Chapter 36.1

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Playboy (6_1)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Rong Huan didn’t take it seriously when he saw this sentence. After all, many people advised him to try and find one, his parents, his relatives… he replied: How can a boyfriend be so easy to find, if looking for a boyfriend could be as easy as making money, there wouldn´t be so many single dogs in the world.

After typing a line, he also sent the emoticon pack of The Single Dog Association. Young people now seem to like to use emoticons. In order to keep up with the trend, Rong Huan, the “old man”, also liked to express himself with emoticons, saving hundreds of emojis from his colleagues in order to make himself look younger.

Lu Yi’s fingers tapped on the keyboard flexibly: If you can’t find it, you can find a fake boyfriend to deal with it.

Rong Huan’s heart lifted up, he was entangled, but his fingers seemed to be not listening to the master’s command. He said in seconds: There are so many news on the Internet. Two days ago, I also saw a piece of news about a girl doing a part-time job find his boyfriend cheating. If someone who likes girls lies to me for money, it would be unpleasant.

Lu Yi said: It’s very simple. Just find someone you know. If you are worried that your acquaintances will be exposed by your parents, I can introduce someone to you.

Rong Huan’s fingers stopped, and a mess of thoughts flashed through his mind for an instant. When he saw this news, did this sentence mean…

In this situation, the best way was to refuse decisively, but often, after refusing the other party they could no longer remain friends.

The conversation with Lu Yi these days had been very enjoyable. Although Lu Yi had not yet verified, he was amazed by his experience in music. Knowing that the other party was just a student, and recently reassured him about it, he admired Lu Yi even more.

People were born to like the strong, and Rong Huan was no exception. Although the other party was several years younger than him, he often felt that the other party was the older one, mature, firm, and tolerant.

He thought about how he should refuse so as not to hurt the heart of this very good friend. After all, this person was about to take the exam. If the other party failed to pass the exam, the piano industry would lose a good seed.

He was undecided when he heard a ding, and the other party sent another message.

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Lu Yi: Picture 1.jpg, Picture 2.jpg, Picture 3.jpg, the photos of these people, high-definition and no filters, are all from our school. I think they should be able to talk to you. Their personal conditions are also very good, and they are all single.

Rong Huan clicked on the big pictures, they were indeed high-definition pictures, and they were not bad.

But there was no picture of Lu Yi in it, which meant that he was thinking crooked again.

Rong Huan felt deeply embarrassed. He adjusted his mood and replied: Thank you for your kindness, but I am not interested in them.

Lu Yi glanced at the photos. They were all very high-quality boys: If you are older, don’t worry, they are several years older than me.

To be precise, it was several years older than his current shell.

Rong Huan calmly tapped the keyboard: I don’t like them.

Lu Yi read this line for a long time, and asked, “Then what kind do you like? I can help you pay attention.”

It was not easy to be a matchmaker these years.

Rong Huan was silent for a long time before re-displaying that he was typing.

After a while, news of Rong Huan came over: I think there may not be a type I like in this world.

Lu Yi thought to himself, if it really didn’t exist, it was okay, as long as he was not interested in that Li Tang.

But it was obviously impossible for Rong Huan to be like this. In all likelihood, his vision was too high: there are so many people in the world, there would always be someone you like, you can talk about what you like, and if you have the opportunity, I will help you pay attention.

In this way, he had to praise the benefits of online chat tools. Through the Internet, he could convert these thoughts into words without any psychological pressure. If he really had to say such pimping words to others face to face, he really couldn´t say it.

Rong Huan typed a few words over there: I like…

After hesitating, he deleted it again and edited it again: Thank you for your kindness, but I don’t think it is necessary.

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Lu Yi asked: What are you going to do if someone forces a blind date on you again?

Rong Huan said unhappily: This is my own business, so you don’t need to worry too much.

After saying this, he went offline.

After turning off the computer, he felt that he was not in a good mood again, he was passionate and angry.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he boarded the computer again, opened Feixun, clicked on Lu Yi’s portrait, and a dialog box popped out.

He deleted, modified, and finally sent an apology: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be angry with you just now, but I was a little unhappy.

The promotion sound dinged, and Lu Yi replied in seconds.

Lu Yi: Hello, I am busy right now [Auto Reply]

It was an automatic reply. Rong Huan stared at the computer for a while. He was a little lost. He was about to drop the dialog box, and another message was sent from the other side.

This time it was not the automatic response procedure, but the person.

Lu Yi: I didn’t think it well enough. It should be me who said sorry.

Sensitive topics were not suitable for repeated questioning. It was just that through the computer he couldn´t see the expression on the other party’s face. With just a few lines of text, it was impossible to completely figure out the other party’s thoughts.

After the two apologized to each other, the topic was dropped.

Lu Yi concentrated on preparing for the exam, paying attention to the trend of the stock market in his spare time, and adjusting the funds he invested.

His current household registration was still in the Lu family. After graduation, he would first find a job to transfer the household registration. After staying far away from the original owner’s family, he planned to further develop his skills in familiar areas.

On Li Tang’s side, he never came to make a fuss after he walked away in a desperate manner last time.

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Having been so unpleasant, even if he was still confident in himself, he didn’t want to find bad luck for himself again.

Anyway, there was no shortage of men around him, as Lu Yi’s roommate said before, without Lu Yi, he quickly found a new love.

As Li Tang’s predecessor, and also a suicidal predecessor, there were always some good people who intentionally or unconsciously pass the news to Lu Yi’s ears, and they could make up on the other party’s new love situation without the need for him to bother to inquire.

A junior from the Art Institute, who had just grown into an adult, looked white and pure, with a small pear vortex on his right cheek when he laughs.

The elementary school brother’s family background was also very good, and the people were also excellent, at least he looked much better than Lu Yi.

Young, beautiful, and able to sing and dance. That’s right, even if Li Tang was so scumbag, he was handsome and rich, he also had a sweet mouth.

When Lu Yi was with Li Tang back then, he was sour by many people. When Li Tang was away, he was ruthlessly teased by the other’s friends.

This time the original owner silently endured it, because he knew that even if he talked to Li Tang, the other party would not alienate those friends for himself.

The original owner had never told the roommates about this situation before, but these days, Lu Yi and his roommates got closer, and it was a little bit turbulent. Unless deliberately concealed it, the other three people would know about it.

During the cultural performance, the four of them sat together, there were some sarcastic and provocative words, some weird people also came to them.

All of them were students of the art school, and their waists were twisted unconsciously when they walk. Even blind straight men could tell that this people were gay.

To them, Li Tang, a handsome golden man, was obviously a high-quality little attacker, it was obviously Lu Yi taking advantage of the other.

Wang Wang directly exploded: “What do these people mean, they love to eat shit, and watch others jump out, and it’s still weird. What’s so good about that dude?”

Zhang Zhihong was more sarcastic: “Just look at the bright, clean and white exterior of this dung pit. Everyone wants to go up and squat.”

Tan Lu stabbed his roommate and motioned to him to stop talking, because Li Tang and his new boyfriend walked nearby. Lu Yi had been looking at his mobile phone, and he was afraid that his roommate will talk about it and make Lu Yi aware of Li Tang.

Lu Yi was now talking about the exam with Rong Huan. He was going to take the exam in a few days, so naturally he wanted to grab this topic and talk more with the other party.

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Rong Huan: As long as you have a calm mind, this kind of test is very simple. Even second-year children can pass the test. It´s easy for you.

Lu Yi said again: When I was in the second grade, I was more focused than I am now.

He didn’t know if it was the harm caused by electronic products. When he was a child, he was very focused on one thing.

While doing his own thing he would often forget the time while chatting, and would delay business affairs. This was a completely abnormal signal to him.

But it may be because chatting with Rong Huan was too enjoyable, every time he comforted himself, now he was in university, there was plenty of time, after graduation, he would concentrate on his career.

Thinking about it, he had spent enough time at work, and he had become the Lu Yi of this world, he could occasionally relax, such as chatting with friends for a long time, having a meal and so on.

The roommates were quiet, but some people were obviously not happy that they were so inexistent in front of their ex-boyfriends.

“Lu Yi.”

When Lu Yi heard his name, he raised his head reflexively, and then met Li Tang’s magnified handsome face.

Because he was a guest of the cultural performance, he was wearing a small silver-gray suit today. The slim cut outlined his thin waist. The bad smile made him look dangerous and charming.

Li Tang returned to his previous demeanor appearance. He introduced to his ex-boyfriend: “Get to know, this is my boyfriend, Wen Shu.”

“Puff, who gave such a name? Wang Wang chuckled.

Li Tang’s expression became colder: “Talking about names, Wang Ergou1, you have no right to speak.”

When others read Wang Wang’s name, they always felt that they were learning how to bark as dog, so they gave him a nickname called Wang Zi, and if they didn’t deal with Wang Wang, they called him another nickname, Wang Ergou.

The little beauty Wen Shu had an uncomfortable expression. Seeing her boyfriend so defending herself, he showed a sweet smile on his face. Sure enough, just like the rumor, he smiled with a cute pear vortex.

Facing the dog-abuse provocation of his ex-boyfriend and his new boyfriend, Lu Yi nodded politely: “Oh, I see, I wish you happiness.”

His expression was quite calm, and his tone was also cold and distant, as if standing in front of him is a stranger.

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