Chapter 109

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Reborn Man (19)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Even though Ji Rui said so, it was impossible for Lu Yi not to worry at all: “If there is any situation, you can tell me at any time, and I will rush over immediately. In case your mother hits you, be smart and don’t be foolish to resist.”

Ji Rui responded: “Well, I know, I’m not that stupid, don’t worry.”

He hung up the phone and turned back: “Let’s continue talking.” He had to pick up the pace a bit.

After talking about the business, the other party invited him and said, “I don’t know if I have the honor to have a light meal with you, Mr. Lu, in the evening?”

It was definitely more beneficial to agree to the invitation, but Lu Yi still showed an apologetic expression: “I just got a called from home, and I have something urgent. I’m afraid it won’t happen tonight. How about Deep Blue tomorrow night, I’ll treat you?”

The other party agreed: “Then tomorrow night, Mr. Lu can’t break the appointment.”

Lu Yi’s attitude was still very comfortable. As long as it was a day late, as long as he didn’t come to find fault, this kind of partner would generally not deliberately embarrass him.

After talking, he drove back. He took the time to get his driver’s license in his freshman year, he bought a new car.

In X City, where traffic was very developed, it was not necessarily convenient to drive by public transportation. But as the CEO of the company, driving a car worth hundreds of thousands and going to the subway, the former was always better than the latter.

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In the early stage of the company, he always had to pay more attention.

After the talk, he drove directly back to the community. Halfway through the car, when passing by a milk tea shop, he stopped to buy a cup of milk tea and some snacks in the shop.

When he reached the downstairs of Ji Rui’s house in the community, he called Ji Rui: “I’m back, and now I’m downstairs from your house.”

At this time, Ji Rui was still hiding in his room because he had not obtained the approval of his mother. Although the sound insulation of the room was not bad, he still lowered his voice and said, “Don’t come up yet, my mother is still here, it´s not yet over, don’t worry, I have my own measure, and I can handle no matter how big the pressure is.”

Lu Yi chuckled: “I mean, you come downstairs to get takeout, I specially bought milk tea and small balls.”

To get takeout, you always have to take something back, otherwise the lie would be exposed.

“Then wait a minute, I’ll be down right away.”

He opened the door, and then walked out. Although such a big man was trying his best to lower his sense of existence, it was impossible for the other person to notice. She looked at him, “Where do you want to go?”

Ji Rui said immediately, “I called for takeout.”

At this juncture, what kind of takeout was actually called? Although she was not happy, Ji Rui’s mother didn’t say anything.

After all, she had lived a life of ordinary or even poor family for many years, and she would not deliberately embarrass those ordinary people who come out to make a living.

Ji Rui quickly went downstairs and trot all the way to Lu Yi’s car. He knocked on the window and looked upstairs subconsciously. Sure enough, his mother stuck her head out and watched.

He put his head to the car window and said to Lu Yi, “My mother is watching from above. If there is anything to say, let’s say it quickly, she will definitely doubt it after a long delay.”

Lu Yi said, “I just wanted to come and see you. Does it really matter if I don’t show up? Since you’ve all come out of the closet, if my aunt fights, it won’t matter if I get hit twice.”

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Wasn’t there a trick called the bitter meat trick? He kidnapped his son, and he should suffer a little.

He came here specially, and said these words, Ji Rui felt sweet in his heart. Originally, he was indeed a little nervous, but when he saw Lu Yi, his heart that was hanging high was relieved: “It’s okay. Yes, I can handle it. There’s no reason why you told me to hide earlier, and then let you rush in front of me as a meat shield.”

He clapped his chest: “Don’t underestimate your man, okay?!”

“I don’t dare to underestimate it.” Lu Yi handed over a handful of milk tea. “Since Auntie is watching from above, I won’t stay long. You go up first. If you have anything, you must contact me, and I will stay in the community.”

“I know Mr. Lu, then I’ll go up first.”

Ji Rui took the milk tea and snacks and went up, looking at Ji Rui suspiciously, his mother said, “Takeaway? Who drives a luxury car to deliver takeout to you these days?”

Not everyone who delivered food was riding an electric bike and wearing colorful jackets. He really thought she was so easy to deceive.

Ji Rui was calm: “He didn’t deliver food; he was the boss. Because it was the same community, he brought it to me.”

The other party still didn’t believe it, but she just looked upstairs, and the other party didn’t stick his head out, so she couldn’t see the other party clearly.

And looking at the car, she thought of something very bad. Ji Rui lost his father at a very young age. She had been using her mobile phone to search for reasons for homosexuality. Some wrote that boys had always longed for fatherly love because they lost their father since childhood, and it was easy to have a good impression of older men.

“It’s okay if you don’t let me meet people now, just because you’re afraid he’ll make trouble. Tell me honestly, how old is your partner?”

Ji Rui felt that there was no need to lie about this question, and said honestly: “He is a few months older than me and is also in college.”

That was the love of the hairy child, which was not very reliable, but it was much better than being cheated by an old man.

She then cross-examined: “Then does his family have money, is he a local?”

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Not an old man, but maybe a cynical rich second-generation, in X city, just smash a brick, as long as it was a local, there were millions of people at home, those who love their children, go to college, and buy dozens of cars for them, it was not impossible.

Ji Rui muttered: “Mom, are you checking the account or what?”

“Why do you talk so much nonsense, do you answer or not?”

Ji Rui thought about it for a while, and there was nothing to hide. He didn’t bother to answer his mother one by one. Except for Lu Yi’s name, address and contact information, he just finished it in one breath.

Of course, he glorified some of these facts to a certain extent: “He is not local, his family background is average, similar to ours, he has a younger brother, and his parents are very good people. Last year, he came out to the family for me, almost broke his leg by his dad. He is very good-looking, considerate, and diligent. Since being with him, I feel that my life is full of hope, and I love life more and more…”

Hearing Ji Rui complimenting his boyfriend so much, the latter couldn’t listen to her at all: “It’s alright, alright, don’t boast anymore.”

She saw that her son was fascinated, thanks to him being able to boast non-stop in one breath.

Ji Rui murmured, “It’s already good.”

He felt that he was telling the truth, and if he wanted to blow it, he could still blow it for three days and three nights without any difficulty, but it was a pity that she didn’t seem to like listening at all.

“You told him so well, when can you bring him to see me?”

Ji Rui looked at her in disbelief: “Mom, have you accepted the fact that I came out of the closet?”

Of course not, but she wanted to see people first, and if she didn’t see people, she could only listen to Ji Rui’s embarrassment here.

She couldn’t say too much, and she couldn’t clearly say that she had accepted the reality: “I’ll talk about it after seeing someone. Don’t make me believe your nonsense before I see someone.”

She knew her son, in turn, Ji Rui also knew his mom. He was quite happy at first, but he quickly realized that he was carried away by the joy.

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His mother seemed to accept it, but in fact, she was playing with words, and she didn’t give him a positive answer at all: “Mom, I’m not a child anymore, and it’s useless to me.”

His mother’s mind was exposed, and she said with a bit of shame and anger: “Whatever you want, but if I haven’t seen anyone, you won’t want to get my recognition and blessing in this life.”

What she said was really a bit insane. Although Ji Rui had learned a lot from Lu Yi, his resilience was not that strong. He subconsciously imitated the scene when Lu Yi came out of the closet, but the situation of the two families was different. The difficulty was also different.

After a long night, waiting for his mother to enter the room, he locked the door, locked himself in the room, and called Lu Yi secretly.

At this point on weekdays, Lu Yi should go to bed to rest, but on these days, he can’t fall asleep so early, so he simply sits in front of the computer desk in the study, reading the financial statements of major listed companies to pass the time.

When Ji Rui called, he answered it in seconds, and the first response to the call was to ask hid little boyfriend, “Did your mother beat you?”

Ji Rui’s voice came from the phone, and he could hear it. The other party deliberately lowered his voice: “No, but she doesn’t seem to want to let go. My mother is actually very stubborn.”

If she hadn’t been stubborn enough, she wouldn’t have fought so hard with her family for her love.

“Although it’s her son, I can’t do what she was before. But you believe me, I will never give up this relationship, even if she threatens to live or die, I’m just worried now, how can I convince her to minimize the damage.”

Lu Yi listened quietly, but he had an idea, but he didn’t know if Ji Rui could accept it: “It’s really not easy for your mother to pull you all by herself. She was sick before, but couldn’t let you accompany her and she have finally persuaded her parents, It normal for her to want you to go abroad.”

Ji Rui pondered, his words were a bit inappropriate: “Of course I know all this, do you mean to give up?”

“That’s not what I meant. I was just thinking that if you leave her side, she will inevitably be alone. Do you want to buy her a kitten or a puppy and find something for her to do.?”

People can’t be too idle; Ji Rui’s mother was too idle.

“She doesn’t like cats and dogs, and it’s estimated that she won’t take much care of it.”

Lu Yi made persistent efforts and finally expressed his thoughts: “Have you ever thought about finding yourself a stepfather?”

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