The basketball court was decided by drawing lots and would be conducted at the same time— a match at the outdoor basketball court and another in the indoor gymnasium. Probably due to the pre-match hype inside the forum, Ruan An’an found that the number of spectators in their class was obviously larger than that of other classes, especially girls, who accounted for two-thirds of the total audience.

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Ruan An’an sat together with Qiu Yan as she gave a quick glance at the people around her. She found that there was no shortage of beautiful women with enchanting looks and delicate makeup.


At the basketball court, there were a few people from Class 1 of Finance standing together. Although they were all about the same height, Number 7 particularly stood out with a glance as he was the most conspicuous.


Although her seat was far from where he stood, the outline of his face was still as clear as day, let alone his good figure that couldn’t be obscured even if anyone wanted to.


Fair-skinned and handsome; with those charms, he was like a god loved by all.


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She had already seen through his cool demeanor the second time they met.


Perky Butt is most definitely a devil with a beautiful face, a peerless enchanter.


With that train of thought, Ruan An’an’s phone vibrated.


It was a WeChat message from Gu Jue.

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GJ: [Is there any water? I forgot to bring mine.]


Ruan An’an was taken aback.


How could he not have brought water?


For the past few days, the Sports Committee member was afraid that Gu Jue would catch a cold or a fever, so he kept bringing Isatis Roots all day long. He even stuffed an extra bag of it with her just in case.


(T/N: Isatis Root is the name of a dried Chinese medicine root, used for cooling and detoxification in ancient Chinese medicine practices. Chinese reading is ‘Ban Lan Gen’)

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Being that careful, how could he have not prepared water for a competition?


But the game was about to start and she couldn’t waste time asking for an answer, so she just replied honestly.


Ruan-An-Ruan: [There is a bottle, but I have already opened it…]


Ruan-An-Ruan: [Sadness flowing into the sea.jpg]


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Two seconds passed.


GJ: […I’ll have it then. ]


After his reply, the referee blew his whistle. Ruan An’an’s head shot up and saw that Gu Jue had put down his mobile phone and was entering the court, surrounded by several people.


Ruan An’an didn’t have time to think if there was something wrong with Gu Jue’s words just now, so she locked the screen of her phone and watched the match intensively.


The various voices beside her ears became louder and louder, and Qiu Yan was also getting too excited. Occasionally she would say, “Ahhhhh Gu God is so handsome” and sometimes, “Why do I feel that the Sports Committee member is also a bit handsome today”, “Ahhhh, they must win” …Her entire being was like a beeping machine that couldn’t seem to stop.

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