Chapter 61

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"Infatuated" actor (15)

Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Kong Si looked at the photos, and the little fat man in the photo gradually overlapped with the person in his memory: “By the way, this person seems to be the one I rescued in the first place.”

Kong Si’s high school was a provincial key middle school. Because both art and science capabilities could keep up, their school had become a pilot for the Education Bureau to carry out quality education. At that time, they organized many clubs and the student union also made a decent appearance.

Kong Si was the vice-chairman of the student union and the president of the Early Rain Literature Club. His high school life was hectic. He had to deal with a lot of people every day, but apart from the classmates in the class and those students in the literature club, he had no way of remembering others.

It was the kind if the situation in which most people knew him, but he didn´t know most people.

But the brain’s ability to store memory was actually stronger than most people think. After digging hard, Kong Si recalled more details of the year: “I remember, this person, in fact, should have good grades, I remember when we had him on our school’s campus honor list.”

Because almost every time he would be on the honor list, he wouldn´t pay attention to who was on the same list as him, at most he would look at the top three, after all, it was next to him and close to him.

He lowered his head, flipped through the photos, and the one standing with the little fat man was the student He Xiao.

“I think He Xiao looks a little familiar, but it seems that there is no one named He Xiao at our age.”

Lu Yi reminded him, “He Xiao is his stage name. Like you, he used another name to debut.”

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Also, most of the actors would change to a more foreign or more prosperous name for their debut.

He asked Lu Yi, “Then what’s his name, tell me, maybe if I think hard, I can remember something.”

Lu Yi said, “That’s not important, you can look at the photos again.”

Kong Si looked over and over, but couldn’t see anything in the photo: “Is there anything else hidden on it, do I need to use a magnifying glass, or roast it with fire, or water to reveal it?”

Forgive him for watching a lot of dog blood TV series recently in order to study.

If his facial expressions could be seen, there must be three huge black lines on Lu Yi’s head:  …

He put out a few photos: “From the photos, the relationship between the two of them is not bad.”

Kong Si continued his words and said, “You mean, this little fat man told He Xiao the details of how he was rescued by me.”

If speculated like this, it would make sense for He Xiao to be able to tell the details of the year. Scientists say that people are social animals, and most people like to talk and share, especially when something special happens to them, or joy, winning the lottery, and being hurt and bullied.

The little fat man who had no friends was bullied. When he was extremely scared, someone suddenly appeared like a hero in the movie and saved him from fire and water.

This person was not only like a hero, but also looked very good. He was also a popular figure in the school. This kind of plot like in a novel or a TV series happened to him, and the little fat man would definitely have the desire to talk about it.

At their age, it was the time when they were most sensitive and easily rebellious. Compared with parents who didn’t understand anything and only treated themselves as children, good friends were obviously the best people to talk to.

Thinking about it this way, there was absolutely no problem with the logic.

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However, Kong Si said, “But, Fatty is a Fatty, He Xiao is his friend, and I didn’t save He Xiao, so what is he doing to replacing Fatty and coming to me? Repaying kindness in place of Fatty?”

He asked Lu Yi, “Are the two of them brothers or something, does he need this?”

Lu Yi said: “Little Fatty does have a brother, but it’s not He Xiao. The two of them are not related by blood, they are just friends who grew up together.”

That was right, it was just a friend, Kong Si didn’t understand: “I just helped casually, and it was not a big deal. You say that if he owes me, he will make up for it with guilt. I can understand, but he doesn’t owe me anything.”

For a normal person, even if they want to repay kindness, they would choose what their benefactor liked, instead of insisting on what they think was good for you after the other party had clearly rejected it.

He made a brief summary of He Xiao’s behavior during this period: “I don’t think he came to return the favor, but for revenge.”

“It’s not impossible to say that.” Lu Yi said, “The person in the photo next to He Xiao is the little fat man. He passed away a year ago, he had been terminal ill for many years”

When he heard the word terminal illness, Kong Si’s eyelids twitched. He didn’t intend to make any comments on the deceased. After all, he was really not familiar with each other at all. Maybe the only intersection in school was a coincidence.

Thinking of a possibility, he got goosebumps all over, he shook his head, put those terrible thoughts behind him, and tried his best to think about things in a positive way: “Lu Yi, do you think it will be that He Xiao, in order to let the little fat man rest in peace and go to heaven smoothly, in the name of his deceased friend, he will complete the act of repayment for him?”

However, Lu Yi denied Kong Si’s guess: “If that was the case, he would just say so, why would he hide the truth?”

If you want to learn from Lei Feng1 and do good deeds without leaving a name, then simply don’t leave a name since the beginning, and tell him only about the existence of the little fat man, but not telling him the truth, how could there be such a wonderful Lei Feng.

No matter what he though, it felt very unreasonable. Lu Yi looked at his expression and became very distressed. Kong Si, who was puzzled, said in a light tone: “I think his dead friend liked you. And he stole the identity of his friend… probably because he wanted his friend to be with you.”

There were many people who could be immersed in the character set they had created for themselves and couldn´t extricate themselves from it. He didn’t quite understand the strange brotherhood between He Xiao and that little fat man, but from what He Xiao did and the original ending in the book, it forced him to think in a very unreasonable direction.

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Kong Si showed a constipated expression for a long time. He looked at the two people in the photo, then opened his mouth and said, “If that’s the case, then I’m really going to be nauseated. Who does he think he is? If he´s moved by himself, don’t take me, okay?”

These days, Kong Si had also paid more or less attention to He Xiao, but it was not that he was moved by He Xiao’s mind, but mainly because he was afraid that the other party would plot against him and make a fake fall.

But what he didn’t expect was that things could be more disgusting than he thought.

His expression added a bit of viciousness, and he said viciously: “It’s better if he’s not like this. If he’s like this, then I will never let him go.”

The problem was, now this was just his and Lu Yi’s guess, he won’t let anyone who hurt them, but he didn’t want to misunderstand a good person.

Of course, He Xiao, who cheated first, was not a good person in himself. If there was no such thing, He Xiao’s method of using soft power to oppress him and make him submit was enough to make him feel sick.

Kong Si said: “What kind of liking is this, I think he is moving himself, elevating himself, being high”

Thinking of himself becoming a tool in the eyes of others, he felt nauseated and disgusted.

Lu Yi was originally very displeased, but looking at Kong Si’s appearance, he couldn’t help but be amused. He asked Kong Si: “If that’s the case, how are you not letting him go?”

Could it be that Kong Si wanted to follow the script of a scumbag and deceive He Xiao’s feelings, not to mention that He Xiao may not really like Kong Si, everything was just their inference and speculation at present, even if he liked it because of a friend, he would not he agree to such a form of revenge.

Kong Si thought about it for a while, and said seriously: “I just want to take away his favorite things, crush him in every way, crush him, and despise him.”

Lu Yi asked him, “Then what do you think he cares about most?”

Kong Si shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Now the problem was not this, the key was that he desperately wanted to know the truth.

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He looked at Lu Yi eagerly: “I think the two of us should first find a way to get out of his mouth. If we have no intentions, he will definitely show his tricks.”

Lu Yi asked him back, “Then what do you want to say, don’t tell me you want to fight in person.”

Kong Si said, “How is that possible, I don´t write scripts.”

He could be said to be good at acting, but he was not good at making up script cliches or something. Besides, there was Lu Yi staring next to him. Even if he was trying to make a cliché story and ask him to make good friends with that He Xiao, he always felt as if he was sorry for Lu Yi.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he said, “I remember the agent you found for me seems to have experience as a screenwriter.”

Lu Yi said, “Yes, yes.”

The agent he found for Kong Si, in addition to being able to establish a good network for Kong Si and pull a suitable script, had a good enough appreciation for the script itself.

Otherwise, after Kong Si became famous, the script flew like a snowflake, and if the agent in charge of Kong Si alone did not have the ability to distinguish the merits of the script, Kong Si would be too tired.

Kong Si said with a smile: “Then use my personal account for the manager. Anyway, he hasn´t done this kind of thing once or twice.”

It was a good method that both of them could accept. It was the manager’s responsibility to figure out the real purpose of He Xiao’s goodwill.

Kong Si’s manager imitated Kong Si’s tone, expressing his gratitude to He Xiao for standing up to speak for him this time, and then taking this opportunity, the two chatted, and their “feelings” gradually deepened.

After about a month and a half, the agent finally got the results, and handed over all the chat records since then to his employer.

After reading those chat records, Kong Si’s nose was almost crooked with anger. He didn’t expect that the idea that he randomly guessed at the beginning was actually the truth.

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