Ji Rui’s mother came back during the summer vacation of his sophomore year. Because of his coming out before, he had no choice or plan to go back during the two-month summer vacation, but was preparing to set up a company.

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The school attached great importance to students’ self-help entrepreneurship. If he could successfully start a business, he could not only apply for the school’s entrepreneurial capital support, but also it would be much more convenient to do many things.

The Lu family was just an ordinary town resident, and he could only rely on his own efforts to gain the power to take the green channel2.

Seeing that Lu Yi’s work rhythm was so intense, Ji Rui wouldn´t insist on Lu Yi going out to play with him.

With such a long summer vacation, he also decided to find something to do himself. He complimented him on how delicious his cooking was, and he didn’t like to go out, so he bought a lot of materials online during the summer, and spent all day thinking about making those delicacies.

Then film the process and upload it to a popular social platform.

At the beginning, his photography skills were still very bad. He originally wanted to ask Lu Yi for help. After all, Lu Yi’s photography skills were very good, but when he went to the study, he saw that his fingers kept tapping on the keyboard, and from time to time he was making video calls. He silently backed out.

Since he decided to grow up, he couldn’t rely on his boyfriend for everything. He tried to find something to fix the equipment for shooting, and searched for various strategies on the Internet.

Of course, he didn’t choose to show his face. Although he hadn’t achieved much yet, he was inexplicably confident that he would become popular. If he became famous and was recognized by others, he would feel troubled.

When Lu Yi was free, he told Lu Yi the matter. After all, this was an activity that took up a lot of his time, although in order not to disturb Lu Yi, he specially moved his work place from Lu Yi’s residence to his home´s kitchen, he would then bring the finished product here to share with Lu Yi.

If he really wanted to hide it, he could hide it, but it was too strange to hide this kind of thing deliberately.

Lu Yi took a serious look at the results of his labor these days, and praised him sincerely: “What you make is beautiful and delicious. Take your time, and you will definitely achieve results.”

He was not very good in this aspect, and spent two days researching and writing a detailed research analysis report.

He typed it out with the printer at home, bound it and handed it to Ji Rui: “I may not be able to help you much recently. If you want to do it seriously, this information should be useful to you. If it’s just a hobby, don’t put too much pressure on yourself.”

Ji Rui was obviously trying to grow up, and as his boyfriend, the best help he could provide was actually like this, he tried to make Ji Rui do it himself instead of doing everything well and letting Ji Rui do it.

His words and expressions pleased Ji Rui. The latter didn’t even read the information, and just hung on his boyfriend’s body like a koala: “I know you are the best to me!”

With Lu Yi supporting him like this, Ji Rui felt that he was full of energy. He was trying to make a matcha-flavored Internet celebrity towel cake at home when the door was pushed open.

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He turned his head, the cake-cutting knife in his hand fell on the chopping board, Ji Rui’s eyes widened in disbelief: “Mom?”

He wiped his hands and didn’t care about the phone that was filming: “Why didn’t you call me when you came back?”

“I want to surprise you.”

She put down the bag in her hand and spread her arms towards her son.

Ji Rui stepped forward and gave her a big hug, then released it quickly.

“You look much better. It seems that the operation was successful. It’s really great.” When his mother had the operation, he also wanted to be by his mother’s side, but his grandfather thought he would only disturb them and wouldn´t let him go.

Seeing his mother, he was very happy: “Are you coming back to live this time?”

The latter shook his head: “Return to China for a few days and see you.”

She circled around her son: “You have grown taller.”

When she was abroad, she was always worried about her son and entrusted someone to take care of him. But Ji Rui refused to live in that villa and chose to live alone.

Ji Rui’s appearance was far better than she thought. But on the lips, she still said: “You have become thinner.”

“How can I lose weight; I have gained weight.” Because he had made a lot of sweets these days, Lu Yi didn’t like sweets very much, so he ate and became a little fat.

She smiled and didn’t speak. The mother and son sat for a while. She was a little cautious at first, but she relaxed quickly, and it seemed that she had endless words to say.

This was the relatives who were connected by blood. Even if they hadn’t seen each other for a long time, the strangeness would soon disappear when they were together.

As she talked, Ji Rui’s mother shifted the topic to going abroad: “Last time I said on the phone about going abroad, you are now in your second year of sophomore, and it is time to go through the formalities next semester, which will be done before this summer vacation, you can go.”

The smile on Ji Rui’s face disappeared: “Mom, I don’t want to go abroad.”

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“Isn’t it good to go abroad for further study? So many people go abroad with great pains, and your English is not bad. You will have a smooth life abroad, and there are many Chinese people abroad. You don’t have to worry about eating. Your grandmother’s house has a special cook for cooking, the food they cook must be to your liking.”

Ji Rui said: “That’s them, not me. There are also many people who have the same conditions to not go abroad. What’s more, those who go abroad are not all staying abroad. They study there and will still come back.”

“Also, Grandpa doesn’t like me, does he?” He looked at his mother, “You look at me and tell me, Grandpa really loves me and treats me as a grandson?”

Facing her son’s clear eyes, Ji Rui’s mother couldn’t tell a lie: “They love me and they will love you too.”

She didn’t have any confidence in what she said, and she didn’t know whether she was convincing Ji Rui or convincing herself.

Ji Rui looked at the photo hanging on the wall: “They love you, so do they love the house and the crown so they accept Dad?”

Of course not, if it wasn’t for her daughter’s serious illness and their old age and Ji Rui’s mother bowed her head, the relationship would never break the ice.

“But over there can give you good material conditions, of course my mother hopes to give you better.”

Ji Rui shook her head: “I know, I’m very grateful to you too. But those are the things of grandparents, aren’t they? They have the right to choose to give me, and I will be willing to accept sincere gifts, but not high-altitude alms. ”

“They are your grandparents. It is only natural for the elders to take care of the younger ones.”

“But they don’t want to take care of me, do they? They have no obligation to me. I don’t want everything I get. Mom, you asked for it for me. Good materials are more likely to bring people higher spiritual satisfaction. But if that’s the case I’ll only be more sad, wouldn’t that be counterproductive?”

Ji Rui’s mother was silent. After a long while, she did not continue the topic, but looked at her son, who had a firm look and a logical and coherent speech: “You seem to have changed a lot.”

She felt that her son seemed to have grown up a lot, not physically, but psychologically. If it was before, the child might happily follow up, rather than analyzing so much.

She didn’t think her short departure could make her son change like this, there must be another person.

She suddenly said: “Tell me, do you have someone you like?”

Ji Rui’s “yes” word was just about to came out, and he remembered that his lover was a real man, and his tone changed: “Yes or no, what does it have to do with this, speaking and doing things should be the same, isn’t it?”

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“Tell me, who did you learn this tone from?” This was not the same as the son she remembered.

In fact, she had been arranging for someone to take care of her son during this time, but the person who took care must not pester Ji Rui day and night. ”

And when she came here, she didn’t listen to the other party’s story about this period of time, because she was afraid that the time was too fast, she couldn’t completely forget what they said, and then accidentally said something in front of her son.

No one liked that they were completely controlled by others. If Ji Rui found out, he would definitely make trouble with her.

It was precisely because of such various reasons that she still didn´t know that her son had a boyfriend.

Ji Rui took a deep breath: “Yes, I have someone I like.”

His mother subconsciously retorted: “You just don’t go abroad for this person, how long have you known him like this?”

Although she hadn’t met before, she had already developed a very bad opinion of the little girl.

Ji Rui looked at her mother: “Not going abroad is based on various considerations. I want to see you, but if you don’t want to come back, I can fly abroad every month. There must be a distance between mother and son, right? ”

The operation was successful, and her mother’s condition was getting better. As long as there were no accidents, she could live for at least 40 to 50 years.

Although he had never experienced marriage, he had watched some dramas about mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Other people in his life had also told him that the two generations should never live together. This had nothing to do with whether the daughter-in-law was male or female.

Before, it was his mother’s illness that bound him, there was no one else, and he had to accompany his sick mother, but now the situation had changed, and of course he could consider his own needs and feelings.

He went on to say, “Mom, you were separated from the family for my father’s sake. Since that’s the case, you should be able to understand me even more.”

His situation was different from his mother. His mother was born in a wealthy family and gave up a very good life to endure hardship. He himself grew up in this environment, but he just gave up the so-called opportunity to study abroad.

There was a kind of ‘mother is doing it for your own good’, but Ji Rui didn’t need this kind of good for him.

Ji Rui’s mother was stunned by this, and said after a silence, “It’s because I have suffered too much myself that I don’t want to see you repeat the same mistakes.”

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Ji Rui defended: “I am twenty years old, not twelve years old. I am already an adult and can take care of myself. I have grown up in such an environment since I was a child. For me, I go to a completely unfamiliar environment and endured the ridicule of others, do you think this is happiness by looking at other people’s faces all day long?”

He took a deep breath: “Mom, you have always been reluctant to contact my grandfather, you just feel embarrassed to bow your head to your parents. They gave birth to you, and you are like this. As for me, I haven’t seen each other for 20 years, just because I have grown up, I have to be hated like my father. You want me to accept the favor of people who hate me for the so-called quality life. Is it really for me? Mom, I love you and hope you can have a good life, but when I grow up, can’t you really consider my thoughts?”

In the end, it was just for his own selfishness, he kept the blood relationship, and he was not the kind of person who sacrificed himself to make others happy.

The air quieted down, and after a long time, the female voice said a little hard: “If you give up this opportunity, you won’t regret it.”

Ji Rui said decisively: “I won’t regret it!”

“I won’t stay in the country for too long, can you let me see your partner?” If it was an unreliable person, she must let her son break up.

“I have to tell you something, Mom, I like men.”

If it was his past self, when he heard what his mother said, he would definitely be hot-headed and bring people over, but now that his behavior was influenced by Lu Yi, he would naturally think more.

Bringing his mother over in a hurry might cause unpleasantness on both sides. Just like when he first came out of the closet, Lu Yi told him to avoid him and take responsibility for his parents by himself, and he didn’t want his mother to bring Lu Yi an embarrassing situation.

She sat on the sofa: “You stay away from me, don’t dangle in front of me, I want to slow down.”

The son’s tone was flat, as if he was talking about ordinary things, but to her, it was no less than a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and a big bomb suddenly fell.

Ji Rui retreated into the room, and then called Lu Yi: “My mother is back, and I came out to her.”

Lu Yi was stunned for a moment, and immediately said, “Then I’ll come.”

“Don’t come over yet, wait until my mother accepts it. My own mother will do it herself.”

When he finally said it, Ji Rui’s heart was also relieved, and hid voice became more relaxed: “You are not allowed to come here to be a hero, you should occasionally let me be a capable adult.”

He also wanted to be someone who could be praised by Lu Yi, make Lu Yi proud, and be able to shield Lu Yi from the wind and rain.

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