"Infatuated" actor (24)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


He Xiao tried to contact his agent, but the phone didn’t get through. He asked the doctor, who looked at him in surprise: “Your agent was sitting in the driver’s seat and was seriously injured, don’t you know?”

He Xiao really didn’t know, he was quite sure that this was his body, his name and appearance, but it was completely different from what he remembered.

His family was not a happy one. His parents were divorced and each had his own family. For this, when he first debuted, he sold a lot of misery and established a warm and strong character.

There were only a few numbers he could remember, his own, his manager’s, and Kong Si’s.

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But Kong Si’s number was an empty number, perhaps because the trajectory of fate was completely different from his memory.

His parents’ numbers were all stored in his mobile phone. He never remembered them, but now his mobile phone was buried under the car with his manager’s mobile phone, and there was no way to find it.

Although He Xiao was now counted as a lot of people shouting and beating, but his popularity was still high enough, so the company bore the medical expenses for him.

About half a month later, he was discharged from the hospital. During this half month, he tried to contact Kong Si, but failed.

He went to reissue a calling card and logged into his previous communication tool. He signed a 15-year contract back then. Now this kind of incident had damaged the company’s image. The company originally wanted him to pay high liquidated damages, but because of He Xiao’s car accident, they really would drive people to a dead end, and the reputation in the industry would definitely be worse, or they would be attacked by public opinion.

There was no money in He Xiao’s account, so they decided to completely withdraw the resources invested in He Xiao. The house and the nanny car, including the agent and assistant, were all withdrawn.

In addition to the assistants of the company branch, He Xiao also hired two additional assistants, but these two were paid by him.

Now that he was frozen by the company, there was definitely no way to pay others, so he directly informed people that they didn´t need to come, and that he was alone, from the big house given by the company, to the house he bought after his debut to earn money.

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Although it was much smaller than the villas arranged by the company, the conditions were not too bad.

During this period, he thought about a lot of ways to make a comeback, but many of them had to involve his later contacts. He was exposed too early at this time. If he was at his point, even if those old accounts from the past were turned over, it may not be the same as his current situation.

No, maybe he still had hope of making a comeback. After thinking about it for a long time, he managed to use his twelve-point acting skills to get Kong Si’s number.

Because his number was blocked by the other party, he also changed a new card, and the first sentence he called was Kong Si’s name.

He didn’t know if his voice was too recognizable. Before he could speak, the other party hung up the phone.

Fortunately, he was smart, bought a few cards, and immediately changed the number to enter. This time he learned to be clever, and he didn’t call his name in the first sentence, but said directly: “Do you know that the person lying beside you is not Lu Xingchen at all?”

If He Xiao said his own words, Kong Si would definitely hang up the phone without hesitation, but when the other party mentioned Lu Yi, he hesitated: “What do you mean by that?”

He was always ready to hang up.

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He Xiao said: “If you say that I am your destined partner, and that person is just a fake liar?”

Kong Si said without thinking, “Did you break your head?”

He also really admired He Xiao. Before the car hit, although he was a bit ruthless, he was not stupid. After the car hit, he was afraid that his brain was flooded.

He was about to hang up, but the other party said a number: “You should be very impressed with this string of numbers.”

Hearing the string of familiar numbers, Kong Si’s fingers froze in the air.

The other party then slowly told the secret in his memory.

Kong Si was very sure that he had never told anyone about this matter, including his own family, so how did He Xiao know about it? Guessing? Impossible, who would have guessed such a thing.

All the diaries he once wrote were burnt, and now he didn’t remember many things, it made no sense that He Xiao would still know.

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He Xiao didn’t hear the sound of hanging up the phone, he breathed a sigh of relief, and he continued: “Aren’t you curious, how did I know this, let me tell you, because I am your future partner in your original trajectory.”

When he heard this, Kong Si hung up the phone with a snap. He didn’t care how He Xiao knew this secret, but he was certain that He Xiao was a lunatic!

Lu Yi came back for dinner, two people and one cat. They ate three dishes and one soup.

While eating broccoli, Kong Si said, “He Xiao called me today.”

“Isn’t he hospitalized because of the car accident?” Did he get better so quickly?

Kong Si took over the words: “Yes, I guess there is no major wound.”

He hesitated for a while, and after thinking about it, he decided to say it: “Today he called and said some strange things. He also said that he and I are the original partners.”

Lu Yi paused for a while with his chopsticks, then threw a broccoli into Kong Si’s bowl, which was Kong Si’s least favorite broccoli.

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