
Chapter 3: Breaking

Qin He saved up enough money for his phone for two months in a row. He intentionally chose a phone with a slightly higher resolution so he wouldn’t have to save a penny every week to buy magazines.

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On Sunday afternoon, there was an evening study session, which was essentially a roll call and a discussion about school arrangements. Additionally, students were given the opportunity to catch up on homework.


“Qin He, the homeroom teacher, wants to see the corrected papers from last Friday.”


The representative of the math class hesitated for a moment when receiving the papers from Qin He.


“Okay, thanks.”


Qin He collected the papers and took them to the office. “A few people took their papers home and didn’t bring them back. I’ll give them to you tomorrow.” Qin He reported dutifully.


“What do you mean, they didn’t bring them? I bet they didn’t even correct them. It’s fine; I’ll go ask for them tomorrow,” the homeroom teacher replied.


The homeroom teacher took out two candies from the drawer and gave them to Qin He before discussing his academic performance with him.


“Your grades are pretty good in all subjects, but in Chinese composition, there are some small issues with your writing. I…”


Before the homeroom teacher could finish, sharp yelling interrupted them from nearby.


“I teach them, and they still give me attitude! They sleep when they should be awake, skip class when they shouldn’t, and dare to be rude to me. Especially Yu Cheng, he even hit me last time. They’re a bunch of useless people who can’t even stand up for themselves. I’m not even allowed to speak my mind about them.”


The later words are even more unbearable. Another teacher nearby tried to comfort the person, but they didn’t appreciate it.


“You’re still defending them? What, did I say something wrong? The students in your class are really delicate. They can’t even handle criticism.”


The extreme speech made Qin He frowned involuntarily. In fact, the teacher didn’t say anything wrong, only that it’s not good to speak about students in that way.


“Don’t mind her; that’s just how she is. She doesn’t appreciate kindness. Even last time, when Yu Cheng didn’t hit her, she still insulted his family. Who knows where the principal found this weirdo who causes trouble all day. You should leave now before she starts causing more trouble.”


The homeroom teacher rolled her eyes.


“Go back for now; I’ll give you some practise questions to work on later.”


Qin He nodded and said thank you before leaving.


“How did you do on the exam this time? Your score was zero; even a piece of paper that fell on the ground and got stepped on by a dog would have scored higher than you. Do you know that you dragged down the class average?”


This time, Yang Man finally found out about what happened with Yu Cheng and gave him a good scolding.


Yu Cheng usually doesn’t argue back as long as the issue doesn’t involve his family, and he knows he’s wrong.


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Yu Cheng felt that the person was just looking for an opportunity to scold him and get even for the last time, or perhaps they were concerned about his bonuses.


The grades in that class were exceptionally low, so which subject’s teacher would be penalised?


This has been a rule at Yizhong for a long time, and it’s also meant to encourage teachers to teach well. Yang Man’s salary was directly deducted by Yu Cheng’s zero score this time, so she will definitely hold a grudge.


However, according to their class’s English scores, even if they removed Yu Cheng’s score, Yang Man would still have her salary deducted. But she only caught Yu Cheng for scolding.


Yu Cheng, who didn’t argue back at all, gave Yang Man the impression that he did.


As she spoke, her restraint gradually disappeared, and her emotions became more and more intense. Some people always like to step into the minefield.


“What kind of parents would teach their children to behave like you do?”


“Skipping classes, getting into fights, and daring to argue back. You’re like a manic monster. Aren’t you ashamed of your scores?”


“I heard you have an older brother, right? You’re not giving up on yourself and letting yourself go, are you?”


“No wonder, if I were your father, I wouldn’t choose you as my successor, always acting so smug…”


Without giving her any more time to speak, Yu Cheng kicked over her chair and grabbed her by the collar.


“What, don’t you think I won’t really hurt you?”


“Do you not know how the school talks about me? It seems like you’ve forgotten what I said to you last time. Don’t give advice to others lightly. Who do you think you are!”


“I’m a crazy monster? Then maybe you should see what a crazy monster looks like when it goes berserk! Otherwise, how can you justify the label you gave me!”


Yucheng’s eyes were bloodshot, the veins on his arm bulging as he tightly grabbed Yang Man’s collar.


Yang Man was so scared that she closed her eyes tightly, her pupils dilated, and though she tried to scream, no sound came out.


She didn’t expect Yucheng to actually lay his hands on her. His hand gripped her collar and slowly tightened it, as if just touching her was dirty.


“Help… Help me!”


Yang Man shouted, realising that Yu Cheng was serious, going crazy, not recognising his relatives, and having a bizarre personality.


For the first time, she realised the evaluation of Yu Cheng by the people in the school and felt a little scared.


With a “click,” the door lock was opened, and the light from outside shone in.

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“Yu Cheng, calm down!”


Qin He pulled people away, fearing that he might make some shocking and outrageous moves.


“Get lost!”


Everyone says he is a stain on the Yu family and that his brother is better than him. The feeling of being denied by others is never pleasant.


Yu Cheng has always hated it when people involved his family, and he also hates this kind of flattery and criticism game. Yu Cheng hit Qin He with his arm.


“Stay calm. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to prove her words or something? Prove that you’re just a crazy monster!” Qin He struggled to hold him back, leaving a red mark on Yu Cheng’s arm with his nails.


He almost shouted out loud, trying to wake up to Yu Cheng’s reason.


Yu Cheng slowly calmed down, and Yang Man took the opportunity to run away.


Everything was silent, and only the sound of panting could be heard in the office.


Qin He touched the spot where he had just been hit and took a deep breath.




This guy really hit hard.


Qin He was only here to pick up something at the request of the homeroom teacher, but he didn’t expect to come across this.


He originally wanted to wait for the two to finish talking before coming in to get his things. He really didn’t want to get involved, and he had no position to intervene.


But he didn’t expect the person to become more and more unreasonable. He also remembered that the homeroom teacher said that Yu Cheng did not hit anyone, so he took out the newly bought mobile phone and started recording. He thought that if Yang Man made another false accusation, this recording would also be evidence.


Afterwards, it would be better to leave it to Yu Cheng to handle it. Didn’t expect they would end up resorting to physical violence. Well, at least it proves that Yang Man was the one who started the verbal abuse.


Qin He leaned against the desk and kicked Yu Cheng, who was lying on the ground.


“Are you okay?”


Before Yu Cheng could answer, Yang Man arrived with a group of leaders and accused Yu Cheng of hitting her and even wanting to take her life.


The more she spoke, the more serious it became. She even showed the bruises on her neck to prove her point. Prominently visible on the back of her neck was a red mark left by the tight collar of her clothes.


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“Ms. Yang, did Mr. Yu really hit you? Those marks were caused by the tight collar; do you have any other injuries? As for wanting to take your life, that’s pure fiction,” said Qin He.


Qin He stopped leaning on the desk and stood up straight, pulling his injured area a little as he did so.


“When you came in, you saw it all, didn’t you? He grabbed my collar, and you couldn’t even pull him off,” said Yang Man in a harsh tone.


“Qin He, what do you say about this?” she demanded.


This incident was serious. Yang Man left the office crying and screaming that Yu Cheng wanted to kill her. The commotion was so great that even the principal was alarmed. He was also very troubled by Yu Cheng, but there was nothing he could do.


“Principal, why not listen to this recording first?”


Qin He opened his phone and played the just-recorded audio, causing Yang Man’s face to turn worse and worse.


“Although Yu Cheng did make a move in the end, he didn’t actually hurt anyone. Otherwise, why does Yang only have some red marks on the back of her neck?”


“But can someone who is disrespectful and insults their students really be a role model?”


“I remember last time when Yu Cheng hit someone, but he didn’t hit you, did he? Otherwise, you would have cried and shouted in the principal’s office a long time ago. As a teacher, it’s not good to keep spreading rumours.”


Qin He said as he glanced at Yang Man.


“I remember my father made a contribution to the school, right? Half of the things in No. 13 High School were sponsored by the Yu family, and they still let such a person in?”


“Imagine if my father knew about this; what would he think?”


Yu Cheng’s voice was hoarse, with a hint of threat.


“We are all clear about this matter. We will give you an explanation later. You don’t need to attend classes today; go back and rest.”


The principal made a decision and quickly left, afraid that if he stayed too long, Yu Cheng would talk to him about withdrawing the investment.


Qin He watched as Yang Man stumble out of the office, leaving only the two of them.


“Do you also think I’m a manic monster? Not as good as my brother?”


Qin He was about to leave but was stopped in his tracks by a question from Yu Cheng.


He couldn’t understand why this question was thrown at him. He was just a small, insignificant person who came to pick up something.


“Whether or not you’re a monster is not for others to say; it’s up to you to decide for yourself. Just because others think you are something, does that mean you are that thing? Also, I really don’t know your brother; I only know you, Yu Cheng.”

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“Also, a reminder, not everything has to be solved through violence. You can try using your brain. Perhaps it will be much better,” Qin He candidly gave his opinion.


“That…you…don’t you need to take care of it? Sorry about earlier.”


Yu Cheng looked at the fragile figure with some concern.


“There’s no need; clothes are fine; a person is fine; you don’t have to take responsibility.”


Yu Cheng didn’t know what this person was thinking, but his first reaction was about his own clothes.


“Well, let’s go check it out. That hit just now wasn’t light, and he knows his own strength.”


Yu Cheng clicked his tongue and went to the school medical room while pulling the person along.


On the way, Qin He once again marvelled at this person’s strength; no matter how much he struggled, it was useless. After struggling, he even held on tighter, and Qin He was in a state of being at his mercy.


“It’s all bruised, but fortunately there are no other problems. Apply it three times a day.”


Yu Cheng applied ointment to the person; his head turned to one side and he couldn’t look at him directly. After all, the scars on his body were caused by himself.


“Oh, Young Master Yu still knows how to feel embarrassed.”


Qin He looked at the person in front of him with a bit of amusement. How did he manage to be as awkward as twisted dough?


“Okay, you’ve paid for your responsibility, I’ll leave now.”


Qin He patted the person’s shoulder, indifferently put the ointment in his pocket, and left.


Qin He didn’t go back to rest, but went back to the classroom and looked at the paper in front of him that had been only mediocrely revised, letting out a faint sigh.


The peaceful life was gradually being disrupted, and the feeling of imbalance was uncomfortable.


Next time, he must stay further away.


A red cross was drawn on the paper with a red pen, looking particularly discordant on the page full of checkmarks.




Xian Nan Zhi


Yang Man was the English teacher mentioned earlier who will be doing the revisions in the next chapter. This person had no brains and couldn’t remember which pot wasn’t to be stirred.


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