Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 47

Not waiting for the waitress to pass over the card, Yan Tian impatiently snatched it from her, then looked at it in his clasped hands for while. A good moment later, Yan Tian felt he had been swindled. He had believed the Gold Member card was made out of pure gold, but looking at it, Yan Tian discovered that it was only inlaid with a slight trace of gold. He thought to himself that the restaurant boss was too stingy.

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After the beautiful waitress sensed that Yan Tian was slightly unsatisfied, she stared at him incredulously. It must be known that this was a gold member card. A good amount of people wanted this, but were unable to obtain it. How could this mister who hadn't even spent a single cent not be satisfied with the Gold Member card?

In reality, not a single one of the people who had the Gold Member card weren't wealthy magnates. Furthermore, the gold member card itself was made of a high-end quality style. It appeared to be like the common restaurant member cards, but regardless of whatever, silver, gold, or platinum card, a majority of cards were manufactured using average plastic materials.

However, the restaurant produced Gold Member card employed gold as a finish, and the entire member card was crafted from titanium. The edges were gilded with a trace gold, and although the amount of gold used wasn’t much, the inlaid good was seemingly quite high-end. Holding up this card was truly enough to reveal the respected positions of the crème de la crème.

After he looked at the member's card while holding it, Yan Tian thought to himself that the restaurant really was a scam. They had spent 400,00 RMB, but they had only handed over a Gold Member card made with such a small bit of gold? If he went to a gold store and pawned it, he estimated such a tiny bit of gold would sell for several hundred let alone reach a thousand.

"Hmph!" Gao Chengwen snorted coldly as he turned to head outside after he saw Yan Tian snatch the member's card. Today, he had to restrain the belly full of fire that Yan Tian had given him.

As for Liu Ruoxin, she glanced quite flatly at the member's card in Yan Tian's hand, then fished out a similar looking Gold Member card from her pocket. Carefully studying it though, Yan Tian discovered the card in Liu Ruoxin's hand wasn't only the same Gold Member card gilded with gold as his, but there were surprisingly four tiny diamonds embedded in the corners. Could it be that the card Liu Ruoxin had taken out was a Diamond Member card?

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"I have a member's card; how much of a discount do I get with it?" Liu Ruoxin said insipidly.

The beautiful waitress on the side saw the card in Liu Ruoxin's hand and was left dazed on the spot. The card that this madame had taken out was a Diamond Member card. It was necessary to spend a million at once to obtain it.

"Ah, t-thirty percent." Beautiful waitress immediately replied nervously after she heard Liu Ruoxin ask. It had to be known she had come across a Diamond Card member. How couldn't she be nervous?

Gao Chengwen who had walked the furthest ahead heard that Liu Ruoxin had a diamond card and nearly buckled over, unable to stand his ground. He thought to himself since Liu Ruoxin had a member's card, why hadn't she not taken it out earlier? Thus, leading to him spending over several hundred thousand.

"Yikes, since it's a 30% discount, could you refund our money? That way we can save on several tens of thousand?" Once Yan Tian heard of the 30% discount, he instantly hopped up excitedly. Needless to say, a 30% discount on 398,000 RMB would lessen the expense by over a 100,000 RMB. How could he not be excited?

The beautiful waitress was clearly stunned once she heard Yan Tian. The lunch money had already been paid, so how could it be returned? She was forced to politely say: "I'm sorry, sir. All of our restaurants members need to display the card in order to enjoy the discount when they pay the bill. You can no longer enjoy the discount deal. My apologies." The waitress finished saying, then bowed, displaying she was quite sorry.

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After she heard the waitress, Liu Ruoxin solemnly put her card away. As far as Liu Ruoxin was concerned, she was indifferent to the discount of such a pittance of money

Yan Tian contemplated it and simmered down. When you went to the cafeteria to eat, it was like discovering you had a coupon after you had finished paying. When all was said and done, you couldn't make the people withdraw the cash and hand it to you, right? Yan Tian knew this was ordinary, but had actually requested it so shamelessly.

As soon as the three of them left in their cars, Yan Tian found Gao Chengwen was surprisingly driving as fast as him. Yan Tian increased his speed and Gao Chengwen followed suit. Yan Tian reduced his speed, and Gao Chengwen would followingly reduce his as well. Thinking to himself, Yan Tian pondered what was Gao Chengwen doing?

Yan Tian discovered that after several minutes on the road, there were a gang of thugs up ahead. Upon noticing the thugs, Yan Tian realized why Gao Chengwen had drove his car so slowly. So it turned out Gao Chengwen was looking for the gang of men to block him off.

"Halt! This is a robbery." The gang of thugs immediately obstructed the front of the two vehicles as soon as the cars came.

Yan Tian could see the gang of thugs from close range and discovered they were surprisingly the people he had offended at the vegetable market last time. At that time, in order to help the vegetable-selling auntie, he had drawn in the gang of men as a result. They were lead by some guy called Brother Dong, Song Dong. He and that Leopard guy also had a bout.

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Just as Liu Ruoxin sat in the car in the middle of thinking how to handle her company's affair, she suddenly jumped up in front of the force emitted by the gang of men. At the same moment, she became nervous. How could they have been met with robbery in broad daylight? Yan Tian watched her nervous expression from the side and was left but to softly pat her thigh, casting her a look of reassurance.

Being patted like so by Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin suddenly recalled his terrifying abilities. Right, with him at her side, what was she scared of? Mulling it over, she relaxed, completely forgetting that Yan Tian had just touched her thigh.

"Hurry up and get out of the car, you three. Get a move on it." Seeing the three of them sitting in the car not getting out, the man who had been struck by Yan Tian last time slapped the hood of the car and yelled.

Gao Chengwen laughed coldly after he saw the men and opened the car to get out. Adopting a fearful appearance, he looked at the gang of thugs. In his mind, he thought the fact of it was that he had to wait for a bit to let this drama progress a bit. Only then would it be for the best to get Liu Ruoxin to adore him.

Looking at this scene, Yan Tian smiled wryly, shaking his head, hinting to Liu Ruoxin to get out of the car with him. Liu Ruoxin noticed Yan Tian's completely self-confident expression, then opened the car door and got out. Soon after, he rubbed his hands and hopped out of the car.

"Oh my, this little chickie looks pretty good. Good enough to mark." After Liu Ruoxin got out of the car, Song Dong licked his lips greedily, sizing her up. However, seeing Gao Chengwen glaring at him from the side, Song Dong looked at her no more and promptly looked towards Yan Tian. It was clear that this was the woman that Gao Chengwen fancied.

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Liu Ruoxin sensed Song Dong's lecherous gaze and a strand of nervousness entered her mind. She subconsciously recoiled back a step, thinking to herself that these gang of men were a bunch of scumbags, the degenerates of society.

Yan Tian stood at Liu Ruoxin's side after he got out of the car and used his hand to pull her behind him to protect her. Seeing Yan Tian cover her, warmth blossomed within her heart. To her surprise, Yan Tian still thought of protecting her at the moment.

"Ugh, this……" Song Dong was clearly stunned after he saw Yan Tian. Was this not the brat from the vegetable market? Last time he had brought along men, he had unexpectedly offended someone. How could this brat have offended Gao Chengwen?

"Hmph, take out everything you have of value or else we'll smash your cars."

Contemplating it over, Song Dong decided to act according to Gao Chengwen's intentions and waste Yan Tian. Although last time he hadn't wanted to offend Yan Tian because it wasn’t necessary, it currently wasn't the same. Song Dong and Gao Chengwen had thrown their lot together. Naturally, Gao Chengwen's enemy would be Song Dong's enemy. Although Yan Tian's skills seemed quite amazing, he had many men. What the heck was he scared of?

"Sure, sure. I'll take out my cell phone and all my money from my pocket and give it to you guys. Just don't hurt the lady." Gao Chengwen would naturally following along with Song Dong's intentions. He immediately took out his wallet and phone and lastly said something for Liu Ruoxin to make her understand clearly that he cared very much about her.

"Hmph, shut the heck up." Song Dong glared at Gao Chengwen, then said with a cigarette in his mouth: "Brat, we meet again. Last time when you fought my men I didn't say a thing, but this time, I've run into you. Take out your money and be quick about it." Yan Tian shook his head helplessly after he heard Song Dong and took out his crummy wallet and cell phone from his pocket. Put together, Yan Tian's crummy wallet and the cell phone that Sun Yue had given him were quite unfitting. After Liu Ruoxin saw Yan Tian's crummy wallet, her face flushed in embarrassment. She mulled it over and then took out her purse and cell phone.

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