Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 53

At nightfall, wind held traces of coldness, so that even the moon appeared to be worried and spread it onto the people of the world. Yan Tian stood on the balcony, looking forward to the slow descent of darkness. He let loose a long breath, taking out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.

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The next day, while the sky still wasn't bright, the ring of a cell phone roused Yan Tian up from the midst of his peaceful slumber. "The heck, who is it? You crazy? What are you doing calling me in the middle of the night?" Yan Tian answered the phone and didn't even look as he rubbed his bleary eyes, cursing out.

"What're you yelling about Yan Tian?" All that could be heard from the phone was voice of the English girl coming through.

"Dang it, great mistress. Did you take a look what the hour is?" Yan Tian looked at the time and spoke in English.

The girl heard Yan Tian's words and truly looked over at the time, but glancing at it, she found it was just nine o'clock. There wasn't anything wrong, so she subsequently said to him in a huffing rage, "Are you mad? It's only 9 PM; what're you shouting for?

"Pfff, Mistress Diana, where are you, and where am I? It's 9 PM on your side, but it's 4 AM in the morning where I am!" Yan Tian said quite helplessly.

"Uhh, Ohh, I forgot. I forgot that you're in China, heehee!" Once Diana heard Yan Tian, she mulled it over embarrassingly. In her desire to give him a check-up call, she had completely forgotten about the time difference. The time difference between London and China was about seven hours.

"What have you called me in the middle of the night for? If there's nothing, I'm gonna go sleep." Yan Tian peered at the dusky expanse outside of his window and yawned.

"Hmph, Yan Tian. Could it be that if there isn't a problem, I can't call you?" Diana pouted once she heard what Yan Tian had said.

"Uhh, of course not! You're welcome to call twenty-four hours a day. I've got nothing else; I've got plenty of time, huehue." After he blanked out for a brief moment, Yan Tian quickly laughed and shook his head.

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Once Diana heard Yan Tian, she instantly sat up straight in excitement: "Really? Alright, you and I can talk every day then later on. I've got a lot of time, heehee."

"Oh, uhh, don't, okay…… The truth is I'm pretty busy."

Hearing Yan Tian's words, Diana was left stunned. She sat down on her bed, unspeaking. Yan Tian simply didn't want to talk to her more. He wasn't treating her in the same manner as he did in the past.

"Diana? Hello? Anyone?" Yan Tian heard she wasn't saying anything. After he cried out for her twice, he didn't hear any response, but glancing at the cell phone, she still hadn't hung up.

After a good moment of silence, Diana said rather slowly: "Yan Tian, why have you been treating me so coldly lately? You weren't like this before."

"No! I'm not snubbing you. Didn't I just find a job recently? Work is busy, you know that." Hearing Diana's words, Yan Tian scratched his hair in distress.

"Alright. It seems like I'm thinking too much about it. Okay, I'm gonna go sleep. Bye bye."

"Hey, don't be so hurried. Didn't you call me in the middle of the night to tell me about something?" Yan Tian heard that Diana was going to hang up, so he spoke up immediately. The serious matter still hadn't been accounted for.

Diana was quiet for a moment then said: "You asked me to find you two pieces of rooster blood jade the other day. I've already made some progress on the precious-grade brimming snow red you wanted, so I planned on telling you once I found out."

"Oh my, well I'll say. You called me to confirm…… hey, frick. She hung up?" Once Yan Tian heard there was a lead on the rooster blood jade, he immediately sat up on his bed, but just as he was half way through speaking, he heard the sound of several dial tones ringing.

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Seeing that he had been hung up on, Yan Tian sat down on his bed and spoke to himself: "Frick, how could you hang up on when I still hadn't finished speaking? Could it be you want to make me call you? But it's long distance!"

After waiting a moment, Yan Tian found that Diana still hadn't picked up the phone. As a result, he took his cell phone and went back to dial. Glancing at the two characters for the "United Kingdom" illustrated at the top, he felt quite pained. The calling fees for a long distance call were quite expensive.

However, it seemed that the Heavens had heard Yan Tian's prayers. It seemed that he really was able to save on his calling fee. All that could be seen was as he called was that he discovered that Diana's cell phone had already been turned off. That was well and dandy too; he wouldn't need to spend his money.

"How could it be off?"

After he tried several more times and found it was still off, Yan Tian smiled wryly, shaking his head. It looked like he had angered that missy, however there wasn’t anything that could be done.

Gazing at the overcast expanse outside his window, Yan Tian's eyes revealed hints of memories……

"Hehe, Yan Tian, I'm going to marry you later."

"You're going to marry me? Haha, I know I'm quite handsome. In this world, you won't find a second man as outstanding as myself. However, for you to suddenly propose marriage to me, I'm quite embarrassed."

"Dang, you're shameless…… Are we going to have fun over there?"

"Good, hehe, let's go……"

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"Hey, you need to slow down a bit, Yan Tian. I can't move anymore."

"You can slow down; I'll carry you on my back, alright!"


"I urge you to leave my daughter alone as soon as possible. You're simply unsuitable for her."

"But I'll try my best."

"When my daughter Anna was just born, her marriage was already drawn up with another. Child, I've taken everything into consideration, so I urge you to best not mess up this situation. Otherwise, then even you won't know how you died. You know very well you're nothing but an assassin."

"How could I just forget about me and her?"

"I shall permit a connection between her and you. In the same manner, our house will offer you some intelligence assistance. This can be considered some of your compensation. If you can one day reach the heights of that family, I will consider the matter between you and Anna."


Recalling these memories, Yan Tian shook his head bitterly. He thought to himself the strength of that family was so formidable. How could he possibly be capable of attaining that height?

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Watching the gradual rise of daybreak, Yan Tian was already entirely unable to sleep at this moment. Rubbing his bleary eyes, he got out of bed, put on his clothes, and washed up.

As for Sun Yue, naturally she was still sound asleep. As always, Yan Tian prepared to make breakfast, but taking a look around, there weren't any ingredients. Helplessly, he was forced to go out and buy some.

However, just as he was about to get to his car, Yan Tian suddenly smelled the scent of blood not too far away. Although the bloody smell was quite minor, so that an ordinary man simply wouldn't be able to smell any peculiarities, how could a normal person's nose be as capable as Yan Tian's? His sense of smell wasn't inferior in the slightest to that of a hound's.

Once he smelled the bloody odor, Yan Tian immediately looked all around himself vigilantly, but he didn't discover anything strange. Mulling it over, Yan Tian didn't care much, since the scent of blood was too minute. Perhaps someone had been wounded, though this wasn't necessarily true. Shaking his head, Yan Tian got ready to leave.

However, in the next second, Yan Tian stared incredulously at his own car. All that could be seen was that the driver's side door had surprisingly become wet with streaks of blood. Looking upon this, Yan Tian cautiously approached his car. At the same instant, his mind was secretly alarmed. Could it be that someone had been killed here last night? Nonetheless, it didn't seem to be like this, since there weren't other bloody stains anywhere else.

After he slowly approached the car, he took a glimpse towards the inside the car. He couldn't see or know, but once he caught a sight of the insides, he hopped up in fright. As of now, all the could be seen within the car was surprisingly a person lying down. Moreover, it seemed that it was a beautiful woman. It was just that right now she appeared to be sleeping.

Looking at the scene within, Yan Tian became startled, since his car door was locked. To his surprise, the beauty hadn't used a key to open the car door, however, this didn't disturb Yan Tian. He had come to the conclusion that the beautiful woman inside his car was a master. Well, at least an unlocking master.

Calling this to mind, Yan Tian slowly opened the car door. Although his movements were quite ginger, just as he opened the car door, a loud sound echoed outwards. It was merely that the beauty inside the car seemed not to have detected him whatsoever and continued to snore as before.

At the moment, the beauty's complexion was pale. Her entire face appeared to not have the least bit of rosiness. Yan Tian quickly discovered that there was a wound on the girl's back, and moreover, it was gunshot wound. She had tossed her pistol on the front side passenger seat, so spotting this, Yan Tian ventured to confirm that the beautiful woman had definitely gotten into a shootout with another person. Additionally, she had been hit and consequently fled here as a result. She was getting ready to drive off with his car, but due to excessive blood loss from her wound, or perhaps of another reason. things had lead to her passing out just as she got into the car.

Thinking it over, Yan Tian was secretly delighted. Fortunately, this beautiful girl had fainted, otherwise she would've stolen his car and run off with it. After all, this was the new car that Ah Long had gave him.

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