Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 55

The woman hadn't understood what Yan Tian had said. Approaching him, she slashed the dagger towards his neck. At the same moment, a flying needle flew out from the tip of her foot.

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Yan Tian gently tilted his head upwards and dodged the strike. Simultaneously, he caught the flying needle in his hand and said exasperatedly: "Damn, I saved your out of good intentions, but you go so far as to want to kill me? You've got a lot of hidden weapons, right? Well so do I."

Yan Tian finished speaking and then three glass flying needles appeared in his fingers. He gently flicked his wrist, and they went soaring out. It had to be said in regards to playing around with hidden weaponry, Yan Tian was an expert as well. At that time, in order to to bring in his flying needles, he had made a mistake with beautiful woman. It could even be said this was a "disastrous loss".

The woman clearly hadn't expected Yan Tian would throw out several hidden weapons. Slightly stunned, she then dodged them quite easily. At the same time, she snorted coldly in her mind. Her title as the Hidden Armament Queen wasn't just for show.

Yan Tian already anticipated earlier that this three flying needles would be dodged by the woman. His two hands moved forward at the same time, sending six flying needles into the air. His entire body was like a shadow as he charged towards the woman in the same instant. This was the so-called catching the snake by the head*. First he would subdue her and then engage her in close quarters combat with ease.

Like a shadow, Yan Tian charged forward, so the woman frantically flung out over a dozen hidden armaments towards him. However, how could hidden weapons possibly strike him? His body lightly dodged them, and then in the same moment, he neared her. He directly caught both of her arms and then used all of his strength to throw her towards the sofa. However, at this instant, He didn't cease his hand at all. Since he was unsure if he waited a bit several hidden weapons would come flying towards him again, Yan Tian prepared to press his attack. "Argh……" Due to the wound on her shoulder, the woman cried out in pain the instant she was thrown on the sofa.

Once he heard her moans, Yan Tian nearly went soft at the knees while he was charging half way. It was because the sound was by far too overwhelmingly rapturous. Fortunately, his will power was resolute. The soundness of his mind was completely undisturbed by her moan. He used a hand to capture the woman's two hands after he swiftly approached her. With the other hand, he pressed two flying needles against the woman's neck.

"Ugh…… Argh, who the heck are you?" The woman painfully looked at Yan Tian after she had been subdued.

"Oh, pretty good, not bad. You've got hidden weapons all over your entire body. If I haven't guessed wrong, you're the assassination world's impressive, famous Hidden Armament Queen, right? As expected, you live up to your reputation." Yan Tian nodded his head in admiration.

Yan Tian was an assassin as well, so he knew of a couple things about the assassination world. In recent years in the assassination world, a female A-rank Grandmaster assassin whose entire body was equipped with hidden weaponry had appeared. It was possible that a hidden weapon would come flying out of any of her movements. It might come from her hand, and could likely come from her leg. It could even come from her foot. In the assassination world, this femme fatale could leave anyone panic-stricken in her approach. She was known as the Hidden Armament Queen, and for a period of a time, she was equally as famous as the Grandmaster assassin King of Hearts.

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Hearing that Yan Tian recognized her, the woman grit her pearly teeth indignantly: You're a son of a bitch. Who the heck are you? Why am I here?"

"Hey, you slept in my car, and you're asking who I am?" Yan Tian was displeased once he heard her words. His car had been dirtied by her, and he still hadn't settled accounts with her.

"Release me." The woman used the entirety of her strength to struggle several times, but she discovered her efforts were for nought, so she watched Yan Tian fiercely.

"I can let you go. However, you must obediently stay put."

Once the woman heard Yan Tian, she promptly nodded her head. However, as soon as he let her go, the woman immediately grabbed a dagger and pierced it towards his skull. Since this man defiled her, how could she possibly leave him alive?

Spotting the dagger thrusting towards him that the woman held, Yan Tian seemed to have long been prepared. He promptly grabbed the back of the woman' hand and pressed it against her own neck. In the same instant, he once again used all of his strength slap the wound on the woman's shoulder.

"Argh……." The woman shrieked miserably.

"Alright, you. I brought you back here out of my good intentions to treat your wounds, but you went so far as to try to kill me not twice, but three times?" Yan Tian finally stowed his cheerful expression and looked at the girl before him gloomily.

"You bastard. You went so far as to take advantage of me while I was unconscious and do that thing to me. I must kill you; release me!" The girl recalled that Yan Tian had defiled her innocence and struggled to contain her tears. However, she was only a woman. How could she struggle out of the palm of Yan Tian's hands? Moreover, let alone she was still injured right now.

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Yan Tian finally seemed to have seen the light after he heard what the woman said. So it turned out it was because of this. Thereupon, he helplessly shook his head and said: "Hey, lemme say you're all boobs and no brains. Actually, I'm wrong. Yours aren't even that big. Whatever I say, you'll believe, huh?" As a woman, don't tell me you didn't even examine yourself?"

"You…… You really didn't?"

"Nope, even if I really took it, why the heck would I dare to admit I did? You fought me, but were unable to defeat me." The corner of Yan Tian's mouth twitched.

Hearing Yan Tian's words, the girl truly thought it over for a good moment. That was right, why would he dare to admit? Additionally, she had heard that a woman's first was quite painful. She didn't feel anything whatsoever. It seemed like the man truly hadn't done anything to her.

"The woman pouted after she contemplated the issue: "Let me go."

"If I let you, what am I going to do if you try to kill me again?"

"I won't." The girl promptly shook her head.

"What's your name?"

"Xia Xue."

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Once he heard the girl's name, Yan Tian was unable to restrain his smile: "What? Snowing?* Where is there snow in the summer?

"It's Xia Xue. The Xia in summer." Xia Xue grit her teeth and said.

"Oh, Xia Xue, not bad. Where are you concealing your hidden weapons? Take 'em out, otherwise, I don't dare to let you go." Yan Tian stroked his chin, thought about it, and felt it was quite necessary to make Xia Xue take out her hidden weapons. Just in case she decided to take advantage of his inattention, then what would happen to him?

"I won't try to fight you again. Let me go."

"But that won't do. Just a moment ago, you said you wouldn't move, but didn't you still go in for the kill? Nope, no way. You have to take out hidden weapons. Take a look at yourself; you're bleeding." Due to Xia Xue's original wound and violent movements, fresh blood was flowing out of her shoulder at this moment.

Seeing that Yan Tian wouldn't release her, Xia Xue was but left to compromise for the time being: "Let me go. I'll take them out myself."

"No way. If you don't take them out beforehand, then I don't dare to let you go." Yan Tian shook his head, expressing his disagreement.

"What do you want to do?"

Yan Tian stroked his chin, thinking about it and said: "How about this. You lie down and don't move. I'll help you take them out." Yan Tian extended his other hand towards Xia Xue's body to touch her.

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"Ugh, don't. Don't touch me. Let go of one of my hand's, and I'll do it myself." She saw Yan Tian's sinister hand extending towards her and said nervously at once.

"Geez, what a bother. I'll do it, okay." Yan Tian wouldn't stupidly let Xia Xue go. After he finished speaking, he stretched his hand out towards her body and patted her down. It had to be known this little girl had just tried to kill him not twice, but three times. If he didn't take advantage of the opportunity to collect on the expense of his mental losses, then how could things be fine? This was just the style that Yan Tian did things.

"Ah…… don't move, you bastard. Stop your hand, stop……" Watching Yan Tian's hand patting her body down, Xia Xue promptly began to swing her body back and forth. However, no matter how she struggled, she was unable to break away from Yan Tian the public molester.

Yet from Yan Tian's side, his face was glowing in pleasure. The majestic Grandmaster assassin Hidden Armament Queen who could make the entire world terrified in her wake was surprisingly being pushed down below and being groped by him. Thinking about it, he was feeling quite successful, but in the same moment, his face turned gloomy. It was because a short moment later, he had already taken out twenty-something hidden weapons. As expected, she had hidden weapons all over her body. No less than seven to eight seconds later, Yan Tian finally patted down all the hidden weapons on Xia Xue's entire body. The total amount was no less than over a hundred, and moreover, over a dozen of them were applied with severe poisons. She really did deserve to be called the Hidden Armament Queen, since she had hidden weapons all over her entire body.

"Eh, not bad. Feels pretty good. It’s just this eensy bit: if I let go of you now, can you guarantee you won't attack me?" Yan Tian beamed at Xia Xue.

Once she heard Yan Tian, Xia Xue glared at him viciously. However, as of now, she completely believed she wasn't his match. Otherwise, how could she surrender first? Even Han Xin* suffered crawling through another person's legs in humiliation. In China, there wan ancient proverb:'Even ten years wasn't too late for a gentleman to take revenge'. First she would bear with this disgrace.

*1.This is an idiom in chinese that goes more like "catch the king to get the rest of the bandits" I localized it with snake head idiom instead. *2. Chinese characters for Xia Xue's name: 夏雪 (summer snow). Yan Tian thought she said 下雪 (snowing) Both of these are phonetically the same in chinese *3.This idiom refers to Han Xin, a Chinese general who achieved great feats. Pretty much what this idiom is saying that you gotta eat dirt before you become great. Read more about Han Xin here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_Xin

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