn’t understand; how could such a grown man watch cartoons? She thought it over then sat down on the sofa, snatching the remote control. She changed the channel, looking for the korean drama that she liked without the slightest bit of care towards Yan Tian's wooden expression.

"Hey, what are you doing? It was just getting to the super evolution; gimme back the remote." Yan Tian immediately jumped up in protest.

Sun Yue continued to watch and didn’t spare a glance at Yan Tian. With her eyes fixed on the television, she said: "Are you a child? How old are you that you still spend the entire day watching the children's network nonstop."

"Huehue, you don't understand. This is to make up for my childhood. In my youth I wasn’t able to watch funny things, so right now, I have to hurry and catch up." Yan Tian said as soon as she called him childish, scratching his head slightly embarrassed.

"OK, don't say anything else. I'm gonna keep on watch television." Sun Yue waved her hand, telling him to stop speaking.

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Yan Tian understood she didn’t want him to talk anymore, but on the contrary, what fun was watching the show that Sun Yue watched all day. Nonetheless, after he watched about a dozen or so minutes, Yan Tian could watch no more he thought as he couldn't watch his wonderful cartoon.

After he sat for a while, Yan Tian went to his room. Closing the door, he laid down on his bed and studied the ring on his hand. However, after looking at it for a while, he didn’t see anything significant.

Thinking it over, Yan Tian took the ring, tosses it on the floor and stepped on it. He wanted to see if there was anything distinctive about the ring. It was a Cosmos Ring, right? The name sounded pretty fricking awesome.

After trampling on it, Yan Tian discovered in the end that the ring bore a result. Surprisingly, it made him unable step on it. Could it be that the ring truly wasn’t an ordinary item?

Mulling it over, Yan Tian stepped on the ring on the ground with all of his strength several times. He wanted to see how sturdy the ring was.

At the moment, Yan Tian was exerting a great amount of strength in his several stomps so that the floor was broken apart by him. However, as soon as he finished stomping, he picked up the ring and found that there wasn't any problem with it all. It looked like it truly was a great item.

"Thump, thump, thump."

In the midst of Yan Tian's happiness, he suddenly heard a knocking at the door. Thinking to himself, it couldn't be Sun Yue making a ruckus outside, right? Contemplating it, Yan Tian opened the door.

While she was outside watching television merrily, Sun Yue heard several stomping noises coming from within Yan Tian's room. Sun Yue didn’t care, however, after the passage of several seconds, an even louder stomping noise than before was heard, causing the entire house to tremble. Sun Yue didn’t know what Yan Tian was doing inside, so she prepared to come in to take a look.

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