Genius Summoner

Chapter 1782: 1782

Chapter 1782: Immortality (4)

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Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The two of them flew at a low altitude and passed through the forest. Yun Feng stepped on a tree branch and suddenly felt something under her feet. Her body immediately flashed and a few wooden stakes suddenly jumped out of the ground, stabbing at her in the sky. Yun Feng waved her hand and the wooden stakes broke. Then, a huge net fell from the sky. Qu Lanyi raised his hand and the huge net was quickly cut into two pieces, falling on the ground.

The two of them looked at these things. This was obviously a trap.

“Hurry up! We’re almost there! Lure it over quickly!” Soon, there was a commotion not far away. A few panting voices quickly approached, followed by the deafening roar of a beast!

The two of them raised their brows. Was this trap set to capture Magic Beasts? Wasn’t it too simple?

The bushes moved and a few figures suddenly appeared. They all looked very young. The few young people were originally delighted. When they saw Yun Feng and Qu Lanyi, they were obviously startled. Seeing the completely destroyed trap again, their expressions immediately changed!

“The trap has been destroyed!” A girl shouted loudly. The Magic Beast behind her had already arrived! It let out a furious roar and jumped out of the bushes,   about to pounce on her! Yun Feng stood there. When it saw Yun Feng with its beast eyes, its body suddenly trembled and the Magic Beast ran away without looking back!

“It’s running!” Seeing that the Magic Beast was about to run, a boy chased after it and stabbed it with a longsword! The Magic Beast was suddenly attacked. It waved its huge claw angrily and the boy was caught. A bloody wound immediately appeared on his chest!

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“Watch out!” The few young people immediately ran over. The Magic Beast roared and looked back vigilantly. Seeing that Yun Feng was still here, it immediately turned around and ran away without looking back, disappearing instantly.

“Damn it! It still escaped!” A few young people surrounded the injured man. It was just a superficial wound, but the area of the wound was a bit large.

“It’s all their fault!” One of the women glared at Yun Feng and the others angrily. “If they didn’t destroy our trap, how would it have escaped?”

Yun Feng raised her brows and didn’t say anything. She was already planning to leave. Qu Lanyi had the same attitude. The two of them immediately turned around and were about to leave. The few young people immediately surrounded them. “You’re not allowed to leave!”

Qu Lanyi sneered. “You can’t catch a Grade 9 Magic Beast of the Lord Level.”

The few young people were immediately a bit unhappy. “If it weren’t for you, how would we not be able to catch them?”

Yun Feng raised her brows. “Do you really think this trap could catch it?”

“Our capture was perfect. If you hadn’t come out to mess things up, it would have already been ours!” The few young people were all indignant. “You two even caused our people to be injured!”

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Yun Feng glanced at the injured man. “It’s just a superficial wound.”

“Get out of my way.” Qu Lanyi was a bit impatient. The few young people immediately surrounded him even more tightly. “Don’t even think about leaving just like that, unless you give us a Magic Beast! And treat his injuries.”

Qu Lanyi’s face darkened. Yun Feng raised her brows slightly. A stream of water element had already been shot over and the wounds quickly healed. The few young people were all slightly shocked. “He’s already recovered. As for the Magic Beast… It’s your fault that you didn’t catch it.”

The few young people immediately looked at each other and understood that

Yun Feng and Qu Lanyi were quite strong. “The few of us are all at the Lord

Level. It might be a bit difficult for us to catch something at Grade 9 of the Lord Level, but the appearance of the two of you did ruin our plan. You’re in the wrong.”

Yun Feng’s black eyes darkened. These few people blamed it on them? How could that simple trap catch a Grade 9 Magic Beast of the Lord Level?

“Since the two of you are powerful, it should be a piece of cake to hunt a Grade 9 Lord.”

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Yun Feng raised her brows with a hint of anger in her eyes. “You only want to use others to achieve your goal. In the end, you can only achieve nothing.”

After saying that, Yun Feng and Qu Lanyi ignored her and left.

“As powerhouses, they don’t even have any arrogance?”

“It seems that we can only blame our bad luck. How unlucky!”

“Hey, what are you laughing at?” Someone looked at a companion in confusion. The young man chuckled as a glint of light flashed through his eyes. “How about we follow them?”

“Follow them? Are you stupid? They’re much stronger than us. We can’t beat them in speed.”

“That’s right. Besides, even if we can follow them, won’t we be discovered?”

“They should be going deeper. We’ve already encountered Grade 9 Magic Beasts of the Lord Level here. There will be higher-level Magic Beasts further in.

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Aren’t we going to die?”

“I’ve attached something to them. We won’t lose them. Let’s follow them from afar. Since they’re powerhouses, they must have a purpose for entering the Juling Mountain. Wouldn’t it be better if we can take this opportunity to have a huge fortuitous encounter?”

The few of them started an intense discussion. The injured young man didn’t say anything. After discussing it for a long time, everyone looked at the young man. It was obvious that he was the backbone here. “You make the decision.” The injured young man was silent for a while before he said, “If we follow them, we’ll indeed have a fortuitous encounter, but we’re not strong enough to go deeper. They’re powerhouses, so they certainly can, but we’re not. Even though we can follow them along the way, nobody will protect us. If we lose our lives halfway, the gains won’t make up for the losses. However, we would be missing a great opportunity.”

Everyone was silent. That was indeed the case. A fortuitous encounter would pull them to a new height, but there were many dangers. They might pay with their lives.

“At this moment, it would be great if a powerhouse was willing to take us forward.’

“Yes, if only that was the case.”

The few young people looked at each other and understood that even if they wanted to follow them, they didn’t want to lose their lives. They should find an opportunity to continue what they did just then, but they were more or less a bit unwilling in their minds.

“Guys, what are you doing?” A figure slowly came. He had a slender body, a handsome face and a pair of golden glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing neat clothes. Coupled with the humble smile at the corners of his mouth all the time, he gave people a sense of politeness and distance..

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