Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 81

As expected, once Sun Nan heard Yan Tian wouldn't shell his food, he had stabbed himself a good while later. It took a fair amount of time for him to finish shelling one mitten crab, but as for Yan Tian? His hand speed was quick, and he had already finished four.

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As a glutton, how could Sun Nan let Yan Tian eat so quickly? Subsequently, his eyes roamed about as he thought up of an idea.

"Big Bro, do you like my Big Sis!?" Sun Nan abruptly twisted his head to look at Yan Tian.

Yan Tian, who was in the middle of eating with a mouth full of oil as he heard Sun Nan's words, suddenly stopping. What was Sun Nan up to?

As for Sun Yue, because of her little brother's word, she had choked and took two gulps of water at once. Why had her brother said this? At the same moment, she was curious in how Yan Tian would respond.

"Of course I like her! What about it?" Yan Tian spoke the truth. In fact, as long as it was a beautiful woman, he would love them all, let alone one that even lived under the same roof as him.

Hearing Yan Tian's words, Sun Nan's eyeballs circled about. He laughed evilly and said: "Ehehe, if you help me shell this mitten crab, I'll allow you to date my Big Sis."

"Really? Oh my, you should've spoken up earlier. Why it's nothing, bring it over here." Yan Tian heard Sun Nan and was cheerful. Although he hadn't wanted to shell the mitten crab for Sun Nan previously, with such an attractive condition tacked on, he naturally wouldn't let it go.

"What crap are you saying, you stinking brat? You're not even old enough to know much about that."

Sun Yue had originally been curious in what her little brother wanted to say, but once the conclusion came to head, she immediately went into a frenzy. Her little brother actually wanted to sell her off like so. She was suspicious of whether or not he was her blood brother.

"Who says I'm not old enough? Last semester, I even fell……" Once he heard his sister say he wasn't that old, Sun Nan had to explain himself

In speaking, Sun Nan discovered that he had let something slip. He lowered his head at once and started gobbling his food, thinking to himself he didn't dare let his big sister know of this matter.

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"Mhm? What did you fall in last semester?" Even though Sun Nan hadn't said it, Sun Yue had still seized this particular detail.

"Uhh, nothing, nothing at all. Eat up, Big Sis, or else Big Bro is going to completely eat everything." Being questioned like so by Sun Yue, Sun Nan promptly put some food in her bowl. In the same moment, he was regretting his decision to the death in his mind. How could he have let this spill out?

"Hmph, speak up. What did you fall in? If you don't tell me, I'll send you back later." How could Sun Yue possibly be tricked by a kid whose hair hadn't even grow out neatly yet? She used the threat to send her little brother back home.

In the midst of shelling the mitten crab, Yan Tian was cheerful. So it turned out this "brat" had a puppy love in school. It was just that he was rather shy about it.

Listening that his Big Sis was going to send him back, Sun Nan pouted. He said a bit embarrassingly: "Last semester in school, I got a girlfriend."

"Yooouuu. You're age is so young, but you've even got a girlfriend. I'm already this old and don't even have a significant other." Once Sun Yue heard her brother, she was driven half-crazed. Her little brother wasn't studying well at school all day was actually because of a girlfriend?

"Oh my, nice. You've got my style in those days. C'mon and show me what she looks like." Yan Tian said just as he finished shelling the mitten crab. He promptly handed it over to Sun Nan. Presently, Sun Nan was readily waiting upon it.

Sun Nan took the offered mitten crab and devoured it, rolling his eyes at Yan Tian while he was eating: "I'm not gonna show you. Big Bro is unfaithful; just think about the things in the pot that you’re eating in your bowl*."

"Why should I be concerned about the food in my bowl from the pot? Where's this pot?" Hearing Sun Nan's words, Yan Tian truly looked over the table. There actually wasn't anything wrong with what he was eating in his bowl and there simply wasn't any pot. What was there to be concerned about?

"You already have my Big Sis, but you're still thinking about mine, hmph, unfaithful." Sun Nan coldly snorted and said.

Yan Tian was originally quite curious, but once heard what Sun Nan said, he came to a sudden realization. So it turned out to be that Sun Nan had believed he was thinking about his own little girlfriend?

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Calling this to mind, Yan Tian blushed in shame without end, thinking to himself even if he was loaned two sets of guts, he wouldn't dare to snatch his future little brother-in-law's girlfriend. In fact, wasn't this putting himself in the line of fire*?

"Geez, you've misunderstood me. I only want to see what your taste is like." Yan Tian spread his hands out immediately at once.

"Hmph, I'm not gonna show you."

"Come now, if you let me take a look, I'll take you to to eat delicious food."

"Hmph, I don't wanna. My Big Sis will take me out to eat."

Watching Yan Tian and Sun Nan's incessant bickering, Sun Yue shook her head helplessly. They really were a pair of weirdos. She thought that her little brother and Yan Tian seemed like a pair of blood brothers.

After they finished eating, Yan Tian felt it was time to go pick up Liu Ruoxin for work, but then he ran into a rather headache-inducing question. It seemed that Sun Nan wanted to keep on bothering him, making Yan Tian suddenly unsure what he should do.

"Go fool around with your Big Sis. I have to go to work." Yan Tian pushed Sun Nan over to Sun Yue with quite the migraine. He had to pick up Liu Ruoxin for work. If he brought someone he figured there would be a problem.

"I don't wanna go with my Big Sis. In the past, she's always hit me." Sun Nan shook his head immediately and hugged onto Yan Tian's leg shamelessly.

Yan Tian was at his wit's end. He was forced to look to Sun Yue pleadingly: "Hey, take care of your little brother. I have to go work."

"Since he likes you so much, you can take him. I don't care, I'm headed off first." Sun Yue also had to go to work. She tossed Sun Nan over to Yan Tian quite smugly.

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Hearing Sun Yue's words, Yan Tian looked at his car, thinking to himself if he brought Sun Nan, then there wouldn't be enough seating. When the time arrived, where would Liu Ruoxin sit? He was totally unable to let her take a bus, and more over, she couldn't sit on the roof of the car. Where even was the roof on a convertible car?

Just as Yan Tian was getting ready to say something, Sun Yue had already left in her car. Angry, he swore on the spot. She had actually shoved her little brother onto him.

Mulling over a course of action, Yan Tian gave Wang Feng a call. He would make that guy bring Sun Nan out to have some fun.

Soon, Wang Feng came driving over in a minivan. Currently, Ah Long didn't have any good cars and only had the several minivans. Wang Feng and Song Dong's relationship wasn't quite familiar, so he was forced to drive over in a minivan.

"Brother Tian, what've ya called me for so early about?" Wang Feng ran over at once after he got out of the car, catching sight that there was actually even person standing at Yan Tian's side.

"Take him out to have fun today. What he wants, buy it. Take this banking card and go."

Noticing that Wang Feng had come, Yan Tian let loose a breath of air. However, he was scared that Sun Nan would be unhappy. He was really going to bleed today; he had directly given his Swiss banking card over to Wang Feng. Inside was enough cash for Sun Nan to spend as well.

"Alright, alright, take me out for some fun. Big Bro, could it be you want to make me sit in that car?" Once he heard of fun, Sun Nan immediately skipped over excitedly, but once he saw Wang Feng's minivan, bitterness spread across his face. Don't tell me you want me to sit in this minivan?

"Correct, this is the car, you gonna sit or not?" Yan Tian said unhappily.

Sun Nan pouted and hesitated for a moment once he heard Yan Tian. Suddenly, it seemed like he thought of something, a light flashing in his eyes.

"I'll sit, I'll sit! It's just that will Big Bro really let me spend money?" Sun Yue looked at Yan Tian pitifully."

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"Sure, I'm giving you money to spend. Whatever you wanna buy just make him buy it for you. Hurry up and go." Yan Tian was determined to cozy up with Sun Nan. One had to do anything to understand the art of war. As long as he could win him over, then Sun Yue would be easy as well.

"Oooohhh, then let's go, see ya." Sun Nan laughed then hopped into the minivan quite excitedly.

"Brother Tian, we'll take our leave." Wang Feng nodded his head, then got into the car. His mission today was to accompany Sun Nan in having fun.

Seeing that he had finally settled things with Sun Nan, Yan Tian smiled joyously: "Mhm, ensure his safety for me. If something happens, you better act responsibly*."

"Relax, Brother Tian."

Watching the minivan depart, Yan Tian shook his head wryly. Afterwards, he sped away towards Liu Ruoxin's villa, however, he didn't know this, but the money inside his Swiss banking card was on the verge of being ruthlessly slaughtered by Sun Nan.

"Huehue, morning, Chairman Liu." Just as he caught sight of Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian promptly greeted her, knowing she had also found some sort of secretary for him.

"Mhm, it's not early. Let's hurry up."

Liu Ruoxin didn't say much and carried her bag straight away with her into the car, so that Yan Tian hadn't even begun to swallow his saliva.

Several minutes later, Liu Ruoxin looked ahead and said: "I found you four secretaries last night. It's find to pick one straightaway once you get to the Golden Hill restaurant today. I've already informed them, so all you need to do is directly announce your name."

*Took some while to figure this out because I'm dumb, but it means pretty much "worry about the things on your own plate. *I think this pretty self explanatory, but in the line of fire "shooting himself in the foot" pretty much. *Had trouble with this one and I'm not even sure if this is right, but I think it means "handle properly" or something along those lines

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