Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 5

Young Master Huang took a look at the trembling driver and said: "This ain't your business. Get lost."

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Yan Tian exited the taxi as well after the taxi driver fled, saying: "You refused the toast, but to drink a forfeit. Why? You still want to lie down on the ground?"

"Hehehe, kid, who are you scared of? Don't you see how many people we have? If you kneel on the ground right now and apologize to our young master, then maybe our young master will still leave you with an arm and a leg."

"You wanna give me a go?" Yan Tian was a little angry as well. Originally, he wanted to quickly return home to bully that pretty young thing Sun Yue, but the result was he had been blocked by these people.

"Fuck, I'll make you regret your crimes against me today. Brothers, break his arms and legs for me." Young Master Huang was ruthless character, opening his mouth to command them to break other people's four extremities.

"Hmph, nothing but a bunch of ants!" As soon as Yan Tian finished speaking, his body left behind the streak of a savage image. In the next second, he had already appeared in the middle of the crowd.

Yan Tian paid no heed to the startled faces of the crowd, then in middle of the crowd he fled off like a shadow.

"Ohhh, my arm, urgh……"

"Don't, ugh, my leg ahh!"

A ghost, my eyes……"

"Ahh… don't ahh!"


In less than fifteen seconds, Yan Tian had crippled everyone. It must be known that all these men were those that would lick blood off the edge of a knife. Each and everyone of them were ruthless, yet Yan Tian had left them all cowering on the ground, whimpering in pain.

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As soon as Yan Tian settled this mess, he rushed towards Young Master Huang and Li Yi with his hands in the form of two slaps. Young Master Huang and Li Yi were directly smacked to the ground by Yan Tian, their teeth flying into the air. Young Master Huang covered his mouth and shrieked: "You fucking dared to hit me. You don't know who I am, so I'll tell you. My father's the underworld kingpin; I'm……"

"Pow" Not even waiting for Huang Le to finish speaking, Yan Tian once again backhanded the other side of his face, warning him: "I don't care who you are. I don't care who your father is. However, you better not piss me off, otherwise, even if you're the heavenly emperor, I'll waste you."

Yan Tian finished speaking and left. He had really didn't want to cause any trouble, otherwise Huang Le and Li Yi would've met an early grave.

Huang Le watched Yan Tian's departing silhouette, cursing: "Mother fucker, I'll kill you. I'm going to kill you."

"Young Master Huang, that guy isn't so simple. His skills are too quick. We're not his match." The big, tall guy said at Young Master Huang's side, evidently wanted to curry favor with him.

"What are you saying? You actually want to just let this go?" Young Master Huang was quite unreconciled with this. From childhood to adulthood, when had he ever suffered such a humiliation?

"It seems we can only ask Uncle Ma to take care of it."

"Hmph, if Uncle Ma takes care of it, that kid is screwed. He dares to offend me, hehe!" Young Master Huang cackled evilly.

"Hehe, indeed. Uncle Ma has never made a mistake. We only have to ask Uncle Ma to make a move. He'll make it bleed for Young Master Huang."

"Haha, not just a single woman. Go, find several women for young master. Wait a little and we'll go together to deliver them to Uncle Ma." Young Master Huang used his hand to straighten his tussled hair.

Yan Tian did not let this small affair affect his mood. On the contrary, he happily bounced home. Just as he went through the door, he smelled the scent of food, making the eyes of Yan Tian who had not eaten for a thing for half a day to suddenly shine. He eagerly entered the kitchen, looking at Sun Yue cooking a meal in the kitchen, causing his mood to become great. Coming home and eating a meal personally prepared by the beautiful Sun Yue caused his thoughts to stir.

Watching Yan Tian's drooling face, Sun Yue's brows stiffened, saying: "You're back? Let me tell you, this food isn't yours. I'm only cooking for myself."

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Once Yan Tian heard these words, he was immediately discontent: "What? I don't care, a portion is just a portion. Put it all together to eat!" Don't want to give me food? Was this an international joke?

Not even waiting for Sun Yue to retort, Yan Tian had already rushed into the bathroom. Fighting in the afternoon covered his body with a sweaty odor, so he easily took of his clothes until he was left bare. In the bathroom, he hummed and jumped into the cold bath.

After he finished bathing, he walked into the dining room and looked at the table of scrumptious delicacies. Regardless of the consequence, Yan Tian scrambled over to Sun Yue's bowl and began taking great mouthfuls.

"What are you doing? You're going to eat the food I made! Why did you come over here? I'll say it again, you stole what I'm eating. Are you sick in the head?" Sun Yue watching Yan Tian eat her food made her incredibly angry.

"Mmm, pretty good. The flavor is great. I didn't think the beautiful Sun Yue could cook this well. I've decided that all three meals will be your responsibility." Yan Tian didn't pay attention to anything Sun Yue said, continuing to wolf down the food.

"Why? Why would I give you my food? You're thinking is really quite pretty." Sun Yue saw Yan Tian was ignoring her words, instead shamelessly letting her cook everything later. Sun Yue angrily clenched her teeth.

"Because you're my future wife I'll tell you. In this world, you will not find any other outstanding man like myself." Yan Tian continued to shamelessly say. If Yan Tian called himself the world's second most shameless person, then no one would dare to claim themselves as the first.

"Who is your wife? Are we so familiar? I must have really screwed up in a past life to have run into you." Sun Yue said and left the kitchen, holding a bowl of rice. Just as she prepared to grab the chopsticks though, she saw Yan Tian quickly snatch her food away.

"Look at that, I don't even need to say it. You saw that I was going to be done eating soon and went to give me a bowl again. So well-behaved!" Yan Tian continued to say earnestly, completely ignoring Sun Yue glowering expression.

"Eat, eat, eat! Eat until you die! I've never seen such a shameless person."

"Enough, it's OK. What did I completely eat of yours?" Yan Tian saw that Sun Yue was truly angry, so he hurried to reply immediately.

"I didn't eat it, you ate it! I hope you overgorge yourself and die!" Sun Yue angrily flung her hands over her head.

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"Hehe, don't be angry. I'll go get you a bowl. What's important is that the food you make is too delicious, haha!" Yan Tian said as he merrily left the kitchen. He dared not to go too far. There might be a day when the beautiful Sun Yue would angrily storm off; that would truly be too unfortunate. It must be know that he and the beauty lived together after all.

"Scram! I'm full. I'm not eating, so take it away." To Yan Tian, Sun Yue angrily had not even a tiny bit of appetite.

"Aiya, eat a little! How can you not eat anything?"

"Take it away, I'm stuffed."

"Eat a bit more. How about I feed you?"

"Nah, beat it."

"If you eat it, I'll leave. If you don't eat, I'll feed you. Choose one." Yan Tian said, then moving the chopsticks to Sun Yue's mouth to feed her.

"I'm not eating, so get lost." How could Sun Yue allow Yan Tian to feed her, promptly causing her to recoil back.

"Alright, I'll leave." Yan Tian saw that Sun Yue was quite angry, causing him to suddenly be at lost. Wiping his mouth, he went to his bedroom.

After Yan Tian had returned to his room, Sun Yue was left in the dining room looking at Yan Tian's door. Looking at the food on the table, she used her hand to rub her stomach, pouting: "Why couldn't I eat the food I made?"

Looking at how Yan Tian's spotless bowl, Sun Yue thought to herself: "Was it really so delicious?" Sun Yue said and picked up a pair of chopsticks and took big bites.

Naturally while in his room, Yan Tian had no idea of the events occurring outside and took out a suitcase from his cupboard. The suitcase was something he brought when he had returned. Opening the suitcase, the inside held some of his clothing, and surprisingly beneath the clothing laid several tens of sensual publications; furthermore, each one was racier than the last.

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Yan Tian took out an erotica and turned the page. Within the crevice, he removed several glass flying needles.

What was this?

This was the weapon he used to earn his living.

Next, Yan Tian opened the dirty magazines one by one, opening each one to a specific page to remove the hidden flying needles within.

Within these dozen of porno publications, Yan Tian had surprisingly concealed fifty plus flying needles.

It was well known that the safety check before boarding an airplane was rather stringent. In order to avoid boarding check, he had deliberately placed these eroticas within his suitcase. By running some psychological warfare, he was able to divert the attention of the safety inspectors to the dirty magazines.

When the air inspectors found these racy magazines, they were subconsciously drawn to these explicit materials.

Perhaps they would take the opportunity as a feast for the eyes.

Or perhaps they would pay even more attention to him, thinking that Yan Tian himself was curious. Porn books, was he mad?

As they focused their energy on this aspect, they would naturally ignore the hidden things within.

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