"Infatuated" actor (14)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


He Xiao made a blog post to clarify for Kong Si: Actor Yu Si is very dedicated and respectful of his predecessors, and the two of us have a good relationship in private. It is possible that there was a misunderstanding during the editing of the program. After this, he also @ ActorYuSi, and then posted a picture below this clarified Weibo with an old photo of Kong Si.

In the photo, Kong Si was wearing a white shirt, standing on the podium to speak, with a high-spirited look, very youthful.

Soon He Xiao’s clarified topic climbed up the hot search, quickly overcoming the previous #yusiplayingbigname#.

In addition to this, there were also topics such as Yu Si’s first love face and Yu Si’s youthful appearance. Taking advantage of this popularity, the topic list was quickly swiped by Yu Si and He Xiao.

Of course, there was a reason for fans to question that this was a hype by the two artists, or that there was a variety show, because after this issue of the guests was on the hot search, the show soon came out to refute the rumors, proving that Yu Si was a really good actor, there was no big-name phenomenon that was implied in the topic.

Originally, He Xiao’s fans were about to explode with anger. Before He Xiao could speak, a large number of fans rushed to Kong Si’s Weibo account to abuse him.

Fans who liked actor Yu Si also tried to fight back, but because he was a newcomer and didn’t like hype very much, Yu Si’s fans were not as good in combat as the other party, and they were torn apart by He Xiao´s fans.

As a result, everyone came out to clarify, the fans were slapped in their faces, the leader was still psychologically strong, so he immediately changed his tune and apologized, putting the blame on the show team.

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When Kong Si was paying attention to the situation, he sneered at the comments under his Weibo.

The manager originally wanted to get on his account to respond to He Xiao’s @, to create an illusion that the two brothers were in a good relationship, but he stopped him.

“Why answer? doesn’t it just prove that I have a good relationship with him? I won’t answer.”

Kong Si was about to be disgusted by He Xiao. What did the other party mean by creating the illusion of a good relationship with him through public opinion? Or did he think he would be grateful for his “kindness” because of this?

The agent said in embarrassment: “But if this is the case, doesn’t it mean that you are at odds with He Xiao and disrespect your senior?”

Kong Si said without hesitation: “Just sit tight.” He wished to be able to directly post a Weibo and slap in the face, saying that they don’t know each other well, someone please don’t post, or something.

But given their current coffee positions, if he really wanted to post such a Weibo, the one who would get ridiculed would be him, instead it would be He Xiao who could gain a wave of sympathy from passers-by.

Kong Si said: “Forget it this time. There is no need to hype the other party. Let’s treat it coldly. If the other party sends a good draft of our two brothers in the future, you can arrange for someone to write a draft of our discord.”

The agent really didn’t understand: “But if you do this, will it be bad for your image?”

Kong Si’s tone was cold: “I’m an actor. I can’t stand people hyping me, can’t I? I don’t care if he’s good or not, I’ll just have to act in the future.”

The entertainment industry was not He Xiao’s world. His original purpose was to act in the drama he liked and make more people like him. What if he didn’t get along with He Xiao, as long as he acted well and had a good performance in all aspects, did he still need to worry about so much?

As soon as he finished speaking, the ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly rang. As soon as he heard the familiar exclusive ringtone, Kong Si immediately got up and went to get the mobile phone. He signaled his agent to stay where he was: “You just sit in the living room and watch, I go take a call.”

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After entering the room, he took a deep breath and connected Lu Yi’s phone.

As soon as it was connected, Lu Yi’s voice came from the phone: “I saw the hot search. You don’t need to care about those who are irrelevant.”

Artists usually endure more abuse and slander than others.

Under normal circumstances, Kong Si’s Weibo as an artist was basically filled with all kinds of loving comments, and some were very skinny, but the skin returns to the skin, and the essence was to express his love for the artist.

Although he usually managed this Weibo account as an agent, Kong Si often paid close attention to the comments of his fans. He will be happy when he seeing praise, and sad when he seeing negative comments.

Although after entering the entertainment industry, the first film he participated in was a big production, not the male lead, but also the second male lead with a very important role. He had never been wronged, but he was still a newcomer in the entertainment industry, and he would have the emotions of a newcomer, worrying about gains and losses.

When the first TV drama he filmed was broadcast, he stared at his mobile phone and computer every day to read the comments of netizens. When he came across the kind of long, loving and emotional writing, he would watch it back and forth several times, and then reveal satisfied smile.

When he encountered one who criticizes him, even if it was a mindless one, he would feel heartbroken for a long time, and often one negative comment would have a heavier impact than ten positive comments.

As Kong Si’s bedside, Lu Yi saw his partner’s emotional changes during that period of time. This time, Kong Si’s Weibo was full of infamy.

Moreover, a large number of He Xiao fans and those keyboard warriors who love to blend in also poured in, and their mouths were dirty, and they carried out verbal violence against Kong Si just like Lu Xingchen at the beginning.

It was just that Lu Xingchen at the beginning was physically raped, and the people around him put so much pressure on him that he couldn’t bear those strange eyes.

He knew that Kong Si was a very emotional person. Such a person would be more concerned about the opinions of others, and when he was insulted, he would definitely feel more uncomfortable than a careless and heartless person.

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Lu Yi never wanted to see Kong Si become the original Lu Xingchen.

Hearing Lu Yi’s voice, Kong Si’s chaotic mood gradually calmed down, he hummed softly, and then said, “I know, after choosing to be an artist, I was mentally prepared.”

Even if he was soft sister coin1, there were still people who are picky. Those who were recognized to be excellent in all aspects would also be black, not to mention that he was only a small star with only two works.

Lu Yi’s voice was calm and powerful, which made people feel very reassuring: “It’s good for you to take it for granted, in short, you have to remember that no matter what people outside say, I know what kind of person you are, and I love you like this, no matter what they say. It will never change because of external discussions.”

His words were like a reassurance pill and a shot in the arm. Kong Si’s heart felt a lot more comfortable, and there was a little more smile on his face: “I know.”

No matter how unpleasant the words an outsider said, it was across the screen. What he feared was the distrust from those close to him.

The husband and wife said a lot more. Lu Yi could feel that Kong Si’s voice was obviously relaxed and his mood was much better. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Now, open the door of the room.”

When Kong Si heard this, he realized something, and rushed to the edge of the door, then opened the door, and saw a young man standing at the door.

He didn’t care whether if it was indecent or not, he was very excited and went up to a bear hug, tightly wrapping his man’s thin and strong waist.

Lu Yi was hugged by him for a while, then reached out and touched the top of Kong Si’s jet-black hair. Although he was a boy, Kong Si’s hair was very soft, and those with soft hair were also soft-hearted. He didn’t want the soft-hearted Kong Si to be hurt.

After hugging enough, Kong Si just raised his head, thinking that there was an agent in the living room, and felt a little embarrassed: “I forgot that there were outsiders.”

For a big man to actually do such an action, he must be humiliated in front of outsiders.

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Lu Yi calmed his heart: “When I came in, I told him to go out.”

He didn’t have the taste to show affection in front of outsiders, and he didn’t want outsiders to see the other side of Kong Si in front of him.

Only then did Kong Si feel relieved, and stood up straight again, returning to his normal appearance.

He looked at his lover and asked him, “Why did you come here suddenly, don’t you have a job?”

Lu Yi said in a very sparse and ordinary tone: “Because you are more important than work.”

His usual work was very heavy, and it was impossible to pay attention to Kong Si’s movements all the time, but when he was recruiting an agent for Lu Yi at the time, he told him that if something like this happened, he must be told in time. He didn’t want to wait until everyone knew it before he figured out what had happened.

Kong Si looked at Lu Yi, and his eyes seemed to reflect the starlight: “You are really…”

How could someone have such a sweet mouth, but it wasn´t deliberate sweetness to coax, but with a very ordinary tone, making him feel more comfortable.

Lu Yi turned and sat down on the sofa in the living room, then waved to Kong Si: “Come here, I have something to show you.”

Kong Si strode up to follow, and saw Lu Yi bent down and took out a file bag from the drawer under the glass coffee table: “I originally wanted to tell you after work today, but today’s work has ended early, and it looks suitable now.”

Kong Si leaned over and sat next to him: “What is it?”

Lu Yi opened the bag and poured out a stack of photos: “Come and see, do the people on this look familiar?”

Kong Si glanced sharply at He Xiao, and standing next to He Xiao, a round, short fat man.

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