Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 64

"This man is Fengan City's mayor, Gao Weidong. His personal character is actually rather good, and the woman at his side is his missus. She's from Fengan City's second-ranked Yuan Family; her name is Yuan Ming." As soon as they returned to their seats, Liu Ruoxin quietly gave Yan Tian an introduction of the two.

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Not too long after, the wine reception officially began. The so-called wine reception was actually an activity organized by the Xue family. To be frank, it was was for the celebrities from all social circles of Fengan City to get together and brag to each other how fricking amazing they were. Chatting and what not, it was the same as a gathering of classmates.

Of course, there were all sorts of culinary delicacies and all kinds of red wine inside,wasn't this Yan Tian's greatest love? However, just as he was preparing himself to eat up a storm, he suddenly felt a sharp pain at his waist. At a glance, he knew it was Liu Ruoxin pinching him.

"I told you, you best exercise restraint, otherwise, I'll be embarrassed by you." Liu Ruoxin glared at Yan Tian and admonished him.

Once he heard Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian actually didn't eat anything. Self-control was an ability that he had as well, so he held the stem of his glass of wine quite gentlemanly and slowly savored it.

In regards to red wine, Yan Tian was quite the old hand. Casually holding the glass of red wine, he could speak of the trade mark of the wine and vintage. This was something ge had taken up as an assassin later on specifically training in.

First you held the wine, and then poured it. Next, you observed it, swirled it, smelled it, and then finally tasted it. The entirety of Yan Tian's movements in the drinking wine appeared quite graceful.

"Your acting is quite convincing." No matter how gentlemanly Yan Tian's movements were though, in Liu Ruoxin's eyes it was just acting.

"What did you say about my acting being quite convincing? Let me tell you, I'm a connoisseur when it comes to drinking red wine." Yan Tian was immediately displeased. As he was drinking red wine, Liu Ruoxin said it was acting. He wouldn't stand for it, he absolutely wouldn't stand for it.

"Oh? Do show and tell. How could you be a connoisseur? Are there so many connoisseurs?" Liu Ruoxin looked at Yan Tian quite curiously.

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"Ahem, ahem, looks like you don't understand how to drink red wine. Hubby will broaden your horizons." Yan Tian coughed twice lightly and said complacently.

Liu Ruoxin glanced at Yan Tian's pompous expression and couldn't help but to roll her eyes: "So you're actually going to speak; I'm listening."

Yan Tian laughed gently, picked up the glass of red wine, and asked: "My darling Ruoxin, you're a frequent participator in these social events, you should've dabbled in red wine not a few times. Do you know there are several steps to drinking red wine?

"Steps? There seems to only be six, right?" Contemplating it, Liu Ruoxin said a bit unsurely.

"Wrong, the correct number of steps are eight, silly." Yan Tian patted Liu Ruoxin's head quite proudly.

"Hmph, don't pat my head. I was only off by two? What are the proper steps?"

Yan Tian swirled the glass of red wine in his hand and said: "First you have to warm the wine. The optimal temperature of red wine is anywhere between eighteen to twenty-one degrees celsius. If it's summer, then you'll need to ice the red wine you'll be drinking before hand. Before drinking it, you should take it out for an hour. As for winter, it's too cold; it's not suitable to drinking red wine. The taste becomes quite acerbic, so you'll have to warm the wine."

"The second step is open up the bouquet. After you open the wine, first you need to still it for thirty minutes. First of all, let air come in contact with the wine, so it increases the fragrance of the wine and clears out any strange odors. Secondly, it actually puts the wine to place and causes the rising cork shavings to sink to the bottom."

"Afterwards, the third step is to hold the wine. For holding the wine, seven out of ten people will do it incorrectly. The fingers pinch the stem of the glass, not touching the wine cup, as to avoid the warmth of the hand affecting the wine temperature. However, if it's winter, the temperature is comparatively lower, so you can use the hand to grasp the body of the wine to raise the temperature."

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"The fourth step is pouring the wine. The proper pouring method is the let the wine aim towards the front. One hand supports the wine, and the other hand controls the bottom of the wine bottle. To support the wine bottle in your hand, you need a towel, as to avoid the warm of the hand affecting the temperature of the wine. Remember at all times, when you pour the wine, you can't rock the bottle, as to avoid the cork shavings at the bottom of the wine bottle falling into the wine glass."

"The fifth step is to observe the wine." As he spoke of observing the wine, Yan Tian then took the red wine in his hand and studied it unceasingly.

Liu Ruoxin found she was rather enjoying herself as she listened to Yan Tian, but when she discovered that he stopped speaking, she promptly pushed him on: "Why don't you continue speaking, I'm listening quite closely."

"Huehue, so it turns out that my darling wife likes to listen. The fifth step is to observe the wine. In the wake of time, the color of the red wine will gradually lighten. At the early stage, it's a reddish-purple color. Afterwards, it slowly changes into a dark-red. Taking the glass and placing it in front of a white background, faintly sloping the glass of wine outwards — roughly forty-five degrees should be appropriate — you can clearly observe the color of the wine."

"The sixth step is swirling the wine. Before drinking wine, first you need to rock the wine glass a bit to let the oxygen enter the wine to give rise to the aromia. Moreover, this releases the ester of the wine. The ester and alcohols are the same as chemical compounds."

After Yan Tian swirled the glass of red wine in his hand gently for several seconds, he placed it at the side of his nose and sniffed it, saying in intoxication: "The seventh step is the smell the wine."

Holding the wine glass while rocking it at the side of his nose and smelling it, he said: "Ordinarily, one needs to smell the wine twice. After taking the wine and rocking it, take the glass and cover the nostrils with it, the breath it in deeply. A good wine will have a very rich flavor and a bad one will be comparatively weak. Once you've smelled it, swirl it once more, and then smell again."

"The final step is to taste the wine. Tasting the wine only requires a small sip to make do and let it fill the entire mouth. Using the tongue to slowly stir the red wine, you can use the tongue to see if the wine is adequate. The tongue has two sides, but the back of the tongue has ample access to slowly understand the composition and aroma of the wine. The wine should stay in the mouth no more than six to fifteen seconds. Too long, and the saliva will weaken the bouquet of the red wine."

After he finished speaking, Yan Tian sipped at the red wine in his hand, closing his eyes and savoring the taste with great pleasure.

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A good moment later, Yan Tian opened his eyes and said: "The taste of this red wine is bold and unrestrained, sweet and direct, with dark berries, a sweet spiciness and flowery nature that is richly layered. The wine is utterly charming, without the least bit of heaviness, suggesting the fermentation storage was furnished within a rather tight casket. The style is magnificent. Presently, the distinct flavor has blossomed and is easy to drink, causing it to be quite breathtaking."

Taking the glass of wine and raising it to the light to look at, Yan Tian smiled and said: "If I haven't guessed incorrectly, this should be a Château Ausone red, allocated with a half-and-half blend of Cabernet Franc and Merlot grapes used with an eighty-percent new oak casket."

After she finished listening to all Yan Tian had said, Liu Ruoxin looked at him a bit incredulously. Why did she feel that Yan Tian understood anything? Last time when he was in her home drinking coffee, he had said much, and now as he was drinking red wine, he had spoke of much again. So it turned out that he wasn't acting as a matter of fact.

"Pretty good, contrary to my expectations you know quite a lot. Today, I can consider myself to have broadened my knowledge; worthy of praise." Liu Ruoxin complemented Yan Tian in much admiration.

"Worthy of praise? Wifey dear shouldn't you reward me with something?"

"Mhm? A reward? What do you want?" Liu Ruoxin turned her head and looked at Yan Tian curiously.

Yan Tian mulled it over before cheerfully saying: "Huehue, I don’t want any money, I just want my darling wife to reward me with a kiss."

After she heard Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin looked at him coldly. A second ago, he had quite the gentlemanly style, but in the next second, it had immediately transformed into that of a delinquent's; the change was truly quick.

"Sure, it's just that right now isn't good." Liu Ruoxin pouted after she thought it over.

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Once he heard Liu Ruoxin surprisingly say sure, the excited Yan Tian instantly turned his body and looked at Liu Ruoxin: "My darling wife, when will it be okay?

"Well, when you go bed, and if your luck is good, I'll kiss you. But if your luck is bad, then it won't do." At this moment Liu Ruoxin unexpectedly assumed quite the innocent expression, looking at Yan Tian and pouting.

"Uhh……" Yan Tian was left suddenly speechless after he heard Liu Ruoxin. So it turned out she had allowed him to dream on for a while, leading him to a vain spell of happiness.

Seeing Yan Tian's expression of being played with, Liu Ruoxin smiled covertly, however, how could a secret smile nevertheless not be found by him? The angered Yan Tian immediately clenched his teeth straightaway, thinking to himself whether or not he should teach Liu Ruoxin a little lesson?

After he contemplated it, Yan Tian extended his hand behind Liu Ruoxin's body and then gently embraced her.

"Hey, what are you doing? Hands off." Liu Ruoxin naturally felt Yan Tian's perversity and promptly twisted her figure away.

"If you won't kiss me, then a hug should be fine in any case, no? Right now, you're my wife, this isn't excessive." Yan Tian naturally wouldn't release his hand. Since Liu Ruoxin went as far to dare play around with him, by nature, he would collect a little damages.

"Let go, who's your wife?"

Noticing Liu Ruoxin's figure twisting away without an end in sight, Yan Tian immediately drew her into his embrace: "Huehue, wifey, don't squirm. If other people see, their impression won't be any good, and they'll believe we had a falling out."

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