"Infatuated" actor (22)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Kong Si intended to quit the entertainment industry, this was not a joke, but a decision made after careful consideration and discussion with his lover.

During this period of time, in order to get the actor he wanted, he made great efforts. For example, for the needs of the role, he fed himself fat in a short period of time, and then worked hard to lose weight.

Although he still looked healthy, his stomach had lost weight, and he had a beautiful vest line, this way of overeating had caused some damage to his body.

Kong Si liked acting very much, and in order to be able to act well, he didn’t mind suffering all this.

But just like what he said at the beginning, he wanted to get a best actor, wanted to appear by Lu Yi’s side with a better attitude, and wanted to fight for himself while he was still young and strong.

After getting the best actor as he wished, Kong Si suddenly felt as if he had nothing to pursue.

He liked the high-profile feeling in the entertainment industry, but he didn’t like the dark things hidden under the bright lights.

Because Lu Yi was in charge of Xingchen Media, there were many rules, but they were strict and fair.

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Of course, as long as it was not an artist who stepped on the company, this kind of company that attracts popularity by virtue of its own ability to circle fans (such as being a joker, or other talents) was also very encouraged.

But Xingchen Media didn’t do these things, it didn’t mean that others didn’t do it.

As the second largest shareholder of Xingchen Media, the legal partner of the largest shareholder, and the head of Xingchen Media, his position in the company was beyond doubt.

Many artists under the banner were thinking of ways to please him and flatter him. Sometimes he could still raise a vigilance, but sometimes he was sought after, and he would unconsciously fall into the trap that others put on him.

From elementary school to now, Kong Si had always been a good student, with good grades, outgoing and cheerful personality, and good popularity.

If he really wanted to talk about the things that those agencies have calculated, it was not impossible for him, but he didn´t like it very much.

He had that kind of capital, so he could act well, he didn’t need to be a demon, to hype up scandals with people, and someone would help him to hype up the heat.

But even so, he still had to deal with the rest of the crew, or actively or passively get involved in things he didn’t like.

There was also He Xiao. Originally, He Xiao chose to “self-sacrifice” to get close to him, which made him very disgusted, but later he went to investigate the shitty things He Xiao had done. After comparing, he found out that the other party was actually very good to him.

After all, for people in the same company, the other party could be ruthless without thinking of friendship at all, and shoot secret arrows behind their backs.

However, when he did something that could be too outrageous or humiliating to He Xiao, the other party was still thinking about trying to get along with him, and the two of them would use his popularity to stir up the heat together.

In contrast, Kong Si had to admit that He Xiao definitely had much interest in him. When he came to this conclusion, Kong Si was a little reluctant to mention He Xiao in front of Lu Yi.

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You must know that in order to calculate He Xiao, someone actually gave Lu Yi at the time a medicine and sent it to He Xiao’s room.

In a sense, that person would use Lu Yi as a stand-in, no, more precisely, as a tool.

This was simply an insult to his man!

For Kong Si, there was no better person in the world than Lu Yi. His legal partner was handsome, physically fit, able to earn money, and had a sense of responsibility.

There was a saying in the sage, how to repay virtue with virtue, don’t look at him, Kong Si was usually careless and heartless, and he didn’t take many things to heart, but in fact he was also very vengeful.

In this case, their three views were also very compatible. Lu Yi was like a sparkling diamond. To him, it was a precious and eternal treasure.

Such a beautiful Lu Yi, he wanted to spend more time with him.

But after becoming an artist, he was also under a lot of pressure every day, especially after playing some slightly dark roles, because of the problem of entering the play, he also went to psychological counseling afterwards.

When looking at He Xiao’s bad end, in addition to relieving his anger, he thought more about whether one day, after staying in this impetuous circle for a long time, he would also become someone he didn’t like, with a disgusting face. What would it look like?

Kong Si didn’t want this, so after measuring, he and Lu Yi had a two-hour conversation.

Basically, he was talking and Lu Yi was listening. He said a lot and analyzed a lot. In the end, he asked Lu Yi anxiously, “Is it too selfish for me to do this?”

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Lu Yi was silent for a while, then he said with a very solemn expression, “No.”

Kong Si said: “But…” He always felt that he could actually work harder and create more value for Xingchen Entertainment, but it was a very irresponsible performance to choose to quit at this time.

Lu Yi took his hand: “Do you remember what I said at the beginning?”

Kong Si shook his head: “You said a lot, I don’t know which one.”

Lu Yi stared at his face: “You look into my eyes, do you remember that when you wanted to enter the entertainment industry, I decided to open Xingchen Media.”

He thought about investing, but there were many ways to invest. If it wasn’t for Kong Si, he wouldn’t think about opening an entertainment media that he had never been involved in.

“It doesn’t matter if you want to be an actor, you don’t want to do it, you want to quit, don’t put too much weight on yourself. As long as you can be happy…”

Kong Si said: “But you care about Xingchen Media very much. My willfulness will definitely have a bad impact on the company.”

Lu Yi shook his head: “I don’t want me to be your pressure. If that’s the case, I’ll feel sad.”

The purpose of his efforts to become stronger was to have relative freedom. Eat what you want, buy what you want, where you want to go, and let the people you care about be happy.

Sacrificing something you care about for money was putting the cart before the horse.

He touched Kong Si’s forehead: “During this time, for the sake of Xingchen Media, I also ignored you a lot, and we didn’t even have time to spend together. Although it may be just as busy in the future, I will definitely try my best to squeeze out time to accompany you.”

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He went on to say: “Xingchen Media is a company founded by me, and it is my hard work. I naturally value it very much. If you want to retire, then we will handle the follow-up work together to minimize the negative impact.”

It was impossible to do business smoothly for a lifetime. Kong Si’s departure would definitely have an impact, but he could handle it well.

He asked Kong Si, “Do you think you can cooperate with me?”

Kong Si nodded: “Whatever you say, I will cooperate.”

Lu Yi then laughed: “Then trust me, you have to remember that to me, you must be the most important thing in this world.”

In this world, Kong Si was the first person he met, and as Lu Yi, he was the most important person in this world.

He said softly: “You said that to you, I am very important, and to me, you are also my most precious treasure.”



Jev Kaez's notes:

Sometimes it hurts to be single, but then I probably wouldn´t be able find a Lu Yi, so I feel fine again.

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