Li Tang didn’t bring his new boyfriend to see Lu Yi look like this. He wanted to see Lu Yi’s sad expression. The more pain Lu Yi was in, the more he could relieve his anger.

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After saying hello, Lu Yi’s screen turned on again, there was a new message.

Lu Yi immediately left Li Tang behind, and concentrated on replying to Rong Huan’s text messages.

Looking at Lu Yi’s appearance, Li Tang became more confident in his heart. It was Lu Yi who was covering up just now, but the acting would not last long, otherwise, how could the other party keep staring at the screen without moving his eyes.

He deliberately said: “Lu Yi, we are friends anyway. When will you take your boyfriend meet us? We are about to graduate. If you don’t find a boyfriend in university, it will be difficult to talk about it later.”

Lu Yi did not lift his head: “Thank you for your concern. If I find it, I will definitely introduce him to you.”

Rong Huan over there was saying: For a new movie recently, one of my nephews said that he bought too many tickets, so he gave me one, but I also bought a ticket. Now I have two of them. Would you like to watch it with me on Saturday night?

Lu Yi returned: Okay, then it´s date.

Rong Huan replied: If you think so, it’s okay, but there will be my nephew on the side.

Lu Yi returned in a second; then I´ll be embarrassed.

Rong Huan: No, my nephew is going to bring his friend, but I don’t know him very well. To avoid embarrassment, I also bring a friend.

Lu Yi couldn’t help but become curious about the nephew that Rong Huan said: How old is your nephew? You mentioned him several times.

Rong Huan thought for a while, and typed a long paragraph: The situation in my family is more complicated. He is the child of the son brought by my stepmother. He has no blood relationship with me, but he is quite likable. In fact, it’s not much younger than me. He should be about the same age as you.

He remembered that Lu Yi had said that he didn’t have many friends in school.

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He went on to say: He and you are studying at the same school; he is very cheerful.

Lu Yi asked him: Who is it? Maybe we know each other.

Rong Huan said: Keep it secret first, I´ll introduce him to you when you come, maybe there will be surprises.

Lu Yi must go, such a good opportunity to promote feelings: then I must dress up tomorrow, not to shame you.

Rong Huan looked at the screen and smirked: still dressing up, he is not a particularly important person.

Lu Yi seriously replied: Of course, it is very important, it is Teacher Rong’s family. I must dress very carefully.

Rong Huan’s heart throbbed, but when he thought of something, he was a little bit lost. This guy always teased him unconsciously. He had said that he liked men, and the other party was of the same kind, so he should know how lethal it was to talk to a single old man like this.

But he couldn´t pierce through the ambiguous layer of window paper, and worry about failure, in case he was just overthinking, he finally had a friend who could talk so well, he did not want to lose this friendship, although Lu Yi was younger than him.

He replied to Lu Yi, and then said, “That’s how it is fixed, and wait for tomorrow.”

After chatting with Lu Yi, he switched to another dialog box. It was a friend he made on the forum. He was limited to online friendship. He knew his nickname but didn’t know his real name. There was no intersection in the real life.

Homosexuality was a minority after all, and it took him a lot of effort to make his family understand.

Qin Yin: I will go to the movie with him tomorrow.

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: That’s good, what are you going to watch?

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Qin Yin: It is a film about the biographies of music masters.

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: no, that’s too literary, you should choose a romantic movie, when a man and a woman are kissing, tut tut. Or a horror movie, when you see a horrible place, the other party will rush into your arms!

Rong Huan felt that what the other party said was reasonable, but it was already set.

Qin Yin: …and my nephew.

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: that´s not good for you. What kind of light bulb are you taking? Kids are annoying. Whenever you meet someone you like, he would go. Our circle is a niche group. If you aren´t brave enough, you´ll die alone.

This was really true. Although Rong Huan had always said that he wanted to be single, he still hoped to have someone to accompany him, but he had never found a suitable one. After all, the circle was quite messy, and the parents also introduced a few, saying that they were good.

But he randomly checked afterwards, either it was a madman, or it was a bi. He wanted to find someone who only liked men. If the other party could still accept women, he would not be able to bear the pressure to find a woman and marry when he was old, that would make him sick.

There were also honest people who had never talked about love, but in addition to being honest, the soft conditions were too flawed. He didn’t have many requirements for the other party’s family conditions. The key was to get the three views together and have common interests and hobbies.

However, most of the people who worked in the music store were women, and those who had men had long had wives and children. He was not a particularly outgoing person. In addition to the psychological trauma he suffered when he came out, he had very few friends.

The number of people in contact was limited, so that his conditions in the circle were obviously good, but others think his conditions were too high.

You have to know that the circle was full of zeros, the kind of high-quality boyfriends had been taken before long, and where was the turn of a twenty-seven-year-old man like him.

Qin Yin: My nephew is about the same age as him, and he also brought his boyfriend. I just said that I didn’t want to be a light bulb and invited him.

Qin Yin: I know too, but you know, I told you before, I am seven years older than him, so I´m hesitating.

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A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: 20 it´s not too young, at 20 he must know what he should know.

Qin Yin: He is not such a person. He studied at an engineering university, very rigorous and serious. This is the document he sent when he asked me some questions.  Screenshot 1.jpg Screenshot 2.jpg Screenshot 3.jpg

After he joined me, he didn’t contact me for half a month, so he sent me this. Although he is very young, he felt very mature and stable and reliable. And he likes things similar to me, and his aesthetics are also very good…

A dozen of cucumbers and eggplants: Don’t boast, don’t boast, envy… Anyway, if he is a high-quality young grass, hurry up, so why are you hesitating?

Qin Yin: I’m just worried, and I don’t have any friends to do it.

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: Has he had a boyfriend?

Qin Yin: Yes, but he was a scumbag. He said that he was cheated by that man, but he was completely cut off. His parents treated him badly, maybe they couldn’t think about it for a while. He did stupid things, the kind of stupid thing that hurts oneself. Fortunately, he is fine…

A dozen of cucumbers and eggplants: That’s because he has been hurt, he is stupid, take advantage of the fact that he has not healed himself, hurry up to comfort and hug, and then he is yours.

Rong Huan hesitated. He mosaiced the Feixun heads of the two people, and then sent the screenshots to A dozen cucumbers and eggplants

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: I bet that this man must be interested in you, but it may be because he has been injured and is afraid of being scumbed, so he dares not. Tomorrow, you will dress well and have a little casual temptation to watch a movie. When the time comes, put your hand over, he holds it back, and it’s done.

Qin Yin: But what if he withdraws his hand?

A dozen cucumbers and eggplants: The first time may be a misunderstanding, do it it two or three times, and if the other party stops you each time, just leave as a misunderstanding, there´s no loss anyway.

What the other party said made sense, Rong Huan’s little heart shook, he stood up, and began to look through the closet, should he wear black or white?

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On Saturday night, the two had an appointment for dinner before going to the movies.

Rong Huan’s eyes lit up when he saw Lu Yi, but he didn’t say anything.

Lu Yi asked him, “Don’t you want to introduce your nephew?”

“It’s not that early, they went to watch movies elsewhere.” In fact, the little nephew still invited him, but he refused, because he didn’t want him to be a light bulb.

At that time, the little nephew said: It’s not important for my boyfriend to have a little uncle. If you go to dinner with me, you can also make an appointment with him later.

But Rong Huan refused, and he didn’t want his nephew to be his light bulb.

Of course, he didn’t need to talk to Lu Yi about these things.

A pleasant dinner after a meal, it was almost time.

Lu Yi and Rong Huan went in first, and after a while, the little nephew and little boyfriend also came.

Sitting next to Rong Huan, because the movie theater was dark, Rong Huan said in a low voice, first introduce to Lu Yi: “This is my nephew.”

He then introduced to his little nephew and nephew’s boyfriend: “This is my friend; you are from the same school.”

With six eyes facing each other, with a click, the milk tea in the hands of the little nephew’s little beauty boyfriend dropped.

The little nephew who had a covetous heart for the uncle who had no blood relationship also lost his eyeballs. Li Tang said in a gloomy manner: “Why is tit you?!”

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