
Chapter 4: Friends

Yu Cheng, for a rare occasion, stayed in the classroom all day today, not sleeping or doing anything but staring off into space.

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The teachers who came to class were all surprised. When did this little brat start sitting in the classroom all day without causing any trouble?


“I only know you, Yu Cheng.”


The gentle voice of a young man echoed in his ear. It was the first time Yu Cheng heard someone not insulting or belittling him.


He really wasn’t as smart as his older brother, and he was clueless in his studies. Everyone knew that the Yu family had a clever and capable eldest son. Unfortunately, he ended up with a useless and unruly little heir.


His older brother was indeed intelligent and capable of managing their family’s business, always doing things in an orderly manner. He was also an outstanding figure among the children of aristocratic families.


He had a good relationship with his older brother, but because of the comparisons made since childhood and the neglect of outsiders, he also had some resistance towards his brother.


“If he wasn’t the young master of the Yu family, who would play with him and who would support him?”


“The Yu family is fortunate or unfortunate to have such a capable eldest son. But then again, they also have a useless little heir. It’s a good thing they have an eldest son; otherwise, the Yu family would have been ruined sooner or later.” 


He has heard such words countless times, and he knows that not many people who play with him are sincere.


He also knows that his brother is good to him, so although he resists, their relationship is still okay.


When he was young, Yu Cheng was also very smart but had a mischievous personality. However, perhaps because his brother was too smart and sensible, his little tricks were not worth mentioning to outsiders.


Being constantly compared from a young age also sparked Yu Cheng’s rebelliousness and negativity.


So, he decided to be more arrogant and more annoying. Even if people looked down on him, they still had to cater to him.


He particularly enjoyed seeing others dislike him but still serve him. Later, everyone was afraid of him, and he couldn’t remember the last time he saw fear and disgust in someone’s eyes.


He couldn’t remember the last time he heard someone’s disdainful words… Yu Cheng had forgotten…


He started to think about making friends and began to appear frequently in front of people. 

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Other people more or less all feel a little afraid of Yu Cheng and don’t want to provoke him, so every time he walks somewhere, there’s no one there.


For Qin He, who has always been a loner, this has no effect on him.


In fact, because Yu Cheng is next to him, the surroundings become very quiet, sometimes as quiet as during class. This just helps him catch up on sleep.


He feels the fear that people have for Yu Cheng and the eerie silence in the classroom.


He has talked to Yu Cheng a few times, but Yu Cheng has always been someone who does things his own way and rarely considers others.


So Qin He was constantly bothered by him. Whenever he went to eat, Yu Cheng would sit in front of him. Whenever he went to work, Yu Cheng would go to the store and order something to sit and watch him. He even ran into him when he went to the bathroom.


At first, Qin He ignored him, but Yu Cheng became even more persistent when he was ignored, until Qin He couldn’t take it anymore.


“I say, Young Master Yu, Ancestor Yu, I don’t remember your Yu family having this kind of stalker hobby; what do you want to do?” Qin He impatiently looked at him, with a hint of helplessness and impatience. 


“Don’t be angry; our Yu family doesn’t have this hobby. I saw that you ignored me two days ago and thought you were blind, so I kindly came to try and see if you could see me.”


Even if Yu Cheng wanted to make friends, he still couldn’t let go of his haughty attitude and had to prick others a few times before being willing to speak honestly.


“Don’t bother yourself; I’m doing well, so please keep your black mouth shut, got it? If you have something to say, just say it. I remember we’re even now.”


Qin He didn’t understand what was wrong with this person. He had to be poked a few times before he was happy. Do all wealthy people have this problem? No wonder he has no friends.


“When did we settle things? You helped me the other day, and I hurt you, so how are things settled now?” Yu Cheng began to play dumb and pester the other person.


“Don’t worry; I’m all better now. You already took me to the doctor, so we’re settled.”


“Hey Qin, there aren’t many good people like you who do good deeds without expecting anything in return. How about we be friends?” Yu Cheng began to smile and coax the other person.


“I’m not doing good deeds, and I’m not doing it voluntarily. Do you understand? And I don’t want to be friends with you; I don’t need friends either.”

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Qin He was already annoyed by this person’s disruption of his life in the past two days, and now he felt nothing but rejection when he heard the offer to become friends.


“You don’t know the benefits of being friends with me. If you become my friend, I guarantee that no one will bully you in school. And there are also snacks to eat from time to time, and I can take you to many interesting places.”


Yu Cheng smiled and didn’t get angry. When he wanted to be friends with someone, his temper was surprisingly good.


“Thank you, but I don’t have time and don’t need it.” Qin He refused with a triple negative response and then added, “Can I also experience walking in a place where there is no one around?” 


Yucheng had never been rejected like this before, and he was speechless after being shut down with just one sentence. He stared, unable to get angry.


Qin He ignored him and walked away, leaving Yucheng feeling defeated.


Yucheng then tried to bother Qin He again. Now that they were in a store instead of school, he even ran into Qin He on the way home.


Qin He glanced at Yucheng, who was standing next to the bus stop, but only briefly. It was rush hour, and the bus stop was crowded; it wasn’t even certain if Yucheng could get on the bus.


Even if he managed to get on, he would likely have to get off after one stop. Yucheng, who was spoiled and pampered, should have grown up in a life where people protect him wherever he goes. Why bother with him? 


Before long, you’ll find him boring and won’t be able to talk to him.


It’s just like being used to eating delicacies and wanting to try some simple dishes like vegetables and porridge. It won’t be long.


Qin He never intended to deal with Yu Cheng; he would back off when he saw difficulties. Yu Cheng felt annoyed that the person clearly saw him but pretended not to see him and wanted to sulk.


“I think he’s a blind man, or a rude blind man. He should say hello to his acquaintances when he sees them at this time.”


Yu Cheng muttered to Qin He, but still walked over obediently. 


“If the mountain doesn’t come to me, then I will go to the old mountain. If someone else were here, they would have left a long time ago, let alone cling to me.


“Qin, what a coincidence. We keep running into each other. We must have some fate. Why don’t we become friends? Let me tell you, my home is this bus. I didn’t mean to block you on purpose.”

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Yucheng emphasised again.


“What a coincidence. No thanks; I have to catch the bus. I don’t know if Yucheng has ever squeezed onto a bus before. Do you know how to ride it?”


Qin He smiled faintly, took two steps forward, and squeezed onto the bus that was about to arrive.


“I won’t bother you then.”


With a blink of his eyes, Yucheng walked away.


Yucheng wanted to catch up and squeeze onto the bus, but he couldn’t beat the crowd of regular bus riders.


His collar was crooked, and his backpack was loose and dangling, making him look quite dishevelled.


The smell of sweat after a day’s work was really unpleasant. The proud young master frowned and looked at the people in the window of the bus.


Qin He, inside the bus, laughing secretly. He couldn’t help but press his lips together, feeling annoyed at this person for the first time.


“Qin He!” 


Yucheng was so angry for the first time that he spoke harshly to people, even scaring away a little girl who happened to be passing by and saw his frustrated expression.


“Come pick me up right now!”


“The young master, why are you here? This is in the opposite direction of your home,” the driver asked with some confusion.


“Mind your own business and just drive,” Yucheng replied irritably, feeling even more annoyed with the reminder. The driver in the front seat fell silent.


“You may have gotten away this time, but I don’t believe I won’t catch you next time! Qin He, just you wait!” He shouted in frustration.


“Oh, how’s Grandma?”

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Qin He is sensitive; he could hear the crying tone in his mother’s voice during their last phone call.


Qin He also knew that the only thing that could make Qin Wanqing so worried now was his grandmother.


“Maybe it’s not good.” Qin He’s mother planned to bring his grandmother over to take care of her in the near future.


Early struggles in life and the heavy burden of the family made Qin Wanqing feel breathless, and she had to work non-stop, leading to her having white hair and fine wrinkles on her face at the age of over 40, the marks of time. 


His hands were also worn out beyond recognition, with scars all over and no intact skin left.


“It’s okay, grandma can come and stay in my room. I don’t come back often, so sleeping on the couch is fine too,” Qin He comforted his ageing mother gently.


“Don’t worry about the money, I will figure something out.”


“It’s useless for me to be a burden, letting you worry about these things while still going to school,” his mother replied with guilt.


Qin He gently patted his tearful mother.


“There’s nothing to worry about. I’m almost an adult and should exercise. These years haven’t been easy for you, and this is already good enough. I can still study peacefully in school because of you.”


“Your grandma is coming, and it’s better for her to stay with me so I can take care of her. Don’t worry about mom; I’ll think of a solution. You focus on your studies.” Qin Wanqing quickly wiped her tears. “Are you tired from studying? Mom will cook for you.”


Qin He tried to stand up, but Qin Wanqing held him down on the sofa, hastily wiping her tears. He then went to the kitchen.


As he watched the busy woman in the kitchen, Qin He thought about how to earn more money. 




Xian Nan Zhi: I’m going to draw a card; please bless me~ Don’t worry, the content before this is sweet; you can read it with peace of mind. 



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