Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 63

After about roughly half an hour of sitting in the lounge of the wine reception, Yan Tian unexpectedly found the cell phone in his pocket was lighting up. Due to the black color of his trousers, all that passed through was a tiny bit of light, hard to see at all. If it were not for him just happening to lower his head, he truly wouldn't have found out.

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It wasn't that Yan Tian wanted to mute his phone, but when they had entered the lounge of the wine reception, Liu Ruoxin had specifically made him turn off the sound of his cell phone. She said that by chance if his cell phone echoed out, it would be of no good influence. Without much choice, he was forced to mute it.

Seeing that his phone was bright, Yan Tian thought to himself of who it could be that was calling. Could it be the London missy? After he said something to Liu Ruoxin, he stepped out and took out his cell phone.

Noticing that it wasn't Diana's cell at all, but it was rather Ah Long who calling, Yan Tian looked a bit disappointed. He thought to himself what could Ah Long be calling to him about at this time? Anyhow, if Ah Long was calling, then there was definitely something that had happened. Looking around that there was no one in his surroundings, Yan Tian answered the call.

"Hey, you punk, what are you calling me for right now?" Yan Tian looked at the scenery outside the window and asked.

"Sigh, Brother Tian, something big has happened." All that could be heard was Ah Long's deep sigh as he spoke in distress.

Once he heard Ah Long, Yan Tian furrowed his brows slightly. He thought to himself what big matter could Ah Long have gotten himself into? Could it be he got dumped by a chick? Why would he come looking for him if he got dumped by a girl?

However, as the boss, Yan Tian naturally had to comfort Ah Long. He was forced to say: "What's the big thing that's happened? You broke up? I'll tell you, you can't persist in this type of emotion. A break up is a break up. I'll find another day to introduce you to a new one again."

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"Geez, it's not that, Brother Tian. The bar got wrecked, so I just called you a couple times, but you didn't pick up."

"What? The bar got wrecked? What's the situation?" Yan Tian didn't have anymore jokes on his mind once he heard the bar was wrecked. It had to be known that currently, the bar was Yan Tian's, but it had actually been destroyed.

Ah Long sighed quite bitterly, then explained things to Yan Tian: "Brother Tian, the matters like this; last time, didn't you make me go open a bar? On the second day, I brought some men to find a suitable location. After searching for good while, I finally found a suitable place to open a bar."

"The boss was easy to speak with and wanted me to handover the down payment right away to smooth things over. Once I finished handing the cash over, a gang of men took a fancy to the location. After they learned I bought it, they came to speak with me. They wanted me to give them the location, but such a place is so hard to find nowadays. Moreover, the venue is in a flourishing district, so I didn't agree."

"At the time, a couple disagreements erupted between us, and since I brought a group of men with me, there was no fighting at all. However, I didn’t expect they would actually bring men over tonight, come in and chase out the customers, then directly raid our business and smash it up. Whatever they saw was whatever they destroyed. They even tore down the entrance."

Yan Tian shut his eyes silently for a moment after he finished listening to Ah Long, then narrowed his eyes afterwards: "No worries. Banging up a public venue is pretty common. Since we planned on joining in on such a business, then we should’ve expected a result like this. Is there anything wrong with the brothers? How many men are injured?"

"The brothers actually haven't been injured, but the men below received minor injuries. It's not important though. I took half the brothers and put them in the new bar, so the amount of men left on this side wasn't much. I didn't dare to rumble with those guys head on. Seeing them charge in, I took the brothers and left through the back entrance."

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"Pretty good, you've done well. Fear not that the firewood has burned upon leaving Qingshan*. The brothers are fine, so things are good. Wait for tomorrow night, and I'll bring you guys back to reclaim the venue. Since they've dared to make a move against my, Yan Tian's, men, then they can live impatiently."

"Ugh, at the time, the opposing party had a lot of men. I naturally won't bring men over to foolishly make war. However, if all the brothers are present, I can ensure they won't wreck the bar."

Recalling there was still another bar, Yan Tian urged: "Since they could come over and wreck the bar, they most certainly knew that half of the men weren't present. As for now, you need to hurry up and take the brothers to the new bar. Careful that one doesn't get smashed up too. Right now, I've got something going on here, so I can't leave. I gotta be a bit careful."

"Be at ease, Brother Tian. I'll take note of it."

Yan Tian hung up and found to his surprise over a dozen missed calls, moreover, they were all from Ah Long; it seemed like Ah Long had been extremely anxious. Just as Yan Tian was getting ready to return to the lounge of the wine reception, he spotted several cars speeding forward outside the window.

All together, six cars could be seen. Among them, four of them were police vehicles, and in the center of them, two were commercial vehicles. In the past, Yan Tian had studied such automobiles quite a few times, so he knew at a glance that the commercial car at the foremost frontside had went through special processing. It should’ve been a specially-designed bulletproof car. In addition, looking at the material, He reckoned the bulletproof car could at least resist the impact of nine millimeter rounds.

Presently, a majority of bulletproof vehicles in the entire world were all for civilian use. The construction cost opposed to normal civilian vehicles was much higher, with the price in general being around ten times higher than a normal luxury car. What's more, was that in general, the people who would use such a bulletproof vehicle were all government VIPs of various countries, business giants, military police, secret services, and so on.

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Thus, Yan Tian concluded that the person sitting inside the car was no ordinary man. Didn't he see the four police cars at the side acting as the vanguard? If Yan Tian hadn't guessed incorrectly, then the person seated inside should've been one of Fengan City's big government officials, like the mayor, municipal secretary, and so forth.

As the the six cars parked at the entrance of the country club, four men exited the cars. Among them were two men wearing all black suits; the two of them were probably bodyguards. The remaining two people were a middle-aged man and a middle-aged woman. The woman gently held onto the man's arm.

The man was approximately forty-years-old, wearing a suit with his body ramrod-straight. His face was such that his features were carved clearly, sharp and exceptionally handsome. His exterior appeared seemed to be unconfined by the unconventional, yet his eyes carelessly revealed a radiance that made others dare not to take him lightly.

Wearing a red evening gown, the middle-aged woman had angular cheeks and a pair of slender brows. Although her age appeared to be a bit old, her beauty seemed particularly touching. At her neck and wrist, she wore all kinds of jewelry, completely forming the image of a wealthy wife.

"Hahaha, Mayor Gao and Madam Gao truly are rare guests. Please, quickly come in, hehehe." President Xue spotted the arriving people and personally came down to receive them without the slightest degree of negligence.

"Haha, I, Gao, naturally wouldn't dare to decline President Xue's invitation, it's just that official work has recently been bustling. I've come a bit late; I hope President Xue won't take it to mind." The man heard President Xue and said a few words. Afterwards, he brought the woman into the country club while the two bodyguards trailed closely behind them.

As expected, Yan Tian hadn't guessed wrong. So this man was actually the mayor. Shaking his head, Yan Tian stepped back into the lounge of the wine reception.

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Just as he came in, Yan Tian noticed a handsome man sitting next to Liu Ruoxin's side at the moment. In his hand, he held a glass of red wine as he swished it about, looking at her merrily and animatedly. However, she seemed not to take notice of the man at her side whatsoever. The man at the side talked and smiled, so Liu Ruoxin could only smile and nod her head, not saying a word at all.

Noticing that Yan Tian had come back, the man tactfully vacated the seat for him. He knew that presently, Yan Tian was Liu Ruoxin's husband, so he was quite courteous. Towards Yan Tian, he smiled and greeted him, but it was just that Yan Tian didn't pay attention to him a bit. Daring to sit at the side of his "wife", it could be considered good that Yan Tian didn't break the man into pieces.

"How come you've just returned? That man just now was bothering me for quite a while." As soon as Yan Tian sat down, Liu Ruoxin complained to him lowly.

After he heard Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian smiled slightly embarrassed, since he had surprisingly left his wife here and run off. The actions of such a husband were quite incompetent.

Not even two seconds once Yan Tian had sat down, Mayor Gao chortled as entered the lounge. As he entered, everyone stood up stood up, expressing their welcomes. Of course, Liu Ruoxin was no exception as well, causing Yan Tian to stand up once again just as he was seated.

"Oh! If it isn't Mayor Gao and Madame Gao? Truly uncommon guests."

"Haha, I didn't expect Mayor Gao was capable of gracing us with his presence. Still, he's so dashing. Madame Gao is so young and beautiful as well."


As soon as Mayor Gao entered, a sea of people came over to shake hands with him, Liu Ruoxin naturally being no exception. As her husband, Yan Tian shook hands hands with the mayor as well.

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