Phoenix man (8)

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Yu Zhao’s mood was still very depressed, he barely cheered up: “How do you want me to help?”

“Do you know about professional lovers?”

Yu Zhao wanted to refuse “No.”

Before he knew that Wang Cheng was married, he could still be throbbing. Now that he clearly knew that the other party was married, how could he be the other party’s lover.

“You have to believe that you can, and you don’t need to do anything more. Just hang him. When I get enough evidence, you can retreat. As compensation, I will give you a generous reward. “

“No, I said no, please go out.” Yu Zhao’s face turned blue, and his face was a bit sulking.

Qiao asked him: “You were deceived by him; don’t you want revenge?”

“Although I really want to, but I want to live my life better.” He didn’t have such a strong confidence, and he had to take care of his mother and sister, so he didn’t want to get involved in the mess.

“You sure?”

Yu Zhao still refused, with a bit of anger in his voice, “I will say that I knew it from someone else, so I won´t let Wang Cheng know that you have discovered it, don’t think about other things too much.”

Asking him to be someone else’s lover was disgusting when you think about it, even if it’s work, it won’t work.

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This was obviously a violent temper, and Qiao Yi didn’t make it difficult for him: “Here is my contact information, if you need it, you can contact me at any time.”

His instinct told him that Yu Zhao would agree.

Although he could also hire another one, Yu Zhao was obviously more suitable, because he was simple and straightforward, and Wang Cheng would not doubt that such a person lied.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons, and another very important reason was because the other party seemed to be the white moonlight in Wang Cheng’s heart.

He doesn’t remember a lot of the established plot, and many details were very vague, but it was written in the book that the white moonlight had a sister and a sick mother.

It was because Wang Cheng helped others when the other’s mother was in an accident, that’s the white moonlight was willing to perform surgery for Wang Cheng to give birth to a child.

When Yu Zhao went into the small kitchen to stab rabbits to vent, he saw the gift box in the corner, and the unopened ones on the bed, some new clothes for little girls. There was a medical bill on the table, and the patient on it was forty-five years old with gender female.

Compared to thinking Yu Zhao was pedophile, the fact that the other party had a sister was more realistic, and the other party knows himself, inferring from the first sentence, it seemed to be the hand-cooked cake seller on the edge of the university town.

The mischievous remarks made by the female stall owner of the awful stemming buns also proved this point.

Wang Cheng, who was low-key and tolerant, had been humbled for so long with himself just to get benefits from Qiao’s family.

He was in conflict with his relationship now, and dare to cheat so boldly, certainly not just because he simply couldn’t control the third leg.

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If the person he met was the white moonlight he was thinking of, the cinnabar mole that he had been secretly in love with for so many years, then it made sense.

He doesn’t care even if the old house is on fire1.  Wang Cheng was a young man. He inevitably lost his mind when he pursued excitement.

Since the purpose was to completely change Wang Cheng’s life, then Yu Zhao, who was the white moonlight, could not continue to develop with the other party.

But with such a light cut, he couldn’t believe it. After all, Yu Zhao still had a seriously ill mother. What if Wang Cheng helped him again, the other party would care about his kindness, or be with Wang Cheng?

People were very complicated animals. For some people, love was not more important than family affection or responsibility.

Yu Zhao couldn’t be more suitable for cutting off Wang Cheng and the white moonlights unfavorable relationship.

However, he was not in a hurry, and it may not be long before the other party will come to the door automatically.

Yu Zhao didn’t pick it up, so he put down his business card, went down the stairs, and walked out slowly, planning to take a taxi on the second Road at the end of the alley.

As soon as Qiao Yi went out, Yu Zhao threw his business card into the trash can. He remembered that he had go to his mother’s residence at night, and quickly went into the small kitchen, took out the thermos barrel with chicken soup, and took a gift for his sister.

At this time, the phone called, he connected, and the girl’s crying voice came from the phone: “Brother, brother, mother just fainted.”

My sister’s school was too far away from his university. The transportation was inconvenient, and there was a four-hour delay on the way back. In order to earn more money, His mother rented next to the school to take care of his younger sister, and he rented in the university town. Then he went to see his mother once a week, and accompany each other to the hospital for a check-up once a month.

Yu Zhao’s thermos barrel overturned to the ground, and he became short of breath: “Nannan, you cry, ask the neighbor and aunt to help, and my brother will call the hospital now.”

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The girl on the phone said: “The neighbor’s aunt has already helped call. I’m in the hospital now. The aunt said she wants me to call you. Brother, you come quickly.”

Yu Zhao took a deep breath, took the key phone and wallet, and rushed down.

He rushed all the way to the alley where a taxi just happened to be parked on the siode of the road. As he ran wildly, he shouted: “Wait some, please wait!”

The man who he waved before turned his head to look at him: “?”

Seeing Qiao Yi’s face, Yu Zhao was stunned for a moment, but at this time he didn’t care about face or anything. He pleaded, “I’m really sorry. My mother got into the first hospital in the city center. Please give me the car and I can pay double the price.”

It was not easy to call a taxi in this neighborhood. This taxi was the express cab called by Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi paused, then opened the door and sat in the seat of the co-pilot. He leaned out half of his body and looked at Yu Zhao: “What are you doing in a daze, don’t you get in the car quickly.”

Yu Zhao was stunned, then got into the car, very ashamed: “I’m really sorry, thank you very much.”

He had such a bad attitude towards others just now, and the other party was actually a good person.

Qiao Yi said to the driver: “Go to the hospital he said first, and then drive back to the previous location. I will pay for it.”

After sending people to the hospital and putting them down, Qiao Yi said, “Okay, wait another half an hour.”

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The driver said: “I earn a lot less for half an hour, and the hospital can’t park for a long time.”

“I’ll pay for the parking fee, and an extra one hundred, is that enough?”

“Enough is enough.” The driver didn’t say a word, and just started to play the music.

The other party seemed to be anxious and didn’t know if the money was enough. He was not a particularly enthusiastic person to help others, but instead of waiting for the other party to ask Wang Cheng for help, and let Wang Cheng help, it was better to let Yu Zhao owe him this favor.

Even if the other party didn’t promise to help him, if he rushed to this point, he would never be with Wang Cheng again, but the task might not be so perfect.

After more than ten minutes, Yu Zhao appeared in Qiao Yi’s sight again.

The other party didn’t actually hold much hope, but found that the car was still there. He rushed over and knocked on the window.

Waiting for Qiao Yi to lower the window, he clenched his fist, and then said: “Mr. Qiao, what you said before, I agree.”

At the end, he added a sentence: “No money.”


1 The old house is on fire: it means it’s hard to put out the fire. Generally, refers to the joys and sorrows of life. So, Wang Cheng is too excited because of the white moonlight and doesn´t care about everything that this enthusiasm entails and wherever it could be bad or not.

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