Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 46

All that could be see was Yan Tian looking at the beautiful waitress and chuckling: "Bring us a bottle of 1982 Château Lafite Rothschild."

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"Pfft." Just as she drank some tea, Liu Ruoxin sprayed it out on the spot once she heard what Yan Tian had said. What was it he thought they had drank? So it turned out he wanted to cheat Gao Chengwen again.

After he heard of the wine Yan Tian wanted, Gao Chengwen's face immediately turned stormy. So it actually turned out that these lovebirds were working together to bamboozle him?

"How about it, Mr. Gao? If the price isn't to your liking, we can swap it out for fruit juice, and that'll be fine. My darling Ruoxin is actually rather fond of drinking this. Right, wifey?" Yan Tian glanced at Gao Chengwen with a face that really needed a beating. He had even shifted over to Liu Ruoxin, so she would see if he would buy it or not.

"Oh, hubby. Although it's good drinking, it's too expensive. It’s possible that Mr. Gao doesn't have that much money. Let's swap it for something else, okay?" Liu Ruoxin replied accordingly.

"Alright. What you've said is true. Mr. Gao just bought a car; I reckon he doesn't have money. We can swap it for fruit juice." Yan Tian said quite understanding of the situation.

The beautiful waitress was numbly took note after she heard them, thinking to herself that these people were truly well-off. After everything was jotted down, the beautiful waitress prepared to withdraw.

"Wait a moment. Add a bottle of 82 Château Lafite Rothschild. We want both the Lafite and the fruit juice." As soon as the beautiful waitress was just about to close the door, Gao Chengwen suddenly shouted towards her.

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Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin had stated so, making it so that Gao Chengwen had something that he could buy and could buy, but something he could not buy must buy. If he didn’t buy it at the moment, wouldn't it prove he had no money? How could he possibly have no money? What a joke. Furthermore, Yan Tian had even said Liu Ruoxin liked to drink it. Wasn't he the host that had invited Liu Ruoxin to eat? Thus, Gao Chengwen had to add the 1982 Lafite that Yan Tian had wanted. At the same time, he secretly resolved to firmly sort Yan Tian out.

Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin shared a glance as soon as the waitress left. They truly didn’t have to speak; on the contrary, the tacit coordination between the tem of them was rather deep. Yan Tian said no more after smiling. Gao Chengwen's mood was extremely foul after he was scammed out of such a huge sum of money, but sitting there, he didn’t say a word. Silence had suddenly descended in the private room.


"Oh, Ruoxin, when are you two getting married." As the host, Gao Chengwen had to muster the initiative to break the silence. At the same moment, he really wanted to know when Liu Ruoxin would finally get married. If it was still early, he would still have an opportunity.

"Ah, I……I don't know." Liu Ruoxin glanced to Yan Tian after she heard Gao Chengwen, thinking to herself who would want to get married to this delinquent.

Yan Tian saw that Liu Ruoxin was looking to him. Could it be that Liu Ruoxin wanted him to speak? Thinking it over, Yan Tian said: "Oh, uh, soon. Over the course of the next several days, we're going to get the certificate. Perhaps in about half a month we'll be married."

Liu Ruoxin was nearly paralyzed once she heard Yan Tian. While it was actually easy for Yan Tian to say this, but after a month what she do? How would she explain it to others?

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"So soon." Gao Chengwen was evidently stunned. A single month would pass in an instant. It looked like his time wasn’t much.

Learning of the time of Liu Ruoxin's marriage, Gao Chengwen said no more. In his mind, he thought to himself of how was he going to snatch Liu Ruoxin from Yan Tian's clutches. It had to be known he was filthy rich. Want money? Got money. Want looks? Got looks. How could he lose out to a country bumpkin? After contemplating things, Gao Chengwen thought of only a single method. He had to waste Yan Tian, and after all, Liu Ruoxin couldn't marry a dead man. Then, his opportunity would come.

Without wasting a second, he had to say something. Gao Chengwen promptly fished out his cellphone from his pocket and sent a text to several people. Needless to say, he had some degree of connections in Fengan City. He thought to himself that when the moment came, if he was the hero saving the beauty, would it not completely move Liu Ruoxin? He would thereby bring the beautiful woman back in his embrace.

In not too long, over a dozen young, beautiful waitresses came holding the dishes that Yan Tian had ordered. It couldn't be helped to say that the restaurant's operating efficiency was pretty good. Along with the served food, one could admire the beauties. Yan Tian thought to himself that the meal was free of cost as well. As soon as the food was finished being served, three dashing, young waiters came in holding three trays. On the first tray, there stood a bottle of high-end 82 Lafite. It seemed like these waiters had received specialized training. If a normal man held the tray and walked two steps, they 82 Lafite would have fell to the floor. Needless to say if the wine broke, it would be over 200,000 RMB. Three Italian wine glasses were on the second tray, and the third tray had the fruit juice Yan Tian had ordered.

Yan Tian poured himself and Liu Ruoxin a glass of red wine each as soon as the waiters left without completely taking into consideration of Gao Chengwen who sat across from him. After he finished pouring the wine, he began to devour everything with gusto. A little bit from this dish and a little bit from that dish. The food made the mouth salivate.

Liu Ruoxin used her foot to kick Yan Tian after she saw his table manners. Presently, it had to be known that Yan Tian was playing the role of her husband. Upon looking at Yan Tian's table manners, Liu Ruoxin would subsequently lose face.

"Oh, delicious. Wifey, you have to try this." It was unlikely Yan Tian cared about the truth of the situation as he promptly picked up a piece of Chinese mitten crab and put it into Liu Ruoxin's bowl.

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Liu Ruoxin helplessly shook her head, looking at Yan Tian's conduct. If she had previously known Yan Tian would be like this, then she wouldn’t have brought him. It made her lose face together with him.

"How do you eat it? I can't shell it." Looking at the Chinese mitten crab, Liu Ruoxin was quite vexed. Since she was young, she had never learned how to shell a mitten crab.

"Oh my, how could you be silly? Here, I've just shelled this one." Yan Tian took the mitten crab he had just shelled and placed it into Liu Ruoxin's plate, hinting for her to eat it quickly.

Liu Ruoxin was slightly nauseated once she saw Yan Tian's oil-soaked hand. His hand was so filthy; how could he eat the thing he had shelled? Then again, seeing Yan Tian's expectant gaze, Liu Ruoxin thought it over then took a soft bite. Then after the first, she took a second. How could something be so delicious? Soon after, the mitten crabbed had had ended up in Liu Ruoxin's belly.

"Very delicious. I'd like to have some more." Liu Ruoxin finished eating, then looked at the mitten crab

"Here, eat as much as you want."


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Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin ate together in the same style, lively and cheerfully. In fact, they truly appeared to be a pair of lovebirds. Nevertheless, Gao Chengwen beared it sourly on the side, taking sips of his red wine. As things turned out, he had become the third wheel while sitting here. The pair of them paid no notice to him even though he the host. Brooding over this, Gao Chengwen glanced at Yan Tian fiercely. Hmph, I really want to see if you'll still be so smug when the time comes.

The lunch lasted for over two hours until they finally finished. At the moment, Liu Ruoxin and Gao Chengwen were looking at Yan Tian who was sitting on his chair in astonishment while at the same moment, alarm rang secretly within their hearts. Yan Tian could eat A LOT. About eighty percent of the over a dozen dishes had been eaten by him. Although it could be said the quantity of each dish wasn’t very much, the over a dozen dishes summed together was a huge pile of food. Surprisingly, it had all been annihilated by Yan Tian

Therefore, Gao Chengwen was quite peeved. He hadn't even had several bites of the food he paid for. The mitten crab had been monopolized by Liu Ruoxin, and the remaining food had been turned into a hideous mess by Yan Tian. Such a sight made it hard for a man to have the least bit of appetite. He just drank rather a lot, gulping down about over half of the wine.

As soon as the waiter brought to the bill to be paid, Gao Chengwen nearly crumbled apart. Against his expectations, he had surprisingly spent 398,000 RMB for the meal. It had to be known that the amount of money earned by ordinary folk over several tens of years still wouldn't be able to earn so much. In terms of eating, it wasn’t an issue, but the key point was that he had spent so much cash, yet he hadn't even taken several bites. This made Gao Chengwen quite angry. He looked at the bill and was but forced to take out his banking card and swipe for 398000 RMB quite agonizingly.

As for Yan Tian and Liu Ruoxin though, one of them reclined back in their chair patting their stomach while belching, and the other looked outside the window silently as if there was some kind of weight on her mind.

"Salutations, Mr. Gao. Since your one-time spending has reached 398,000 RMB in our establishment, you've earned our establishment's Gold Member card. When you’re spending money later, you'll have the priority to enjoy all kinds of treatment. The entirety of our services now come at a 10% discount." The beautiful waitress faintly bowed as soon as Gao Chengwen swiped the card.

"I don't want it. Move aside." Gao Chengwen barely restrained his burning fury.

"Woah, woah, woah, what card? I want it. Hand it to me. Once Yan Tian heard about a gold member card, his eyes immediately lit up. If he had a gold member card later on, then he could eat at a discount. After all, waste not want not.

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