Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 96

In fact, Ah Long truly liked Wang Hui. The first time he saw her, he already had a feeling, otherwise, according to his previous conduct, he would've used force against her long ago, yet he hadn't.

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"Hmph, such big talk over a girlfriend. What a loss of face!" Sun Nan heard three of them's conversation from the side and stuck his tongue out towards Ah Long. It had to be known he already had a girlfriend in highschool.

"I…… I'm only twenty-two, alright. What're you shouting out old for?" Hearing he was being mocked by a seventeen-year-old brat, Ah Long immediately began to explain himself.

Upon noticing this, Yan Tian laughed and said: "Haha, Nan Nan is five years younger than you, but he already has a girlfriend."

"Geez, what're you saying, big bro?" Hearing Yan Tian speak of his little secret, Sun nan pouted in discontent. Glancing at Ah Long and Wang Feng looking at him with a peculiar look in their eyes, his face reddened: "Hmph, I'm done with you guys. I'm gonna go watch television."

As soon and Sun Nan walked away, Ah Long and Wang Feng laughed. The little squirt already had a girlfriend. In comparison to him, they were truly ashamed to inferiority.

But they didn't know this to be, but Yan Tian was the most frickin' awesome one. While he was still a delicate youth, he had already taste the sweetness of the flower. Sun Nan had nothing but a girlfriend. How could he measure up with Yan Tian?

"Right, I ordered you last time to discuss opening up shop with Song Dong, how's it going?" Yan Tian abruptly asked solemnly.

"Brother Tian, everything's good. It might be that punk Song Dong wants to earn some brownie points, Brother Tian, but he personally brought some men and found a pretty good spot. Afterwards, he even took out 500 thousand RMB altogether to set up shop. We consulted the matter together and decided to open up a nightclub. Brother Tian, may I ask what you think?"

Speaking of proper business, Ah Long and Wang Feng didn't fight with each other, but narrated the affairs to Yan Tian rather seriously. Upon observing this, Yan Tian nodded in satisfaction; it appeared that the two of them had been quite responsible.

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"Mhm, a nightclub is pretty good. Keep in mind, you guys have to draw in closer with Song Dong and the others as soon as possible. I don't want to see you guys split up into two factions."

"Be at ease, Brother Tian. We've already discussed it with the brothers. There were indeed some brothers and some of Song Dong's men that made things difficult at the beginning, but now, it's clear many of them have turned for the better." Ah Long laughed and said.

"Where's the new bar?" Yan Tian picked up a pig's foot and asked.

"Brother Tian, I specifically made a trip to see where the new bar is today. I estimate that the bar will be open for official business in two days. Me and Song Dong are going to begin properly decorating the nightclub tomorrow. Also, the Changing Times bar is going to be ready for normal operations in three more days." At this time, Wang Feng spoke respectfully.

The decoration of the bar was entirely Wang Feng's responsibility. Presently, Wang Feng was following Ah Long, so his personal position was very high. Besides Ah Long, Wang Feng was the most senior. Of course, this was only on Ah Long's side.

Right now, Yan Tian could say he had two powers in his hands. One of them was Ah Long's side and the other was Song Dong's. Yan Tian wanted to unite the two powers as quickly as he could into one.

Yet, thinking this over once more, Yan Tian knew it wouldn't do, since every respect of Song Dong's manpower, properties, and funding were much stronger than Ah Long's. If he made Song Dong combine his brothers and estates together with Ah Long's, then it wouldn't be easy to manage as well.

There was also that if he let Song Dong see Ah Long commanding his brothers everyday, Song Dong would be unhappy. Like so, it would be rather easy to trigger an internal schism.

"Ah Long, speak. How are you preparing to handle your's and Song Dong's men with the property?" Yan Tian was ready to listen to Ah Long's opinion after he pondered it over.

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"I'm getting ready to discuss it with Song Dong. I want to combine the manpower together to supervise it. That way, if we run into some kind of emergency, there will be enough manpower as well."

"Mhm, that's a pretty good way of thinking, but it's simply not good."

"How come? How is this not good?" Ah Long asked in puzzlement.

Yan Tian stroked his chin and said: "A united management is indeed good administrating, but you have to know; your man power is much less than Song Dong's. When the time comes, who will be prioritized in obeying? Based on the fact, that's to say Song Dong will have the precedence to be obeyed, since he has more men. But will you agree with things like this?"

"Of course, I wouldn't agree. Why do my men have to obey Song Dong's plans?" Ah Long had even slammed the table, but once he brought it to mind once more, that was right. If he commanded Song Dong's men, then the other wouldn't agree as well. After he realized this, Ah Long looked at Yan Tian and asked: "Then what's your idea, Brother Tian?"

"Later on, I'll give you and Song Dong each a million to hurry up and recruit some men. If the number of men reach five hundred, then we'll begin to establish the gang. When the time comes, you guys will be split up into two groups, that way, such a problem won't exist as well." Yan Tian rapped the table and said after he deliberated the matter.

"Listening to Yan Tian's words, Ah Long and Wang Feng nodded at the same time: "Right, that's a good method."

In fact, Ah Long and Wang Feng had continued to hope that Yan Tian would establish a gang, since the significance of found a gang was different. Presently, they could only be considered a bunch of street thugs.

But if they established a gang, then they would immediately shake off their former shells and become a syndicate. These were two layers. When the time came, they would come out standing. Daddy was an underworld gangster. This was much more domineering than a little hooligan.

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In the same manner, there would be endless troubles in establishing a gang as well. Currently, they were only a bunch of thugs. Nobody would bother lowering themselves to your level. But if they established a gang, then they would definitely trigger a rumble with other gangs. At the same time, it was possible they would even suffer the punishment of the law.

But presently, what Yan Tian wasn't scared of the most was the law, since he had the umbrella of the Long Huang Squad to protect him. Moreover, the government's intentions were to clean up all of China's underground powers as well, so he needn't be worried at all that the light* would bring trouble for him.

Right now, the sole problem were those dark powers, yet Yan Tian wasn't frightened. Wasn't this a fight? Who was he scared of? For the past two days, Yan Tian had been preparing to go for stroll around the Sea Wolves.

"Mhm, we've have to pick up the pace in recruiting men in the past few days. At the moment, we've begun to expand our power. Also, the new bar was finished being renovated in the past two days, so I handed it over to Song Dong to manage straight away." Yan Tian narrowed his eyes and said.

"Mhm, no problems, Brother Tian, what should we call the bar? Choose the name!" Ah Long nodded his head.

Seeing Ah Long wanted him to christen the bar with a name, Yan Tian didn't decline. He rubbed his nose and seriously mulled it over: "The new bar, the new bar, then we'll call it the Ambrosia bar. Ambrosia is a comforting smell, how about it?"

"Ambrosia? Then we'll obey Brother Tian. When it's time to hang up the sign board, we'll write Ambrosia bar!" Ah Long nodded his head in approval.

"Wang Feng, sprucing up the nightclub is entirely up to you. Later on, you can bring a group of men to keep watch over it. I'll hand the nightclub over to you to manage." Yan Tian looked at Wang Feng and said.

Once he heard Yan Tian was letting him be in charge of the entire nightclub, Wang Feng looked at Yan Tian in appreciation. When he run into Yan Tian before, he was still a thug that wasted his time away. Ever since he started following Yan Tian, his life had become better and better, and now, Yan Tian had surprisingly even handed a bar over to him. This made Wang Feng rather excited. It had to be known the nightclub was much more luxurious than Ambrosia and the Changing Times bar!

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"Thank you, Brother Tian, be at ease. I definitely won't let you down." Wang Feng nodded appreciatively.

Hearing that Yan Tian handed the nightclub over to Wang Feng to manage, Ah Long looked at Wang Feng and encouraged him without the slightest trace of jealousy in his eyes, since he looked upon Wang Feng as his brother now. He only hoped his brother was capable of living better and better.

There was also Wang Feng's little sister Wang Hui that Ah Long had set his eyes on*. If she consented later on, the two of them would become one family later on. Moreover, he believed his pick-up skills were completely capable of charming her. He needn't be too worried about this point.

"Mhm, I want to talk about something else with you guys. In two days, I have to make a trip abroad. The time shouldn't exceed more than two weeks. If something occurs within this time period, remember at all costs, don't act blindly. I'll talk about everything else as soon as I come back.".

Yan Tian spoke of the matter of him going abroad after he thought it over, but he didn't say where he was going at all, since it was for the best if Ah Long and the others didn't know of him going to a mercenary base to save a person.

"Relax, Brother Tian. In the time we've been doing things, we've been on the down low. You travel safely, too, Brother Tian!" Yan Tian didn't speak, so Ah Long questioned no more. On the contrary, it wouldn't be any good if he knew of some matters.

After sitting there for a while, Wang Hui had already carried over the final dish. Once Sun Nan saw it, he ran over straight away. Between fine food and television, fine food still had precedence for Sun Nan.

*this 白道 literally means white road. Can also mean righteous. I liked the idea of a dichotomy between light and dark, so I went with the idea of light instead. *literally preparing to fix up to eat. Sounds rapey so I changed it. Looks/sounds better in Chinese though

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