Phoenix man (7)

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Looking at the ring, Yu Zhao didn’t react a bit, but one thing was right, the door was really not a place to talk about things. The man in front of him was a noble one. Maybe a piece of clothing on him was more expensive than all his belongings. If he wanted to make trouble, he won’t be the one who suffers.

As soon as Qiao Yi walked into the other party’s den, he saw that the whole room was not as big as his master bedroom. There was a small single bed. There was a flat closet next to the wall on the left-hand side of the door. A door separated the room and only allowed people. Turning around the kitchen and bathroom, in the corner opposite to the bed was an ordinary wooden table.

The ground was quite clean, but there were too many and messy things, giving people the illusion of messiness. Qiao Yi lost the desire to sit down in an instant. He stood there straight, looking condescendingly at the young man sitting on the edge of the bed, and asked straightforwardly: “What is your relationship with Wang Cheng?”

“What does it matter, what did you mean by that just now?”

Qiao Yi went on to say: “I just saw it. You and him are very affectionate outside.”

Yu Zhao finally realized that there was something wrong with this man, and he asked Qiao Yi: “Are you the one who stalked Wang Cheng?”

He really didn’t expect that this kind of bloody plot would happen to him one day, and the other party would still be his old customer.

He kindly persuaded: “There are many fish in the ocean, why should you hang on a tree. I think you are in good conditions, and you can find a better one.”

Qiao Yi’s face became dark, and he once again shook his hand in front of the other party: “Don’t you think, this ring is a bit familiar?”

Thinking of this ring, Yu Zhao suddenly realized that this young man was so paranoid that he would actually get the same ring to wear, no wonder Wang Cheng was uncomfortable.

Although he still didn’t like Wang Cheng to such a degree, today they have determined the relationship, that was, they were boyfriends. He believed that he had an obligation to defend his rights: “You are young, why do you do it? When it comes to this kind of thing, Wang Cheng is not a fixed target, and he doesn’t like you.”

Qiao Yi agreed with the other party, Wang Cheng was not a good target in the first place. Wait a minute, why did he feel that this was a bit wrong? Now Qiao Yi’s remaining half of his face was also black.

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He stopped selling off: “Are you really ignorant or pretending to be stupid? I mean, I am Wang Cheng’s legal partner. This ring is our wedding ring. He wears this ring every time he goes out. A ring, or is he taking it off every time he sees you?”

Yu Zhao also wanted to persuade the other party, but he suddenly reacted. What Wang Cheng said might not be the truth.

Husbands and wives must trust each other, and the same was true between couples. He and Wang Cheng were close. Of course, it was easier to trust Wang Cheng than strangers, but what the if other party says was true.

Thinking of the first meeting between the two people, Wang Cheng seemed to wear a ring on his hand at that time, but at that time he was not so close to himself, and he didn’t pay much attention to it.

Later, when something happened to his mother, the other side helped him a lot, and got along well, so he felt more affectionate. During this time, he did not find the ring on the opponent’s hand.

After all, in this big city, he could be regarded as a foreigner. Although his sister was taking care of his mother and did not live with him, the family’s finances were still supported by him. No matter how strong a person was, everyone would also hope to have a shoulder to rely on.

Wang Cheng was indeed very good to him, and to his mother and sister. He was an old acquaintance, and it could be regarded as knowing the foundation, but the heart was separated from the belly, what if the other party lied to himself.

His face turned pale, but he tried to make the final struggle: “Apart from this ring, what evidence do you have?”

As soon as he spoke, Qiao Yi took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on the Moments album, he should thank the original owner for his good habit of posting Moments.

He raised the phone and handed it to the other party: “No, you can see for yourself.”

Yu Zhao took it, and the latest circle of friends showed that it was a month ago. He scrolled down and looked at the marriage certificate in the photo, the smiling faces of the two grooms, and the comments of relatives and friends below.

The more he looked, the colder his heart became, and when he looked back, his hands trembled a little while holding the phone.

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He handed the phone back to Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi asked him: “Now, do you still need me to bring you the marriage certificate to prove it?”

“No, can you wait a few minutes for me?”

Qiao Yi glanced at the phone placed on the table: “If you want to question Wang Cheng, I don’t think you can.”

If he asked the other party to contact Wang Cheng before he finished listening to him, wouldn’t it be a waste of effort for him to hide specially before.

“No, it’s not.” Although he really wants to call Wang Cheng over right now, he still has more important things to do.

He walked to the small round table and put something in Qiao Yi’s hand: “If you’re not sure, take the phone, I want to go to the bathroom.”

He took away a lop-eared rabbit plush doll on the bed. It was a birthday gift he bought for his sister. It just arrived and had not had time to send it out.

Qiao Yi could not stop people from going to the bathroom, and he couldn’t follow up to see others go to the bathroom: “Then you hurry up.”

At the end, he added: “Remember to wash your hands.”

This sentence made him get a weird look from the other party, but in the end, Yu Zhao still didn’t say anything.

Yu Zhao entered the door separating the room from the kitchen and small bathroom, and then locked it.

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Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yi heard the sound of something smashing inside, and then: “Asshole, scum!”

At the back, there were some native dialects of the other party, which he didn’t understand very well, but judging from the tone of voice, it was definitely not a good thing.

After about five minutes of venting, Yu Zhao came out carrying the lop-eared rabbit. Qiao Yi noticed with a sharp eye that the fur on the rabbit’s belly was all messed up, and it didn’t seem to be as bulging as before.

Qiao Yi forced himself to take his gaze away from the hapless rabbit: “I haven’t introduced myself since just now. My surname is Qiao. Qiao Yi is also Wang Cheng’s legal partner. We have just been married for less than a month.”

Yu Zhao thought this self-introduction was weird, but he still followed the other party’s words: “My last name is Yu, Yu Zhao.”

“Is it Poppy´s Yu?”

“No, it’s the Yu from the second and the young.1 The Yu surname of the poppies is rare.” Yu Zhao replied, why does he feel that the point is a little bit crooked.

Thinking of Wang Cheng, he became angry: “I don’t know what you think, but I am also a victim. I only learned today that I was a little third. If you come to me to demonstrate, it is not very useful. The key problem is your partner.”

He didn’t know what Qiao Yi was looking for, but Qiao Yi clearly saw Wang Cheng just now, and the other party did not directly rush to “catch the traitor”, but chose to chat with him alone as a “little third”. He must still have hope for his husband, thinking to beat him from here.

Even though he vented, he was still a little bit unreasonable, and his tone was not so pleasant: “I will not contact your husband again in the future. If he finds me again, I will move out in a few days.”

Qiao Yi looked at the young man in front of him carefully, his clothes were simple and plain, there were no messy accessories on his body, and his angry expression did not seem to be lying.

The other party obviously didn’t know about Wang Cheng’s being married, which was better than he expected.

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Of course, if he knew, it would be for money in all likelihood, he could tell the stakes, and then use more lucrative benefits to impress him.

But for the person in front of him, if the benefit was directly mentioned, it may be more like an insult, he needed to adopt another method.

“I think you have misunderstood, Mr. Yu.” Qiao Yi said, “As a victim, I can understand your feelings, but I came to find you alone, not wanting you to leave Wang Cheng.”

“What do you mean by this?” He had no interest in being someone else’s junior.

“Actually, I plan to divorce Wang Cheng recently.” He looked at Yu Zhao, “I don’t know what Wang Cheng said to you, but the car Wang Cheng drove was bought by my parents. We got married. His dad made all kinds of requests and made troubles, nothing came out…”

“Then how did you look at this kind of man, were you blind?” Yu Zhao said, he thought that this kind of person would guard his own man when he was together.

Qiao Yi was not upset, and calmly said: “Marrying Wang Cheng is indeed a very stupid choice. So, I am going to divorce now. As long as I didn’t make a big mistake, everyone should be given a chance to change, right?”

“Furthermore, if it weren’t for me to show up here, Mr. Yu, you might get stuck in a quagmire, and then you really become a mistress who everyone shouts and beats.”

The words hit the nail on the head, and it hurt Yu Zhao. The other party was right. He was the biggest victim. He was like a punctured balloon: “Then what do you want to do?”

Qiao smiled: “If you can, I want Mr. Yu to do me a favor.”


1 Yu Ke´s Yu is 虞,but Yu Zhao´s Yu is 于.

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