"Infatuated" actor (23)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


The contract signed by Kong Si and Xingchen Media was for five years. He only worked for the company for less than four years, but decided to quit, causing Xingchen Media to suffer a great loss.

The contract that Lu Yi arranged for Kong Si was the best condition. In recent years, the company had indeed invested a lot of money in him. According to the previous contract, if he took a break at this time, it would be considered a breach of contract, and he would have to pay a penalty of up to 10 million yuan.

Although Kong Si was one of the shareholders of the company and Lu Yi’s legal partner, in order to make a good start and set an example for other artists of Xingchen Media, Kong Si still paid the liquidated damages.

The matter of Kong Si paying tens of millions of liquidated damages was resolved in private and did not make it onto the Internet, but the artists under Xingchen Media knew it very well.

Although most of the company’s equity was in the hands of Kong Si and Lu Yi, the money in Kong Si’s account was not the same as the company’s assets. As a boss, you can abide by the rules and spend tens of millions to lead by example.

Then when they get the benefits of the company and want to terminate the contract with the company, they must weigh the price they have to pay. After all, they were not one of the bosses. If they were self-willed, it was absolutely impossible to enjoy the same favorable treatment as Kong Si.

After the termination of the contract, Kong Si handed over the keys of the small villa and the nanny car that the company provided him. He didn’t have many things in the company.

Together with his former manager, he moved the large cardboard box to Lu Yi’s office, and after Lu YI got off work, he drove back with others and things.

Originally, his manager and assistant were only responsible for taking care of him. Now, because of his own reasons, he was no longer an artist, and he couldn´t let these people “unemployed” with him. The company made some moves and reassigned several people.

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They still did the same job content as they did before, that is, there were slightly more people to be responsible, but there was also a lot of room for improvement.

The future work of these people who follow him had been settled, and Kong Si could also rest assured. Although the agent and assistant may not be able to do this kind of work for a lifetime, his decision was sudden, but if they suddenly lost their jobs because of his own reasons, he would inevitably feel guilty.

When he entered the office with his own big box, Lu Yi was in a meeting with the relevant executives of Xingchen Media.

The meeting mainly discussed Xingchen Media’s plan for the next quarter, as well as the adjustment of Xingchen Media’s resources after Kong Si quit the entertainment industry.

Originally, a lot of resources were planned for Kong Si in the next quarter, but he decided not to film, and other resources would fall on others. Who should be given to him, and which one should the company support next, this was all subject to discussion. And data analysis, rather than doing high-level important issues to whoever pleases the eye.

After a full two-hour meeting, Lu Yicai returned to his office.

When he opened the door, he saw another person on the sofa.

“Have you been waiting for a long time?” He remembered that today was the day when Kong Si handed over, and he drove people to the company early in the morning.

Kong Si shook his head: “Fortunately, I brought my mobile phone.”

There was something to play, and the waiting time was not so long and boring.

Lu Yi asked him, “What are you going to do next?”

The decision to do quit was impulsive, but after the decision, he considered a lot of things: “I plan to try to see a different life, and I want to try to do and see everything. Photography, painting, being a music teacher… …and many more.”

Besides playing, he also planned to raise a cat. In fact, with the conditions of the two of them, they could also adopt a child.

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It was just that Lu Yi’s work was busy enough. Even if he slowed down, he probably wouldn’t have that much time to spend with his children.

He was a little greedy, and still hoped that his partner’s eyes would only stay on himself.

He used to like acting, but he actually liked to play different roles. In comparison, those things brought by fame were secondary.

He looked at Lu Yi, and said pitifully, “I paid the liquidated damages and emptied my property. I guess I will be poor in the future.”

Lu Yi thought about it, although Kong Si was the first brother of Xingchen Entertainment, but the salary was not much, and he attended various occasions, and many clothes were paid by himself.

At the beginning, he lived in Kong Si’s house. After Kong Si became famous, the two moved home once. They lived in a high-end residential area with strict security. The home specially opened a large coat rack, almost all of Kong Si’s various kinds of shoes and coat hat.

Kong Si insisted on deducting half of his salary for the house purchase. Now, after paying the liquidated damages, there should be no money left: “It’s okay, the annual dividends of Xingchen are enough for you.”

Because the first two years were still in the development period, the company did not distribute dividends to shareholders in order to expand its capital, but now that it was slowly on the right track, it would be able to make money.

Even if Kong Si was no longer an artist, he could still make a lot of money every year.

Kong Si said resentfully: “You agreed to support me?”

Lu Yi reached out and rubbed his hair: “I’ll take care of you, and then you’ll take care of me.”

This was almost the same, Kong Si was satisfied with getting a love sentence from his own man.

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He was about to say something when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a hot search on the phone screen, and then bent over to reach the phone on the sofa.

After clicking on the title to confirm the truth, he held up his phone and let Lu take a look at the Weibo screen: “Lu Yi, it was written on Weibo that He Xiao had a car accident.”

He Xiao was in the bureau before, considering the damage to the company’s image and other reasons, some people still spent a lot of money to release them on bail.

As a result, on the day he came out, He Xiao had a car accident.

Kong Si poked into the relevant news link to read: “It seems to be one of his extremely fanatical fans, the fans turned black, and he has been guarding his news these days, and then hit him with a car.”

This news was released by the city’s public security, because the murderer liked He Xiao very much on weekdays and always regarded him as a role model in life. The bedside was covered with photos of He Xiao, and he would buy all products endorsed by He Xiao. For every drama He Xiao starred in, he mobilized all his relatives and friends to support it together.

This fan was quite young, because he was bullied when he was studying, and his personality was a bit withdrawn and extreme. He originally regarded He Xiao as his sunshine, but he didn’t expect that He Xiao was not at all.

The fanatical fan turned into a fanatical black. He felt that He Xiao had destroyed the sunshine of his life, so he directly hit people with his car.

Because it was a collision between a car and a car, He Xiao did not die, but he was admitted to the hospital and was still in a coma.

Although Kong Si didn’t like He Xiao, he didn’t want him to lose his life because of this kind of thing.

However, when manipulating public opinion to suppress others, He Xiao should never have imagined that one day he himself would be attacked by public opinion.

Kong Si’s mood was a bit heavy, his hand was on the back of Lu Yi’s hand, feeling a little cold.

Lu Yi held Kong Si’s hand and passed on his own temperature.

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In the end, he was someone he knew and paid more attention to. In addition, he had also been an artist for a while. He Xiao had an accident because of this reason, and Kong Si was not in the mood to go out and have fun for the time being.

Lu Yi took a look at the live photos taken in the news: “I have a friend in this hospital. Let me ask about his condition.”

He called and quickly got in touch with the friend who was in the hospital.

After the call was connected, Lu Yi pressed the release button and asked about He Xiao.

The other party said: “He’s lucky, the performance of the car is good, he woke up first, the driver is paying attention, but that young boy, in all likelihood, can’t wake up, he should be in a vegetative state.”

The other party came for the purpose of perishing together. He didn’t kill anyone, and his life was ruined. However, intentional murder itself was a crime, it could only be said to be sigh, and it was not very sympathetic.

He Xiao was fine, Kong Si breathed a sigh of relief, although he was not the one who hit him, but He Xiao’s black material was released by him. Although what he released was also true, if the other party really lost his life because of this incident, he would be uneasy.

He Xiao had been on the hot search for two consecutive days because of the car accident, but the party He Xiao was at a loss.

After waking up in the hospital, because his previous reputation was too bad and he was abandoned by the company, no one came to see him at all. When he searched for his news on the Internet, he found that it was all infamy, and all the things he had done were exposed. Not to mention, Kong Si had turned against him?

His eyes stayed on Weibo for a long time, on the photo of actor Yu Si’s marriage certificate.

Looking at the face that looked similar to Yu Si, he pulled out the identity of the other party from the depths of his memory.

What was Lu Yi, was this not the young actor Lu Xingchen, but didn’t he die many years ago?

He Xiao’s back felt a chill: Who is going to tell him what the hell was going on?!

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