As usual, Ji Rui would come back to find Lu Yi after class, and then the two of them would decide the evening activities together, but because of this quarrel, Ji Rui hadn’t come back when the time came.

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As soon as Lu Yi was concerned about the safety of his boyfriend, he made a phone call. No one answered the first time, but he answered the second time. Ji Rui’s tone on the phone was not very good: “If you have something to say, say it quickly, I’m talking to a friend.”

“Aren’t you coming back today?”

“I’m not coming back; I’m staying at the school.”

“Okay, I see.” After saying this, Lu Yi hung up the phone.

Ji Rui was an adult, so he had a sense of what to do, and it was enough to confirm that the other party was safe, and in this situation, it was best for both parties to calm down.

Lu Yi was calm here, but Ji Rui, who was hung up on the phone, couldn’t calm down. He didn’t go out, but he actually stayed in the school’s dormitory.

His school was loose, and they didn’t check the bed very much, and it was too troublesome to check out, so he just ran away.

Several roommates in the dormitory had also been with each other for almost two years, and they were quite happy. They all knew that Ji Rui had a very good boyfriend.

He did this today, nothing to do, he would rather stay in the dormitory than be with his boyfriend, obviously he had a dispute with his boyfriend.

They didn’t try to persuade him too much about emotional issues like this. Anyway, if Ji Rui wanted to talk about it, he would definitely talk about it.

“Don’t be angry, let’s go to the black bar with our brothers. I told the dormitory next door, there is still one person missing, are you coming, Ji Rui?”

“Don’t go.” Ji Rui was angry for a while, but in the end, he couldn’t hold back hid desire to talk, and said, “I said, do you think he is going too far in this matter…”

Ji Rui talked a lot, waiting for the onlookers to analyze it for himself.

The roommate, he must be on this side, and he slammed the “scumbag” vigorously. “Yes, he just disrespects you so much! What good is this kind of person? Just break up.”

Ji Rui frowned again: “How can he be as bad as you said…”

Then he gave a lot of examples to prove the excellence and benefits of boyfriends.

The other party rolled his eyes at him: “I see, you can say it yourself, we can’t say it, you said your boyfriend is so good, so why ask us?”

Pity the two single dogs in their dormitory, who were stuffed with a large bowl of dog food for no reason, and the other who was not single went out to call his girlfriend to show his affection.

Ji Rui fell silent. It was the first time they quarreled, and he didn’t think about breaking up at all.

Besides, wthere were people who didn’t break up in love, just in their dormitory, they had to quarrel every three or five minutes, and they reconcile within two hours after the quarrel.

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There was also that kind of violent quarrel, a 1.8-meter-old gentleman who talked about breaking up with ruthlessness, but his eyes immediately turned red, the other party didn’t contact him for one day, and the next day he sent himself to the door to ask for mercy, saying that he was fascinated by ghosts and coaxed his girlfriend back.

In the end, it didn’t take much effort, and the woman regretted it. He went out in the morning with a gloomy face, and returned at noon with a beaming smile. Oh, he didn’t come back, because he wanted to play with his girlfriend who was as good as ever.

Every couple had a way of getting along with each other, like his roommate, who was noisy and happy, but outsiders saw that the two were in a good relationship and knew that his roommate liked that girl very much.

But he was different from Lu Yi. They got along very well from the beginning, and there was no quarrel between the two. This was the first time, and it was the first time that the quarrel was so bad. He was actually a little flustered.

But sitting down and thinking about it, he didn’t think he was wrong. It was true that Lu Yi was more mature and stable than him, but he also had his own ideas, and it was impossible for everything to go according to Lu Yi’s plan.

What’s more, Lu Yi clearly said before that he hoped he could make more friends, but now he had a different attitude towards his friends, and he felt that he had been deceived.

The person who did the wrong thing was not him, so he couldn´t be soft first, he won´t apologize!

And he also said on the phone that he had his own business to do.

Because there was a class in the school that used a computer, he also brought his laptop, plugged it in, turned on the computer, and logged in to the game.

What was he doing?  how could the game be so boring?

The gameplay that he usually found interesting became very boring, and he even uninstalled the game that he had been playing for nearly a year.

The roommate saw him turn on the computer, and asked again: “Are you opening the black?1 Brother will take you to farm.”

“No, I’m watching a video, and you can turn down the sound if you don’t wear headphones.”

Ji Rui put on his earphones and clicked on the movie that he was said to had received rave reviews.

Basically, he and Lu Yi went to the cinema to watch the good movies recently, and he didn’t have the interest to watch them a second time, and why did he think of that guy again.

He suppressed the irritability in his heart and turned to the classics that were not supplemented.

… After five minutes, he couldn’t watch it anymore, he sat on the stool for more than ten minutes, not remembering what he said before.

It was 4 o’clock, and they had two classes in the afternoon. Ji Rui didn’t go anywhere. He came back after 4 o’clock in the afternoon. It was 5 o’clock when Lu Yi called.

Originally, at this point, either he made the meal and the two of them at home, or he went out to eat the kind of gourmet restaurant he thought was very good.

But because of the quarrel, it was gone now.

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It was almost 6 o’clock. There were four people in the dormitory. One of the roommates went to accompany his girlfriend. The other one ordered takeout. As soon as the phone rang, he ran down to get the steaming yellow stewed chicken rice.

The smell of chicken immediately flooded the entire bedroom, and the other one who didn’t scream was aroused by greedy worms, and took off a pair of disposable chopsticks: “Okay, don’t call me for takeout, give me a taste first.”

“If you want to eat, call yourself.”

“I just screamed, didn’t it arrive, hurry up, give me a piece, my stomach is growling.” After he finished, there was a gurgling sound in the dormitory.

The person who was protecting his take-out box released his hand and suddenly said, “Why do I feel that the sound is not coming from your stomach?”

“Not me, then who?”

Ji Rui turned around awkwardly: “It’s me.”

The lunch they ate at 12:30 was six hours ago, and everyone should be hungry.

Ji Rui looked at his mobile phone, and looked at all the communication records, and was sure that a certain number was not blocked, but the other party did not call.

He struggled for a while and turned off the computer: “I’m going out to eat something.”

When Ji Rui left, the remaining two big men dared to gossip: “I don’t think he looks like he wants to break up.”

“That’s right, the last time the second child was so fierce, it took only one day to make up. I bet on a piece of yellow stewed chicken rice. they will definitely be reconciled tomorrow. ”

“Then I bet that before 24 o’clock today, I bet the Cantonese-style roast duck set with preserved meat that sold on the third floor of the second canteen.”

The two of them looked at each other, showing a comprehensible expression, and clasped their hands together: “Deal!”

Ji Rui went downstairs absentmindedly. He was thinking about whether he should go back and live. Of course, not with Lu Yi himself, but the house he used to live in.

He didn’t plan to go back. After all, the two places were in the same community, and he might meet Lu Yi. How long would it take this time, he shouldn’t be so compromising to the other party.

After a few words of coaxing, he ran back immediately, he didn’t want to be such a person.

As a result, when he went downstairs, he saw a small group of people gathered downstairs.

Was something happening? Just as this thought popped into Ji Rui’s mind, he saw the blond boy surrounded by the crowd beckoning to him: “Rui, this way.”

There were envious eyes on Ji Rui, “I’m sorry, my friend has come down, can you make way for me?” As the other party’s gentle voice sounded, the crowd dispersed.

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Out of politeness, Ji Rui came over with no expression on his face: “What do you have to do with me?”

Friendship and many other feelings were very important, but in front of love, they were often put aside.

The other party glanced at the others: “It’s not convenient to talk here, let’s go out first.”

Ji Rui and the other party walked out of the door of the dormitory building together.

“I’m here to find you to go out to eat. You don’t seem to be in a good mood. What’s the matter? Did something happen?”

Ji Rui was not hypocritical at all, and readily admitted: “Yes, I’m not in a good mood, and I don’t want to go to dinner with others. Do you have anything else to do with me?”

The other party’s expression stiffened, and then he asked him carefully: “Did I do something wrong to make you unhappy?”

In Ji Rui’s mind, Lu Yi’s always calm and self-controlled face appeared: “It has nothing to do with you, it’s someone who cares about everything and makes trouble without reason…”

Lu Yi, who was working at home, suddenly sneezed a few times in succession. He sighed. It was probably Ji Rui who was talking about him again.

He admired what Ji Rui had that he didn´t, the very optimistic mentality, the unique vitality of young people, and the straightforward and simple personality.

No one is perfect, of course Ji Rui was not perfect, he also had many common problems of young age, but in the past in love, the filter was very deep and painless, and he was also willing to tolerate each other more.

But tolerance was not unlimited. He chose to leave Ji Rui alone to be quiet, not for the cold war, but to hope that he could think about it and take a closer look with those bright and clear eyes.

Lu Yi’s life was very regular, but today he was not in a good mood, so he had been working until nearly eleven o’clock.

After taking a shower, he went to bed in the bedroom, only one person slept, and the bed was extra spacious.

Lu Yi originally thought that he was used to sleeping alone and hated others lying beside him, but the first day Ji Rui slept next to him, his sleep quality was unexpectedly high.

Because of this, he did not refuse Ji Rui´s move to stay in his bedroom. They hadn’t slept apart for a long time, at least for the first time in the past few months.

Lu Yi lay on the bed, but inexplicably felt a little out of habit.

Time was such a scary thing, how long.

He opened his eyes and felt a little sleepy.

The hour hand of the clock on the wall pointed to 11:45. Lu Yi couldn’t fall sleep. He straightened up and decided to check the computer again when he suddenly heard the sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole and turning.

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Was it a thief? He took up his weapon, turned on the lights in the living room, and saw a familiar face.

Ji Rui’s eyes met him.

Lu Yi asked him, “Didn’t you say you won’t be back today?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the little boyfriend rushed over and hugged his waist tightly.

Ji Rui’s strength was so strong that he seemed to want to break his waist: “What’s wrong?”

Lu Yi sighed; his voice softer: “What’s the matter?”

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.” Ji Rui said sullenly at first, then became emotional, and hid voice raised an octave: “It’s that person, didn’t I quarrel with you, and then go out with him… Anyway, this it’s not the point, the point is, he actually wants to dig my corner2!”

Lu Yi’s expression was a little dazed: “Huh?”

Why did he feel that he couldn’t understand what Ji Rui said: “Did you make a mistake?”

“I’m not mistaken at all! I really saw him wrong!” Ji Rui said angrily, “I really regard him as a friend, but he actually tried to persuade me to break up in various ways, don’t think I’m stupid and can’t hear it!”

“…Are you misunderstanding? I feel that what he wants to pry should be my corner.”

Ji Rui turned from burying her head to looking up at him: “You say, are you eating my vinegar?”

“If you have to think so, then let it be.”

Ji Rui was very unconvinced: “What is it for now, can you be more honest… Forget it, I knew you were like this from the beginning, and I forgive you.”

“Um… what about that person?”

Ji Rui took over his words: “Which one?”

“It’s the transfer student.”

Speaking of the transfer student, Ji Rui’s face suddenly showed a very guilty expression, he struggled for a while: “Well, I want to say one thing, you promise not to be angry with me.”

“It depends on what it is, as long as it’s not a mistake of principle.”

“It’s not a principled mistake, I just beat him up…” Ji Rui’s voice was getting lower and lower, and he said without any confidence, “That’s it.”

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