Give You Two Green Hats

Chapter 29: Give You Two Green Hats Chapter 2

Translated by Jev Kaez

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Edited by Jev Kaez


Although Yu Zhao said he could go back by car, in the end, Qiao Yi insisted on driving the other person to the residence.

After the car stopped, Yu Zhao took his belongings and said, “It’s okay. Just send me downstairs. You can go back first.”

His room was in a mess and had not been cleaned up. He was really embarrassed to ask people to come up.

Qiao Yi didn’t say anything. After watching Yu Zhao leave, he found out another mobile phone.

With the start-up ringtone, the phone that he had idled for a few days turned on the screen again.

As soon as he turned on the phone, he found that the mailbox of this number was full, and there were countless missed calls from different numbers.

Most of them belonged to his ex-husband Wang Cheng. After making countless phone calls, the other party might think that he was blocked, and then borrowed someone else’s mobile phone to “harass” him.

He browsed the text messages casually, and then chose to clear them.

In fact, he didn’t block Wang Cheng, he just changed the number, he didn’t want to be easily found by the people before him.

Anyway, he decided to change to a completely different industry from Qiao Yi, and the industry contacts accumulated by the other party before would not help him much.

As for the resources of those parents, as long as Qiao Yi’s parents were still alive, he would not lose the help because of changing of contact information.

Following the recent decline in the contact list, he dialed Wang Cheng’s number.

The other party did not change the number like he did, and as expected, the call was quickly connected.

Wang Cheng’s voice came out through the loudspeaker. It sounded a bit distorted, and he was holding back a bit of hostility: “Why, didn’t you want to make trouble? Why are you calling again?”

Even if Qiao Yi wanted to remedy it, he would never forgive the other person, he would actually dare to play him like that.

Of course, Qiao Yi didn’t come to him to get back together. He finally got divorced, and he would get back together only when water got in his mind.

“For the sake of the two of us who were once legal husbands and wives, I would like to remind you that if you have time, we will go through the divorce procedures tomorrow.”

The divorce procedure was so beautiful that Wang Cheng couldn’t hide his anger: “Don’t think about it.”

Qiao said, “I think you have forgotten that the court has ruled that our marriage is invalid. The legal efficiency of the divorce verdict is equivalent to the divorce certificate.”

It was true that the divorce certificate could only be processed if both people were present, but the legal effect of the divorce verdict was equivalent to it. If he was unwilling to go through this procedure, it would not be a big obstacle to him.

“Then what do you mean by making this call?!” Wang Cheng’s anger was already rising.

“It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a salute to your disgusting behavior today. I’m very happy to hear that you are unhappy.” As soon as Qiao Yi looked at himself in the rearview mirror, the corners of the youth’s lips curled up. There was a bit of joy in his eyes.

After saying this, he directly released the fingers that held the switch, leaving all the other’s resentment and curse to the cold mechanical electronic female voice, leaving Wang Cheng no one to scold.

Although this was very childish, but it was fine once in a while, the depraved mood could also improve.

He took out the calling card from the old phone, then broke the card, and threw it into the trash can in the community on the way home.

Because of the application for freezing the property, it was impossible for Wang Cheng to transfer the assets again. With the evidence provided by them, basically all that Wang Cheng swallowed at the beginning was swallowed back.

It hadn’t been long since the two were newly married. After the marriage, the joint property of the husband and wife was quite limited. Qiao Yi’s lawyer suggested that he could sue Wang Cheng for embezzlement of private property.

According to Lu Yi’s character and status, he would not hesitate to sue when encountering this kind of thing, but now Qiao Yi’s identity was restricted after all. He asked Qiao’s two elders who came back from the trip and knew what his son did, although they were a little embarrassed, they were still on the side of their own son.

It’s just that the old people do things smoothly, and they would inevitably have some encouragement, always thinking that they couldn’t do things too absolutely, so as not to force Wang Cheng this crazy dog ​​to jump the wall in a hurry.

Qiao Yi was still young, so it didn’t matter. The two old people were used to living in D city, and their contacts and friends were all there. It was impossible to move the family for an outsider.

Qiao Yi considered the opinions of the two elders, and finally decided to be a man and stay on the front line. It was said that barefoot people were not afraid of wearing shoes. He really pushed the other party to a desperate situation, which was really not good for him.

The uncle who knew the situation at the time called to ask Qiao Yi’s opinion, and his words revealed that he wanted to fire Wang Cheng.

Qiao Yi asked the other party: “Do you dismiss him because of my thoughts, or because he was really bad at doing it?”

The other party was stunned, and then said: “You are on the one hand, and the company’s interpersonal transfer is on the other.”

“If it’s a normal interpersonal transfer, you decide, if you really want to vent for me, just keep him.”

A person who has no scruples would really become a mad dog who bites people. He was a civilized person. Even if he did not go to extremes, he still had to put a collar around the dog’s neck so that the other person couldn’t bite people.

They were all old foxes. This uncle of Qiao Yi spent a few minutes, figured out the key points, praised Qiao Yi a few more, and talked about some business matters before he hung up the phone.

The day after the call was completed, the court opened again. This time Qiao Yi and Wang Cheng did not appear in court. Qiao Yi gave full power to the lawyer. Wang Cheng didn’t want to take time off for this kind of thing because he had to work. Just hand it over to Wang father.

The reason for not giving it to the lawyer was because the lawyer had to be paid. The lawyer Zhou that was hired last time didn’t play a role at all. He didn’t want to waste this money, so he just threw it to Wang father.

Anyway, Wang father was also shameless, and if it weren’t for Wang father, things wouldn’t develop in this way.

After everything happened, Wang Cheng subconsciously refused to admit his mistakes, but shirked all the responsibilities.

He shifted the responsibility to Qiao Yi, Yu Zhao, and of course to his biological father.

What could Wang father do? This was his proudest baby son. He had devoted too much effort to Wang Cheng. Even if his son complained about him and was dissatisfied with him, he could only admit that the blood relationship could not be broken.

No matter how arrogant and unreasonable Wang father was, before the justice, there was no other way, he could only listen to the court’s verdict, and then award all the property he thought belonged to his family to Qiao Yi.

Every time he heard of a piece of property, he felt that he was cutting flesh, and his heart was dripping with blood.

But at this time, the affairs between the Wang family and his son had nothing to do with Qiao Yi.

After all, his bond with the Wang family was originally based on the marriage relationship between Wang Cheng and the original owner. Now that there was no such relationship, they were no more than strangers.

After the property was re-divided, Qiao Yi successfully obtained his own assets. He didn’t want to live in the marital house bought by Qiao’s family. He sold it out.

The funds that just happened to be obtained were used for him to register a new company.

The one million in the previous card, he gave it to Yu Zhao as a start-up fund in accordance with the prior agreement.

In fact, the investment in the snack bar, according to the proportion of the money he gave, he did suffer a big loss, but he said before that half of it was paid to the other party, but since Yu Zhao refused to take it, he could not give it clearly, so it is counted as the counterparty’s investment and included in the shares.

Everything was the other party’s contribution, and the four-six dividend method was definitely not a loss for him, but there was no need for him to talk to Yu Zhao for this kind of thing. Lest the other party feels that he had taken advantage of him again, and thought about returning back nervously.

After dealing with the divorce, Qiao Yi devoted all his attention to his new company. To be honest, he had taken over large companies from the beginning, and he didn’t have much experience in how to make small companies bigger.

But doing this business was all by analogy. He crossed the river by feeling the stones, and learned to put down his body appropriately to talk about cooperation, and experience the life that belonged to Qiao Yi with a different identity.

Although sometimes the process was not very beautiful, the ending was as smooth as he expected.

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The company’s development period could be said to be the busiest. Qiao Yi was busy, and Yu Zhao was also busy for his snack bar. But even if it was busy, Yu Zhao previously promised that Qiao Yi’s breakfast and dinner would be delivered on time.

The lunch box was generally three layers, one layer of rice, one layer of vegetables, and one layer of soup.

The rice was made of finely used fragrant rice, steamed to be crystal clear, and when you open the insulated lunch box, it exudes an attractive aroma.

Qiao Yi said that he prefers slightly softer rice, so Yu Zhao used a small steamer to steam the rice every day in the store, because the steamed rice was softer, more fragrant and chewier than the rice cooker.

At the beginning, the soup was cycled once every half a month. Yu Zhao asked Qiao Yi’s preferences, and it became a cycle once a week.

The most variable was the dishes. The basic set meals sold to customers in the store were basically simple set meals, a bit like snacks, chicken cutlet rice and pork cutlet rice. Of course, there were also stir-fried dishes. What customers order and what he fries.

They were all delicious dishes that were just stir-fried. Although they were careful and use good ingredients, they were much more perfunctory than what he prepared for Qiao Yi.

In order to ensure health and nutrition, the ingredients for Qiao Yi’s dishes every day, he would check the night before, write the recipe, and then go to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy the freshest ingredients according to the recipe.

Many raw materials were prepared in the morning when opening the store, and when the number of customers started to increase, he could start to fry them.

Basically, he prepared the food for Qiao Yi one hour before the meal. It was necessary to ensure that the ingredients were absolutely fresh and the taste was fried. No matter how busy the snack bar business was, he would arrange for the employees to prepare meals for the guests during this period, and then personally go to catch the subway to deliver the meal.

It’s not that this kind of thing couldn’t be handed over to employees, but employees were definitely not as dedicated as him. Maybe there would be spills on the road. If important things were left to outsiders, he would always be worried.

Waiting for him to deliver the carefully prepared meal to Qiao Yi, he rushed back by subway and continued to be busy in the store.

Originally, he wanted to deliver breakfast, but Qiao YI insisted that he didn’t want to make him so busy, so he simply chose the other party’s rest day and bought a lot of raw materials for the other party’s residence.

With Qiao Yi’s consent, after a busy day in the kitchen, dumplings, wontons and some simple buns were made, and they were thrown into Qiao Yi’s refrigerator.

In this way, every morning Qiao Yi only needed to get up five minutes early to cook or steam, and he would be able to eat a healthier and fuller breakfast at home.

In fact, the taste was similar to the outside food, but for meat buns, basically the stalls were reluctant to use good meat early. The fillings of wontons and dumplings were very pitiful, and they were definitely not as rich as Qiao Yi´s share.

In the beginning, because the company was small, the staff was few, and there was no secretary, Yu Zhao easily came to deliver meals to Qiao Yi without any notification.

Later, a serious secretary was hired, because Yu Zhao only showed up at lunch and evening meals, and no takeaways were allowed in. He was also stopped as a stranger.

Then Qiao Yi made a special badge for Yu Zhao, because they changed the front desk quite frequently in the early stage, so there was no need to explain it to the front desk every time.

The more times Yu Zhao came, several old employees in the company learned about Yu Zhao’s situation to some extent.

He was not a takeaway guy from a big hotel at all, but a friend of Qiao Yi, who also opened a snack bar.

They asked if there was any delivery service in Yu Zhao’s store.

Yu Zhao’s shop was located next to the school, and most college students directly order takeaways, and there must be some.

These people also booed up and said that they would also love to deliver food, and there was no need for a takeout brother. They ordered the food and sent it directly to Yu Zhao. There were not many people anyway, and it could save time.

Yu Zhao pursed his lips and smiled. Qiao Yi thought he would agree, and was about to reject these silly guys on behalf of the other party. Yu Zhao first opened his mouth, but said: “No, you can place an order for takeout. The staff will send it off.”

“The little boss can also be our exclusive takeaway. We can eat as much as our boss does.”

Every time Qiao Yi opened the lunch box, the dishes were so good that they were drooling. Every time everyone was working overtime waiting for the takeout, Qiao Yi would eat it first. They were hungry because of the gluttonous smell, and they were simply depressed.

Because it was a small company that had just started a business, those who say this were basically the veterans of the company, Qiao Yi’s partners, so they dare to make such a joke.

Yu Zhao squinted: “That’s even worse, your boss’s is an exclusive customization, not in the store.”

In fact, it was not impossible to earn this money, but in that case, too much energy would be wasted, giving it to Qiao Yi and giving it to outsiders.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone said: “You´re the boyfriend of the little boss, so you want him to eat your love rice!”

Yu Zhao flushed, and then explained: “I am not, I’m just an ordinary friend.”

His excuse was a little quiet, and he was immediately drowned in the sound of goodwill from the crowd.

He didn’t know if Qiao heard it. He looked at Qiao Yi. The other party was opening the lunch box to have a meal. He seemed to notice his sight. The young man raised his head and looked at him.

The other party smiled at him and ate slowly.

No matter how busy he was, Qiao Yi would chew slowly when eating, he was very particular about life.

The way he ate was really beautiful, and his eyes were also beautiful… and the other party didn’t say that the word boyfriend was a misunderstanding. Thinking of this, Yu Zhao’s face turned red.

“Then, then I’ll go back.” Yu Zhao, blushing with red ears, yelled, and went back.

As soon as Qiao Yi raised his head and glanced, he felt that the other side’s back was a little fleeing.

After thinking about it, he might be the busiest when going back. When the overtime was over, he found some free time and dialed Yu Zhao´s number.

The call was connected almost immediately, and Yu Zhao’s voice came from the cell phone, and it sounded a little cautious: “Qiao Yi?”

“Yes, it’s me, are you busy now?”

“No, there are no customers in the store now.” In fact, even if there were customers, as long as it was Qiao Yi´s call, he would immediately answer.

Qiao Yi said: “They love to make fun of things at noon today, so don’t take it too seriously.”

Was this telling him not to think about it?

It was obvious that the other party seemed to explain, but Yu Zhao’s joyful heart was suddenly poured cold water. He was very disappointed, but he still forced himself to laugh out: “No, I didn’t think too much, I know they are not malicious.”

Although the voice of the other party was slightly distorted from a long distance, Qiao Yi could still hear Yu Zhao’s depression. More precisely, after he said these few words, the other party’s emotion suddenly became very low.

Think about Yu Zhao sad look. He felt that he still preferred the smile on the other side’s face.

Qiao Yi went on to say: “If I say something that offends you unintentionally, you can tell me and I will pay attention next time.”

“No, it’s not because of you, but because of me.” Although the other party couldn’t see his expression through the phone, Yu Zhao still worked hard to raise the corners of his mouth and squeeze a smile.

When he called, he was in the staff locker room. There was a mirror inside, which could clearly reflect the expression on his face.

Yu Zhao twitched the corner of his mouth, and the man in the mirror showed a non-smiling expression.

“Sorry, it’s my own reason, I´m making you worry about me.”

In fact, thinking about it, Qiao Yi was so capable, smart, and he went to a good university. As for himself, although he was admitted to a good university, he dropped out after studying for a year or two. He didn’t get a college diploma. The academic qualifications did not match.

Yu Zhao was not someone with inferiority complex, but when he thought that the other party didn’t think about himself at all, and he was still self-satisfied, then got cold water poured over., looking in the mirror, he felt everything about him was bad.

For example, he was not tall enough, his face was tender, there was no sense of majesty, not mature at all, it would provoke rotten peach blossoms1, and his temper was not good enough. There were not so many twists and turns in his mind. He was straightforward character. It was a lack of heart and soul.

In addition to making the food more delicious, it seemed that he had no other advantage. Qiao Yi was so good, in his heart, even if he was accompanied by a prince, he was like this, thinking about climbing to a higher social class was really a dream.

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Qiao Yi’s concerned voice still came from the phone: “Are you really okay? If you feel unwell, you can take a day off tomorrow. You don’t need to be so busy.”

Although Yu Zhao’s mouth was very snarky, he was working voluntarily, he couldn’t force others.

“Thank you.” Yu Zhao was a little sad because of thinking a lot of discouraging words, so he didn’t want to see each other for a few days.

But thinking of Qiao Yi’s smile, and the special gentleness to himself, the pleasant relationship between the two people, the hobby of co-production, the similar aesthetics, and the common three views, he cheered up again.

Yu Zhao held the phone tightly, sweating a lot in his palm. Before Qiao Yi was about to hang up, he said, “I have something to tell you. Can you spare me some time? Give me five minutes. Five minutes will be fine.”

He was stunned when he heard this. He tried to guess what the other party wanted to say to him, but quickly gave up.

Instead of guessing here, he might as well wait to meet and ask directly. Thinking wildly by yourself would only easily breed misunderstandings.

“Don’t say it’s five minutes, fifty minutes is fine. When do you want to meet? Tomorrow?” If it’s tomorrow, he may need to adjust his work schedule.

Yu Zhao’s voice was a bit less disappointed, but he appeared more nervous: “Now, is it okay now?”

“Of course.” Qiao Yi said, “I’m in my community now, how about you? Is it in the store?”

“Yes!” Yu Zhao replied excited, no matter whether he could succeed or not, he would have to give it a try, and he needs a clear answer.

“You just stay in the community, I’ll find you!”

“Don’t be too anxious, I have plenty of time, pay attention to safety.” After thinking about it, Qiao Yi said, “Isn’t there a nice coffee shop next to your store? You go there and take a seat. I will drive over in ten minutes.”

“It’s better for me to come.”

“It’s okay, I brought the car keys, it’s more convenient for me to drive.”

“Then I will listen to you.” Yu Zhao didn’t fight with Qiao Yi anymore. He was in a high mood now, so he should calm down and think carefully about what should be said later.

Everything was well thought out, but as soon as Qiao Yi arrived in front of his eyes, all the wonderful words he had played could not be said.

Qiao Yi waited for him patiently for a while, but Yu Zhao didn’t say anything before he asked aloud: “What’s the matter? Didn’t you have something to tell me?”

Yu Zhao got excited and said: “I like you!”

Seeing Qiao Yi’s shocked face, he mustered up his courage: “Can you be my boyfriend?”

Qiao Yi was silent for a while, feeling that although the other party’s words were sudden, they seemed to be expected.

He looked at Yu Zhao’s worried expression: “Yu Zhao, I may not be as good as you think.”

It’s over, this was about to send a good person card, Yu Zhao’s eyes darkened a bit.

Qiao Yi went on to finish the second half of the sentence: “You are better than you think. If you thought about it carefully, we can give it a try.”

Yu Zhao’s eyes burst into radiance that was brighter than the stars, and the corners of his lips rose and widened, and then they couldn’t close together.

He would never think of whether his smile was too exaggerated and not good enough, because the words that Qiao Yi said just now, with a bang, exploded him into fireworks.

Happy enough to go to heaven!

Translated by Jev KaezEdited by Jev Kaez


Although Yu Zhao said he could go back by car, in the end, Qiao Yi insisted on driving the other person to the residence.

After the car stopped, Yu Zhao took his belongings and said, “It’s okay. Just send me downstairs. You can go back first.”

His room was in a mess and had not been cleaned up. He was really embarrassed to ask people to come up.

Qiao Yi didn’t say anything. After watching Yu Zhao leave, he found out another mobile phone.

With the start-up ringtone, the phone that he had idled for a few days turned on the screen again.

As soon as he turned on the phone, he found that the mailbox of this number was full, and there were countless missed calls from different numbers.

Most of them belonged to his ex-husband Wang Cheng. After making countless phone calls, the other party might think that he was blocked, and then borrowed someone else’s mobile phone to “harass” him.

He browsed the text messages casually, and then chose to clear them.

In fact, he didn’t block Wang Cheng, he just changed the number, he didn’t want to be easily found by the people before him.

Anyway, he decided to change to a completely different industry from Qiao Yi, and the industry contacts accumulated by the other party before would not help him much.

As for the resources of those parents, as long as Qiao Yi’s parents were still alive, he would not lose the help because of changing of contact information.

Following the recent decline in the contact list, he dialed Wang Cheng’s number.

The other party did not change the number like he did, and as expected, the call was quickly connected.

Wang Cheng’s voice came out through the loudspeaker. It sounded a bit distorted, and he was holding back a bit of hostility: “Why, didn’t you want to make trouble? Why are you calling again?”

Even if Qiao Yi wanted to remedy it, he would never forgive the other person, he would actually dare to play him like that.

Of course, Qiao Yi didn’t come to him to get back together. He finally got divorced, and he would get back together only when water got in his mind.

“For the sake of the two of us who were once legal husbands and wives, I would like to remind you that if you have time, we will go through the divorce procedures tomorrow.”

The divorce procedure was so beautiful that Wang Cheng couldn’t hide his anger: “Don’t think about it.”

Qiao said, “I think you have forgotten that the court has ruled that our marriage is invalid. The legal efficiency of the divorce verdict is equivalent to the divorce certificate.”

It was true that the divorce certificate could only be processed if both people were present, but the legal effect of the divorce verdict was equivalent to it. If he was unwilling to go through this procedure, it would not be a big obstacle to him.

“Then what do you mean by making this call?!” Wang Cheng’s anger was already rising.

“It doesn’t mean anything, it’s just a salute to your disgusting behavior today. I’m very happy to hear that you are unhappy.” As soon as Qiao Yi looked at himself in the rearview mirror, the corners of the youth’s lips curled up. There was a bit of joy in his eyes.

After saying this, he directly released the fingers that held the switch, leaving all the other’s resentment and curse to the cold mechanical electronic female voice, leaving Wang Cheng no one to scold.

Although this was very childish, but it was fine once in a while, the depraved mood could also improve.

He took out the calling card from the old phone, then broke the card, and threw it into the trash can in the community on the way home.

Because of the application for freezing the property, it was impossible for Wang Cheng to transfer the assets again. With the evidence provided by them, basically all that Wang Cheng swallowed at the beginning was swallowed back.

It hadn’t been long since the two were newly married. After the marriage, the joint property of the husband and wife was quite limited. Qiao Yi’s lawyer suggested that he could sue Wang Cheng for embezzlement of private property.

According to Lu Yi’s character and status, he would not hesitate to sue when encountering this kind of thing, but now Qiao Yi’s identity was restricted after all. He asked Qiao’s two elders who came back from the trip and knew what his son did, although they were a little embarrassed, they were still on the side of their own son.

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It’s just that the old people do things smoothly, and they would inevitably have some encouragement, always thinking that they couldn’t do things too absolutely, so as not to force Wang Cheng this crazy dog ​​to jump the wall in a hurry.

Qiao Yi was still young, so it didn’t matter. The two old people were used to living in D city, and their contacts and friends were all there. It was impossible to move the family for an outsider.

Qiao Yi considered the opinions of the two elders, and finally decided to be a man and stay on the front line. It was said that barefoot people were not afraid of wearing shoes. He really pushed the other party to a desperate situation, which was really not good for him.

The uncle who knew the situation at the time called to ask Qiao Yi’s opinion, and his words revealed that he wanted to fire Wang Cheng.

Qiao Yi asked the other party: “Do you dismiss him because of my thoughts, or because he was really bad at doing it?”

The other party was stunned, and then said: “You are on the one hand, and the company’s interpersonal transfer is on the other.”

“If it’s a normal interpersonal transfer, you decide, if you really want to vent for me, just keep him.”

A person who has no scruples would really become a mad dog who bites people. He was a civilized person. Even if he did not go to extremes, he still had to put a collar around the dog’s neck so that the other person couldn’t bite people.

They were all old foxes. This uncle of Qiao Yi spent a few minutes, figured out the key points, praised Qiao Yi a few more, and talked about some business matters before he hung up the phone.

The day after the call was completed, the court opened again. This time Qiao Yi and Wang Cheng did not appear in court. Qiao Yi gave full power to the lawyer. Wang Cheng didn’t want to take time off for this kind of thing because he had to work. Just hand it over to Wang father.

The reason for not giving it to the lawyer was because the lawyer had to be paid. The lawyer Zhou that was hired last time didn’t play a role at all. He didn’t want to waste this money, so he just threw it to Wang father.

Anyway, Wang father was also shameless, and if it weren’t for Wang father, things wouldn’t develop in this way.

After everything happened, Wang Cheng subconsciously refused to admit his mistakes, but shirked all the responsibilities.

He shifted the responsibility to Qiao Yi, Yu Zhao, and of course to his biological father.

What could Wang father do? This was his proudest baby son. He had devoted too much effort to Wang Cheng. Even if his son complained about him and was dissatisfied with him, he could only admit that the blood relationship could not be broken.

No matter how arrogant and unreasonable Wang father was, before the justice, there was no other way, he could only listen to the court’s verdict, and then award all the property he thought belonged to his family to Qiao Yi.

Every time he heard of a piece of property, he felt that he was cutting flesh, and his heart was dripping with blood.

But at this time, the affairs between the Wang family and his son had nothing to do with Qiao Yi.

After all, his bond with the Wang family was originally based on the marriage relationship between Wang Cheng and the original owner. Now that there was no such relationship, they were no more than strangers.

After the property was re-divided, Qiao Yi successfully obtained his own assets. He didn’t want to live in the marital house bought by Qiao’s family. He sold it out.

The funds that just happened to be obtained were used for him to register a new company.

The one million in the previous card, he gave it to Yu Zhao as a start-up fund in accordance with the prior agreement.

In fact, the investment in the snack bar, according to the proportion of the money he gave, he did suffer a big loss, but he said before that half of it was paid to the other party, but since Yu Zhao refused to take it, he could not give it clearly, so it is counted as the counterparty’s investment and included in the shares.

Everything was the other party’s contribution, and the four-six dividend method was definitely not a loss for him, but there was no need for him to talk to Yu Zhao for this kind of thing. Lest the other party feels that he had taken advantage of him again, and thought about returning back nervously.

After dealing with the divorce, Qiao Yi devoted all his attention to his new company. To be honest, he had taken over large companies from the beginning, and he didn’t have much experience in how to make small companies bigger.

But doing this business was all by analogy. He crossed the river by feeling the stones, and learned to put down his body appropriately to talk about cooperation, and experience the life that belonged to Qiao Yi with a different identity.

Although sometimes the process was not very beautiful, the ending was as smooth as he expected.

The company’s development period could be said to be the busiest. Qiao Yi was busy, and Yu Zhao was also busy for his snack bar. But even if it was busy, Yu Zhao previously promised that Qiao Yi’s breakfast and dinner would be delivered on time.

The lunch box was generally three layers, one layer of rice, one layer of vegetables, and one layer of soup.

The rice was made of finely used fragrant rice, steamed to be crystal clear, and when you open the insulated lunch box, it exudes an attractive aroma.

Qiao Yi said that he prefers slightly softer rice, so Yu Zhao used a small steamer to steam the rice every day in the store, because the steamed rice was softer, more fragrant and chewier than the rice cooker.

At the beginning, the soup was cycled once every half a month. Yu Zhao asked Qiao Yi’s preferences, and it became a cycle once a week.

The most variable was the dishes. The basic set meals sold to customers in the store were basically simple set meals, a bit like snacks, chicken cutlet rice and pork cutlet rice. Of course, there were also stir-fried dishes. What customers order and what he fries.

They were all delicious dishes that were just stir-fried. Although they were careful and use good ingredients, they were much more perfunctory than what he prepared for Qiao Yi.

In order to ensure health and nutrition, the ingredients for Qiao Yi’s dishes every day, he would check the night before, write the recipe, and then go to the vegetable market early in the morning to buy the freshest ingredients according to the recipe.

Many raw materials were prepared in the morning when opening the store, and when the number of customers started to increase, he could start to fry them.

Basically, he prepared the food for Qiao Yi one hour before the meal. It was necessary to ensure that the ingredients were absolutely fresh and the taste was fried. No matter how busy the snack bar business was, he would arrange for the employees to prepare meals for the guests during this period, and then personally go to catch the subway to deliver the meal.

It’s not that this kind of thing couldn’t be handed over to employees, but employees were definitely not as dedicated as him. Maybe there would be spills on the road. If important things were left to outsiders, he would always be worried.

Waiting for him to deliver the carefully prepared meal to Qiao Yi, he rushed back by subway and continued to be busy in the store.

Originally, he wanted to deliver breakfast, but Qiao YI insisted that he didn’t want to make him so busy, so he simply chose the other party’s rest day and bought a lot of raw materials for the other party’s residence.

With Qiao Yi’s consent, after a busy day in the kitchen, dumplings, wontons and some simple buns were made, and they were thrown into Qiao Yi’s refrigerator.

In this way, every morning Qiao Yi only needed to get up five minutes early to cook or steam, and he would be able to eat a healthier and fuller breakfast at home.

In fact, the taste was similar to the outside food, but for meat buns, basically the stalls were reluctant to use good meat early. The fillings of wontons and dumplings were very pitiful, and they were definitely not as rich as Qiao Yi´s share.

In the beginning, because the company was small, the staff was few, and there was no secretary, Yu Zhao easily came to deliver meals to Qiao Yi without any notification.

Later, a serious secretary was hired, because Yu Zhao only showed up at lunch and evening meals, and no takeaways were allowed in. He was also stopped as a stranger.

Then Qiao Yi made a special badge for Yu Zhao, because they changed the front desk quite frequently in the early stage, so there was no need to explain it to the front desk every time.

The more times Yu Zhao came, several old employees in the company learned about Yu Zhao’s situation to some extent.

He was not a takeaway guy from a big hotel at all, but a friend of Qiao Yi, who also opened a snack bar.

They asked if there was any delivery service in Yu Zhao’s store.

Yu Zhao’s shop was located next to the school, and most college students directly order takeaways, and there must be some.

These people also booed up and said that they would also love to deliver food, and there was no need for a takeout brother. They ordered the food and sent it directly to Yu Zhao. There were not many people anyway, and it could save time.

Yu Zhao pursed his lips and smiled. Qiao Yi thought he would agree, and was about to reject these silly guys on behalf of the other party. Yu Zhao first opened his mouth, but said: “No, you can place an order for takeout. The staff will send it off.”

“The little boss can also be our exclusive takeaway. We can eat as much as our boss does.”

Every time Qiao Yi opened the lunch box, the dishes were so good that they were drooling. Every time everyone was working overtime waiting for the takeout, Qiao Yi would eat it first. They were hungry because of the gluttonous smell, and they were simply depressed.

Because it was a small company that had just started a business, those who say this were basically the veterans of the company, Qiao Yi’s partners, so they dare to make such a joke.

Yu Zhao squinted: “That’s even worse, your boss’s is an exclusive customization, not in the store.”

In fact, it was not impossible to earn this money, but in that case, too much energy would be wasted, giving it to Qiao Yi and giving it to outsiders.

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As soon as he finished speaking, someone said: “You´re the boyfriend of the little boss, so you want him to eat your love rice!”

Yu Zhao flushed, and then explained: “I am not, I’m just an ordinary friend.”

His excuse was a little quiet, and he was immediately drowned in the sound of goodwill from the crowd.

He didn’t know if Qiao heard it. He looked at Qiao Yi. The other party was opening the lunch box to have a meal. He seemed to notice his sight. The young man raised his head and looked at him.

The other party smiled at him and ate slowly.

No matter how busy he was, Qiao Yi would chew slowly when eating, he was very particular about life.

The way he ate was really beautiful, and his eyes were also beautiful… and the other party didn’t say that the word boyfriend was a misunderstanding. Thinking of this, Yu Zhao’s face turned red.

“Then, then I’ll go back.” Yu Zhao, blushing with red ears, yelled, and went back.

As soon as Qiao Yi raised his head and glanced, he felt that the other side’s back was a little fleeing.

After thinking about it, he might be the busiest when going back. When the overtime was over, he found some free time and dialed Yu Zhao´s number.

The call was connected almost immediately, and Yu Zhao’s voice came from the cell phone, and it sounded a little cautious: “Qiao Yi?”

“Yes, it’s me, are you busy now?”

“No, there are no customers in the store now.” In fact, even if there were customers, as long as it was Qiao Yi´s call, he would immediately answer.

Qiao Yi said: “They love to make fun of things at noon today, so don’t take it too seriously.”

Was this telling him not to think about it?

It was obvious that the other party seemed to explain, but Yu Zhao’s joyful heart was suddenly poured cold water. He was very disappointed, but he still forced himself to laugh out: “No, I didn’t think too much, I know they are not malicious.”

Although the voice of the other party was slightly distorted from a long distance, Qiao Yi could still hear Yu Zhao’s depression. More precisely, after he said these few words, the other party’s emotion suddenly became very low.

Think about Yu Zhao sad look. He felt that he still preferred the smile on the other side’s face.

Qiao Yi went on to say: “If I say something that offends you unintentionally, you can tell me and I will pay attention next time.”

“No, it’s not because of you, but because of me.” Although the other party couldn’t see his expression through the phone, Yu Zhao still worked hard to raise the corners of his mouth and squeeze a smile.

When he called, he was in the staff locker room. There was a mirror inside, which could clearly reflect the expression on his face.

Yu Zhao twitched the corner of his mouth, and the man in the mirror showed a non-smiling expression.

“Sorry, it’s my own reason, I´m making you worry about me.”

In fact, thinking about it, Qiao Yi was so capable, smart, and he went to a good university. As for himself, although he was admitted to a good university, he dropped out after studying for a year or two. He didn’t get a college diploma. The academic qualifications did not match.

Yu Zhao was not someone with inferiority complex, but when he thought that the other party didn’t think about himself at all, and he was still self-satisfied, then got cold water poured over., looking in the mirror, he felt everything about him was bad.

For example, he was not tall enough, his face was tender, there was no sense of majesty, not mature at all, it would provoke rotten peach blossoms1, and his temper was not good enough. There were not so many twists and turns in his mind. He was straightforward character. It was a lack of heart and soul.

In addition to making the food more delicious, it seemed that he had no other advantage. Qiao Yi was so good, in his heart, even if he was accompanied by a prince, he was like this, thinking about climbing to a higher social class was really a dream.

Qiao Yi’s concerned voice still came from the phone: “Are you really okay? If you feel unwell, you can take a day off tomorrow. You don’t need to be so busy.”

Although Yu Zhao’s mouth was very snarky, he was working voluntarily, he couldn’t force others.

“Thank you.” Yu Zhao was a little sad because of thinking a lot of discouraging words, so he didn’t want to see each other for a few days.

But thinking of Qiao Yi’s smile, and the special gentleness to himself, the pleasant relationship between the two people, the hobby of co-production, the similar aesthetics, and the common three views, he cheered up again.

Yu Zhao held the phone tightly, sweating a lot in his palm. Before Qiao Yi was about to hang up, he said, “I have something to tell you. Can you spare me some time? Give me five minutes. Five minutes will be fine.”

He was stunned when he heard this. He tried to guess what the other party wanted to say to him, but quickly gave up.

Instead of guessing here, he might as well wait to meet and ask directly. Thinking wildly by yourself would only easily breed misunderstandings.

“Don’t say it’s five minutes, fifty minutes is fine. When do you want to meet? Tomorrow?” If it’s tomorrow, he may need to adjust his work schedule.

Yu Zhao’s voice was a bit less disappointed, but he appeared more nervous: “Now, is it okay now?”

“Of course.” Qiao Yi said, “I’m in my community now, how about you? Is it in the store?”

“Yes!” Yu Zhao replied excited, no matter whether he could succeed or not, he would have to give it a try, and he needs a clear answer.

“You just stay in the community, I’ll find you!”

“Don’t be too anxious, I have plenty of time, pay attention to safety.” After thinking about it, Qiao Yi said, “Isn’t there a nice coffee shop next to your store? You go there and take a seat. I will drive over in ten minutes.”

“It’s better for me to come.”

“It’s okay, I brought the car keys, it’s more convenient for me to drive.”

“Then I will listen to you.” Yu Zhao didn’t fight with Qiao Yi anymore. He was in a high mood now, so he should calm down and think carefully about what should be said later.

Everything was well thought out, but as soon as Qiao Yi arrived in front of his eyes, all the wonderful words he had played could not be said.

Qiao Yi waited for him patiently for a while, but Yu Zhao didn’t say anything before he asked aloud: “What’s the matter? Didn’t you have something to tell me?”

Yu Zhao got excited and said: “I like you!”

Seeing Qiao Yi’s shocked face, he mustered up his courage: “Can you be my boyfriend?”

Qiao Yi was silent for a while, feeling that although the other party’s words were sudden, they seemed to be expected.

He looked at Yu Zhao’s worried expression: “Yu Zhao, I may not be as good as you think.”

It’s over, this was about to send a good person card, Yu Zhao’s eyes darkened a bit.

Qiao Yi went on to finish the second half of the sentence: “You are better than you think. If you thought about it carefully, we can give it a try.”

Yu Zhao’s eyes burst into radiance that was brighter than the stars, and the corners of his lips rose and widened, and then they couldn’t close together.

He would never think of whether his smile was too exaggerated and not good enough, because the words that Qiao Yi said just now, with a bang, exploded him into fireworks.

Happy enough to go to heaven!

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