
Chapter 6: Becoming Friends

After spending time with Yu Cheng, Qin He found that he wasn’t as difficult to deal with as people had said. He was quite easy-going and did whatever he was asked to do.

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Their relationship also improved quite a bit.

Sometimes, when Yu Cheng was tired from studying, they would chat.

“This Saturday, I’ll come pick you up. Don’t take the car, it’s inconvenient to take a taxi to my house.”

Yu Cheng was lying on the table, looking at Qin He from the side. Without asking for his opinion, he made the decision.

The dim sunlight filtered through the room, and the shadows of the trees were reflected on Qin He’s face.

Qin He sat up straight, and the dim sunlight outlined his profile. Yu Cheng’s gaze slowly traced his face.

His eyelashes are so long.

He also has thin lips, and it seems like people with thin lips are cold-hearted. However…

Think about this, Yu Cheng licked his lips uneasily.

“I say, can’t you change your habit of making decisions for others?”

Qin He was completely unaware of the other’s thoughts and put down his book, looking at Yu Cheng.

Yu Cheng was pulled back to reality by the other person’s voice and looked at him with a half-smile.

“Well then, can I, dear teacher Qin, come pick you up this week?”

He looked at Qin He with a playful glint in his eyes.

“Don’t look at me like that. It’s ugly. Behave. You’re so ugly that you make me look good.”

Qin He averted his gaze from this person and used his hand to turn his face away, as he said with disdain.

“My face is the kind that people would stop on the street and ask if I’m a celebrity. And you still think it’s ugly.”

Yu Cheng rubbed his face, trying to hide the blush that had just appeared on his cheeks.

Following his principle of not forgetting his initial intentions, he asked somewhat awkwardly.

“So, are we friends now?”

“This time, if you can rank in the top 600 of the grade, then we can be considered friends.”

Qin He relaxed and leaned back, twisting his head to tease Yu Cheng.

He has always been confident in his abilities, and naturally, he has the ability to be confident.

“Oh, Qin Teacher, you really trust me. My dad’s only requirement for me is to be in the top 800 of the grade, but you exceeded that by two hundred places. Was it my cleverness that impressed you?”

Yu Cheng leaned his body, propped his arm on the table, and supported his head with his hand. He blocked a lot of sunlight for Qin He and was overshadowed by his figure.

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“It’s not that I’m confident in you; it’s that I’m confident in myself. Besides, your potential for improvement is just too great. I have no choice, Young Master Yu,” he said.

The next day, Yu Cheng came to pick him up with a driver. The window was open, and Qin He leaned against the window, feeling the cool autumn breeze. He hadn’t felt so comfortable in a long time.

Yu Cheng’s job had eased his worries and burdens to a great extent.

He no longer had to desperately chase after time just to earn a little bit of money.

He now had time to study the things he liked, and even around Yu Cheng, he had a three-point smile and a different kind of energy.

The Yu family was indeed the richest family in Yaoan City, with a single villa with a yard, and the owner chose a relatively remote residence for peace and quiet.

The yard was well maintained; even in the season of withering, it was still a green paradise, like a thriving spring.

Vines climbed the shelves, providing a cool place for people to sit in the summer.

The house is sparsely decorated, with a few street lamps providing light.

This is the first time Qin He has seen such a house, but he didn’t show any surprise, knowing about Yu Cheng’s family background.

“This is the place you mentioned last time?”

Qin He looked at the house in front of him, was reminded of the incident at the bus stop last time, and asked him with a smile.

“I said it’s on the way, so it’s on the way.” Yu Cheng bit his lip and impatiently said, “Let’s go quickly.”

The interior design of the house is clearly carefully thought out and different from the typical luxury mansion that most people are familiar with.

The lighting inside the room is warm yellow, giving the whole room a warm feeling.

On the wall of the living room, there are no expensive paintings to be found, only photos of Yu Cheng and his brother from childhood to adulthood.

Yu Cheng has always had a rebellious look, scowling and standing with arms crossed, and he seems very impatient with taking photos.

As a woman appears around the corner of the stairs, she pulls her hair back, her face sporting a slight smile.

Presumably, she is Yu Cheng’s mother, who, despite being a mother, maintains her youthfulness and looks like a young girl.

Her face still looks like that of an inexperienced young girl, but she has gained some gentle qualities since getting married.

“This is Qin He, right? A good kid, good-looking too. You must have worked hard tutoring this mischievous boy.”

Lin Ying looks at Yu Cheng with a slightly reproachful gaze, but she is not really blaming him.

Yu Cheng sits on the sofa indifferently, eating the fruit prepared on the table.

“He is hard to manage; is there anything you like to eat? Auntie will bring it over later.”

Qin He is pulled by Lin Ying to sit on the sofa, his hand still in hers. He smiles and responds somewhat awkwardly.

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Qin He has always been someone who only knows how to work but doesn’t communicate well with others, especially elders.

He could only occasionally look at Yu Cheng, but the other person seemed to find his embarrassed state very interesting and didn’t have any intention of helping.

After admiring Qin He’s embarrassment for a while, Yu Cheng barely stopped eating fruit and casually wiped his mouth with two pieces of paper.

After all, if Yu Cheng didn’t save Qin He, when they were alone, Qin He could probably eat him.

“Mom, you should let him rest for a while. He’s a bit carsick. Let me take him upstairs to rest.”

After saying that, Yu Cheng pulled Qin He upstairs.

“You’re usually quite talkative. Why can’t you speak now? Do you have selective mutism? You’re like a sheep that fell into a wolf’s den.”

Yu Cheng teased Qin He.

Qin He calmly inserted his hands into his pockets, turned around, and looked at him with a smile.

“Today, I’ll give you two more test papers and two recitations of classical Chinese.”

Yu Cheng instantly wilted and lay on the bed like a big dog that had lost all its strength, looking dejected.

“I saved you just now, and this is how you repay me?”

“Who was laughing at me just now?” Qin He retorted with a grin.

Qin He placed his bag on the chair and prepared the exam papers for the other, urging him slowly.

“Come on, hurry up.”

He hated doing things like reading and memorising sentences, and he always got them wrong. It was boring and stressful, especially when it came to taking exams.

Unfortunately, Qin He always punished him like this, and Yu Cheng never realized that he had never rebelled against Qin He’s decisions.

“Okay, hurry up; there are still many things to review.”

Yu Cheng’s room was characterised by its large size, with everything in it. Even a table was enough for two people to use, with some excess space.

“You’re so boring; you’re always talking about studying. It’s really cruel not to let people rest…”

Yu Cheng walked over with little strength, like a sick person, his whole body weak and limping.

“You’re not bored, so now you’re struggling to catch up. Why should I be friends with someone who’s boring?”

That’s how Qin He has always been with Yu Cheng; he never holds back when he can argue back.

“Can’t you just let me rest for a while?”

Yu Cheng realized that he had never won against Qin He.

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Next to them were grapes that Lin Yinggang had sent over, and the seasonal fruits were always very sweet.

Qin He took something and stuffed it into his mouth, but accidentally squirted juice and made a mess on his chin.

The sour and sweet scent wafted around the noses of the two people, and just by smelling it, they felt it was sweet.

Although Yu Cheng complained about it, his hands moved faster than his brain, and he took out a piece of paper to wipe for someone.

“Why are you acting like a child, making a mess of yourself while eating?”

He seemed to have forgotten that the person in front of him was an almost adult male, not a three-year-old child who could wipe things off himself.

Qin He was stunned for a moment, like a child. It seemed that he had never been praised like this in his short life.

Most of the evaluations he had received since he could remember were that he was smart, sensible, well-behaved, and like a little adult who didn’t need to be worried about.

But a child who doesn’t cry has no candy to eat, and he seems to be forbidden to cry.

He remembers that when he was very young, he would make a mess when eating and would cry if he didn’t get the toy he wanted, just like a child.

But all of that was useless. When his father heard him crying, he would get annoyed and shout loudly at him.

He felt that he was clumsy, and then came the harsh scolding.

He was even threatened with smashing things, and the crying filled the entire house. The man had a bad temper, and the woman was afraid he would hit her.

The mother would hastily stop whatever she was doing and come to comfort him.

In their household, the mother did all the work, and the father enjoyed it.

Qin He was a prodigy, and he could sense the hardships that women faced. So he was always careful during meals, afraid of getting any food on his clothes.

He grew up in a place where nobody was watching.

Qin He’s father was an alcoholic who would only work occasionally, spending most of his money on alcohol.

A small child restrained their likings, and what was shown in the hands of others was envy.

Qin He couldn’t act like a child, and he never liked being called obedient and understanding.

That meant he would have to give up many things, including some emotions.

In fact, he was somewhat envious of Yu Cheng, who didn’t have to suppress his personality and could do whatever he wanted.

This was a life he could never reach…the things he liked were too expensive, so he was content to do them in his free time.

Children love sweets, but he had never tasted the sweetness.

Yucheng shook his hand in front of Qin He and said, “What are you thinking about?”

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“Nothing. Yucheng, do you have anything you want to do?” Qin He asked softly.

“No, isn’t it always the same? Currently, no. What about you?”

Yucheng was curious why Qin He suddenly brought up this topic. He didn’t seem to want anything in particular.

He had very few material desires, and since he was a child, he only needed to speak up when he wanted something. There was nothing that he had to work hard to obtain except for Qinhe.

He had experienced many emotions through Qinhe that he had never felt before, such as desire. What would it be next time?


This is the first time Qin He has talked to Yu Cheng about his own ideas.

“Well, this is a coincidence. My friend gave me a ticket to a photography exhibition last week. Do you want to go and take a look? It’s next week.”

Yu Cheng started to talk nonsense, he just wanted to persuade Qin He to do something different.

He always felt that Qin He carried a lot of things on him and was somewhat inaccessible, always out of reach.

Yu Cheng didn’t believe in this superstition and insisted on pulling Qin He along with him.

He used a tempting tone to lure Qin He to go with him.

And then…

After Qin He left, he began asking his older brother for tickets.

——Brother, I promised someone else, don’t make me lose face.

——My little darling, I told you to prepare better next time. Do you think I’m Doraemon? Whatever you want, I have it.

——I don’t care; you have to get it for me.

——Having you is my blessing.

Yucheng looked up with a smirk on his face. This could work.

Then Yucheng didn’t care anymore and let his hapless older brother figure it out. He even went downstairs to have a late-night snack with his mother.

Xian Nan Zhi :

It’s so scary to draw out cards that I didn’t dare to draw them until now…

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