Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 54

Looking at the motionless girl, Yan Tian gently shook her several times, but she didn't wake up at all. It seemed like she was in a serious coma. As of now, he was quite curious about this girl's identity. Who was she? An assassin? A special agent? Contemplating it, he got ready to assist the girl; perhaps after the beauty awakened, she would devote her life to him. Entertaining this thought, he was quite moved.

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Yan Tian stowed the pistol on the front passenger's seat after he saw there was no one in his surroundings. Afterwards, he carried the girl to the front passenger's seat and as soon as he fastened her seatbelt, he carefully inspected her wound. All that could be seen was that the bullet had still not been removed. Once he discovered it hadn't hit any vital areas at all, he let loose a breath of air. If by chance she died in his car, then that wouldn't be good.

Taking a look at the time, Yan Tian drove his car to Ah Long's Changing Time's bar. Currently, the only place Yan Tian was capable of going to was the Changing Time's bar, since if he went to the hospital, it would be quite easy to alert the police. Thus, before he could make clear this girl's identity, Yan Tian had no plans to go to the hospital at all.

As soon as the car arrived at the entrance of the Changing Times Bar, Yan Tian gave Ah Long a call, since if he brought in the girl like this, it would attract noticeable attention. Therefore, Yan Tian wanted to question Ah Long if anyone was at the back entrance. A ring tone later, and he was connected to Ah Long.

"Hey, Brother Tian. What're you calling me so early about?" After Yan Tian connected, he heard Ah Long ask him bewilderedly. Hearing Ah Long's voice, Yan Tian concluded that Ah Long had still been sleeping.

"Quit sleeping, kid. I need you to hurry out right now. I'm at the entrance."

"Whuh? Brother Tian, if you've come, just come in. What're you doing dawdling at the entrance?" Ah Long asked quite curiously.

"I'm ordering you to come out, so come out. Pick up the pace."

"Oh Uh, I'm coming, I'm coming. I'll be right there."

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Once Ah Long heard Yan Tian wanted him to come out immediately, he didn't dare to tarry and promptly got out of bed, put on his clothes, and came out. He hadn't even washed his face.

"Brother Tian, this is?" As soon as Ah Long ran out, he saw the beauty at the front side passenger seat. His eyes immediately shimmered.

"Don't look. Take care; this girl might scoop your eyes out." Others wouldn't know of this girl's situation, but Yan Tian knew. This girl was definitely a master.

Hearing that his eyes would be dug out, Ah Long immediately blinked in fright, no longer looking at the girl. He looked towards Yan Tian and asked puzzledly: "Brother Tian, you've called me out for?"

"Does your bar have a back entrance? It'll be no good if we just go through the doors like this." Yan Tian felt slightly grossed out looking at Ah Long, since the corners of his eyes were still specked with rheum.

"So it’s like that. Brother Tian, there's a store house on this side; it's specialized for holding wine." Ah Long said, then headed towards the small door at the side of the bar and went in.

"Is it safe inside?" Yan Tian suddenly lifted his head to look at Ah Long.

Ah Long was a smart person, so he naturally understood the meaning of what Yan Tian said." Wait a moment, Brother Tian. I'll go in and make arrangements."

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After Ah Long walked in, Yan Tian unfastened the seatbelt on the girl. At the same moment, he got out of the car and headed towards the front side passenger side. Soon, he saw Ah Long run out.

"It's all clear, Brother Tian."

Yan Tian nodded his head, then held the girl and walked to the side door of the bar. Ah Long immediately closed the car door and followed up at Yan Tian's rear. As soon as they entered the bar's storehouse, Yan Tian nodded his head in much satisfaction. Currently, he could see there wasn’t a single person inside. It seemed like Ah Long had sent them out with an excuse.

"Go prepare some food and a first aid kit." After they had entered the private room, Yan Tian ordered Ah Long to ready some items. Later, he would have to bind the wound, and it wouldn't be good if they had no medicine.

Soon, Ah Long entered the room, carrying breakfast and a first aid kit. As soon as Ah Long set the items down, Yan Tian made Ah Long step back. In the same moment, he didn't forget to tell him to keep the matter confidential. Naturally, Ah Long didn't question it,stepped back tactfully and asked no more.

Yan Tian sized up the beauty before his eyes infatuatedly after he put her down on the sofa. All that could be seen was her demure and elegant style. Her countenance was extremely beautiful, and she was approximately twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Her skin was unusually white, and the bar lighting illuminated her face, which moreover made evident her sparkling, translucent skin. Tender and pleasing like jade, her features were very beautiful.

Looking at this beautiful woman, Yan Tian was left unable to swallow his saliva. He thought to himself, if I took advantage of this beauty right now, she probably wouldn't resist me a bit. But upon thinking this, he shook his head. Although he was a delinquent, and although he enjoyed beautiful woman, he was no such brute. As for peeping on other's bathing and playing the delinquent a bit, Yan Tian was completely able of doing such. Furthermore, he wouldn't even blush. But for him to do something like this was far too excessive. For example, human trafficking, raping women, and so on, he simply wouldn't do such things. At the same time, he detested such men. Such people were worst than wild beasts.

Yan Tian poked several pressure points on the girl's body after he looked at her for a moment longer. As soon as he finished poking her, the girl woke up in a daze. However, once she glanced at Yan Tian, she was immediately on guard, looking at her surroundings simultaneously.

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"You're up? Eat a bit first, alright. You should've not eaten anything for a while." Seeing the girl had woken up, Yan Tian picked up the breakfast Ah Long had just prepared. "Who are you? How did I come to be here?" The girl didn't look at the food in Yan Tian's hand at all and instead looked at him vigilantly. At the same moment, she took out a small dagger from an unknown location.

"Who am I? I still haven't asked who you are. Unexpectedly, you even wanted to steal my car." Yan Tian glared at the girl and said.

"Talk. If you don't talk, I'll kill you."

The girl saw that Yan Tian wasn't responding to her question, so she immediately prepared to thrust the dagger into his neck. However, how could Yan Tian possibly let her act freely? He promptly caught her slender, jade hand.

"Pretty girl, It's no good to always want to kill people. Tsk Tsk Tsk, you don't know, but a moment ago while you were unconscious, I got a taste of the goods. It felt really good, huehue." Since this girl was just ready to use violence against him, Yan Tian would naturally take liberties with her.

"Argh, I'll kill you." Once the girl heard Yan Tian's words, she suddenly went mad. She thought to herself that she had better still be a virgin. How could she have been taken by this man……

Although the girl was wounded, her movements weren't the least bit slow. With one hand grasped by Yan Tian, she promptly used her other hand to thrust the small dagger at him.

"Frick, where did you get so many daggers from?" Seeing that another dagger was being stabbed towards his neck, Yan Tian immediately caught the girl's other hand in fright. If he got stabbed by her, then it would indeed be a mess.

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Although her two hands were caught by Yan Tian, the girl didn't plan on staying her hand. She immediately planned to kick the back of his head; it seemed like the girl was determined to kill him. All of her moves were killing moves. If he was hit by her, it would lead to a fatality.

Seeing that the girl had kicked at him once more, the frightened Yan Tian promptly used his leg to intercept the girl's leg. However, he didn't expect a hidden weapon would surprisingly fly out of the top of the girl's knee after he had pressed against her legs. In addition, the hidden weapon was poised to fly directly into his crotch. After Yan Tian discovered it, he gloomily thought such a thing wouldn’t be good, so he promptly stuck out his butt and dodged the hidden weapon. At the same moment, a lingering fear grew in Yan Tian. This girl was too horrifying. Just a moment ago, she had wanted to cut off his bloodline.

However, she still wasn't finished. The girl saw that Yan Tian had dodged her two moves, so she immediately swung her hair towards him. Watching the girl use her useless hair to attack him, Yan Tian couldn't help but grin. But in the next second, he was frightened stiff once again. It was just that as the girl's hair was three centimeters away from him, he suddenly discovered a good amount of razor blades were surprisingly concealed within her hair. Scared, Yan Tian promptly tilted his head upwards. If he was hit by those razor blades, he reckoned they would've disfigured him. Although Yan Tian dodged her initial attack, he didn't dare approach the beauty again. He immediately stood up and stepped back several steps afterward, since he was quite terrified. Just a moment ago, he had nearly been disfigured. Despite the fact he had dodged the girl's hair razors, they had still cut off an eyelash.

"Argh, I'll kill you!"

Nonetheless, how could the girl possibly let Yan Tian go? She immediately leapt off the sofa and rushed towards him. At the same moment, she threw three flying needles and two darts.

"Fuck, how come you have so many hidden weapons?" Although the speed of the hidden weapons were quite fast, Yan Tian's speed wasn't slow. Thus, he was able to dodge the five of them effortlessly.

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