Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 97

"Wow, Big Sis! How about you come be the chef at my house. This is really delicious!" Sun Nan said, smacking his lips.

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"Hehe, if you like it, eat more!"

"Mmhhmm." Sun Nan nodded with all of his strength.


The next day, after he got off work in the afternoon, Yan Tian escorted Guo Man home as usual once again. Although she didn't agree, it was under his shameless request did she compromise.

"Manager Yan, it's really not good to be like this. It'll make other people misunderstand!" Within the sports convertible, Guo Man said in embarrassment.

"What's not good? It's not like I got anything else to do otherwise. I might as well come out and catch some fresh air. In any case, I don't have to take out my own gas money!" Yan Tian said indifferently.

"But this is……"

"Haha, it's fine. There's nothing about it. Sit back, I'm gonna gun it."

Yan Tian laughed and then suddenly accelerated. In a split second, he overtook all the surrounding car. What was a sports car supposed to be used for? Wasn't it to go flying like greased lightning*?

"Ahh…… Manager Yan, slow down, you're gonna hit something soon; turn the corner!"

Yan Tian was was having a great time, but Guo Man suffered while sitting at the side. Manager Yan drove like a madman. There were good few times where had almost hit cars in front of him due to tailgating, scaring Guo Man restless.

"Haha, this brother's skills are so friggin' awesome. How could I possibly hit someone? What a joke!" Yan Tian laughed and said.

"Yipes, slow down, Manager Yan. Don't go so fast! I'm scared." Guo Man screeched in fright.

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Seeing Guo Man's nervous expression, Yan Tian let the speed slow down. If he drove like that again, he reckoned Guo Man wouldn't sit in his car next time even if she was beaten to death.

Discovering Yan Tian had slowed the car, Guo Man suddenly let loose a breath of air, thinking to herself that she absolutely wouldn't sit in Manager Yan's car tomorrow. He was clearly a maniac.

"Right, I might leave the country for a trip in two days. When the time comes, I'll have to trouble you with the restaurant affairs." Suddenly, Yan Tian turned his head and looked at Guo Man solemnly.

"Ah? Oh……"

Guo Man was evidently dazed, but she nodded her head cutely soon afterwards.

Granted that Yan Tian didn't leave the country, he wouldn't manage the restaurant's affairs. He would only blow at skirts in the restaurant and dally about with the female waitresses. Whether or not he was at the restaurant was of no consequence. On the contrary, it would be a bit peaceful if he wasn't at the restaurant.

As for what Yan Tian was doing in leaving the country, Guo Man didn't ask as well, since he was the manager. It was uncertain to say whether the company had made him take a trip on official business for a period of time.

Yet Guo Man had clearly guessed incorrectly. The matter of Yan Tian leaving the country was even a matter that the Chairman Liu Ruoxin didn't know of. How was this business trip?

After he escorted Guo Man home, Yan Tian proceeded to get ready to go pick up Liu Ruoxin. Moreover, he still had to request a vacation in passing. Overall, he couldn't hide himself away without rhyme or reason*. He couldn't leave Liu Ruoxin all of a sudden when the time came for her to contact him but she couldn't.

"Hello, Mr.Yan!"

Just as he entered the company, someone greeted him. Presently, all of them knew that Yan Tian wasn't an ordinary person. They had found out from gossip, but he was the Chairman's husband!

Although no one had heard Liu Ruoxin or Yan Tian personally say it, they preferred to believe it then not to. They would naturally be polite towards him; didn't they see Chairman Liu sitting in Yan Tian's car coming to work everyday?

Upon seeing someone calling out to him, Yan Tian smiled and nodded. In regards to these matters, he was already accustomed to it.

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As he walked to Liu Ruoxin's office entrance, he noticed her and Secretary Xiao Wang. At this time, Secretary Xiao Wang was standing at the door, pacing back and forth nervously.

"What's up, Xiao Wang? What're you doing standing free at the door for?" Yan Tian asked curiously.

"Mr.Yan, you've finally arrived. Right now Chief Liu is arguing inside with Chairman Liu. Hurry up and smooth things over!

Seeing that Yan Tian had come, Secretary Xiao Wang seemed as if she had grabbed on to a life-saving straw. Suddenly she let loose a breath of air in her heart. With his arrival, then there shouldn't be any problems.

"Chief Liu? Who is Chief Liu?"

Yan Tian was rather bewildered. Although he had worked so long at Liu Ruoxin's company, he truly didn't know the company personnel. He knew of the department chiefs inside the company, but he had never heard of one surnamed Liu.

"Gosh, Mr.Yan, you've forgotten? That's Chairman Liu's older cousin. Right now, he's inside in the middle of arguing with Chairman Liu. Sir, hurry up and go in!" Secretary Xiao Wang explained to Yan Tian rather nervously.

Hearing Secretary Xiao Wang's words, Yan Tian nodded. He had actually forgotten about Liu Yi. He remembered that Liu Ruoxin seemed to have given him the position of a department chief.

After that time he had brought Liu Yi to the company, Yan Tian hadn't met him again, so why had he barged into Liu Ruoxin's office to cause a disturbance?

Pondering, Yan Tian prepared to enter, but just as he neared, he heard a noise within.

"Hmph, I'm telling you, you must marry into the Huang Family!" Liu Yi snorted coldly and said.

"Why do I have to listen to you? Who do you think you are? Do you control me?" Liu Ruoxin roared furiously.

Liu Ruoxin's voice obviously carried a sobbing tone within. It seemed like the people of the family were trying to force the matter of marriage on her once more. Upon hearing her weeping voice brimming with grievance and irreconciliation, Yan Tian felt waves of heartache.

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"Liu Ruoxin, mind your attitude. I'm your older cousin. You can't yell and shout at me." Liu Yi used his hand to slap the table with all of his strength.

"Hehe, older cousin? Do you even take me to be your younger sister?" Liu Ruoxin laughed sarcastically.

"What are you saying? You and I are both of the Liu Family. Within our bodies flows the blood of the Liu Family. Of course, you're my little sister.

"Little sister? Hehe, you may have such a little sister, but I don't have such a brother. Get out."

Liu Ruoxin pointed furiously at Liu Yi. At this moment, she didn't regard him as her brother in any sense. In fact, she had already stopped look at him as a brother long ago, but due to the pressure, she was helpless but to only continue to endure it in silence.

"What? You're ordering me to leave? Haha, why do I have to leave? I'm also a person of the Liu Family. All of the Liu Family properties will become mine later on, including your lousy company. Why do I have to leave?"

Watching Liu Ruoxin point at him, Liu Yi grabbed her wrist. Slowly closing in on her step by step.

"Let go of me, let go!" Upon seeing Liu Yi had grabbed her, Liu Ruoxin used all of her strength to struggle, but no matter how she struggled, it was all for nought and she couldn't struggle free.

"Release you? Why do I have to let you go……"

"Release her for me."

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, a suave-looking man wearing a suit and neck tie entering. Yet the man appeared not to be happy at all. At this time, the man's complexion was gloomily dreadful. He seemed as if he was a death god.

After he saw Yan Tian enter, Liu Yi had evidently become a bit scared being stared at by the look in Yan Tian's eyes. But, soon after, he regained his wits. What thing could Yan Tian be considered? Why the hell did he have to be scared of him?

"I'm ordering you to let me go." Noticing that Liu Yi was still grabbing on to Liu Ruoxin's hand, not letting go of her, Yan Tian warned him once more.

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"Hmph, What thing can you be considered? I…… Argh……."

Suddenly, Yan Tian immediately struck as Liu Yi was speaking, dashing in front of him. In the time that Liu Yi had still not reacted, he captured Liu Yi's finger and snapped it with all of his strength.

"Urgh…… My hand, my hand argh……. Urgh…… you want to die, you wanna die……" Liu Yi clutched his finger rather painfully and moaned.

"Hmph, you dare raise your hand against my woman; this is the conclusion!" Yan Tian snorted coldly, then protected the stunned Liu Ruoxin who was lost in thought behind him.

"Urgh…… You adulterous couple, you actually dared to strike me. I'm going to make you guys die, argh……"

Before Liu Yi had even finished speaking, Yan Tian jumped up and delivered a flying kick, directly sending him flying straight out into a seemingly invaluable bonsai plant, smashing it to bits.

"Hmph, you best wash your mouth out with soap. This is only a minor warning!" Yan Tian narrowed his eyes at Liu Yi who was lying on the floor. Looking at the pulverized bonsai plant once more, he shook his head in regret: "Sigh, Such a good bonsai plant, ruined just like that!"

"You little slut, you still haven't hurried up and called an ambulance for me?"

Liu Yi was possibly scared that he would be kicked by Yan Tian, not daring to roar and shout at him. Yet Liu Ruoxin was different. Why couldn't he teach his own little sister?

"Ugh…… Let go of me……"



*Literally whirlwind here, but I thought this fit it better in contest of a car

*rhyme or reason. I'll be honest. I'm lost with one. Meaning of this word is something like unfathomable mystery or can't make heads or tails. Idk man

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