"Infatuated" actor (16)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Kong Si read the records back and forth twice, and the more he looked, the angrier he became. He was so angry that he wanted to drop the phone, but when he held the phone, he thought again, this was his phone, why take his own things vent his anger , not worth the loss.

Lu Yi was reading Star Media’s quarterly financial statements in the study room. When he was thirsty, he came out and poured water. He saw Kong Si walking around the living room anxiously with his mobile phone in his hand, and asked him, “What’s the matter?”

Kong Si said: “I’m very angry now, I want to beat people, I want to put a sack and beat that He Xiao!”

He felt that his man was really powerful, and he saw through the essence of He Xiao’s scumbag from the beginning, so he hated him. But there were still so many people who liked He Xiao, and they misjudged He Xiao’s young and handsome skin and the fake mask on his face.

When Lu Yi saw that he was really anxious and wanted to vent, he turned his head and walked into the room, took a large cardboard box and threw it to Kong Si.

Kong Si subconsciously caught a large box that was oncoming. Although it was big, it was unexpectedly light.

He was holding the cardboard box that was nearly half a person high, and his face was a bit blank: “What is this?”

Lu Yi said: “When I passed by a boutique before, I thought you should be able to use it, so I bought it.”

He was an adult man, and it was embarrassing to buy such a thing, so he simply asked the clerk to use a big box to pack the things.

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Kong Si first put down his anger towards He Xiao. He put the box on the ground, and then cut open the cardboard box with a utility knife. It may be because the knife was inserted too deeply when he opened it, as wisp of pink hair leaked out of the opened cut.

Kong Si’s strength subconsciously became lighter, and when he opened the whole box, he found a long-eared rabbit lying in the big box.

The light pink long-haired lop-eared love rabbit lied in a big cardboard box with long hands and feet, and looked at him with its ears tilted, looking innocent and cute.

Kong Si looked at the rabbit, and then looked at Lu Yi, who was standing at the entrance with a glass of water looking at him. No matter how he looked at him, he didn’t think that his man looked like someone with a girly heart.

He hesitated and asked Lu Yi, “What’s the use of this?”


Lu Yi thought for a while: “If you use it, your hand won’t hurt.”

When he was driving by at the time, he saw the big rabbit in the window of the boutique and felt very familiar, and he felt that he must buy it.

Kong Si thought for a second, yes, that He Xiao seemed to be a rabbit.

He looked at the rabbit and felt that the rabbit was so cute that he couldn’t handle it at all. An inspiration flashed in his mind. He rushed to the study, searched for high-definition photos of He Xiao on the internet, and used the small printer at home to print out several copies. He took a picture of the other person and taped it to the bunny’s face.

Going into the room again, locking the door, and beating “He Xiao” in the stomach, while beating, he also scolded: “Scum! Disgusting! Bitch! Beast…”

Because he pressed the rabbit against the door, Lu Yi watched the door tremble when he was outside, and the door was slammed, just like Kong Si’s emotion that could not be calmed down.

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About ten minutes later, Kong Si came out with the rabbit with the photo of He Xiao on his face. The expression on his face changed from overcast to cloudy. Although it was not as sunny as in the past, he could still see the sun. Obviously after such venting, his mood recovered a lot.

Kong Si asked Lu Yi, “Why did you suddenly think of this?”

Lu Yi said, “I don’t know. I just saw it and thought it was suitable for you. Like I’ve seen it somewhere.”

Kong Si remembered that there was a character in a well-known anime who liked to take dolls as disgusting people to vent.

He didn’t continue the topic, but sat on the sofa: “This matter can’t be left like this.”

Lu Yi guessed something from his partner’s reaction: “Are you angry about He Xiao?”

“Yes, it’s him. Didn’t I care about it before? I read the news today and found that it was exactly what we thought. He was disguising the identity of that little fat man, and then he was trying to win my favor.”

He didn’t even know how that He Xiao’s brain grew. He clearly showed that he liked women. It could even be said that he was a straight steel man who was a bit homophobic. Like the scandals that had been picked up in the circle, it was also He Xiao and women. If there was any ambiguity, it had nothing to do with men.

But in the communication with him, He Xiao acted like a gay. The niche population almost has a special radar for the same kind.

His agent was a straight man, he may not have noticed anything when chatting with He Xiao on his behalf, but Kong Si inferred from the other party’s thinking mode and some preferences and habits that He Xiao liked men.

It was not too much to like men, Kong Si liked men, and in the past year’s interviews, when someone asked about his sexual orientation, he generously admitted that he liked men.

To this end, he also made a hot search. So, knowing his sexual orientation, He Xiao’s private contact with him was very intriguing.

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Kong Si said: “Didn’t you say before, Fatty is dead? When he mentioned his good friend in the past, he revealed that he had a very good friend, but unfortunately, he contracted a terminal illness a few years ago and died at a young age. On the hospital be, he regretted it very much, because his friend left a lot of regrets when he left, and he hopes to fill those regrets for his friend.”

When chatting, the other party’s words were half true and half false. They were separated by a screen, and it was not a relationship of lying down and going to sleep. It was easy to hide some facts.

And when lying, it was easier for people to believe a lie that was 70% true and 30% false, because in this way, the person who hears the lie could chat with someone who was familiar with the other party or obtain relevant information from the outside world. The details were found to be correct.

If Lu Yi hadn’t exposed the other party’s lie to himself at the beginning, and if he tried hard to remember, even if he had been cautious at the beginning, maybe he would have been deceived by the other party, and he would have sighed that the other party was a very gentle and kind person.

The corners of Kong Si’s lips were slightly raised, and the corners of his eyes were also raised, his expression was very sarcastic: “He is trying to fulfill the biggest regret in his life for his dead good friend. It is so great that it is disgusting.”

If He Xiao didn’t like men, but he deceived innocent people’s feelings for the so-called regrets of his friends, and pretended to sacrifice himself, that would be a disgusting self-moved.

If He Xiao liked men, then he was creating a fake character, telling himself that it was only for his friends, just to pull a banner of kindness and justice. In fact, he was extremely selfish.

Lu Yi looked at Kong Si and said, “I think he really likes you in his heart. Sometimes, homophobia is sign of being deep in the closet”

If he didn’t really like it, it would be impossible for He Xiao to get married with Kong Si just because of the so-called regret of being a friend.

In other words, after the contact between the two, He Xiao really realized that Kong Si was good, that’s why, there was no way He Xiao would have slept with Lu Xingchen by magic, but because Lu Xingchen’s appearance was somewhat similar to Kong Si’s. Maybe from the beginning, the other party liked Kong Si.

And that unfortunate little fatty who died was just an excuse for He Xiao to comfort himself that he didn’t really like men.

Wasn’t that the case with many stories, best friends or sisters fall in love with the same man, and brothers who are like siblings turn against each other for a woman.

Stories come from life, and there are many such situations in reality. Because friends with good feelings, many times it was because the three views and hobbies were very similar, and the tastes of people who they like are also similar.

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Due to his unsightly appearance, little fatty felt inferior and did not dare to approach the original Kong Si, but he would definitely confide such feelings to his friends. Kong Si, who came out of the little fatty´s mouth, must be extremely beautiful.

People are all yearning for beautiful things. It was inevitable that after a long time of contact and understanding, there would be a feeling of admiration.

In order to study He Xiao, he specially found someone to know about He Xiao’s family and found that He Xiao’s parents were very traditional people. Even though gay marriage was legal now, in the eyes of the vast majority of the older generation, homosexuality was abnormal and perverted.

Growing up in such a family, He Xiao was repressed, and it was normal for him not to face his true sexual orientation.

But if it was related to the success of little fatty, it seemed to be setting a moral benchmark for himself. It was for friends, for good things, and it was not his fault.

Lu Yi told Kong Si all of his own analysis, and after listening, Kong Si was silent for a while: “Psychologically speaking, it can be inferred and understandable that he would do such a behavior. But I can’t forgive him…”

When he was talking before, he was quite calm, but now, he couldn’t hold back his anger: “He is so powerful, so great, what am I? ”

He wanted to get revenge on He Xiao.

What his partner thought was written on his face. Lu Yi asked him, “How do you want to get revenge on him? Conversely deceive his feelings?”

Kong Si nodded and shook his head again: “If I also try to deceive his feelings, what’s the difference with this kind of scum.”

If he was single, maybe he would really consider doing this, but he already had Lu Yi, and even if he was revengeful, it would always seem like he was betraying Lu Yi, and he didn’t like it.

“Besides his friends, he still cares about his career.”

Kong Si clenched his fists and said energetically: “Didn’t you say that our two roles are very similar, and since this is the case, then I will crush him thoroughly.”

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