Fortunately, her voice was clear and rather cute. Otherwise, it would have been really torturous to sit next to this girl.

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That was how Qiu Yan frantically chattered throughout the entire game. Ruan An’an selectively replied to her concerns, but she wasn’t as blindly worried as Qiu Yan. 


 ——Ten minutes later.


It turned out that Ruan An’an was right. The small fries that the Sports Committee member had mentioned were really just small fries.


The opposing team was from the Market Business Administration class. Ruan An’an didn’t know why, but in contrast to the Finance Class, the team on that side looked pretty unenergetic.


Generally speaking, evenly matched sides would still have a chance to score as long as they have the ball. There may be a difference in the final scores, but there would still be a few cases where the ball was lost and intercepted by the opponents.

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She didn’t know if the opposing team’s defender was frightened by Gu Jue’s name or if his desire to win was not very high. He made two mistakes whilst dribbling, which led to the ball being intercepted and scored by Gu Jue with a layup before he could even pass it to his teammates.


Of course, it might not have been a mistake.


It very well could have been the ball handling skills of player Number 7.


Ruan An’an stared at Gu Jue. The more she looked at him, the more she realized that this person really fit his name very well— he was really amazing.


The game lasted for two quarters, but it was basically a decided outcome. One of the members of the opponent was the obvious driving momentum of the team— Number 10, coincidentally also the player who scored the most points. He had a lot of small tricks up his sleeve when it came to passing the ball and defense.

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It was deemed useful to confuse the other four, but no matter what Number 10 tried to pull in front of Number 7, there seemed to be four big characters clearly written on his expression.


—Too flashy and unrealistic.


It was a lot like the ‘Honor of Kings’ videos of a certain platform. He sidestepped left and right, as if he was Baili Xuance who had the skills to overturn the sky, but in the end, he was taken away by Kai Ye.


[T/N: ‘Honor of Kings’ is a very famous multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game in the Chinese market. The above two names are the characters of the game]


In the face of absolute strength, any technique was indeed useless.


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As she happily watched the game, a slightly surprised female voice echoed around her.


“Qiu Yan?”


This voice is pretty nice, Ruan An’an thought to herself. Because of this, she turned around to take a look.


The person was seated on the other side of Qiu Yan, seeming to have just exchanged seats with someone else. With their gazes on each other, Ruan An’an regretted looking back.


Although she had forgotten her name and hadn’t seen her for several years, she remembered it very clearly…This girl was part of Ruan Lin’s ‘Four Iron Corners Sisters Group’.


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Don’t ask why was it named the Four Iron Corners; asking why Ruan Lin was so stupid would have been a better choice.


Qiu Yan also turned her head to say hello, “Ah, Xia Meng, you are here too. I didn’t see you just now!”


Oh, yes, her name was Xia Meng.


After Qiu Yan finished speaking, she realized that Xia Meng’s gaze was not on her.


She turned her head and saw Ruan An’an was also looking back, slightly confused, “You two… uh, know each other?”


“No, we don’t.” The two said in unison.

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