It was very late when Ji Rui came back. Seeing Lu Yi, he relaxed and started yawning.

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Lu Yi originally wanted to ask what happened, but seeing how sleepy he looked, he finally said nothing and urged Ji Rui to wash up.

Ji Rui climbed into bed after taking a shower, squinting his eyes, and unknowingly arrived the next morning. He didn’t have time to make breakfast. Lu Yi used a small pot to cook white porridge regularly. When he woke up, the hot porridge was also hot. Just right to drinkable temperature.

The side dish was golden salted duck eggs. There were three duck eggs in total. Lu Yi cut them in half with a knife and placed them flat on a plain patterned plate. The orange egg yolk in the middle-oozed oil and exuded an attractive aroma.

This time was October of the lunar calendar, the weather had turned cold, and it was simply beautiful to drink some steaming white porridge with salted duck eggs.

After Ji Rui finished hid porridge, he put the plate in the dishwasher that Lu Yi bought a month ago.

Although there were only two people living and there was not much housework, Lu Yi still bought a housework robot, a dishwasher, and various convenient electrical appliances.

After he finished eating, Lu Yi, who was standing on the balcony, asked him, “Tell me, what happened yesterday?”

Their quarrel this time was actually not just about the transfer student. The two lived together, and there would be some small frictions. Everyone liked to turn over old accounts, especially when they quarrel, they would count down the small things that have happened. Friction, at the time, people really don’t think it really mattered, but when they get angry, the more they talked about it, the more aggrieved it became.

The fuse that caused their quarrel was not a big deal, but both of them refused to give in. When they became stubborn, they would inevitably say some hurtful things.

But Ji Rui was different from the transfer student. The two were friends. They were not too close or far away. The distance was just right. Just like when Ji Rui glanced at him at first, although they said they were under the same roof, they were not really together. Only the good side could be seen, and the subconscious hidden flaws couldn’t be seen.

Seeing that Ji Rui didn’t speak, Lu Yi repeated it again and asked in more detail: “What did he do when you suddenly got into an argument with him and beat him?”

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Ji Rui said: “It’s not that exaggerated. I just punched him twice, not to the point of being particularly serious.”

Lu Yi looked at him: “how you hit him is not the point, what I want to hear is why.”

“Wasn’t there a quarrel yesterday? I came downstairs and ran into him. Because I was in a bad mood, I just wanted to find something to relieve the pressure, play ball or something, and then went out with him… ”

Lu Yi’s eyes changed subtly, and he repeated: “You went out alone with him? After we quarreled about him?”

“I know I was wrong; didn’t I beat him up?”

“That’s not the point. If you’re with your roommate, I won’t say much, but this kind of person can’t, exactly, all such people can’t.”

Ji Rui said: “I know that people with bad intentions like this are not allowed, but others pretend so well, how would I know before they are exposed. You also said that we need our own space, if you are too close, you will feel suffocated, and there is no personal space, but I have my own friends, and you are not allowed to do this, and I am not your toy.”

Their battle was about to reproduce the scene of the quarrel that day. Lu Yi continued, “I don’t really want to quarrel with you.”

His voice sounded a little tired: “Ji Rui, you said it yourself, you are an adult, and I hope you can mature a bit.”

Ji Rui took a deep breath: “You just despise my naivety, that I can’t see people clearly, right?”

They had only been in love for a short time, and Lu Yi couldn’t bear it anymore, and he felt very aggrieved.

And if there was a quarrel, Lu Yi’s attitude was obviously the most annoying.

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“Ji Rui!” Lu Yi’s voice raised an octave, “I repeat, I never thought of using you as a toy, if my behavior made you misunderstand me, it might be because I didn’t do it well enough. Sorry for my actions.”

He went on to say: “I know very well that no one is perfect. Since I promised to be with you, I was ready to accept your shortcomings. But no one can stand still. I am willing to tolerate your small faults, but you can’t be immature all your life. You’re almost twenty, not twelve.”

Before Ji Rui spoke, he made a pause gesture: “Don’t speak in a hurry, listen to me first, and I will listen carefully to what you want to say.”

Ji Rui closed her mouth, his eyes still full of resentment.

Lu Yi continued: “I am a person with many shortcomings. I like to do things according to plans, and I am picky and demanding. I have high standards for myself, and I unconsciously hope that others will follow in my footsteps.”

In fact, he had been trying to avoid this, but just like being a teacher who loved to educate people, he was used to being a person who spoke the truth in the company group. In life, his behavior style would have some influence in this regard.

He was not the kind of naive and domineering kind of middle school boy. This was the influence of his many years of career. Although he tried his best to restrain himself, it was impossible to completely change it.

He softened his voice a little: “That transfer student is not that important to me. The root of our dispute is not about him, but because of our two personalities.”

No matter how xiao san1 wants to dig a corner, if the person who was dug had a firm will, what could happen? The key to the matter was never external things, but Ji Rui.

“In the beginning, in your eyes, I may be perfect, but no, I am a human, not a god, and I have many flaws. I will also be tired and feel hard. If you can only accept the good side of me, I feel it’s hard for us to keep going.”

The window of the balcony was opened, the weather turned cold, and the wind was blowing on him. It was just the right amount of coolness, but he felt that a large lump of ice had been stuffed into his chest in winter, and it was like wearing a thin summer coat and being blown by the cold wind, his whole body was completely covered in cold, and his heart was frozen.

This time Ji Rui’s voice was trembling: “Do you want to break up with me?”

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Lu Yi said: “I’m just stating the facts. Of course, this is also my shortcoming. I’m too mature. Although my mood will fluctuate greatly, most of the time, I won’t be so emotional.”

He had always thought that he was a good marriage partner, but falling in love may not be so perfect. Love was a violent chemical reaction. He liked the vibrant feeling of Ji Rui, and there was something between them that the other didn´t have, it was normal to attract each other.

But it was like an orange soaked in orange juice. When you take it out, it may have the fragrance of orange on the outside. If you lick it, the skin also smells of orange, but when you peel it off, it was still an orange.

The more time they spend together, the more similar they would become, but not the same.

Ji Rui’s eyes were red, but it wasn’t tears, just because he was too emotional: “But that’s what happened later, isn’t it? You can’t give up easily because of unknown risks. Just like you are investing in stocks, if there´s no 100% return, you won’t invest in it?”

Lu Yi shook his head: “I didn’t say I would break up, but if I continue like this, I will lose confidence.”

He took the initiative to show his weak side: “Look, I’m not what you think, I’m not invincible, I’m also weak, I can run away, I’m not an extraordinary person.”

Ji Rui took a step forward: “But I don’t care, you’re right, I think you are too perfect, so I always have high expectations for you, if you don’t do it, I will think, how can you do this? It just felt like I was being deceived.”

His voice lowered slowly: “It was my fault; I misunderstood the focus of our quarrel.”

He clenched his fists, and his eyes changed from confusion to firmness: “You´re right, I have many shortcomings, naive, emotional, and unclear… But I will work hard to change those shortcomings and become a person who likes better, before this, can you stay by my side and stay with me?”

He didn’t want to break up at all, and even when he was angry again, he didn’t think about it that much, because just thinking about it made him so sad that he couldn’t breathe.

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Lu Yi bent his knees slightly, squatted down, and his eyes were even with Ji Rui: “There is a completely equal relationship between us, there is no need to make such a request, as long as you stretch out your hand, I will always be there. I will also work hard to change my Imperfect places, I want to become a better person for you, are you willing to accompany me?”

He had never talked about such a small person as Ji Rui. He and Fang Chuan had only known each other early, and they had only been together for a year or two.

Moreover, he and Fang Chuan were more like a marriage based on a relationship of interests, rather than a love that hurt at every turn.

Falling in love was a very exhausting thing, but he was not patient enough in terms of feelings, and he had no humaneness. In this regard, he was not even as good as Ji Rui.

The dispute this time was actually a good thing, because the shortcomings of the two of them were put on the bright side.

Ji Rui didn’t speak, he just hugged Lu Yi’s waist tightly, showing his determination with his actions.

After the two punches, the exchange student who was always warm and friendly became cold. Logically speaking, since the other party was so affectionate before, even if it was a friend, Ji Rui should be worried about gain and loss.

But Ji Rui didn’t, he didn’t care about this guy at all, because he was very busy now, he was already a sophomore, and he would soon enter the society. He wanted to grow into a person who could make Lu Yi proud.

It was frustrating to be without such a “friend”, but it could still go on.

But if he lost Lu Yi, he would feel that his spine had been removed, and at least he would be depressed for a long time. Maybe a year, three years, or even longer.

After almost a month, Ji Rui’s mother returned to China.

This time, she wanted to persuade Ji Rui to go with her face to face.

After all, the power of making a phone call was not that great. When talking face-to-face, Ji Rui should have no way to refuse her.

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