Genius Summoner

Chapter 1783: 1783

Chapter 1783: Immortality (5)

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Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The injured young man frowned and looked at the person in front of him. “Are you from the Summoning Union?”

The man pushed the glasses on his nose with his slender fingers and smiled lightly. “You’re not a summoner. Do you know me?”

“Although I’m not a summoner, I met you by chance at the School of God of War,” said the injured young man with hope already ignited in his eyes. These few young people were all students of the Shengyao Empire’s School of God of War.

Ling chuckled. “I see. Are you guys forming a team to train?”

“That’s about it. You can only grow by training.”

Ling smiled and nodded in agreement. At this moment, one of the others said excitedly, “Can he take us after them?”

The others were immediately excited after hearing that. That’s right. The person from the Summoning Union must be very powerful. Even though he looked weak, it should only be on the outside. The few of them saw the green ring on Ling’s hand and their hearts heated up. He was a summoner!

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The injured young man said, “I wonder… if you can take us to catch up with two people.”

Ling raised his brows. “Two people? Your enemies?”

“No, two powerhouses… We met them just then. They went deeper. We thought we might find something if we followed them.”

Ling smiled lightly after hearing that. “I see. Being with a powerhouse will more or less be beneficial. A fortuitous encounter might appear. However…

since they’re powerhouses, how can you catch up?”

“Don’t worry about that. We can track their whereabouts, but… we don’t dare to go too deep with our strength.”

Ling pushed the glasses on his nose. “I don’t know. What kind of people are those two powerhouses? Once they find out, it won’t be easy for you to escape unscathed.”

“A man and a woman. Even though they’re a bit cold, they shouldn’t be people who attack casually. Besides, we’ll only follow them from afar and won’t get too close.”

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“A man and a woman?” Ling mumbled as the corners of his mouth curled up.

His glasses suddenly glittered. “In that case, I’ll take you forward.”

“That’s great!” The injured young man smiled happily. The others were also excited. Ling curled his lips and smiled gently. “The Summoning Union has contact with the Schools of God of War of the three empires. It’s only right for us to help if we meet here.”

“Thank you. Let’s go.” The injured young man was delighted. The few young people all looked eager to try. Ling chuckled. “Sure, let’s go.”

Yun Feng, who had been moving forward, suddenly tightened her body and subconsciously looked back. Qu Lanyi frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Yun Feng frowned. “I feel like… someone is chasing us from behind.”

Qu Lanyi was puzzled. The two of them stopped and searched carefully, but found nothing. “Is it an illusion?” Qu Lanyi raised his brows. Yun Feng had been frowning, as if she had a sixth sense. The feeling of being chased lingered in her mind for a long time. For the sake of caution, Yun Feng took out the Finger Spiritual Jade. Seeing her movement, Qu Lanyi said, “Are you worried that he’s here too?”

Yun Feng nodded, but the Finger Spiritual Jade didn’t show anything. Just because it didn’t show anything didn’t mean that Ling wasn’t here. He just might not be in the area covered by the Finger Spiritual Jade.

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“If he’s really here, we can’t meet him,” said Qu Lanyi. “The route is different.

It’ll be strange if we bump into him.”

Yun Feng chuckled and put away the Finger Spiritual Jade. “You’re right. Perhaps I’m thinking too much. Let’s go.” The two of them continued moving forward. In a distant place, a group of people also stopped. “They suddenly stopped. Have we been discovered?”

Ling smiled lightly. Young Lady Yun, you’re still so cautious.

Seeing that Yun Feng continued moving forward, the few young people immediately heaved a sigh of relief. Ling glanced at them silently. If these few people went deeper, it would ruin things sooner or later. It was better to get rid of them first… Since he had already figured out her whereabouts, he wasn’t afraid that he wouldn’t be able to keep up.

He glanced at the forest around him. If it weren’t for him, these few people would have already been swallowed by the Magic Beasts along the way. How would they be so lucky? He quickly extended his hand and probed somewhere in the forest with his mental strength. The roar of a Magic Beast suddenly sounded!

“It’s a Magic Beast! ” The expressions of the few young people immediately changed drastically! They had been very careful along the way. How would they provoke a Magic Beast?

He swung his hand again and slashed fiercely with his mental strength. The roar of the Magic Beast came again, accompanied by rapid panting and footsteps this time!

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“It’s coming!” The few young people immediately trembled and quickly gathered behind Ling. They looked around in panic. As expected, a huge figure had already darted out of the depths of the forest after a while!

“Roar! Humans came to our door!” A pair of orange beast eyes stared at Ling and the few young people firmly. The powerful aura of a Magic Beast came and the few young people all turned pale! How could this be? How exactly did they alarm it?

“You guys go first. I’ll block him. Luckily, this place isn’t too deep. It shouldn’t be a problem for you to escape quickly.” Ling stood in front of the few young people and instructed them quickly without looking back. The few young people immediately nodded. “Mr. Ling, what about you?”

Ling chuckled. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t let anything happen to me. You should run out first, or you’ll distract me.”

The injured young man immediately said, “Let’s go!” The few young people turned around and quickly escaped. Seeing that, the Magic Beast roared and pounced on them. Ling’s black eyes glittered and he turned his body slightly to the side, letting half of the Magic Beast’s body pass. The Magic Beast’s huge claw swept over. Ling opened his hand cleverly and sent his mental strength slightly. The huge claw deviated, but the force swung over.

“Argh!” A figure fell on the ground and quickly got up. The few young people all ran desperately. Their lives were more important right now. As for that fortuitous encounter, they didn’t want it!

“You want to escape?” The Magic Beast roared and was about to continue chasing. Ling went forward and fought with it. He controlled his strength very well. He didn’t retract his hand until the few young people had already run far away.

“Human, you think you can stop me?” The beast’s eyes widened. It gave up chasing after those few young people and pounced on Ling himself instead. His slender body stood on the spot as he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose gently with his finger. Dark light flashed through the black eyes behind the glasses.. The huge body of the Magic Beast was already close to him and a huge shadow covered him!

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