Chapter 12 (1)

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A Couple’s Set Meal

The couple’s set meal was not that great. They both put their chopsticks down after finishing half of it and chatted for a while instead.

Cheng Jingbo told her that he had given Mu Zibei some Science and Technology Weekly magazines he’d ordered from abroad, and praised Mu Zibei for being such a gifted child. He commented that if he studied well, he would reach great heights.

Bo Ziren was surprised by Cheng Jingbo’s praise and concern for Mu Zibei. They hadn’t known each other for very long.

“Does he bother you often with his texts?”

“It’s not a bother. He is a very interesting child. It is a pleasure to chat with him.”

“It’s because you’re a teacher that you have so much patience with children.”

“It has nothing to do with my profession. There are several people I don’t talk to in private.”

Does he mean he only talks to certain people? Bo Ziren found this statement very comforting. Wasn’t he just paying attention to her at the moment?

With her head slightly bowed and no clue as to what she was thinking, he changed the subject.

“How are you doing?”

She raised her head, a small smile appearing at the corner of her mouth. This was the first time he’d caught a moment of undisguised joy from her.

“Recently I’ve been helping my tutor translate a book he wrote, and I’ve been busy every day.”

“Pay attention to your body and eat three meals on time,” he said. Gesturing at the fast food in front of him he continued, “Try to eat better.”


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She suddenly remembered something.

“By the way, I considered your proposal.”

“What do you think?” he asked.

“I decided to go for a psychological consultation.”

“Okay. I’ll introduce you to a doctor.”

He paused.

“If you don’t mind, I’ll take you there myself.”

This was beyond her expectation. It was a test of patience to accompany someone to see a doctor. She thought he would recommend her to one at most and hadn’t expected him to be so considerate. Without thinking, she nodded.

When the time came to pay the bill, he said, “You treated me last time, so now it’s my turn. I’m also sorry that the taste of the food here is so bad.”

It wasn’t so bad that it was difficult to swallow, Bo Ziren thought.

As they moved to step out of the restaurant, a group of young students noisily rushed in, marking the end of school for the day.

Cheng Jingbo moved himself to the side, volunteering to hold back the heavy glass door from slamming into them as they poured in. Bo Ziren realized that he was very good with children.

When they walked out, Cheng Jingbo looked at his watch and said, “I could take you back to school, but unfortunately, I have two classes today. I have to hurry back now.”

“I’ll just take the bus back. It’s very convenient.”

“Be careful, and pay attention,” he said, glancing thoughtfully at the scarf tied around her neck. “Don’t be blown away by the wind.”

Bo Ziren waved her hands, embarrassed.

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“No, that time was an accident. I’m not a kid.”

“I’ll contact you this weekend,” he said, referring to their visit to see the psychiatrist.

He headed to his car, but before he reached, she called out once again. He looked back only to see her running to catch up.


He seemed to have gotten used to her always having something to add at the last minute.

“This is for you,” she said and handed him a plate of chocolates wrapped in black tin-foil.

“How did you know that I like to eat this brand?” he said smiling, enjoying his smile’s reflection in her eyes.

“However, it’s a bit embarrassing to always take your snacks I think…” he said slowly, trailing off.

His words made it seem that her gift would be declined, possibly marking his smile as only a gesture to help ease her embarrassment. 

So his next words were completely unexpected.

“Next time, I want to give you some candy, or biscuits, or anything. What do you like?”

“I don’t eat snacks, and I am firm on this.”

“If that’s the case, then I really am embarrassed to take from you again.”

His expression became serious.

“Actually I…occasionally eat salted peanuts,” she said, quickly compromising.

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“Peanuts? Okay, I’ll remember. I’ll be ready next time.”

He put the chocolates away neatly.


After Cheng Jingbo left, Bo Ziren walked to the station alone. She walked slowly, making the short distance seem longer.

The wind was cold and the streets were mostly quiet, save for the intermittent lively sounds of children playing from afar.

She spread her palms then clenched her fists as if giving herself the strength to keep walking. She waited a moment, before unclenching her hands again. She felt lost. Every time she said goodbye to him, she felt this way. This time it was especially strong for some reason.

If she could just have just stayed with him in that little, warm restaurant, the bad food wouldn’t have mattered to her. Just a cup of hot tea would have been enough to make her feel happy.

When she was alone it was one world, but when she was with him, it was another world. Now she wanted to go back to her own world.

It was too early to return to the dormitory. As soon as she took the seat on the bus, she received a text message from him.

【Cheng Jingbo: Have you arrived?】 

She replied that she had arrived. Then checking the time, she sent a message to Teacher Fu wishing him a happy birthday.

Before she went to bed that night, she read from He Mo’s book as usual. Since finding this book, she had made it a habit to read from it every night. This was the only extra-curricular book she was reading during adolescence. Except for subject-related books, her teachers classified these types of books as “free books”. She didn’t dare spend more time on it.

Her finger slid across page 101 as her eyes locked on one of the lines.

“You shouldn’t deny yourself so easily.”

This was what He Yan said to He Mo on the phone.

Bo Ziren repeated these words silently for a while, feeling strangely drawn to them as if she’d heard them before.

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She decided her mind must be playing tricks on her. This was just a common sentence many people said.

She closed the book and let her thoughts roam in the quiet winter night. They swayed and flickered like the flames of a small fire, then dissipated away as she finally fell asleep.


On Sunday, Cheng Jingbo accompanied Bo Ziren to the Renkang Psychological Clinic. Coincidentally, the clinic was located in a small retro-style building behind the hospital where Cheng Jingjie was. The clinic was a semi-formal operation attached to a large hospital.

Before entering, Cheng Jingbo said to her, “Many young people come here for a consultation, including doctors who work at the hospital.”

That meant she didn’t need to be too nervous. She nodded, expressing that she understood.

The doctor Cheng Jingbo recommended to her was called Chen, with a single name. He was tall and handsome, and it was difficult to determine his age purely based on his appearance.

Upon entering the room, Bo Ziren glanced around, taking it in. The walls were painted beige, with matching curtains hanging from the windows, giving the office a clean and concise feeling. 

On the table stood a pot of fresh green plants, with Dr. Chen bent over it pruning its leaves.

“I set aside a special time slot for you,” said Dr. Chen as he put the scissors away. He raised his head to Bo Ziren.

“Sit down.”

Bo Ziren sat on the sofa a little awkwardly and stole a glance at Cheng Jingbo who stayed standing. Her eyes asked him, what now?

“I’m going out now. Only you and the doctor will talk during the consultation time,” said Cheng Jingbo.

“Relax,” he said as she almost got up to follow him, “I’ll wait for you at the door.”

Bo Ziren restrained her limbs as she reminded herself of the purpose of this visit.

Cheng Jingbo gently closed the door behind him as he left the room. While Bo Ziren’s gaze followed him out, Dr. Cheng sat on the sofa opposite her, dusted off a corner of his clothes, and sat back comfortably in the chair.

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