
Chapter 7: Unexpected

On Friday, Yu Cheng received a ticket from his brother and calmly began planning tomorrow’s activities.

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“Qin He, I’ll come to your house to pick you up tomorrow and visit your aunt at the same time.”

Yu Cheng will do whatever it takes to get closer to Qin He.

When he picked up Qin He for tutoring, Yu Cheng provided door-to-door service and even brought gifts for his family the first time he sent Qin He home.

The fact proves that although Yu Cheng is not good at studying, he is particularly good at acting, which gave Qin Wanqing a particularly good first impression.

There is a bit of the likeable charm from childhood in Yu Cheng. Apart from flattering his parents for a game console when he was young

He hasn’t been sweet-talking much. This is probably the only time he has spoken like a normal person since he was ten years old.

He keeps praising Qin He, causing Qin He’s eyes to twitch. There are few parents who don’t like hearing compliments about their children.

Qin Wanqing immediately grabbed his hand and wanted him to stay for dinner that night.

This is the person who looks good, has a good personality, and is the only friend of their own son.

Qin Wanqing was especially enthusiastic, always urging Yu Cheng to eat more at the dinner table. Her lips were curled up all night.

Qin He’s character was clear to Qin Wanqing. He always appeared distant and cold. So when she saw the only friend who could move Qin He’s emotions, she was very concerned.

Qin He was somewhat uncomfortable or nervous about Yu Cheng’s visit.

In order to reduce rent, the house was rented in a slightly remote suburb where there was a mix of people.

The lanes were haphazardly intertwined, and there was no property management here. Sometimes garbage would be left for a long time before being cleared.

The various smells mixed together, lingering for a long time. In the evening, there would often be men with bare arms holding a bottle of alcohol, drinking and spitting, stumbling towards a garbage heap to lie down.

The hallway was narrow, and the lighting was sometimes good and sometimes bad. Qin He would use the reminder as an opportunity to observe Yu Cheng’s expression.

Always prepared, when Yu Cheng frowned, Qin He would say a pre-prepared excuse to make the other person leave.

He probed the other person’s attitude like a cat, measuring the relationship between the two.

He didn’t want the other person to see his embarrassment, but he also had some expectations.

The rental apartment was not big; it was advertised as having two rooms and one living room, but in reality it did not.

There is a bedroom that is only separated from the living room by half a wall. It’s just for the sake of renting the house more easily.

Two almost-adult boys are a bit crowded inside.

The interior of the room is not very bright due to the old-fashioned light bulb, but it has a unique warmth. The furniture is all provided by the house and extremely simple.

Yu Cheng didn’t pay too much attention to the house, and his mind was full of how to improve his impression.

The dumb and silly look on the other person’s face relieved Qin He.

Qin He pulled away from his thoughts and looked at the person in front of him, slowly letting out a sigh.

“Up to you.”

When Yu Cheng finished speaking to Qin Wanqing and came out, Qin He was playing with a cat at the alley entrance.

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Qin He had a smile on his face and was playing with a ball of toilet paper.

The cat belonged to someone else and was a large orange cat, perhaps too well taken care of.

Its whole body was a bit chubby, and from afar, it was hard to distinguish its limbs, and its movements were not very agile.

Its eyes were hidden in its orange fur, and its movements to catch the paper ball were particularly comical. Every time it pounced on the paper ball, it would roll on the ground.

Qin He was wearing a camel-coloured coat, which made him look much milder. The breeze blew, leaves fell, and his bangs swayed.

His slender fingers held the paper ball, making it hard to tell who was whiter between him and the cat lying on the ground.

Qin He’s lips curled up slightly as he watched the falling orange cat, and his eyes narrowed with some pleasure.

Yu Cheng stood two steps away from him, staring at him in a daze.

Qin He was the first to notice him, putting the paper ball into his pocket, patting the cat’s head, and trying to stand up.

But suddenly his face changed, and he crouched down again.

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Seeing Qin He’s sudden change of expression, Yu Cheng looked a little anxious.

Qin He lowered his head, then raised it again, looking at people expressionlessly.

He said, “My leg is numb.”

Yu Cheng’s face was complex for a moment, then he burst out laughing.

The people around them looked over at them.

Qin He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, saying, “Stop laughing, you idiot.”

Yu Cheng then pulled Qin He up, still unable to stop laughing. Qin He bounced a few times before recovering.

“I didn’t expect animals to like you so much,” Yu Cheng said, still laughing.

“The people in the alley keep it. I’ve only fed it a few times,” Qin He replied, returning to his usual self.

“Stay still,” Yu Cheng said, approaching Qin He. “You have something in your hair.”

Qin He’s hair was different from how it usually appeared—somewhat soft. It was warm from the sun, and the strands of hair tangled in his hand would make one feel comfortable to touch.

Or perhaps this was the real Qin He: playful with cats and dogs, talkative yet helpful, with a soft inner self.

Yu Cheng stood on his tiptoes to see clearly, causing Qin He to stare at his jaw with his eyes open.

The boy should value this outing, as he is dressed more simply than usual, without the flashy colours. It is unknown if he’s trying to match someone.

Qin He knows that Yu Cheng does not wear cologne, but this time he is surrounded by a fragrance that is not overpowering but still commanding.

Anyone who gets close to him will be imbued with this scent.

It is a ladybird, probably the reason why a leaf fell on Qin He just now.

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The ladybird turned to powder in the palm of Yu Cheng’s hand, and the person in front of him retreated to their original position. The sense of oppression disappeared, but the fragrance still lingered in the air.

To break the strange atmosphere, Qin He spoke up, “Did you spray perfume?”

“You smelled it; how is it?” Yu Cheng’s eyes shone slightly, eagerly awaiting Qin He’s evaluation. He had put extra effort into this outing.

If it weren’t for his short buzz cut, he would have spent a long time on his hairstyle.

“Quite good.”

Qin He didn’t have much to say. The fragrance was a bit strong and made him feel a bit dizzy and uncomfortable.

He had to tuck his chin into his collar to dissipate the overpowering scent and catch his breath.

The strong scent was like Yu Cheng himself: exuberant and flamboyant.

It made him a bit confused and unsure why this person insisted on befriending him and visiting his home.

Yu Cheng was still waiting for something else, but there was nothing, and he pouted in disappointment.

He dared to be angry but not speak up, only able to grumble to himself about this person’s lack of appreciation and basic social etiquette, not even willing to give a compliment.

The two arrived when there weren’t many people yet. This was an exhibition that Qin He had always wanted to see it, but he didn’t have the time or the means to get tickets.

When they went in, it seemed like their whole demeanour had changed; they were visibly happier.

It was as if they had forgotten about Yu Cheng’s presence. Compared to Qin He’s joy and focus, he appeared somewhat calm. He couldn’t really say he liked these things anyway.

It was more interesting to study Qin He, especially when he displayed different emotions because of him.

However, he realized that when Qin He was focused; he was truly focused, and he didn’t even remember he was there.

Yu Cheng could only pout and mutter under his breath, “What is it?”

But Qin He’s behaviour made him feel even more strange. He knew how much Qin He loved these things, and he was looking forward to them, but except for the initial excitement, he couldn’t see anything else on his face. He was always restraint something…

There were many people at the exhibition, many of whom had flown in from overseas. Yu Cheng stood three steps away from Qin He, watching him talk to someone.

Qin He’s English was exceptionally fluent, without any hint of an accent. It was more like what would be played in a listening exercise, and he did not seem timid when communicating with others.

He seems to have been born to stand high up.

like he is giving a speech, standing on a high platform, and being looked up to.
Just looking at such a person makes one wonder how bright their future will be, which is exciting.

“Thank you for today. I will make up the class tomorrow.”

Yucheng heard the first half of the sentence and was about to ask how to thank, but he closed his mouth when he heard the second half. If he had asked now, it would have surely doubled the class time. So his smile froze on his face, and he swallowed the second half of the sentence forcefully.

Teacher Qin’s way of expressing gratitude has always been so unique.

It’s already noon, and Yu Cheng is preparing to take his people to lunch, but he feels like someone is following him from behind.

He casually glanced at the side mirror of the car.

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A man with low brows and eyes, wearing dirty and messy clothes, with a beard growing like wild grass, looked like a standard homeless person, and his gait was somewhat unsteady.

Yu Cheng wasn’t sure if he was being followed, so he could only speed up and walk towards the crowd with his people, but the man started to jog to keep up with them.

Yu Cheng chuckled, “If you’re following me, you must have really bad luck.”

Without waiting for anyone to ask, he grabbed the man from behind and threw him over his shoulder, leading Qin He to walk towards an alley.

“Speak up, what do you want to do?”

Yucheng stood with one foot on the man’s chest, his tone unfriendly. He had worked hard to bring someone out to play, but things had been disrupted.

Yucheng was strong and had disrupted the activity, not holding back his strength.

The man grimaced in pain, gasping for breath, but still wanted to look towards Qin He.

However, every time he moved, Yucheng would step on him, making him look very awkward.

“You’re just a little rascal…” The man confirmed that it was Qin He, and started to curse, but before he could finish, he was kicked in the mouth. “Watch your mouth.”

“Li He, he… he’s my son!” Li Zhuang quickly changed his words.

When the other person mentioned Li He, Qin He’s expression became somewhat cold. He looked at Li Zhuang as if he were looking at an ant on the ground.

But he couldn’t help but shiver, as if he were being bitten by ants. Childhood memories flooded back to him.

His mother’s scolding, beatings, and bruises all over her body—he seemed to have never escaped from that childhood.

Why won’t these haunting memories go away?

“Shut up. He’s Qin He. Why are you trying to take advantage of him by calling him your son? I’m still your grandfather.” Yu Cheng’s pressure on Li Zhuang’s foot increased.

“Let him go.”

In late autumn, tiny beads of sweat appeared on Qin He’s forehead.

He was no longer a child, and he had the ability to resist.

He slowly walked up, looking down on the embarrassed man.

“How did you find your way here?”

Yu Cheng felt that something was off, so he had Qin He came over and stood next to him to prevent the man from making a move.

In his eyes, Qin He was probably just a smart little student who only knew how to study.

“That bitch changed your last name, huh? Good for her?”

“You don’t even recognize your own father now, do you?”

“I gave birth to you for nothing, you ungrateful brat!”

Looking at Qin He in front of him, and the man still felt like he was the same kid who used to cower in fear before him. What was there to be afraid of for someone he could control?

Without Qin He’s intimidating presence, the man got up from the ground.”

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Qin He has never been a weak scholar. If he didn’t want to be bullied as a child, he had to learn how to fight.

Qin He punched the man directly in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. The affected area swelled quickly, and the man lay on the ground coughing like a stray dog.

After years of hard work, his strength was no weaker than that of people like Yu Cheng, who specialised in training their strength.

In addition, the man’s body was already ruined by years of smoking and drinking. The man whom he couldn’t escape from as a child was now lying on the ground like this.

“Didn’t he tell you? Keep your mouth shut.”

With some disgust at the blood on his fist, Qin He’s words were icy and cutting.

Yu Cheng looked at the man in front of him and licked his lips. After making sure that the other party would not pose a threat, he walked out of the alley on his own.

He probably didn’t want to be seen in such a situation.

“I advise you to be careful. I don’t care how you found me, but if you dare to come to me, I’ll hit you every time I see you.”

“Heh, little bastard, are you threatening your father?”

Li Zhuang lay on the ground panting heavily.

“Thirty thousand; consider it money for supporting your father. It’s not a loss, since I’m the one who gave you this life.”

“I advise you to take a detour when you see me. Are you gambling again?”

Qin He furrowed his brows, took a deep breath, and did not respond to him.

“If I tell your creditor about your information or send you in, what do you think your fate will be? You guess?”

Qin He didn’t want to get entangled with people, so he dropped his words and walked away.

“Pah, this little brat even knows how to threaten people!”

The street was bustling and lively, and compared to that, the atmosphere between Qin He and Yu Cheng was a bit awkward.

Yu Cheng didn’t know how to speak up, and Qin He lowered his eyebrows and buried his face in his collar. The awkward silence spread.

Finally, Qin He let out a sigh and said, “I made you look like a fool. I’m sorry.”

“What about that person? Do you want me to teach him a lesson?” Yu Cheng suggested sincerely, as he had always solved problems efficiently and effectively since he was young.

“No need; I have my own way. You are easily taken advantage of in this way. Have you forgotten how your school earned its reputation?” Qin He knew that Yu Cheng was not like what the school said, and he hoped that he could learn a gentler way of dealing with things.

instead of being reckless like he was now, which could easily lead to injury.


Yu Cheng brought Qin He into his territory a long time ago, like a wolf guarding a treasure.

Anyone who dares to touch or covet this treasure will be bitten by him and left with no escape…

Qin He has taught him to handle things with a gentle approach; of course he can, but the prerequisite is that Qin He is okay.

Now, Qin He like a chain around his neck. If something happens to the chain, who knows what he will do…

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