Sick collector (1)

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Translated by Jev Kaez
Edited by Jev Kaez


Lu Yi stared at the chain. The chain was exquisitely crafted, with a diameter of about 3 mm, about the thickness of a necklace. It was cold in his hand, and it felt like it would break when pulled.

Lu Yi exerted the strength of this body. The chain didn’t move at all, and there was no sign of it breaking. It looked like it should be made of a kind of very flexible metal.

Maybe it was because he just woke up, hungry and thirsty. Lu Yi calmed down and tried to pick up all the memory fragments of the original owner.

The memory that belonged to this body was played as a small movie in his mind, and Lu Yi went to watch the other person’s life, but was disappointed to find that he did not extract much useful information.

The original owner was an ordinary office worker, and the name sounded very similar to his, but he was Lu Yi and the other was Luyi1.

A very rare surname, but he had a very ordinary life. His mother was an employee of a company, his job was an accountant, and his father was a sales executive of a small company. There was only one son, Luyi.

Luyi’s parents’ relationship was flat, but they still loved this son very much, and tried to provide him with the best learning conditions and let his son go to various cram schools.

Unfortunately, Luyi´s talent was mediocre, except for a good skin that had been inherited from his mother, everything was half a bucket of water2 for learning, it was best to be ordinary, and he chose a popular and good employment IT major, and went to the field with his parents’ attentive expectations for him.

Like other programmers, he lived from 9 to 5 all day long, often working overtime all day on the computer, had no girlfriends, and lived as migrant worker3. He earned 8,000 to 9,000 after-tax wages every month, and worked diligently to be one of the most inconspicuous among all beings. He could be said to be very ordinary.

Since he was such an ordinary person, why was he trapped in this place? Lu Yi’s repeated memories confirmed that the original owner’s last lucid memory was that he worked overtime until two o’clock, walked alone in the alley back home in the middle of the night, and was knocked unconscious.

Lu Yi lowered his head and looked at his clothes. He remembered that before the original owner passed out, he was wearing a red and black plain shirt, but now, he was wearing a loose pure black silk shirt.

Although the material was very good and the tailoring was also very good, it did not match the taste of the original owner at all. Obviously, the person who knocked him out must had put it on for him.

The male protagonists of many stories were ordinary high school students or junior high school students, who suddenly encountered adventures and started saving the world.

The original owner was indeed ordinary enough, and it was not long after he graduated from college, so he could barely be regarded as a beautiful young man. But the protagonist who saves the world was chained by someone? but if it was human trafficking, it was usually trafficked into the valleys, not to such wealthy people.

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Lu Yi filtered through the original owner’s classmates in his mind, and felt that most of them were relatively ordinary, if wealthy families, they were only middle-class, not to this point.

It was not that the middle class couldn’t afford to live in such a splendid house, it was just that the small ornaments in this random room looked like antiques with a long history and were of great value.

When he was living as the heir of the Lu family, his family also worried that he would be kidnapped, it could be for money or an enemy of the Lu family, but as an ordinary young Luyi, he really couldn’t think of any reason for the kidnapping of the other party.

He vaguely remembered that he was collecting Yu Ke’s fragments, in order to repay the other party for pushing him away, and sacrificing his life to save him before this incredible crossing occurred.

Could it be that Yu Ke’s soul fragments also had memories, and in order to retaliate, he tied up the culprit in advance?

But if this was the case, why did the other party save him in the first place, it was too much to speculate on the other party.

When there was no way to obtain more information, Lu Yi thought wildly, and a middle-aged woman in her forties walked in. The other party’s clothes were very simple and neat, and her hair was meticulously combed.

Seeing Lu Yi sitting on the bed, she came over, stopped about two meters away from Lu Yi, and asked him, “How are you feeling now?”

Lu Yi’s gaze rested on the other’s hand, which was a pair of hands with rough skin, like nanny Wang who used to be busy in the kitchen at his house.

The other party obviously couldn’t be the owner of this house. Lu Yi didn’t know how much the kidnappers knew about the original owner. His brain was running fast, and he figured out the reaction the original owner should have. He stepped back, showing his vigilance in a defensive gesture: “Who are you? Where is this, what are you doing with chains on me?”

The middle-aged woman just said, “I’m a servant of the master’s house, and I don’t know anything.”

The owner had told her that she was not allowed to talk nonsense. Although she knew that this seemed to be a bad thing, she needed this job very much, and she didn’t have the courage to disobey the owner of the family.

Lu Yi looked at the chain that trapped him, and he slowed down a little: “You don’t know, I’m not embarrassing you, I´m in a hurry, you let me go first, letting me go to the toilet is always OK.”

It seemed that he felt that his words were not heavy enough, so he put his posture softer: “Auntie, you look as old as my parents, I´m their only child, if your child also encountered this kind of inexplicable things…”

Seeing that the other party’s expression seemed to loosen, Lu Yi repeated his efforts: “Since your host changed my clothes and dressed me like this instead of locking me in a small dark room, it must not mean to hurt me. If the time comes, and I can’t help it in front of the master’s house…”

“Wait a minute, I’ll go ask for instructions.” The woman hesitated for a while, then turned her head and went out.

Soon, she came back with the key and food in her hand: “I advise you, in this place, don’t talk nonsense, don’t make the host unhappy, and don’t run around, don’t anger the young master. ”

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Lu Yi guessed that the young master the other party said was the one who kidnapped the original owner behind the scenes.

He nodded, then said, “Auntie, thank you, that young master, is that the one who brought me here?”

This aunt was obviously also one of the accomplices, but the other party was only a servant, and it looked like she had a face that had been through the vicissitudes of life, but it could be seen from the struggle deep in the other party’s eyes that when she did this kind of thing, the other party had not yet wiped out her conscience.

It was better to be obedient and obedient to yelling and disgusting. It may even arouse the other party’s little conscience and become the key to his escape.

“Young Master, he…” The aunt thought of something, and with a look of fear on her face, she quickly untied Lu Yi’s chain with the key, and then flew out.

Of course, before running out, she closed the door.

Lu Yi moved his tied wrists a bit. He stood up, searched for a while, and then stepped into the bathroom equipped in the house.

As he thought, there were several cameras installed in this bedroom, the porcelain dolls on the bedside table, the eyes of a painted figure on the ceiling, all have a prying camera hidden, and maybe there were more.

The situation looked a little bad, but since no more information was available, his best course of action was to act “normally” and continue to wait patiently.

If he fled rashly, he would surely provoke the pair of eyes prying from behind.

Humans were always afraid of the unknown, and Lu Yi was no exception. Although Luyi was different from him, he didn’t know whether his current body was dead and if he could return to his own world.

Moreover, he was very afraid of pain, and it did not look like he had been abused inhumanly.


Fortunately, the situation was a little better than he thought, and he soon saw the young master who was mentioned by the servant just now, along with the other kidnapped people.

Those people all looked very bad, wearing the same clothes as him, and looking about the same age as the original owner.

It seemed that he was not the only unlucky person, Lu Yi thought, but the corner of his eye shifted to the young master in the center of the living room.

The young master was not tall and very young. Judging from the bye and delicate skin of his face, he should be no more than eighteen years old, but his appearance was deceptive. Lu Yi didn´t understand bone age, he only had a rough judgment, The true age of the other party couldn´t be determined.

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He was sitting in a wheelchair with an exotic lap blanket over his knees and looked very petite. He lowered his head, his eyes resting on the hardcover book spread out on the lap blanket, his slender white fingers gently resting on the yellowed pages, giving the impression of a little prince in a medieval castle, or some kind of young master of a noble family.

Under the leadership of the servant, Lu Yi stood there with the others, waiting for the young master’s gaze to shift from the book on his knees.

After waiting patiently for more than ten minutes, the other party was finally willing to lift his noble head. Like his graceful chin, the young master’s front face was also very delicate and beautiful.

When meeting the eyes of the other party, the information that Lu Yi had not been able to obtain before was projected in front of his eyes like images.

The story of the original owner happened in this large manor like a castle. At the age of 23, the ordinary Luyi was knocked unconscious and brought into this gorgeous castle. Here, he enjoyed the material life that he could never enjoy in his capacity, as well as the love of being a master.

In the beginning, Luyi, like everyone else, was frightened and angry at the loss of his freedom. But under the taming of the young master, he became sensible and obedient, and fell in love with the tamed young master with all his heart.

But the other party obviously didn’t need their love, because to him, people including Luyi were just his collections.

Luyi’s ears were like his sweetheart, the half-blooded boy with blond hair had the same eyes as his sweetheart. He probably got ten kinds of collectibles and pieced together his sweetheart’s facial features and figure.

At the end of the story, Luyi lost its value as a collectible. His ears were cut off and sealed up forever. Luyi, who lost his ears and was successfully domesticated, lost his mind after being driven out, and then lost his footing, falling into the water.

In the end, Luyi’s body was salvaged, and Luyi’s parents lost their son in middle age. One died on the spot from a heart attack, and the other became mentally ill and was sent to a nursing home by relatives. It could be said that it was very miserable.

As a collector, the young master had never killed anyone from beginning to end. After all, when he pieced together his sweetheart, he only pieced together the eyes, nose, ears, hands and legs, not the beating heart in the chest.

When the young master looked over, Lu Yi touched his ears consciously. Although nothing had happened yet, he felt a little chilly for no reason.

When looking at each other, Lu Yi found that this young master had amazing beauty, with ebony-like hair, obsidian-like eyes, skin as white as snow, and bright red lips, all the words describing beauty in fairy tales seemed to be placed on this person’s body, and it was no wonder that the original owner would be moved by such a beauty.

Although the young master had imprisoned him, how could an ordinary young man who had suppressed his sexuality and been single for many years not be moved by such a mysterious beauty that he had never been in contact with in his life.

What’s more, Luyi didn’t realize that his thoughts were subtly influenced by the other party, nor did he clearly recognize his status.

Lu Yi had no way to blame the original owner for his stupidity and innocence. If he hadn’t been knocked out by the young master and “kidnapped” to this place, he would have had a very ordinary life, maybe a piece of chicken feathers4, but at least he would be healthy and wouldn´t lose his life inexplicably.

From the beginning to the end, Luyi was just a little unfortunate, a poor victim. Sometimes the victim is not perfect, but it did not mean that others could condemn the victim for this.

The other collectibles present were obviously amazed by the young master’s beauty, and Lu Yi’s face also showed just the right amazing expression, but at this moment, his heart was not fluctuating, and he even wanted to hit someone.

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He very much hoped that the young master could be punished, preferably by himself. But at the moment, he needed to find a way to escape from this place, of course, he had to have all beards and tails5, even if it was Luyi’s body, he didn’t want to lose his ears.

Read only at Travis Translations


Jev Kaez's notes:


1 陆一, Lù yī, Our MC´s name.


鹿邑, Lù yì, the original owner´s name.


2 Half bucket of water, means not smart or not good at learning. The original meaning is that a bucket of water is only half a bucket deep, and it is not full. It means that you know something about something, but you are not proficient, and you cannot master it very well.


3 Migrant worker ‘民工’Someone who moved from a rural area of China to a city to find work.


4 Chicken Feather in One Place is a novel that reflects the real life of a commoner. so, Chicken feathers is mainly used to describe the trivial daily life.


5 Full beard and full tail, the body is free from disease and disaster.

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