Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 6

If you raised people's attention to some things, they would lessen their attention to others. Therefore, this allowed Yan Tian to successfully sneak it onto the airplane.

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However, he did not think because of his dirty books he would lose a lot of face in front of a beauty.

When Yan Tian was being inspected, there was a beautiful woman behind him. At first, Yan Tian thought he could strike up a conversation and get her digits, however, it was merely when his suitcase was inspected that the beauty incidentally saw the contents within. Calling him a sleazebag, she hadn't even giving him a parting glance, placing him within the ranks of scumbags. Who could Yan Tian reason this to?

If he had known earlier, then he would've swapped it out with scary books. With a frightening image on the cover, so no one would look at it head on. This would've surely diverted attention.

"It was an error. Next time, I'll definitely pay attention. I can't miss the opportunity of a beautiful woman." Yan Tian looked at the erotica, smiling wryly while shaking his head.

"Looks like I'll have to you use again……" Yan Tian looked at his flying needles. He knew that he two people he had beaten up today both had no a small amount of influence. Later on, there would be an unending amount of troubles. He didn't believe that Huang Le would let the matter be, as well as him serving once again as someone else's body guard. Thus, he he had to choose take out these playthings.

As Yan Tian thought of himself acting as another person's bodyguard, he laughed wryly. Such a grand affair was enough to make people aghast that an A-rank assassin had surprisingly came home to a small city to serve as another person's bodyguard. If you said it like that, wouldn't it make kindred spirits laugh uproariously?

Meanwhile, in a villa Fengan City's western district, Huang Le and Li Yi brought several beauties inside. These girls were university students that Huang Le had given each of them 2,000 RMB get a hold of. He said that if they came here to attend to someone, and after the matter was completed, they would be given an additional 2000 RMB. Thus, they had come. From what the girls could see, if they could earn 4000 RMB for a bedroom romp, then why shouldn't they?

"Uncle Ma, I heard you recently got several estates from the Violet Moon Gate. Junior has specifically come to offer congratulations to Uncle Ma. I hope Uncle Ma soon becomes the vice president." At this moment, Huang Le stood before a middle-aged man and humbly bowed.

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"Hmph, kid, why have you come to see me? Did the sun rise from the west?" The middle-aged man said unpleasantly.

"Hehe, what are you saying, Uncle Ma? This is a hundred-year ginseng. I've come specifically lay down a relationship in preparation for Uncle Ma. This is the Violet Moon Gate's gang leader's dagger. It's the thing that my father and that woman fought over for. At this time, junior has come to give tribute to Uncle Ma. Hehe, junior knows Uncle Ma likes beautiful women, so junior has specifically brought Uncle Ma several beauties. Please take a look, Uncle Ma." Huang Le said, then signaled the several university students with his eyes.

The several beauties understood that each of them would later need to throw themselves into the middle-aged man's embrace, so they came and rubbed their chests against the middle-aged man's arm.

The middle-aged man was the Uncle Ma Li Yi had spoken of, known as Flaming Ma. He was roughly around forty years old with a shaven head. His facial features was distinctly carved while his exterior appearance seemed wild and unruly. However, his eyes unwittingly revealed a vitality that none would dare to look down on. His pair of sword-like brows were especially resounding.

"Hehe, good, good, very good." Flaming Ma looked at Huang Le's presents, and then took another look at the several women. He was so happy that he even said good three times. With his left hand he groped and with his right hand he kneaded without a sense of constraint. He was completely an old sex fiend.

"Hehe, its good Uncle Ma likes it." Huang Le watched the women's breasts and laughed heartily.

"Ok, one doesn't visit a temple without a reason, kid. If you got something to say, say it. I don't believe you've come to suddenly visit me. Otherwise, the sun really does come from the west." Flaming Ma said as he took off his clothes, preparing to get it on with the ladies on the spot.

"Hehe, junior won't beat the bush. Uncle Ma, you don't know, but I'm rather dismayed. Since I was a kid to a grown-up now, who has dared to hit me? Only I bully others and others don't bully me. But today, today……" As soon as Huang Le spoke, aggrieved tears arose in his eyes. Currently, his appearance was not at all like that of a man's.

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"If you got something to say, say it. Don't go crying here. No wonder your father isn't grooming you. If you're like this, even if you're raised up, sooner or later you'll lose it all." Flaming Ma looked at the weeping face and impatiently said.

"Uncle Ma, today, this kid that doesn't know the height of the heavens and depths of the earth beat up Young Master Huang twice." At the side, Li Yi spoke slowly.

With the son of Fengan's city's illustrious municipal secretary surprisingly acting as an attendant for another person, it could be seen that Huang Le's family's might was rather significant. Because of this, from childhood, Huang Le only needed to reach his hands out to be clothed and open his mouth to be fed. Now that he had kicked a steel plate, he had cried aggrievedly.

"Oh? Who dares to hit this stinking brat? Is that guy tired of living? How cow you guys haven't gone to take revenge?" Flaming Ma did the yin-yang dance with  the women while questioning them. If Huang Le was struck by someone, wouldn't he go look for people to take revenge? Why had he come to see him?

"Uncle Ma, you must seek justice for me. I was beaten up by that guy two times. Two times! At first, he beat me once, so I looked for people to take revenge, but who would've known that his skill was so extraordinary? As result, I got beaten up again and I lost my two teeth. Uncle Ma, take a look." Huang Le cried while opening his mouth to point at where he had lost his two teeth.

"Oh? There was more? What's this kid called?" Flaming Ma once again groped several women and continued to stroke one and kiss another. He was completely ignoring this matter as one of importance.

"His name is Yan Tian. Right now he's  the bodyguard of Liu Ruoxin from the Liu Family Conglomerate." Li Yi's shimmering eyes looked over the several naked bodies, licking his lips and answering.

"Interesting, very interesting. Surprisingly, he's the bodyguard of that girl from the Liu family. Interesting, how interesting, hehe!" After Flaming Ma heard Li Yi's words, he even said interesting several times.

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"Uncle Ma, You must take justice for me!" Huang Le once again wept miserably.

"You brat, why didn't you go to your father and instead came looking for me? You got beat up by someone, but I'm pretty sure that the president won't care, right?

"Did I not come to see Uncle Ma? I'll say it again. Who doesn't know that my father won't care? He has so many sons. As if he would care." Huang Le fiercely said.

"Hehe, good, I'll take care of this. Who ever dares to strike my nephew can be considered to strike my own face, hmph!" This time, Flaming Ma pounded his chest in guarantee.

"Hehe, also if Uncle Ma is ready, later on I have a couple good things to present to Uncle Ma." Once Huang Le heard that Uncle Ma would help him, he finally became all smiles.

"Alright, two days, OK? I have something important to do in the next two days. You guys get out first, alright? I gotta do some official business, make haste." Flaming Ma shooed his hands away at Huang Le and Li Yi, hinting them to leave quickly.

"Hehe, then Uncle Ma, play happily. You women take care of Uncle Ma well now. If you all take good care of him, I'll give you guys another additional 1000." Huang Le laughed and said.

Once the several university girls heard that if they served well Huang Le would give them another 1000, each of them willingly stroked Flaming Ma's body, lest he be dissatisfied.

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Huang Le happily left Flaming Ma's villa, imagining the scene of Yan Tian being ruthlessly beaten up by Flaming Ma, lying broken on the ground. He thought of how he couldn't let Yan Tian die easily and how he would mercilessly torment him, making him experience a life worse than death. He was going to let Yan Tian know the fate of offending him.

"Li Yi, what did you say on how I should torment that surnamed Yan? I'm going to cruelly grind him down. I'm going to make him wish that he died." Huang Le ruthlessly looked at Li Yi and said.

"Hehe, it's not that simple. Doesn't the underworld have some specialist that research this? We can easily learn several tricks that'll make him feel better." Li Yi evilly laughed and replied.

"Right, it’s just that I'm not gonna learn several tricks, but study the whole thing. I'm gonna make that kid know that there are some people you can offend and some people that you can't offend. I'll make broaden his knowledge later. It's just that he probably won't have a chance.

"What's to be done now?" Li Yi asked.

"Hmph, I'll him stew for several days first, then I'll wait for Uncle Ma to wrap it up and then it'll be that kid's judgement day."

"Hehehe, pretty good. Where are we going now?" After Li Yi and Huang Le left the villa, Li Yi asked Huang Le.

"Hehe, go and look for a girl. Damn, just now, it felt like I was going to choke to death." Huang Le thought of the scene of Uncle Ma and those several women and his eyes shone.

"Hehe, I was just thinking about this too. C'mon, I know a place that's got all of it."

"Hehe, let's go, I want two 'em, haha!"

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