Chapter 105

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Reborn Man (15)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


This trouble stemmed from what Lu Yi heard in the photo and Ji Rui’s mouth, Ji Rui’s mother.

That was about two months ago.

Ji Rui’s grandfather and grandmother (mainly grandfather) still couldn’t accept his grandson. Although he had half of his daughter’s blood flowing on his body, Ji Rui looked too much like the bastard who kidnapped his daughter back then.

As soon as they saw that face, it reminded them of the bad memories of that year, so they refused to recognize this grandson anyway.

What’s more, this grandson was not obedient at all, and refused to live in the garden villa, instead he had to live in that shabby house hypocritically. The person who reported it also said that he even went to work part-time for others, and when he was a cook, he would cook for others. In order to earn 5,000 yuan a month for living expenses.

He didn’t have a good impression in the first place, and the follow-up impression was even worse. Ji Rui’s grandfather had no way to accept such a disobedient child. The grandson was allowed to go abroad to accompany his daughter.

The parents were relieved. Ji Rui’s mother finally called her son happily and told him that he could go abroad and accompany her.

Ji Rui was originally very happy to receive a call from his mother, but when he heard words like going abroad, grandfather, his excitement cooled down, and his rationality gradually returned.

When his mother thought that he would agree immediately, Ji Rui said, “Mom, although I miss you very much and want to live with you, I want to stay in China.”

“After you come over… What did you just say? You don’t want to come over?” Ji Rui’s mother’s voice sounded unbelievable. When she parted, her son was so reluctant to part, how could he suddenly change his attitude completely.

She went on to say: “What’s good in China? You went to an ordinary university, and you have no reason to stay in China. If you go abroad, stay by my side, as well as your grandparents´ side, isn´t it okay?”

Ji Rui was silent for a while, and then used the same rhetoric when he persuaded his mother to leave, but the expression was completely opposite: “Mom, I’m already an adult, I can’t be by your side all my life.”

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He was in class at this time, and in order to answer the phone, he sneaked out the back door and found an empty classroom with no one to speak.

At this time, Lu Yi was not by his side, but when his mother said that he had no reason to stay in China, he immediately thought of Lu Yi.

For him, Lu Yi was the reason why he had to stay at home, and of course it wasn’t just this reason, he was not used to living abroad.

Yes, this was obviously a very powerful reason: “Although there are many bad places in China, my classmates, friends, and all the people I know are all in China. For you, mom, you have your parents abroad. You have many relatives and friends, but that’s not mine.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and the voice became a bit low: “Xiao Rui, are you complaining that I left you behind?”

“No, it was actually the choice I persuaded you to make at the time, wasn’t it?” Ji Rui really didn’t have any complaints, there must have been some at the beginning, but it was mainly due to the grievances of their grandparents.

Afraid that his mother would think too much, he added: “Under the circumstances at the time, if my mother chose to stay in China for me, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life.”

“Since this is the case, then mother asks you, can you go abroad for me? I know this reason sounds too much, but… For you, am I not the only relative in the world? mother does not want that I die and you are not by my side. I finally persuaded your grandfather…”

People who are tormented by illness are actually not that strong, especially when she returned to her parents’ side during this time, she felt as if she had returned to her childhood, and became able to try to rely on others and make some requests that sounded a little wayward.

Of course, Ji Rui didn’t want to face the situation of not waiting for a child to support her: “But you told me before that your situation has improved a lot.”

Although it was a single-parent family, Ji Rui didn’t want to live with her mother all day after he became an adult.

Before, because his mother was sick, he endured a lot of conflicts, and when living far away from each other he would miss the days when his family was around.

But the fragrance was far and the smell was near1, in the end, there were two generations, and there was a gap in age.

What’s more… what’s more, he had a boyfriend now, unless there were special circumstances, how embarrassing it was to not live together.

She knew her son, if there was no concern, Ji Rui would never have refused her, so she asked her son, “Do you have someone you like?”

In fact, since all this time, she had been asking her parents to find someone to take care of Ji Rui.

But the people arranged by her parents kept saying that everything was fine. Now that she thought about it, they didn’t like Ji Rui so much, so they must be perfunctory.

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Now she was much better, and she had basically taken back all the things her family gave her before.

“Well, if you don’t want to go abroad, you can study in China first, but Mom really doesn’t worry about you. After a while, I will arrange for someone to take care of you.”

Of course, Ji Rui refused, but before he had time to say the words of refusal, he just shouted: “Mom…” The other side hung up.

With his keen intuition, he always felt that something bad was happening.

After returning from class, he told Lu Yi about this.

He briefly talked about the key points, and then talked about going abroad.

“I have rejected my mother.”

Lu Yi reached out and rubbed his hair: “If you really want to go abroad, when we graduate, I can accompany you there.”

The national system of this world was somewhat similar to that of other places, perhaps because this was the world constructed in the book, and the original author’s setting largely referred to reality.

Under these circumstances, living abroad was not unacceptable to him.

“But…” Lu Yi paused, “If it was just for the current reason, I would definitely not choose to go abroad with you.”

Ji Rui also said: “I don’t want to go out either. Although Mom said that my grandfather and the others have agreed, it was also due to her efforts to fight. I don’t think I can get along well with them.”

Lu Yi hugged him tightly: “If you don’t want to, don’t force yourself. For me, it’s enough that you can do what you like and what makes you happy.”

Ji Rui’s head was buried in his chest, sounding stuffy: “I feel like I’m a little useless, you work so hard, but I…”

Lu Yi put his finger on his lips and sealed what he said next: “I work so hard for me and the people around me to live the life I want and do what I want, so don’t say anything depressing, you can live happily every day, for me, it is already the biggest affirmation.”

Ji Rui, who was fed a bunch of love words, hung on hid boyfriend’s body and made a love devotion.

The days two months ago were probably the happiest and closest days between Lu Yi and him, until the appearance of an exchange student from Ji Rui’s school.

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Originally, X City was a first-tier city, and you could often see blond foreigners on the streets. For example, Ji Rui and the others had many exchange students at the Foreign Languages ​​Institute. They also had foreign teachers in the Art Institute. They were blond and blue-eyed and married China citizens as wives.

Just foreigners, nothing special. That being said, the new exchange students still caused a stir in the entire class, the entire major, and even their entire academy.

For no other reason, this foreign little brother was too good-looking, with dazzling blond hair, and had a very temperament.

According to the girls, it was like a prince from a fairy tale.

Although the little brother smiled softly, he may have a sense of alienation because of his aristocratic temperament.

But that’s it, he was still a very gentle and gentleman to others. In the face of confessions from some young ladies or little brothers, he refused in a very gentle way.

Regardless of gender, people basically had no resistance to good-looking things.

Under the circumstance that the other party took the initiative to show his favor, it was difficult for Ji Rui to say anything evil to the exchange student.

He was not the kind of bad-tempered person himself, and he would not make trouble without reason. And with so many eyes staring at him, if he made the “little prince” unhappy, he would always feel a lot of pressure.

In this case, the exchange student quickly became one of his best friends at school, albeit for a short time.

No way, in order to be with his boyfriend, he didn’t make any hardcore friends after he entered the school in his freshman year.

Moreover, his sexuality was originally male. After knowing that he had a boyfriend, his straight male roommates always kept away from him subconsciously.

Although Ji Rui didn’t look at them at all, it didn’t prevent them from staying away. In this case, what he met was only general friendship.

Although Lu Yi also had a desire to possess and control his lover, he was still normal and rational and would not ask his lover to give up the right to make friends for himself.

If the lover kept everything in his life on him wholeheartedly, he would also feel overwhelmed and wouldn’t be able to afford this heavy love.

So, he actually encouraged Ji Rui to make friends, as long as it was a real friendship, not some kind of approach with ulterior motives.

The two of them didn’t study in the same school, and Lu Yi was not the kind of person who was particularly interested in telling stories, so basically it was Ji Rui who told him all kinds of interesting stories.

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He was keenly aware that the frequency of a certain name being mentioned in Ji Rui’s mouth was obviously too high recently.

Of course, when Ji Rui mentioned each other, he didn’t have any special feelings, he was just happy to have made a good friend.

But intuition told Lu Yi that things were not that simple.

He compared the two people’s timetables, specially picked a day that did not overlap, and went to Ji Rui’s school.

Before he went, he didn’t tell Ji Rui, it wasn’t for the purpose of catching rape or something, there should be basic trust between lovers, which he was quite clear about.

But if he said it in advance, Ji Rui’s attitude would be unnatural. He wanted to see how Ji Rui and the good friend who he said were usually like when getting along.

When he saw the exchange student, Lu Yi, who was used to seeing beauties, had to admit that the other party did have a very good skin, which seemed a little innocent and harmless, but if you looked closely, the other party’s gentle eyes were disgusted and impatient.

He was a man who was good at hiding and wore a mask all the year round.

The other party’s attitude towards Ji Rui was very special, and it was obvious that he was approaching him intentionally. Although Ji Rui subconsciously blocked all the radars that showed his favor to him, the feeling of getting along with Ji Rui was still ambiguous.

Of course, Ji Rui’s eyes were clear, and the other party was unilaterally ambiguous.

Lu Yi didn’t come read books in the first place, he was observing people honestly and openly, not avoiding anything at all, so much so that when the other party looked back, he happened to meet with the guy’s eyes.

A thought popped into his mind: “He’s a tricky guy.”

What he thought was right, for him, this was indeed a very difficult existence, because the other party came to China and came to this broken school to communicate, not for anything else, but for Ji Rui.

He was entrusted by Ji Rui’s mother to come to this country specially to take care of her son, but Ji Rui didn’t mention it to Lu Yi at the beginning, nor did he think about it.

He just talked about going abroad. He was Lu Yi’s boyfriend, not a megaphone. He must only pick up what he thought was important to say, and it was impossible to convey every word intact.

So much so that in just two months, this thorny trouble forcibly created a relationship crisis between him and Lu Yi.

This was also the first time in Ji Rui´s memory that he had an argument after he and Lu Yi were together.5

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