"Infatuated" actor (13)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


After Lu Yi gave him the information about He Xiao last time, Kong Si was a little more wary of He Xiao. He didn’t care what the other party had, why did he approach him, but since he was full of lies from the beginning, he was 100% uneasy.

Regardless of whether the other party was just malicious and had not done anything to hurt himself or the people around him, Kong Si just asked his agent to pay more attention.

If the other party wanted to step on him for various drafts, then he would send double the draft to step back. If the other party wanted to pour dirty water on him to lower his popularity, then he must help the other party create more black material to help the other party become famous.

Kong Si was not the kind of person who took the initiative to harm others, but he was not a holy father either.

If people didn’t slap me, he won´t slap others. If someone slapped him, he would definitely slap him twice.

But to his surprise, even though he tried to block and ignore the means of expressing that he didn’t like the other party, the other party still showed his favor to him frequently. In the end, Kong Si’s agent said: ” I don’t think there is any malicious intent, the two of you are classmates, it will be better if you cooperate.”

Many artists have friends, no matter where they are, people who are kind to others and have a good relationship with each other are welcome.

Especially in the entertainment industry, even if a person does something bad, other artists stand up and say good things for this person, and people will think that the news that broke out must be fake.

Conversely, when one person does nothing but everyone else says he is bad, everyone is more likely to believe the majority.

The way adults behave in society is more evident in the entertainment industry.

Talented but bad-tempered people in the company could still get along, but public figures who play a guiding role must be positive moral models.

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The public will not like celebrities who are too hostile. If Kong Si showed no respect for his seniors and was not polite, he will definitely be caught and be black.

Kong Si said: “Even if he doesn’t have any malicious intentions, but just because of the classmate relationship, he frequently makes friends with another person. Don’t you think such an attitude is strange? We are not in the same company, and I am not rich, there´s nothing to gain.”

If he was rich, it was fine, that kind of rich X generation, no matter how bad his temper was, no matter how bad his reputation was, there would still be people who would come to them and flatter.

One pays money, the other pays dignity or even flesh/body, a very simple transaction relationship, as long as it was consensual, it could even be said to be quite fair.

But he was different from He Xiao. Even if he was more popular than the other party now, He Xiao debuted several years earlier than him. He was considered his senior, and his reputation was not bad. There were also achievements and the number of fans, which were much better than him as a newcomer.

Unless it was the kind of person who had no eyesight and relied on the gold master behind his back to make a fortune, he was basically a respected senior.

Sometimes, the fans could say that the seniors slap others face, this was to guide the juniors, with good intentions, how could He Xiao be like this, trying to throw an olive branch to him, he refuses, but the other party still came cheekily.

Weird, for sure.

The agent advised Kong Si: “I also think it’s not right, but they didn’t do anything to be sorry for you, not only did they not, but they also took the initiative to help you promote, and even mentioned you on the show in various ways.”

It was okay if the agent didn’t say it, but when he mentioned it. Kong Si was full of anger: “Who cares about him taking the initiative to publicize this, you also said that I should ignore him, and you still reposted the publicity he gave me on Weibo, which made it seems like a good relationship with him.”

He actually hated this kind of disguised pressure. It wasn’t because he was sensitive. He was quite sure that He Xiao was using the people around him to put pressure on him in disguised form.

This kind of situation was no different from that kind of girl who didn’t like a boy, and even expressly refuses, but the boy attacks the girl by attacking the people around her.

If the girl was moved by the other party’s infatuation, it’s fine. If she didn’t like him, she would be told by the people around her that she really didn’t know what she was doing, that it was her fault for missing someone that loved her so much…

He just didn´t like the other person, why was he treated like this? He didn’t take the initiative to attack He Xiao. So far, he had never robbed the other party of resources.

To be more precise, he didn’t rob anyone’s resources, because the drama he shot was tailor-made for him by Lu Yi throwing money.

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Some of the variety shows he participated in later were basically as guests. Originally, his company was not the same as He Xiao’s. He Xiao’s inexplicable wooing had already caused him trouble.

He expressed his attitude towards the agent very seriously: “You have to remember that you are my agent, not He Xiao’s. Although you are my agent, it is best to discuss with me before doing anything. The second time I encounter He Xiao, don’t cooperate with others without my consent.”

Worrying that he usually created a good talkative image, the agent didn’t take his words seriously, and he deliberately said it very seriously: “If there is another such unreasonable assertion, you can resign and leave.”

He was not too worried about what would happen to him after the agent left. As long as the other party wanted to work in this circle, he must have the professional ethics he should have.

And if he leaked his privacy, he could definitely sue the other party for bankruptcy. After Lu Yi became the chairman of Xingchen Media, he attached great importance to the legal aspect. The company had a special legal department, which was responsible for various infringement issues of the company and its artists.

Kong Si also had lawyer friends in the past, but his family could only be regarded as middle-class, and he was not used to the lifestyle of dragging lawyers out at every turn.

But after living with Lu Yi for a long time, he was inevitably influenced by his partner, and when something happened, he began to open his mouth and call for a lawyer.

To be honest, it felt really good to move out a team of lawyers when something happens, and then scare the other party into cowardice immediately.

Kong Si’s agent had a relatively strong working ability, and belonged to the kind of ambitious person who also wanted to bring out a movie emperor through his own hands. But ambition returned to ambition, and he didn’t think about being able to control Kong Si’s life. After all, Kong Si was his employer, not an artist assigned to him by the company.

And compared to others, Kong Si’s temper was really very good, and he treated him generously in terms of salary and holidays on weekdays. He liked this job very much: “I see, I will pay attention to this aspect in the future.”

He said that because he though it was good for Kong Si. Since Kong Si didn’t like He Xiao’s words so much, he would not contact him again. When his own interests were not involved, the agent would be happy to follow his own ideas. He was talking about that, but once his own interests were involved, he immediately confessed, and immediately threw his sympathy for He Xiao far away.

He Xiao didn’t know that just a few words of communication would make him lose a strong teammate. Even if he knew about it, there was nothing he could do. Sometimes things like feelings were just unreasonable.

Otherwise, as long as you work hard and pay, you could move people’s hearts, where in the world will there be so many idiots and haters.

Kong Si’s agent was chatting with Kong Si, and He Xiao, whom they talked about, was also chatting with his own agent.

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Because of the different ways of getting along, He Xiao’s agent, Zhao Qian, was not so gentle and tactful. He didn’t persuade him, he just opened up the approval: “What happened to you these few times, you always mention that Kong Si and retweet his


Artists’ Weibo accounts were all held by the company’s team. Of course, artists could also post by themselves, but when it came to business cooperation, they must not post them without authorization.

It was okay to be popular, but it was not okay to take the initiative to create popularity for others. Like this kind of publicity work, they didn´t make any money, it needed to be discussed. Without telling him, He Xiao just forwarded that artist Yu Si’s new play, which really made Zhao Qian very angry.

“Do you know how much loss your willful actions have brought to the company? Don’t care about your account in the future, and the company will take good care of it for you.”

He Xiao asked him, “Is this what the company means, or is it what you mean?”

Zhao Qian said with a bad expression: “You are an artist I manage. If you don’t do well, how can you think I can be better.”

He sighed and asked bluntly: “tell me honestly, more than a month ago, you went out and said you wanted to see a friend. Who is the friend you mentioned?”

He Xiao was not the only artist under his hand, but He Xiao was the one who earnt the most money and was probably the best-developed artist.

The agent’s work was commissioned, so he pointed to He Xiao, a cash cow, to earn money. Naturally, he didn’t want his career to be affected due to external reasons.

He Xiao didn’t want to talk about this topic: “I said it was a friend of mine, Brother Zhao, when you look for a friend, you just ask casual things, like whether the wife they marry is beautiful or not, what grade the children are in, I have never cared about these things. I hope look at your heart and be a little more tolerant to me.”

Zhao Qian said, “I’m an agent, and my job is to do my best to help artists get the right resources and choose scripts that suit them. As an actor, your job is not just acting, I hope you can know clearly that an ordinary person’s love or marriage, or even a one stand night, may affect your image, and your image is one of the most valuable things for you as an artist.”

To be more precise, He Xiao was an idol, not an artist. His personality couldn´t collapse, a relationship would have a huge impact on his fan group. And poor friendship would have an impact to some extent.

He didn’t want his artist to have an image of a person who was rush posts to lick others. If it was a beautiful female artist, it would be fine, and it could be said that He Xiao was infatuated, but if it was to rush to post about a male artist, then the public opinion would definitely be against He Xiao.

He Xiao was silent for a long time, and then said, “I see, I will be careful.”

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After the conversation between the two, He Xiao and Kong Si appeared together. They were invited by a variety show, and both of them were guests.

Originally, He Xiao said it well, but this time, on the show, he still couldn’t help showing his favor to Kong Si.

Kong Si didn’t really want to show his disagreement with He Xiao in front of the audience, but he knew that Lu Yi would definitely watch his show. To the end, he was very cold to He Xiao.

That variety show was an old-fashioned variety show. Although it was no longer at its peak, there were still many fans watching it. Shortly after the broadcast of this episode, a combination of artist names like Yu Si He Xiao climbed the hot search list.

However, unlike most other artists, when you click on it, it was a commercial blow. For example, what show xx participated in, another person praised him for how good he is, and the like.

But this time the situation was different. Users clicked in and saw all kinds of rumors about the discord between the two people, as well as a video.

The content played on the video had been edited, saying that Kong Si did not respect the image of his seniors The camera caught the impatience of the artist Yu Si looking at He Xiao.

Soon, another topic popped up on the hot search list, that Yu Si was playing a big name.

This hot search was even more attractive, and its popularity rose rapidly, even surpassing the previous hot search topic.

The agents and assistants on Kong Si’s side were always paying attention to the hot topics on major websites, especially the big platforms like Weibo. To exaggerate, they were basically watching every second.

After the topic appeared, the popularity began to rise continuously. According to the judgment of those in the industry, the popularity had risen a little too fast.

The facts were in front of them, and it must be someone from He Xiao’s side who did it.

It was He Xiao who had been diligent for a few months and finally couldn’t help showing his evil thoughts?

Kong Si’s agent thought so, swiping the Weibo comments of the two at the same time, and began to arrange water army control comments in a timely manner, or use more popular things to suppress the bad public opinion of his own artists.

At this time, He Xiao, who was sympathized by everyone, posted on Weibo.

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