Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 80

"I'm not a brat, you're a brat." Sun Nan placed both his hands at his waist and glared at Yan Tian.

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"Alright, alright, alright, you're not a brat." Yan Tian shook his head helplessly.

Seeing that Yan Tian had admitted defeat, Sun Yue glanced at Yan Tian smugly. Afterwards, he walked in with great strides and promptly laid down on the sofa, watching television. It seemed like he was doing so like it was his own home. It was a bit impolite as well.

Suddenly, Yan Tian discovered a kindred spirit within Sun Yue's little brother. Leaving aside the other details, the two of them both liked watching cartoons. He was quite appreciative of this facet.

After more than half an hour, Sun Yue came out holding her handbag. Looking at the big-little pair on the sofa, she was slightly speechless: "Nan Nan, let's go!"

"Uuughhh, hurry up, Sis, I'm starving to death." Once he saw his big sister had finished washing up, Sun Nan swiftly hopped off the sofa."

Yan Tian followingly shut off the television, preparing to go out together and eat with them. It was on someone else's treat, so he naturally wouldn't let go of such an opportunity.

"Yan Tian, what are you doing?" Seeing Yan Tian was getting ready and slipped on his shoes as well, Sun Yue asked him curiously, thinking to herself it shouldn't have been that he wanted bum a meal off her, right?

"Aren't you going out to eat? What's up?" Yan Tian asked quite innocently. "Me and my little brother are going out to eat, so what're you doing crashing in on our fun?" Sun Yue naturally wouldn't bring Yan Tian. Since her little brother had come today, she would go take him out to eat herself. It just happened that Yan Tian wanted to follow up on the fun.

Hearing that Sun Yue wasn't bringing Yan Tian, Sun Nan was displeased: "Big Sis, why aren't you bringing brother-in-law? Let's go together."

Yan Tian saw that Sun Nan was pleading for his case, he was delighted. Luckily, he didn't beat up this little guy a moment ago, otherwise, he truly wouldn't have anything to eat.

"What drivel are you spouting? Who's your brother-in-law?" Sun Yue slapped Sun Nan, feigning anger.

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"You guys are sleeping together, but still dare to quarrel. As if! Shame, shame, shame!" Sun Nan wouldn't believe it and stuck his tongue out at Sun Yue right away.

"You….. You drive me crazy!" Being talked back at like so by her little brother, Sun Yue was aggravated.


Sun Nan saw his big sister's angry expression and stuck his tongue out quite smugly, in such a manner like he wanted the whole world to fall into chaos.

Under Sun Nan's endless persistence, Sun Yue finally acceded and was forced to bring Yan Tian along. Wasn't this more than a single pair of chopsticks?

As soon as the three of them descended, Sun Yue drove out in her BMW M5. Sun Nan actually wanted to drive the car quite happily after he sat in, knowingly letting Yan Tian ride shotgun.

It was just that contrary to his expectations, Yan Tian didn't sit in Sun Yue's BMW M5. Instead, he walked over to the side of his red Porsche Sports Convertible and got in. If he seated himself in Sun Yue's car, he would have to come back to get his own car later on, so he decided to just directly drive his own car.

"Wow, a sports car. I want to sit in the sports car, I want to sit!" Noticing Yan Tian's sport convertible, Sun Nan hopped out of the BMW excitedly.

"Woah, Yan Tian, when did you buy this car?" This was the first time Sun Yue had saw Yan Tian's car. Every time she came home, he still hadn't returned, and when she left, he was already long gone.

"Haha, Just in the past several days, ehehe."

Looking at Yan Tian's car, Sun Yue once again re-evaluated her opinion of him. She truly hadn't expected he would surprisingly even buy this kind of luxury vehicle. Sure enough, one couldn't judge a book by its cover.

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On the contrary, Sun Nan who was on the side hadn't care that much. He promptly opened the door of the sports car and sat in. Stroking to the left and right, he was very happy.

Seeing that Sun Nan noticed the luxury car, snubbing her, Sun Yue on the other hand stomped her feet angrily. She was treating her little brother out for meal, but he had actually given her the cold shoulder?

Yan Tian naturally wouldn't have any questions. Like so, it just happened he could take advantage of the situation to wear in his relationship with Sun Nan. As long as this "brat" Sun Nan was fair, then he would be fine to talk with later on.

Observing Sun Nan's joyous appearance, Sun Yue shook her head helplessly. Forget about it, if her little brother liked sitting in the sports car, then she would let him sit. She looked things over then sat inside her car and drove ahead.

"Mhm, this car is pretty good. Although it's not as good as mom's, it's passable enough to sit in." Sun Nan really seemed like a big boss as he patted the seat and said.

"What does your mom do?" Once Yan Tian heard what Sun Nan said, he asked curiously, since he had heard the manner in which Sun Nan had spoke in. It appeared that Sun Yue's family was rather wealthy.

"Hmph, I'm not telling you." Sun Nan flung his head aside quite mischievously and looked at the scenery outside.

Seeing that Sun Nan didn't speak, Yan Tian pressed no further. It was only that he really was curious about Sun Yue's family. Since their family was so wealthy, why did she have to run out and rent a lousy apartment to live in?

Wasn't it good to live in a villa? Yan Tian didn't believe someone who could buy a luxury vehicle worth several million to several tens of millions wouldn't be able to live in a villa.

Over a dozen minutes later, Sun Yue drove to a five-star restaurant, and soon after, Yan Tian arrived as well.

Just as he got out of his car, Yan Tian was completely flummoxed, since the restaurant Sun Yue had surprisingly come to was the Golden Hill restaurant. Wasn't the Golden Hill restaurant Liu Ruoxin's? She had made him the manager of this place yesterday.

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As soon as they entered the restaurant, Yan Tian nodded his head in satisfaction. The Golden Hill International restaurant was designed with the philosophy to integrate it as one for top businesses, adapting art and structure to create the entirety of a five-star luxury restaurant. He was quite pleased with the interior decorating.

Inside the restaurant there were presidential suites, luxury suites, business suites, and over a hundred high-level suites taken as the standard. The guest rooms of the restaurant paid attention to every single detail of their elegant decorations, especially that of the exquisite frosted-glass curtain-walls in the bathrooms. To dwell in such beautiful pleasure would make business troubles vanish into thin air. One could enjoy the style of the city to the greatest extent.

"Nan Nan, what do you want to eat? Order up. It's Big Sis' treat today." Once they were seated in a private room, Sun Yue took the menu and threw it to Sun Nan.

On the contrary, Sun Nan was unreserved as he took the menu and began ordering. However, after he ordered two dishes, he didn't know what to eat, so he was forced to toss the menu over to side at Yan Tian and scowl at him.

"Brother-in-law, take a look. Whatever you eat is what I will eat, ehehe!"

Yan Tian naturally didn't have any questions. As soon as Sun Nan spoke, he took the menu and began to order dishes frantically. He had recently spent too much cash, so today he was resolute in eating his heart out.

"You…… I told you several times, he isn't your brother-in-law." Hearing her little brother call Yan Tian his brother-in-law again, Sun Yue was furiously agitated.

"Then how come you guys are sleeping together? Hmph, although I haven't grown up, I know normal guys and girls can't sleep together, so you two are definitely together." Sun Nan deadpanned. .

After Sun Yue heard Sun Nan's justification, she shook her head helplessly. It seemed like it was necessary for her to spell it out for him, otherwise, he would keep on calling out brother-in-law endlessly. Although Yan Tian didn't care, she did!

"Listen up, Big Sis is only living in the same house as him. It's definitely not in the same room, you understand? If you shout crap out again later, once we finish eating, I'll make you go back." Sun Yue looked at Sun Nan quite angrily and said.

Noticing his big sister's anger, Sun Nan promptly lowered his head. If by chance his big sister really sent him back home, he would be screwed. At the same time, he realized he had originally misunderstood his big sister as well. It seemed like this big brother wasn't his brother-in-law.

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Once Sun Yue finished teaching a lesson to her little brother, she nearly passed out, since Yan Tian had surprisingly ordered a giant pile of food. Moreover, none of it was cheap. This guy had taken advantage of the opportunity to rob her out of a meal. Just as she was getting ready to lay into him, she heard her little brother's voice.

"Wowza, all the food that Big Bro ordered is stuff I like to eat. Then it'll be this; big sis waitress, hurry up and serve us our food."

After Sun Nan learned Yan Tian wasn't his brother-in-law, he didn't cry out disorderly again. If he did, his big sister wouldn't want him.

Soon the waiter delivered the food Yan Tian had ordered, not expecting that Sun Nan was a glutton as well. Regardless of Sun Yue's reminder, he grabbed his chopsticks and began inhaling the food straight away.

Observing Sun Nan's table manners, Sun Yue shook her head helplessly, while Yan Tian looked at Sun Nan's table manners quite admiringly. Didn't it seem like he and Sun Nan were cut from the same cloth?

Yan Tian took his chopsticks at once and ate with his mouth dripping full of oil after he looked the food over, since if he waited and didn't eat, Sun Nan would've annihilated everything.

"Big Bro, can you help me shell this mitten crab?" Taking note of Yan Tian eating so quickly, Sun Nan looked at Yan Tian pitifully.

"How old are you that you still need other people to shell your food? Do it yourself!"

Yan Tian naturally wouldn't help Sun Nan shell his food. Didn't Sun Nan see he was in the middle of eating? At the same time, Yan Tian thought to himself that if Sun Yue wanted him to shell her food, then he would be quite willing too, but if it was a man, then there wasn't any need to speak!

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