Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 28: Give You Two Green Hats Chapter 2

Translated by Jev Kaez

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Edited by Jev Kaez


Qiao Yi opened his mouth to excuse the present Yu Zhao: “That’s not necessarily true. Scum is sometimes relative. While he is a scumbag, he may also be infatuated in front of another person, and Wang Cheng’s skin looks really good. ”

Although he was a rural registered permanent residence, his fathers were full of loess and had eaten in the ground, but Wang Cheng was spoiled by his father and dad. When he was studying, he never did much farm work.

Regardless of the inside, the other party could indeed be called outstanding in terms of appearance.

After Qiao Yi said this, Yu Zhao felt much better. The car drove through a somewhat dark tunnel, and then stopped in front of a drugstore within a few minutes.

Qiao Yi unfastened his seat belt, “Sit in the car and wait for me for five minutes.”

Yu Zhao obediently nodded.

In less than three minutes, Qiao YI came out with a small plastic bag, which contained cotton swab alcohol and iodine.

Yu Zhao was a little surprised: “Aren’t you going to take me to the clinic?”

If he just wanted to buy these things, he could buy them himself, and there was a pharmacy when he went out of the court before, and he felt that Qiao Yi was behaving weird.

As soon as Qiao Yi closed the car door, he started the car again: “There are no clinics around here. To treat such wounds, you can use these.”

He only talked about disinfection before, but he didn’t say that he would take Yu Zhao to the clinic.

Well, thinking about it carefully, the other party did not say that before, and Yu Zhao said again: “I can handle this disinfection by myself. There is a bus station around here. Just leave me there.”

Qiao YI didn’t say a word, he was in his car anyway, and it was impossible to jump out of the car like in a movie.

After the car passed the tunnel, the traffic volume decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. After driving for about ten minutes, he drove the car into a residential area, and then drove the car into the underground garage: “You can get off now.”

Yu Zhao pulled the seat belt and got out of the car, still a little at a loss: “What are we doing here?”

“My new residence is here. If you don’t mind, go and sit down?” He moved the small plastic bag in his hand. “I will disinfect your wound. Of course, it’s mainly because I have something I want to talk to you. Regarding Wang Cheng, and the one million you borrowed from him.”

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Yu Zhao was going to refuse, but when he heard the latter, he nodded: “Then trouble you.”

When he went to Qiao Yi’s residence, he was surprised by the sense of design: “Is this the house you designed yourself?”

“Half, made some small changes.”

He himself bought a well-decorated house, the kind that he could move in with a bag, but there were some furnishings and decorations that he personally picked.

Life is called life only if you live in the environment you like. Qiao YI had always been a life-conscious person.

Yu Zhao expressed a bit of envy: “It’s so good-looking, when I have my own house, I will be like you.”

When Qiao YI got to the kitchen and boiled a pot of water, the silver kettle filled with water was placed flat on the faint blue flame, and it didn’t take long for it to make a slight sound of boiling water.

Qiao Yi grabed the family medicine box on the cabinet, took out the things one by one and placed them in front of Zhao, then turned back into the kitchen, turned off the fire, poured water into the freshly rinsed cup, and placed it on the top of the saucer. Coming out, the time was just right, and every second was not wasted.

He looked at Yu Zhao who was sitting on the sofa opposite the coffee table, and said softly, “Put out your hand.”

“Oh, okay.” Like a well-behaved student, Yu Zhao stretched out his hand very obediently. Because it was a subconscious action, he stretched out his habitual right hand. After stretching it out, he felt a little wrong, and then withdraw his right hand and put his bitten left hand flat on the coffee table.

Wang father was not young, but his mouth was quite good, and that bite was almost the kind of bite that could bite off a piece of meat from Yu Zhao.

Although he didn’t really bite the meat, the wound still looked a bit hideous. As soon as Qiao Yi disinfected him with the iodine he bought, he carefully tied a circle of gauze.

He used a bandage to tie a beautiful bow on the back of the opponent’s hand: “There are many bacteria in the human mouth, the skin has been bitten, so it is better to pay attention.”

“Alright.” Qiao Yi’s voice fell, and Yu Zhao took his hand back. He stared at the delicate bow for a long time, always feeling that his whole person became more refined with the bow.

After finishing the first important thing, Qiao Yi went on to say the second most important thing: “The one million that Wang Cheng borrowed from you before, I asked you to write a duplicate IOU. Do you still keep it?”

Yu Zhao nodded: “Yes, I put it in the house I rented. When you need it, I can return it at any time.”

He added: “Actually, my mother’s operation cost is really enough. At that time, Wang Cheng gave me a bank savings card, but I never touched it. What should I do now? Is it better to keep it first and use it as evidence of transferring the property, or return it to you first?”

After all, it was other people’s money, so he felt very uneasy to have such a large sum of money with him.

After Qiao YI looked at him for a long time, he said, “Half of the money is your reward, but you have to go through the formalities first. I can only pay it to you after the property of Wang Cheng and I are liquidated. Within half a month, I will be able to complete the formalities.”

He had applied to the court to freeze these assets, and the rest can be done by his competent lawyer.

Yu Zhao shook his head sharply: “I can’t ask for this money, and I haven’t done anything.”

At first, Qiao Yi asked him to look at borrowing money from Wang Cheng, but the other party really gave him one million. Although Qiao Yi said that half of it was his pay, it didn’t matter if it was ten thousand or twenty thousand, and five hundred thousand. He really didn’t dare to ask, he always felt too guilty to take it.

“You…” Looking at the face close at hand, what Qiao YI wanted to say reached his mouth and was swallowed.

After brewing for a while, he changed his words and said: “You seemed to have plans to open a store”

“Yes.” But after the operation on his mother, he didn’t have much money, but he had confidence in himself, just to work hard for another year or two.

Qiao Yi praised him: “The hand cakes you make are delicious.”

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Speaking of the hand cake, Yu Zhao’s eyes became bright, and he changed his previous restraint: “I feel it, you came to my stall to buy this every day before, and every day at 7:30, add an egg to the hand cake, add a little bit of chives and coriander, tomato sauce, and salad dressing.”

Buying every day, he was almost familiar with what Qiao Yi said, and he can learn a lot about his tone and expression.

Seeing his face dancing, Qiao Yi also laughed: “Yes, I like eating very much.”

Seeing Qiao Yi’s smile, Yu Zhao seemed to be encouraged, and went on to say: “In fact, hand-cooked biscuits are just ordinary things I make. I will make other things, which are definitely more delicious than this.”

He counted silently: “taking the subway, reaching here it take less than half an hour from my place. If you like it, I will make a dish next time and bring it to you.”

Qiao Yi originally wanted to say that there was no need to be so troublesome, but he thought about it carefully, what if Wang Cheng had a relationship with the other party by chance.

He didn’t want to pay attention to Wang Cheng’s every move, but it was okay to pay more attention to Yu Zhao.

Although the other party was not that smart, he was quite cute. He looked cute and had a cute character.

Then he thought about it, he didn´t refuse: “Then I will have a blessing in the future.”

He continued the previous topic: “What store did you think about opening?”

“I just want to open a snack shop that is responsible for students’ breakfast and dinner. It mainly sells dumplings and wonton clear soup, fried noodles and fried rice, and various hand cakes and pancakes.”

Generally, the restaurants near the school that sell food, as long as the taste was not too bad, there was basically no shortage of customers.

“This idea sounds great, have you planned it before?”

“It’s done. It happened that a shop next to the school wanted to sublet. I asked her to stay for me for a while.” It’s a pity that all the money in his hand had been used up. He must have missed this opportunity.

“Let’s do it.” Qiao pondered Yi for a moment, “If you don’t want the 500,000 yuan as compensation, after the property division is over, I will give you one million yuan. As an investment in the snack bar, you get 60%. I want 40% of the profit. If the initial funds are not returned so quickly, I can temporarily not pay dividends.”

Yu Zhao’s bunny ears stood up, and he stared at Qiao Yi without blinking: “Can you really do this? I’m six and four. Will I take too much? If one million, I won’t be able to pay any money, otherwise you will be seven and three.”

He was very excited about Qiao Yi’s proposal. If he had such a generous sum of funds, he could buy a better storefront that he had seen before, and he had a lot more options.

But if it’s his own six and the other four, he felt that he was taking advantage of the other party.

Qiao Yi said with a smile: “I am only responsible for paying the money, and you will be responsible for it afterwards. I will not intervene. According to this calculation, you have not taken advantage of me. I am a businessman and I will not let myself suffer. ”

He drank a mouthful of boiled water that became warm: “Eating is originally based on the craftsmanship. Whoever cooks delicious food is good for business. You are like an old godfather; he was so old and didn’t have anything. His craftsmanship has become the hottest man in the country in just a few years. If he can succeed, so can you.”

After all, he just fancied Yu Zhao’s craftsmanship. If given the opportunity, the other party would naturally develop well. Even if he did not have himself, the other party would definitely develop after a few years of accumulation of funds.

He just provided an opportunity to promote the development of the other party ahead of time. This was a transaction that makes a profit without losing money.

What’s more, he thought in his heart, not to mention that he had succeeded. If he had money, it means that if the family members had something wrong with another illness, there would be no need to beg others. Naturally, there would be no more dramas like repaying gratitude.

Say it like this: “Although I trust your craftsmanship, opening a store and doing business is not just a craftsmanship. I hope that within half a month I can see the relevant plan to prove that you are worth my investment.”

Originally, Yu Zhao was still a little bit nervous before hearing Qiao Yi’s request, but he felt relieved and stood up excitedly: “Don’t worry, I will definitely hand in a satisfactory answer sheet to prove that I am worth the investment.”

Qiao Yi smiled: “I hope you can always maintain such self-confidence, so, happy cooperation?”

He stretched out his hand, Yu Zhao was stunned for a moment, and quickly stretched out his hand, but shook it firmly.

Thinking of opening a store, he couldn’t sit still. He asked tentatively: “Then I should go back and write the plan first?”

He couldn’t wait to finish this job.

Qiao Yi suggested: “No hurry. Didn’t you say that many things you make are better than hand cakes? If you don’t mind, accompany me to buy the ingredients today? I want to taste your craftsmanship. This is also a test. An important part of the evaluation.”

“Okay!” Yu Zhao glanced at the time, “If you need to prepare a lot of materials, you can go now. Where is the vegetable market, can you show me the way?”

“There is no need to be so cautious in front of me. You can call my name.” Qiao said, “The vegetable market is not far from here. I will go with you.”

“Oh, okay.” At first Yu Zhao felt weird calling the name Qiao Yi. But since the other party said so, he felt more at ease calling his name.

When he arrived at the vegetable market, Yu Zhao found that Qiao Yi was very proficient, and he was a little surprised: “I thought people like you, at most, would go to big supermarkets an buying ready-made stuff”

Qiao Yi asked him back: “Then what kind of person do you think I am?”

“Elites, every minute is precious, so nothing is wasted on trivial things.”

Qiao Yi was silent for a few seconds. He felt that he had changed a lot after becoming Qiao Yi. He didn’t expect that in the eyes of outsiders, it would still be the same as before.

It seems that his acting skills were still not good enough, so he gave himself a brief evaluation.

“Even the richest man will go to the streets to buy groceries, not to mention that my personal assets are not as high as I thought.” When he started the venture capital company and got busier, he might not be able to take care of that much.

Yu Zhao explained: “The fruits and vegetables in the big supermarkets are all well-arranged and clean. Many white-collar workers like them, so I have that kind of misconception.”

Qiao Yi’s eyes darkened a bit: “I don’t like going to the supermarket.”

Although he changed bodies, but that incident still left a big shadow in his memory. After becoming Qiao Yi, he had never visited a similar large-scale shopping mall.

“I don’t like it either. The vegetables in the vegetable market are much fresher than in the supermarket. They are cheap and of good quality. Many of them are not available in the supermarket. You have a good eye!”

Yu Zhao felt as if he had become dumb in front of the other party, and boasted the other party as he spoke. It was clearly his own heart, but it was embarrassing to boast a little bit.

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He felt that he may not get the investment, and he couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated.

Qiao Yi smiled and didn’t continue the topic.

It took half an hour to choose dishes, and another two or three hours to put all the more than ten dishes on the table.

Because he had to evaluate his own craftsmanship, Yu Zhao cooked many kinds of dishes, but the portion of each was small, so as not to waste it.

After finishing, Yu Zhao arranged all the plates and sauces to be dipped in neatly, and then pulled a chair away, like a waiter in a hotel: “Please come to the table, Mr. Qiao, the big investor.”

His eyebrows were smiling, his tone was a bit less polite and respectful, and a bit more playful. Qiao Yi also smiled and sat on the chair opened by the other party.

His expression was serious, and Yu Zhao raised his heart.

At the beginning, he frowned slightly, and slowly unfolded his eyebrows after eating.

When eating, he didn’t make any comments. He didn’t put down his chopsticks until he had tasted everything.

Yu Zhao asked him nervously and expectantly: “How was it?”

Qiao Yi looked at him and laughed: “You should have confidence in yourself.”

As if this sentence was not enough, he seriously added another sentence at the end: “It’s delicious.”

Looking at the other person’s smile, Yu Zhao ghostly said: “After that, I will have all your three meals!”

There was a look of doubt on Qiao Yi’s face.

Yu Zhao explained: “When you were just below, didn’t you say that you plan to start a venture capital company and then you will be very busy? Even if you don’t have time, it’s not good to eat outside food every day.”

His voice fluctuated up and down: “I think, if you like to eat it, I will make one more serving every day and bring you lunch. It won’t be troublesome anyway.”

Moreover, Qiao Yi was originally his investor, and he should do the same for him to make better investment for the physical and mental pleasure of the other party, right.

Qiao Yi hesitated: “It may be troublesome.”

Yu Zhao subconsciously said: “No trouble, no trouble, very simple.”

The young man curled his lips: “Then I will trouble you, Yu Zhao.”

Yu Zhao also laughed, feeling that his name was more beautiful when called by the other party, and the call made people’s heart throb.

Probably he was ill, he thought, just get used to it.

Translated by Jev KaezEdited by Jev Kaez


Qiao Yi opened his mouth to excuse the present Yu Zhao: “That’s not necessarily true. Scum is sometimes relative. While he is a scumbag, he may also be infatuated in front of another person, and Wang Cheng’s skin looks really good. ”

Although he was a rural registered permanent residence, his fathers were full of loess and had eaten in the ground, but Wang Cheng was spoiled by his father and dad. When he was studying, he never did much farm work.

Regardless of the inside, the other party could indeed be called outstanding in terms of appearance.

After Qiao Yi said this, Yu Zhao felt much better. The car drove through a somewhat dark tunnel, and then stopped in front of a drugstore within a few minutes.

Qiao Yi unfastened his seat belt, “Sit in the car and wait for me for five minutes.”

Yu Zhao obediently nodded.

In less than three minutes, Qiao YI came out with a small plastic bag, which contained cotton swab alcohol and iodine.

Yu Zhao was a little surprised: “Aren’t you going to take me to the clinic?”

If he just wanted to buy these things, he could buy them himself, and there was a pharmacy when he went out of the court before, and he felt that Qiao Yi was behaving weird.

As soon as Qiao Yi closed the car door, he started the car again: “There are no clinics around here. To treat such wounds, you can use these.”

He only talked about disinfection before, but he didn’t say that he would take Yu Zhao to the clinic.

Well, thinking about it carefully, the other party did not say that before, and Yu Zhao said again: “I can handle this disinfection by myself. There is a bus station around here. Just leave me there.”

Qiao YI didn’t say a word, he was in his car anyway, and it was impossible to jump out of the car like in a movie.

After the car passed the tunnel, the traffic volume decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. After driving for about ten minutes, he drove the car into a residential area, and then drove the car into the underground garage: “You can get off now.”

Yu Zhao pulled the seat belt and got out of the car, still a little at a loss: “What are we doing here?”

“My new residence is here. If you don’t mind, go and sit down?” He moved the small plastic bag in his hand. “I will disinfect your wound. Of course, it’s mainly because I have something I want to talk to you. Regarding Wang Cheng, and the one million you borrowed from him.”

When he heard the first half of the sentence, Yu Zhao was going to refuse, but when he heard the latter, he nodded: “Then trouble you.”

When he went to Qiao Yi’s residence, he was surprised by the sense of design: “Is this the house you designed yourself?”

“Half, made some small changes.”

He himself bought a well-decorated house, the kind that he could move in with a bag, but there were some furnishings and decorations that he personally picked.

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Life is called life only if you live in the environment you like. Qiao YI had always been a life-conscious person.

Yu Zhao expressed a bit of envy: “It’s so good-looking, when I have my own house, I will be like you.”

When Qiao YI got to the kitchen and boiled a pot of water, the silver kettle filled with water was placed flat on the faint blue flame, and it didn’t take long for it to make a slight sound of boiling water.

Qiao Yi grabed the family medicine box on the cabinet, took out the things one by one and placed them in front of Zhao, then turned back into the kitchen, turned off the fire, poured water into the freshly rinsed cup, and placed it on the top of the saucer. Coming out, the time was just right, and every second was not wasted.

He looked at Yu Zhao who was sitting on the sofa opposite the coffee table, and said softly, “Put out your hand.”

“Oh, okay.” Like a well-behaved student, Yu Zhao stretched out his hand very obediently. Because it was a subconscious action, he stretched out his habitual right hand. After stretching it out, he felt a little wrong, and then withdraw his right hand and put his bitten left hand flat on the coffee table.

Wang father was not young, but his mouth was quite good, and that bite was almost the kind of bite that could bite off a piece of meat from Yu Zhao.

Although he didn’t really bite the meat, the wound still looked a bit hideous. As soon as Qiao Yi disinfected him with the iodine he bought, he carefully tied a circle of gauze.

He used a bandage to tie a beautiful bow on the back of the opponent’s hand: “There are many bacteria in the human mouth, the skin has been bitten, so it is better to pay attention.”

“Alright.” Qiao Yi’s voice fell, and Yu Zhao took his hand back. He stared at the delicate bow for a long time, always feeling that his whole person became more refined with the bow.

After finishing the first important thing, Qiao Yi went on to say the second most important thing: “The one million that Wang Cheng borrowed from you before, I asked you to write a duplicate IOU. Do you still keep it?”

Yu Zhao nodded: “Yes, I put it in the house I rented. When you need it, I can return it at any time.”

He added: “Actually, my mother’s operation cost is really enough. At that time, Wang Cheng gave me a bank savings card, but I never touched it. What should I do now? Is it better to keep it first and use it as evidence of transferring the property, or return it to you first?”

After all, it was other people’s money, so he felt very uneasy to have such a large sum of money with him.

After Qiao YI looked at him for a long time, he said, “Half of the money is your reward, but you have to go through the formalities first. I can only pay it to you after the property of Wang Cheng and I are liquidated. Within half a month, I will be able to complete the formalities.”

He had applied to the court to freeze these assets, and the rest can be done by his competent lawyer.

Yu Zhao shook his head sharply: “I can’t ask for this money, and I haven’t done anything.”

At first, Qiao Yi asked him to look at borrowing money from Wang Cheng, but the other party really gave him one million. Although Qiao Yi said that half of it was his pay, it didn’t matter if it was ten thousand or twenty thousand, and five hundred thousand. He really didn’t dare to ask, he always felt too guilty to take it.

“You…” Looking at the face close at hand, what Qiao YI wanted to say reached his mouth and was swallowed.

After brewing for a while, he changed his words and said: “You seemed to have plans to open a store”

“Yes.” But after the operation on his mother, he didn’t have much money, but he had confidence in himself, just to work hard for another year or two.

Qiao Yi praised him: “The hand cakes you make are delicious.”

Speaking of the hand cake, Yu Zhao’s eyes became bright, and he changed his previous restraint: “I feel it, you came to my stall to buy this every day before, and every day at 7:30, add an egg to the hand cake, add a little bit of chives and coriander, tomato sauce, and salad dressing.”

Buying every day, he was almost familiar with what Qiao Yi said, and he can learn a lot about his tone and expression.

Seeing his face dancing, Qiao Yi also laughed: “Yes, I like eating very much.”

Seeing Qiao Yi’s smile, Yu Zhao seemed to be encouraged, and went on to say: “In fact, hand-cooked biscuits are just ordinary things I make. I will make other things, which are definitely more delicious than this.”

He counted silently: “taking the subway, reaching here it take less than half an hour from my place. If you like it, I will make a dish next time and bring it to you.”

Qiao Yi originally wanted to say that there was no need to be so troublesome, but he thought about it carefully, what if Wang Cheng had a relationship with the other party by chance.

He didn’t want to pay attention to Wang Cheng’s every move, but it was okay to pay more attention to Yu Zhao.

Although the other party was not that smart, he was quite cute. He looked cute and had a cute character.

Then he thought about it, he didn´t refuse: “Then I will have a blessing in the future.”

He continued the previous topic: “What store did you think about opening?”

“I just want to open a snack shop that is responsible for students’ breakfast and dinner. It mainly sells dumplings and wonton clear soup, fried noodles and fried rice, and various hand cakes and pancakes.”

Generally, the restaurants near the school that sell food, as long as the taste was not too bad, there was basically no shortage of customers.

“This idea sounds great, have you planned it before?”

“It’s done. It happened that a shop next to the school wanted to sublet. I asked her to stay for me for a while.” It’s a pity that all the money in his hand had been used up. He must have missed this opportunity.

“Let’s do it.” Qiao pondered Yi for a moment, “If you don’t want the 500,000 yuan as compensation, after the property division is over, I will give you one million yuan. As an investment in the snack bar, you get 60%. I want 40% of the profit. If the initial funds are not returned so quickly, I can temporarily not pay dividends.”

Yu Zhao’s bunny ears stood up, and he stared at Qiao Yi without blinking: “Can you really do this? I’m six and four. Will I take too much? If one million, I won’t be able to pay any money, otherwise you will be seven and three.”

He was very excited about Qiao Yi’s proposal. If he had such a generous sum of funds, he could buy a better storefront that he had seen before, and he had a lot more options.

But if it’s his own six and the other four, he felt that he was taking advantage of the other party.

Qiao Yi said with a smile: “I am only responsible for paying the money, and you will be responsible for it afterwards. I will not intervene. According to this calculation, you have not taken advantage of me. I am a businessman and I will not let myself suffer. ”

He drank a mouthful of boiled water that became warm: “Eating is originally based on the craftsmanship. Whoever cooks delicious food is good for business. You are like an old godfather; he was so old and didn’t have anything. His craftsmanship has become the hottest man in the country in just a few years. If he can succeed, so can you.”

After all, he just fancied Yu Zhao’s craftsmanship. If given the opportunity, the other party would naturally develop well. Even if he did not have himself, the other party would definitely develop after a few years of accumulation of funds.

He just provided an opportunity to promote the development of the other party ahead of time. This was a transaction that makes a profit without losing money.

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What’s more, he thought in his heart, not to mention that he had succeeded. If he had money, it means that if the family members had something wrong with another illness, there would be no need to beg others. Naturally, there would be no more dramas like repaying gratitude.

Say it like this: “Although I trust your craftsmanship, opening a store and doing business is not just a craftsmanship. I hope that within half a month I can see the relevant plan to prove that you are worth my investment.”

Originally, Yu Zhao was still a little bit nervous before hearing Qiao Yi’s request, but he felt relieved and stood up excitedly: “Don’t worry, I will definitely hand in a satisfactory answer sheet to prove that I am worth the investment.”

Qiao Yi smiled: “I hope you can always maintain such self-confidence, so, happy cooperation?”

He stretched out his hand, Yu Zhao was stunned for a moment, and quickly stretched out his hand, but shook it firmly.

Thinking of opening a store, he couldn’t sit still. He asked tentatively: “Then I should go back and write the plan first?”

He couldn’t wait to finish this job.

Qiao Yi suggested: “No hurry. Didn’t you say that many things you make are better than hand cakes? If you don’t mind, accompany me to buy the ingredients today? I want to taste your craftsmanship. This is also a test. An important part of the evaluation.”

“Okay!” Yu Zhao glanced at the time, “If you need to prepare a lot of materials, you can go now. Where is the vegetable market, can you show me the way?”

“There is no need to be so cautious in front of me. You can call my name.” Qiao said, “The vegetable market is not far from here. I will go with you.”

“Oh, okay.” At first Yu Zhao felt weird calling the name Qiao Yi. But since the other party said so, he felt more at ease calling his name.

When he arrived at the vegetable market, Yu Zhao found that Qiao Yi was very proficient, and he was a little surprised: “I thought people like you, at most, would go to big supermarkets an buying ready-made stuff”

Qiao Yi asked him back: “Then what kind of person do you think I am?”

“Elites, every minute is precious, so nothing is wasted on trivial things.”

Qiao Yi was silent for a few seconds. He felt that he had changed a lot after becoming Qiao Yi. He didn’t expect that in the eyes of outsiders, it would still be the same as before.

It seems that his acting skills were still not good enough, so he gave himself a brief evaluation.

“Even the richest man will go to the streets to buy groceries, not to mention that my personal assets are not as high as I thought.” When he started the venture capital company and got busier, he might not be able to take care of that much.

Yu Zhao explained: “The fruits and vegetables in the big supermarkets are all well-arranged and clean. Many white-collar workers like them, so I have that kind of misconception.”

Qiao Yi’s eyes darkened a bit: “I don’t like going to the supermarket.”

Although he changed bodies, but that incident still left a big shadow in his memory. After becoming Qiao Yi, he had never visited a similar large-scale shopping mall.

“I don’t like it either. The vegetables in the vegetable market are much fresher than in the supermarket. They are cheap and of good quality. Many of them are not available in the supermarket. You have a good eye!”

Yu Zhao felt as if he had become dumb in front of the other party, and boasted the other party as he spoke. It was clearly his own heart, but it was embarrassing to boast a little bit.

He felt that he may not get the investment, and he couldn’t help but feel a little frustrated.

Qiao Yi smiled and didn’t continue the topic.

It took half an hour to choose dishes, and another two or three hours to put all the more than ten dishes on the table.

Because he had to evaluate his own craftsmanship, Yu Zhao cooked many kinds of dishes, but the portion of each was small, so as not to waste it.

After finishing, Yu Zhao arranged all the plates and sauces to be dipped in neatly, and then pulled a chair away, like a waiter in a hotel: “Please come to the table, Mr. Qiao, the big investor.”

His eyebrows were smiling, his tone was a bit less polite and respectful, and a bit more playful. Qiao Yi also smiled and sat on the chair opened by the other party.

His expression was serious, and Yu Zhao raised his heart.

At the beginning, he frowned slightly, and slowly unfolded his eyebrows after eating.

When eating, he didn’t make any comments. He didn’t put down his chopsticks until he had tasted everything.

Yu Zhao asked him nervously and expectantly: “How was it?”

Qiao Yi looked at him and laughed: “You should have confidence in yourself.”

As if this sentence was not enough, he seriously added another sentence at the end: “It’s delicious.”

Looking at the other person’s smile, Yu Zhao ghostly said: “After that, I will have all your three meals!”

There was a look of doubt on Qiao Yi’s face.

Yu Zhao explained: “When you were just below, didn’t you say that you plan to start a venture capital company and then you will be very busy? Even if you don’t have time, it’s not good to eat outside food every day.”

His voice fluctuated up and down: “I think, if you like to eat it, I will make one more serving every day and bring you lunch. It won’t be troublesome anyway.”

Moreover, Qiao Yi was originally his investor, and he should do the same for him to make better investment for the physical and mental pleasure of the other party, right.

Qiao Yi hesitated: “It may be troublesome.”

Yu Zhao subconsciously said: “No trouble, no trouble, very simple.”

The young man curled his lips: “Then I will trouble you, Yu Zhao.”

Yu Zhao also laughed, feeling that his name was more beautiful when called by the other party, and the call made people’s heart throb.

Probably he was ill, he thought, just get used to it.

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