"Infatuated" actor (17)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Seeing that he was in a much better mood, Lu Yi’s heart calmed a lot: “Actually, if you really don’t like him, you don’t need to be so troublesome.”

Xingchen Media had not yet reached the level of a leader company, but because several of the selected dramas had exploded in popularity, and they were still to the point where their full name exploded, they quickly stood firm with their strength.

In the circle of financial capital, it was difficult to give charcoal in the snow, but the icing on the cake was easy. With the conscientious work of Lu Yi and his employees and artists, the weight of Xingchen Media’s words in this circle had become heavier.

As a capital operation party, it was not difficult for him to block an artist who had not fully grown up.

Before, Lu Yi hadn´t do this. One was because He Xiao did not cause any harm to the original owner, so he didn’t need to sentence He Xiao for what didn’t happen.

Another reason was because He Xiao hadn’t climbed that high yet. An artist who threw himself on the street at the beginning was blocked by the circle, while the other one had received much attention and enjoyed the huge benefits of becoming famous, and then declined step by step, from a bright superstar to a forgotten gravel. Obviously, the latter had a greater sense of contrast and a stronger sense of blow.

In the past year, apart from the fact that He Xiao was affected at the beginning due to the schedule collision with Kong Si, his career had been developing relatively smoothly.

Kong Si said: “You’re right, it’s not impossible, but in this way, we feel like the evil forces in the legend.”

Before, he just had an analysis with Lu Yi. Although he felt disgusting, he was lucky. How could someone have such a weird brain circuit, but after the verification, he was sure that someone really thought this way, so he couldn´t suppress his anger.

But after all, he grew up in a relatively good environment, and he didn’t really suffer too much damage. If he was really asked to do something particularly excessive, he didn’t seem to be able to do it.

Lu Yi asked him in return, “It’s not that He Xiao was the first to flirt, it’s that he came first with bad intentions. We just fought back, and we didn’t use cyber violence to forcibly suppress it.”

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Speaking of which, he should return all the treatment that Lu Xingchen received to He Xiao, and let those who harmed his original body receive the corresponding retribution. This was the correct way for him to collect the fragments of Yu Ke scattered in this world.

Kong Si’s heart was about to be shaken by his own man’s words, but he still shook his head: “Well, I still want to try it with my own efforts, but if it really doesn’t work, then you go.”

If he had to rely on his own man for everything, then he would be too useless, and occasionally he would have to be less salty to be worthy of Lu Yi.

Every day seeing that Lu Yi can make money but still worked so hard. He always felt guilty while resting.

He looked at Lu Yi and said very seriously: “I feel full of energy now, please don’t stop me.”

Lu Yi looked down at him: “If it is what you want.”

After spending some time in this world, he also went to the literature website to find some similar quick-passing strategy articles to read, but he did not have the strategy system in the book, and even his own purpose was vague.

There was no reward and no punishment. Maybe there was a punishment, like if he didn’t finish his task, he wouldn’t be able to return to his own world.

Although Lu Xingchen’s parents also loved this son, and he accepted those memories, for him, the family he truly believed in his heart, the ones he cared about most were Ms. Lu and the unsmiling old Lu.

He didn’t know what would happen after collecting the fragments, nor what his original body looked like after his soul was pulled away.

He also didn’t know if he would be pulled out of this world after completing the task. If that was the case, what would Kong Si do?

Looking at the young and handsome face in front of him, he suddenly wrapped his arms around him and took Kong Si into his arms.

There was no sign, he was suddenly hugged by Lu Yi, and there was a faint scent on the other person’s body between the nose, even if it had been a year and a half of marriage, and they were old husband and wife, Kong Si couldn’t help but blushed: “Why so suddenly…”

In this day and age, being obscene was not a good thing.

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Lu Yi’s chin rested on his shoulder, and his voice was a little low and hoarse: “It’s nothing, I just want to hug you all of a sudden.”

He continued, “I think you’re cute.”

Kong Si blushed even more: “You mean beating the rabbit, hey, I actually think it’s naive too, but didn’t you buy the rabbit?”

Even if he was praised by his own man, it was always embarrassing for a big man to say that he was cute or something. When he was clearly in the play, he played such an aggressive character, how could he be unable to control it in front of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi said, “It’s not the rabbit, you are cute even if you don’t do this.”

Kong Si’s cheeks were burning hot, he was a bit at a loss, he didn’t know where to put his hands, and he quietly wrapped his arms around Lu Yi’s waist: “You don’t say hello even if you praise people, but compared to cute words, I prefer you to praise me for being smart and handsome, handsome and physically fit.”

Lu Yi’s voice was a little muffled, sounding like he was holding back a laugh: “You are smart and handsome, but you still need to strengthen your physical strength.”

Kong Si said angrily, “It’s your talent, I’m already better than most people, okay?”

Lu Yi suddenly asked him, “Did you decide to marry me because of my talent?”

It was also thanks to Kong Si. This was because he met him. If he changed his mind, Kong Si would have bad luck.

Kong Si thought about it carefully, and then said, “Actually…”

He specially lengthened the tone, and then continued after a long while: “There is also a part of the reason for this. The decision to flash marriage was based on my intuition.”

He recalled the scene at that time, and said with a bit of pride: “I was actually very angry at the time, but when I saw your face, I felt that at that moment, the sky was thunder and the earth was on fire, and it was this person. A person with such a face will definitely not be a heinous person. If it is really not a good thing, he will not propose a flash marriage. ”

At that time, he was not a big star, and his family background was ordinary. Apart from his face, he didn’t seem to have anything else to bring.

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Lu Yi raised his head and looked at Kong Si, his voice a little gloomy: “Why do I think you are still pointing at this face.”

Was it really okay for Kong Si to be so narcissistic?

However, being infected by Kong Si’s mood, he felt better: “I used to worry about you, but now I don’t worry anymore.”

“Worried about what?”

“I’m worried that you will be fooled by others. Didn’t that He Xiao want to fool you.”

Kong Si said: “I felt that something was wrong with him from the beginning. How could I step into his big pit.”

Although this matter dragged on for a long time, he was suspicious at first, and then after the hard performance of the agent, he completely determined the other party’s purpose, but at the beginning, he just intuitively thought that the other party was not at ease, so the fundamental reason was that he successfully saved himself.

Lu Yi thought to himself, but in the script, without his own existence, this idiot really got mixed up with people, stepped into the big pit he said, and became the true love in people’s mouths.

He just smiled and said, “Since that’s the case, then I’m relieved. It seems that without me, you wouldn’t be fooled.”

“I would never have been…” Kong Si subconsciously retorted, and when he realized something, the words stopped abruptly.

When he was taken into his arms by Lu Yi, the whole person was sitting on Lu Yi’s lap, and his body was leaning lazily on the other’s chest, but now he was sitting upright and his expression was very serious: ” What nonsense are you talking about, do you have someone outside, want to leave me?”

“Don’t think I’m the kind of person who is very strong, so it doesn’t matter if I don’t have love. Let me tell you Lu Yi, I’m a delicate flower, do you understand delicate flower1, I need to be taken care of!”

Lu Yi shook his head: “Don’t think about it, I just think, things are unpredictable, if one day I’m gone…”

Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was blocked by Kong Si’s hand.

“Bah, bah, what unlucky and depressing words did you say, I spit it out for you.” Kong Si’s expression was very serious.

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Lu Yi stared into his eyes, and Kong Si’s pupils reflected his own clear reflection. He took Kong Si’s hand off, and said softly, “But people will always have birth, old age, sickness and death, and before me, you were not in your twenties and had a good time.”

“You are not allowed to tell me what kind of terminal illness you have. You had a physical examination before and you were healthy. If you have a terminal illness, you need to be treated properly. For me, you can’t give up.” How could Si Kong feel that Lu Yi’s words were wrong?

Lu Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “You also said that the physical examination was very healthy, so am I not allowed to sigh occasionally?”

Kong Si held Lu Yi’s head with both hands and fixed Lu Yi’s face: “Then look at me and don’t dodge.”

After several minutes of staring at each other, he ended the torture of Lu Yi’s soul.

“You’re young, why do you think so pessimistically? I’m three years older than you. If I want to die, I will die first.” Kong Si said a little gloomily.

Lu Yi was silent.

The two were silent for a while, but Kong Si broke the silence first: “I said…”

Lu Yi hummed softly, expressing his existence, he was listening.

Kong Si said: “If there is such a day, let me die first, otherwise I will be too uncomfortable.”

Faced with this topic, Lu Yi didn’t know what to pick up, but it seemed that he picked it up first, so he said, “Okay.”

Kong Si added: “How can you answer so quickly. Forget it, if you can, you should hang up first, so that we can live and die together.”

He buried himself in Lu Yi’s arms again, and said in a muffled voice, “I don’t know what the future will be like, but now, don’t leave me, or I will definitely die of sadness.”

Just thinking about that picture, he couldn’t breathe, so Lu Yi must be fine, no one wants to take the other party away from him, not even death.

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