A Psychiatrist’s Frustration

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In the following week, her medical consultation appointment was moved to the afternoon, but she still met Dr. Chen face to face in that same, elegant and cozy room.

Their communication was not smooth though. No matter what Dr. Chen asked, Bo Ziren only gave an objective answer with little to no expression of subjective emotions.

When speaking of her parents’ situation, Bo Ziren merely said, “They divorced early because of disagreements.”

“Later when you learned of the fact that your mother remarried, was that acceptable to you?”


“After this family reorganization, you didn’t feel uncomfortable?”

Bo Ziren shook her head, “No.”

After chatting intermittently for a while, Dr. Chen took out his pocket watch.

“It sounds like your mother doesn’t care much about your feelings. Neither did she tell you about having a new boyfriend, nor did she ask your opinion on her marriage to him. You should go meet with your mother about this.”

“This is her business, and I will respect it.”

Dr. Chen shook his head.

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“This is not just about her. This is also about your mental well-being.”

“Doctor Chen, can we talk about something else?”

Dr. Chen threw his pocket watch smoothly to the side and folded his hands on top of his knees, gesturing that she could talk about anything she wanted.

“Then talk about something that someone your age would want to talk about. For example, what kind of boyfriend do you want?”

Bo Ziren couldn’t answer. She hadn’t expected the doctor to ask her this.

“I’ll venture a guess.”

Dr. Cheng rubbed his forehead, before glancing at her.

“Does a man like Teacher Cheng fit your preferences?”

Bo Ziren felt like someone had suddenly dropped an ice cube on her heart. She steadied herself, forcing the ice cube sensation to slowly melt away, and her heart warmed up again.

What’s going on…How did he see it?

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“I remember in our previous session, you asked me what was the meaning of what I had talked to you about,” Dr. Chen continued. “The reason behind this subject is that I can see that you are a little nervous, and I want to try and say something that will attract your attention.”

“Dr. Chen, do you think too much?”

“Although you try to give the impression it has little effect on you,” he said, seemingly unperturbed by her question, “your expression changes completely whenever I mention his name.”

“Really?” Bo Ziren said as she leaned a bit further away from him. Her emotions had become very tense.

“Maybe…because we both know him, it makes it easier to talk about him.”

“Don’t rush to explain. I won’t tell him.”


When the time was almost up and Bo Ziren turned around to pick up her school bag, Dr. Chen discreetly sent a quick text message to Cheng Jingbo.

[Dr. Cheng: Kid, I trust you more than I do myself. I feel very frustrated.]

Cheng Jingbo finished reading it quietly, then put his phone away when he heard the door to the office open. He turned towards her.

“How are you feeling today?”

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Bo Ziren answered hesitantly, “It’s okay.”

He followed up with another question, “Are you still a bit reluctant to communicate with him?”

“No, in fact, he is very good. The problem is with me. I am a boring gourd.”

The words ‘boring gourd’ made Cheng Jingbo a little startled. He looked at her with a childlike expression of annoyance on his face but kept a secret smile hidden in his heart.

Bo Ziren lowered her head, discouraged, and walked with him towards the door.

“Come with me to the Chinese pharmacy to get some medicine. I need to take it to a teacher later,” said Cheng Jingbo as they walked.

“Your teacher?” she asked, curious.

“A mathematics teacher in my elementary school. She is now very old and her legs are inconveniencing her. I help her run her errands.”

“Are you still in touch with your elementary school teacher?”

“Yes, it is fate.”

While retrieving the medicine in the hospital lobby, they ran into Cheng Jingjie, who was on duty. She had a new haircut and looked bright and neat.

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“Why are you together?” Cheng Jingjie asked, surprised to see her brother and Mu Zibei’s sister together.

“We met at the cafe,” said Ching Jingbo. He didn’t mention that he took Bo Ziren to see a psychiatrist.

Cheng Jingjie looked thoughtful at this rare event. Her brother was never willing to approach the opposite sex, and there were never any beautiful girls around him because he always preferred to avoid gossip. He had even once accidentally said he didn’t like an appearance that attracted attention. He felt such girls were troublesome.

However, here was Mu Zubei’s sister who was very beautiful, tall, and stood out in a crowd.

“What’s the matter? Cheng Jingbo said as he looked at his sister who had suddenly gone silent.

“It’s okay, you seem to be busy. I have to go to Xiao Cui to get a report.” Dr. Cheng then hurriedly left.

Cheng Jingbo took the medicine and checked the time. He then suggested to Bo Ziren who had been following him silently, “I’m going to go deliver this medicine now. If you don’t mind, you can come with me. Then I’ll drive you back when we’re finished.”

Bo Ziren’s eyes lit up quietly as she thought about the two of them spending time together for a few more hours. It was as lucky as a free gift.

“Of course, if you still have something..”

“I have nothing to do,” she said before he could finish his sentence. “I can accompany you to deliver the medicine.”

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